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Manufacturer's Name  2nV  @@f   4 Check_new_doc   0 D@g Title  6 0 A @m  5  1Attached  E E ! E,Arial (t()a(5c(Ah A0  @n  6 Q  Attached_Yes  E E E E,Arial (c()h(5e(Ad@[    PTrigger  2n   # T>Summary of Evidence Report - Direction Indicator Lamps Australian Design Rule 6/00 6  7   $' `` @0  1. Document   qH  P P HRLicensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters, Note 1 )  '  F  G   p P@' @'   o  A! Manufacturer's Name   2n\  ` !@' '  (p p ! >Date (dd/mm/yyyy)      @$`$'`@#'@  Manufacturer  q; @  Part No.  q$ `# Component Reg. No. (CRN)  G G E G,Arial (Component Reg. 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"  @2  33 Check18 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"0 #0 @: Title "0 #0  @2  33 Check21 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!2@p@/ Title @p @  33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@p@2 Title @p @  33 Check13 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ p@5 Title @ p @  33 Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!@"p@8 Title !@"p @  33 Check19 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"0@#0p@; Title "0@#0p @  33 Check22 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"@#p@0 Title  "@#p @  33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"@#p@3 Title  "@#p @  33 Check14 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"@ #p@6 Title  "@ #p @  33 Check17 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"@"#p@9 Title  !"@"#p @  33 Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"0"@#0#p@< Title  "0"@#0#p @  33 Check23 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$'`@  2. Form Use   qE ` @ LPlease indicate how this form is being used. It is being used in support of    qD @p o>An application for a vehicle approval, submitting lamp test results. (Complete section 4 or sections 5, 6 & 6a)  F  n  0# r>An application for a vehicle approval, submitting lamp CRNs (Component Registration Numbers). (Complete section 3)  _  q    3>An application for a lamp CRN. (Complete 5, 6 & 6a)   2  0@'''@' '' AFormUs_VehAppvTest  S S ! S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(`pvTest @'''@' '' AFormUs_VehAppvCRN  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(_pvCRNp@'''@' '' AFormUs_ApplyCRN  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(`_Apply(dCRNp >3. Lamps on Vehicle which have a Component Registration Number   q ` H>(The vehicle manufacturer need not submit test evidence for these lamps)    G  #`$@ ^To list additional lamps please use another SE 6/00 form with its own unique reference number.  q  @ "' @ $)$'+P@- @','  j+`P, Test Facility No.  2nG .`2`@'$/p' $$ Pk.p/q Test Facility Name  2nR .@2`"p@'$/' $$ Pl. P/"` Test Facility Address  2n\ +`-@@' ',' '' n+p,0    2n %@P& 4. ECE Approval Details   q +."`@'',' '' {+,"P Component Part No.  2n[ , -@' +'  (*@ +  Test Date    2n. &&@ R6-   q &&@ #  (!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: S  :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (,*No.%&`'%` 'P0'&p&@ E   q %&@ #  !# Test Facility No.   :t  t: !  :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (,*No.'0@(    ^^ij ji  :t& &P  ECE Approval  q> @ Function  q& >@B'@@@3 P3$  Sheet 1 of 2   q; @@G Title @ @;  33  MainWarning h6 h6 ij h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r@@H Title @ @<  33  MainCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e, , >Test Report Date (dd/mm/yyyy)      0# @I  33PCRNLamp_DataEntryAdvice   2n % P& # @J  33PTestRe_DataEntryAdvice   2n  p @L Title  p @B  33 Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k-.@M Title  -. @C  33 Check27 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,@-p@N Title $,@-p @H  33 Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @P @O Title % @P @H  33 Check5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fh(te(c(k "P #@P Title & "P # @I  33 Check2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k%&@Q Title (%& @H  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k-`. @R Title -`. @  33 Check26 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k/"0#@S Title /"0# @  33 Check31 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!3/0@T Title /0 @  33 Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,"p-#@U Title ,"p-# @  33  Check29 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp @'''  P(  Vehicle Make  2n< @ "@'''  P("@  Vehicle Model  2n>  P  Vehicle Make  q<  P@p  Vehicle Model  q> p@@V Title ,p@ @S  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(h`P$@W Title -`P$ @T  33 0 LengthMessage 2nV @p@X Title @p @B  33 Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k"@#p@Y Title "@#p @B  33 Check4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k*p+p$ @\  33PTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   2n '(`@' '`' '' 1'(Q    2n '(@e Title 5'( @k  333 Check25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ P@l@  ANoteHere  S S h6 S,Arial (^NoteHe(jre `  @m @    A! Manufacturer's Name  2nV 0P @r @     A! Manufacturer's Name  2nV $ @c @   /  A! Manufacturer's Name  2nV   p @q   DataAlert  0#  SE 06/00 July 2012 Revision 2.16  q ' ( Lamp Category  qD 33 gNote 1: This is a mandatory field. Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.  q ,p, Test Report No.  qF *`+ ` 5. Test Report Details   qy ()$ @t  33PECE_CRNApp_Warning   2np @ @u  33Check53 OQjv QOvj ! OQjv, Wingdings  (L]h(Y]e(f^c@ @v  33Check54 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (L]h(Y]e(f^c@ @w  33Check55 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (L]h(Y]e(f^c @ @x  33Check56 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (L]h(Y]e(f^c!"@ @y  33Check57 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (S]e(`^c(m\k" # @ @z  33Check58 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (S]e(`^c(m\k  Created in:   q3 P@p PHpP001001Check57 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (S]e(`^c(m\k" # @ @|  33Check58 OQjv QOvj OQjv, Wingdings  (S]e(`^c(m\k  Created in:    4 P001MMMfffꀀfffUUUfffMMMfff̲ㆆMMM___BBBMMMfff"""wwwwwwꀀBBBfffwwwBBB333 ݲݙBBBfffMMM www񆆆׆UUU999999______333ײfff999fff ___ 999MMM999999fff___񲲲MMMwww"""MMM___UUUפfff___UUUffffffMMMffffff׀BBBBBBfff___BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBffffff 333)))BBBwww"""UUU___333MMM___www񲲲wwwfffMMMUUU333333333fffז"""ꤠ333wwwfff___fffMMM___333̀___"""fffUUU999UUU______BBB______񤠠fff___ꖖ񆆆̤___www)))UUU݆)))fffݲ񀀀999BBB333㲲㖖MMM___999www׀999ꀀ___MMM333̆333ݲfff̤wwwwwwMMMݤꀀ)))wwwwwwMMM___333fffUUU񆆆UUU 㖖̀BBB׀̆"""ײפ___MMMꖖ UUUfffݲMMMㆆUUUwwwBBB333999""""""MMMBBBUUUfff BBB333 fffݖ݀fff999MMMfffu<9?|8''xx????7w?UH@*J?Ғ%I%?>>IPx~???P??q00??  7xp0|???<>>~qp1????Ga??cs?3x?Ǐ#>b?`?wD@s?s|q~Ň N?~?Wj^?֫_?UvjU?<o<p  |`??|I??>~8x  ?|>`?>?> ?~???<?QG?sz?>|??>????yp<??|?<????xἀs??|?>??|?ό??|p?>?|?????}?????<s??????|D N?????O?x<B ?????x?G????0??`43?@??~?q?~??~|?x<?~??||?sx?|???||?? 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Test Results    qX ` 0@''P' '' pA  Lamp Category   1JD P0 Day   q  @ 0 Night   q `@ On the reference axis (Cat. 1,1a,1b, 2a and 2b) , toward the front (Cat 3 & 4) in Direction A for Cat 5 & 6 with all light sources operating #   44|d |d h6 |d,Arial ($HOn the reference axis (Cat. 1,1a,1b, 2a and 2b) , toward the front (Cat ($J3 & 4) in Direction A for Cat 5 & 6 with all light sources operating # %0'P OMaximum in any direction (ECE 6/00) Maximum outside the 10 deg field (ECE 6/01)  Sl Sl |d Sl,Arial (e#EMaximum in any direction (ECE 6/00) Maximum outside the 10 deg field (q# (ECE 6/01)"0P" BMinimum within the defined field (forward direction for cat 3 & 4)  q $ @%p SMaximum from 5 to 20 degrees inboard or outboard (Cat. 1, 2b,3 & 4) (ECE 6/00 only)  8dQ 8Qd Sl 8dQ,Arial (J$?Maximum from 5 to 20 degrees inboard or outboard (Cat. 1, 2b,3 (V$& 4) (ECE 6/00 only)@P! Lowest of the four measuring points 20 degrees left or right, for Category 5 throughout the presribed angles , for Categories 3 & 4 toward the front only#  PP"h h" 8dQ "h,Arial (%BLowest of the four measuring points 20 degrees left or right, for (%BCategory 5 throughout the presribed angles , for Categories 3 & 4 (%toward the front only#  [Cl. 6(A) 6. 1]  33!0"0 cd  q   @''p' '' a Light Category   "R@ & '0@')'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ "P #p@'%'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ $0 %P@''''p' '' a Light Category   "R@  0 !P@'#'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ 0 @''p' '' a Light Category   "R@ &0'0 @'*'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ "P0#p @'&'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ $00%P @'('p' '' a Light Category   "R@  00!P @'$''p' '' a Light Category   "R@ & P'P [Cl. 6(A) 6. 2. 2]  33$% [Cl. 6(A) 6. 2. 3. 2]  33 !` [Cl. 6(A) 6. 2. 1]  33&`!0' "0 cd  q   p!0!0"0 cd  q  $p!0%0"0 cd  q  "!0#P"0 cd  q  3 3$  Sheet 2 of 2   q; $@!%@#@E Title $@!%@# @6  33 Check47 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`!#`#@D Title "`!#`# @7  33 Check45 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k& !' #@B Title & !' # @8  33 Check49 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!#@@ Title !# @9  33 Check40 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @!@ @F Title  @!@ @:  33 Check42 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"p#p @C Title "p#p @<  33 Check44 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k& '  @A Title & '  @=  33 Check48 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @? Title  @>  33 Check39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`` K># - (Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 6(A)Ann 4, 1. 2. 3. is utilised)  '  33>  $ @K  33PTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2    "R 0 p Lisencee's Reference  q` `$  @'Z @'     A! Manufacturer's Name   "RV 3P4p    q  ADR 6/00  q+  @ @ /If ADR 6/00 or ECE R 6/01, indicator lamp is :   q @'''@' ''  ATest_ADR  S S h6 S,Arial (_Test_A(hDR@@'''@' '' !A Test_ECE601  S S S,Arial (_Test_E(`CE601p 0@'''@' '' "A Lamp_Single  S S S,Arial (_Lamp_(aSingle ECE 6/01  q*  ` Testing was conducted to :  qv  @ `  Single Lamp  q7  p @'''@' '' #A Lamp_SingleD  S S S,Arial (_Lamp_(]SingleD   Single Lamp marked "D"  qm  pp@'''@' '' $A Lamp_TwoLamp  S S ! S,Arial (_Lamp_(`TwoLa(hmp p0` Assembly of two lamps  qf !#@] Title .!# @_  33% Check33 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k! #@_ Title /! # @a  33' Check34 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP 6On the reference axis (Cat. 3 & 4) toward the rear #   q !0"0 cd  q   @'"'p' '' (a Light Category   "R@  @` Title 1 @e  33+ Check41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(40 [ECE 6/01Cl. 6.1]  33 [ECE 6/01Cl. 6.1]  33&'P0 [ECE 6/01Cl.]  33@`   ECE 6/00  q-  @'''@' '' ,A Test_ECE600  S S h6 S,Arial (_Test_E(`CE600" P#" P# D[Cl. 6(A) 6. 2. 3. 1]  33"# D[ECE 6/01Cl.]  33$0%0 @a Title 2$0%0 @e  33- Check46 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P! [ECE 6/01Cl. 6.2.1]  33 @!!@#@b Title 3 @!!@# @f  33. Check43 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k p@d Title 4 p @j  332 Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@@'''p' '' qTestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (> TestRe_ColE(J mitLightYPP`!@'''p' '' qTestRe_ColEmitLightZ  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (> TestRe_ColE(J mitLightZ``@h Title O`` @  33 Check37 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP"P#0@i Title PP"P#0 @  33 Check38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0# @j  33PY_Z_DataEntryAdvice    "R}  @k  33PX_Y_DataEntryAdvice    "R~ @P X =  q  @ @ Y =  q @ Y =  q P Z =  q  0p @'''@' '' ALamp_Single_MLS  S S h6 S,Arial (_Lamp_(^Single_(eMLS  P"0 ?Single Lamp with multiple light sources not connected in series  q @ nOn the reference axis (Cat. 1,1a,1b, 2a and 2b) , toward the front (Cat 3 & 4) with one light source failed.   d d S d,Arial ($HOn the reference axis (Cat. 1,1a,1b, 2a and 2b) , toward the front (Cat ($&3 & 4) with one light source failed. !0"0 cd  q  ` @' 'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ p0 @'!'p' '' a Light Category   "R@ p!p#@n Title Tp!p# @y  33 Check40 h6 h6 d h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kpp @o Title Upp  @z  33 Check39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0 0h D[Cl. 6(A) 6. 1]  33 D[ECE 6/01Cl. 6.1]  330#@p Title  V0# @{  33 0LightSourceFailMessage   "Rm )) Comments   q> *@2P#@'s''&p' '' Comments  P002Comments  P002Comments_Warning D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Hts(U_(bW D_, Wingdings  (Hts(U_(bW D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ah(Ne([cP002P002D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ae(Nc([kP002ucs~xcAkH  !jjAj@ @" &&56ppuvxjkln{ 13// !"#$%'(+,-.2H     Ȥ(  888888 ȭ) \ \                                                                                                                          porpsilaZ porpsila` porpsilal porpsilar/Datajklnopu-vx{            F   !"#$% &' (+ ,- . /12 3 456 7         %Entries Not RequiredEntries Not RequiredEntries Not Required%%6The Document Reference field has not been completed.Entries Not RequiredRevision 2.15Revision 2.15Entries Not RequiredEntries Not RequiredB@SE 6/00 January 2008 porpsila porpsila ;\ @ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\| `;\ ;\ ;\R !~(8 d3N0f4 ![d38 +0f4 ![d38+0 , G-X,TLf4" !d38"+0:"!~(8\f d3\N0f4( !d38(+0f4. !d38.+0\Luminous intensity on or above horizontal plane must be less than or equal to 300 candelas.@ ;\ @ p;\ ;\h \;\ ;\| 4;\(;\ 2R -~(.5d3N?.f4 5-[d3. +?.f45-[d3.+?. #F?*~ 79FTLf4"5-d3."+?."-~(.V5d3VN?.f4(5-d3.(+?.f4.5-d3..+?.VLuminous intensity below horizontal plane must be less than or equal to 600 candelas.@ ;\ ;\@   t ;\| `;\ ;\ 2R -~(.5d3N?.f4 5-[d3. +?.f45-[d3.+?. Ĵ?*N79FTLf4"5-d3."+?."-~(.V5d3VN?.f4(5-d3.(+?.f4.5-d3..+?.VLuminous intensity on the reference axis must be greater than or equal to 80 candelas.@ ;\ @ p;\ ;\h \;\ ;\|  4;\d;\2 <;\  `;\|  -~(.5d3N?.f4 V5-Ad3. +?.f4V5-Ad3.+?. -~(.5d3qN?. %-~(.5d3zN?. Ĵy^.- x-~(.:5d3N?.  -~(.F5d3N?. -~(.R5d3N?. ;\ @ p;\ h ;\ ;\|  ;\;\<;\  (;\|  -~(.J/6d3N?.f4 /6-Ad3. +?.f4/6-Ad3.+?. -~(./6d3rN?. %-~(./6d3{N?. y^.- x-~(./6d3N?.  -~(./6d3N?. -~(../6d3N?. ;\ @ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\|  ;\;\;\  ;\|  -~(.N4d3N?.f4 4-Ad3. +?.f44-Ad3.+?. -~(.4d3oN?. %-~(.4d3|N?. #Fy^.- x-~(.j4d3N?.  -~(.v4d3N?. -~(.4d3N?. 9R`$2ک詵  .֪䪵*8FTbp Ыޫ$2N\x̬ڬ .JXtȭ֭*FTp~ĮҮ&*FTp~ĔҔ&BPlzΕꕴ">Lhvʖ斴:H(XzXzTYzbYzFilenN |O W S'' M ¨$Ш ި/쨵0 P %/QNew Document...Open...CloseSave Save As...Send... Import... Export... Attach... 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Test Facilities must be registered using a Test Facility Registration form before the evidence can be submittedTest Facility Identification number may no longer be a T followed by 4 digits. You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.j@   ;\   B4dSTRV5B4dTRB4dTR@The Test Facility Name must be supplied when testing is reportedk@  ;\   BvVTR5BvTRBvTRCThe Test Facility Address must be supplied when testing is reportedl@  ;\;\   BRn`RTR5BRn`TRBRn`TR;The test report Number is required when testing is reportedn@? $ ;\ T ;\ ;\  BivTR 5Bi TRBi&TR?A Component part number must be supplied if testing is reported{@W  8;\i;\  X;\;\ 0;\   BEUMTR5 BEU TR5BEU&KTRBEU,jTRBEU4TR9The test report date is required when testing is reported6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document Date.p@' 0;\ ;\@`1p ;\h ;\G;\ C;\ ;\   L;\ ;\X$;\!b$'N   BJiTR5  yZ 00 01BJ6JTR5BJ<TRBJBTRBJJTRcThe ECE approval number must be supplied if an ECE approval is to be used as evidence of compliance>The ECE approval must be for the 00 or 01 series of amendments@"T ;\ @p;\ h ;\(;\ ;\ l;\    l;\0 @;\"    B6JiTRb5  B@yZ yZB6J2<TRp5B6J8TRB6J@TRmThe country code for the ECE approval must be supplied when an ECE Approval is used as evidence of compliance6The ECE approval country code must be between 1 and 99@:F ;\ ;\ h;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789::;:C;\<?L;\F %j %j j:t3 2%'+.-:F ;\ p;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789::;:C ;\<;\? ;\F x x :t3 2%'+.- n ;\ h;\ ;\;\L V j Entries Not Required ;\ ;\ D;\T;\| ;\;\ l;\ PͫXP j Entries Not Required PͫXP j Entries Not Required ;\ 0;\ $;\ /@DD|;\h;\;\@;\ ;\  % P:w mP  o\ ;\ B 8;\ ;\T ;\;\;\;\ 4wT;\( j j %j j xj j jpD ;\  @ T;\ ;\D;\  ;\   T;\B;\ $   D,;\;\l;\G ;\G  ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\B;\H  ;\;\ph;\-;\6T;\;;\?@;\D j j %j AAAjj j NEWj xj LK@PͫXP ####jj j j [PͫXP PͫXP T0j PͫXP T1j #####jj j xj jj ;\ ;\>;\T +$| V % | ;\ ;\ ;\ T8;\;\|;\0r$   % x p@;N ;\ ;\ ;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ x;\  ;\ d;\;\ ;\ ;\l ;\   ;\ G;\ C;\ p;\;\ ;\  4;\;\40 ;\4;\H; j j j j j %j j B@PͫXP PͫXP xj j PͫXP 00j 01j xj j jv ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T `;\;\8;\ ;\ j j %j jnv ;\ ;\ \;\ ޖ ;\;\0;\ ;\ j j %j jlv ;\ ;\ 8 T p;\;\H;\ ;\ j j %j jkv  ;\ @"( `;\ ;\ j j %j j{:F ;\ L 8      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789::;:C;\<;\?;\F   :t3 2%'+.-,* ;\ ;\ ;\T H;\  \;\;\;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\D  h;\ ;\@;\;\#,;\*N Pͫ\P B@Pͫ\P5j Pͫ\P5j -Pͫ\P5j j $Pͫ\Pt5j5j j One or more fields too long. j4The Document Reference field has not been completed.6The Test Facility Number field has not been completed.0You cannot apply for a CRN with an ECE Approval.'Data file was last saved with template ;. Saving data file will update the Revision number to 2.16. /* ;\ h;\ ;\D0;\| ;\ ÀfL @ 6OSJL6O6O MSJVMM* ;\ |;\ ;\D ;\;\|;\ ÀfL  nLSfMnLnL |LSfW|L|Ln ;\ ;\;\h l;\ ?X;\   ;\P;\;\<;\(   B@PͫP  Entries Not Required  Entries Not Required 3L  Lhh;\G G;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\0  `;\     C;\  ;\ C;\HG;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\#;\*;\L  Revison 2.5 or earlier  yZ 00 yZ 01  B0FTR5 Front(1) Front(1a) Front(1b) Rear(2a) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) Side(5) Side(6)B0fTR5 Front(1a) Front(1b) Side(6) yZ 00B0TR5B0 TRB0"TRLamp category must be selected6The Lamp Category must be slected from the pop up listKLamp Categories Front(1a), Front(1b), and Side(6) do not exist in ECE 6/00 /&1@,9: ;\ ;\ ;\@| ;\ ;\ ;\  0;\      C;\X  ;\ C;\G@;\ ,;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\#;\2;\49   Revison 2.5 or earlier  % Front(1) Front(1a) Front(1b) Rear(2a) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) Side(5) Side(6) x Front(1a) Front(1b) Side(6) PͫP 00 x   /1L , False8 nD`;\L@;\ yۜH;\ ;\h , .&a Z;\T  B%TR5BTR?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***@L , SE 6/00 January 2008c Zh  B)R|5BRA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***8l  ;\ ;\@;\h;\;\ I| j Revision 2.16j j Revison 2.5 or earlier4&a ZT  B`w"TR}5B`wTR?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***/@, X;\ , ;\S@;\ ,;\ T;\  T;\ ;\;\;\;\0 ;\  ;\X ;\  ;\l l;\  ;\D;\;\%0;\,  j B@4A~_P j j 4A~_P 4A~_P j j j -4A~_P 4A~_P oj1&|  D;\hd;\ P;\ ?<;\  ;\;\<;\ >(;\  ;\D   ;\;\l!;\&    B@Pͫ@l5 z5   z5 .If ECE approved, no further responses required6You may not apply for a lamp CRN using an ECE approval3 ;\ ;\@ ;\Q  ;\ ;\;\ PͫXP j B@PͫXP j %j j' ;\ x;\@ ;\Q  ;\;\ @;\ ,;\>;\ ;\D  ;\;\l;\";\'  PͫXP j PͫXP j PͫXP j PͫXP j PͫXP j %j juvx' ;\ ,;\@ | ;\;\x;\;\ L;\ 8;\>$;\ ;\D  d;\lp;\";\'  PͫXP j -PͫXP j -PͫXP j -PͫXP j -PͫXP j %j juvx' ;\ ;\@ ;\| ;\;\;\;\ (;\ ;\>;\ ;\D  ;\;\l;\"'  PͫXP j = PͫXP j = PͫXP j = PͫXP j = PͫXP j %j juvx' ;\ ;\@ ;\| ;\$;\<;\;\;\  >l;\ ;\D  D;\;\l0;\";\'  PͫXP j LK@PͫXP j LK@PͫXP j LK@PͫXP j LK@PͫXP j %j juvx' ;\ T;\@ ;\QD ;\;\;\;\;\ \;\ >l;\ ;\D  D;\;\l0;\";\'  PͫXP j [PͫXP j [PͫXP j [PͫXP j [PͫXP j %j juvx/ ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  @;\  ;\  X;\ ;\l;\ ;\L;\;\/  y  B0kRjz Py JyB0$Rxz  B0<Rz Py NyB0LxRzB0VRz:CIE chromaticity co-ordinates for X and Y must be suppliedjCIE chromaticity co-ordinate X value must be between 0.545 and 0.609 to satisfy all three constraints on YDCIE trichromatic co-ordinates for either X-Y or Y-Z must be suppliedrCIE trichromatic co-ordinate X value must be between 0.545 and 0.61 in order to satisfy all three contraints on Y.MX-Y CIE trichromatic co-ordinates not required when values for Y-Z supplied.@ 8 ;\T ;\| ;\ ;\;\ ,;\ ;\;\ ;\0 LW   ;\;\ d;\;\ P;\;\  <;\  ;\  ;\;\p ;\p;\4;\ ;\ ;\';\5 ;\<;\G;\;\ ;\`T ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ ! ;\"#;\(;\<$;\ ;\d;\ ;\x |;\ %&T;\@;\'(;\;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ )*;\@+;\ ;\h ;\,-d;\;\ <;\.(;\/01;\ ;\;\';\05;\<;\DG2;\345`;\ ;\TL;\5 y   B&0R.z B&0(#R= 0.79 - 0.67 * the CIE trichromatic co-ordinates X result.;The CIE trichromatic co-ordinates Y result must be >= 0.39.ZThe sum of the values of the CIE trichromatic co-ordinates for X and Y can not exceed 1.0VCIE trichromatic co-ordinates for X-Y are not required if values for Y-Z are supplied.FYou should enter the X co-ordinate first and then the Y co-ordinate{If a CIE trichromatic co-ordinates X result is provided a result is required for Y or results for Y and Z must be provided.gThe CIE trichromatic co-ordinates Y result must be <= the CIE trichromatic co-ordinates X result - 0.12oThe CIE trichromatic co-ordinates Y result must be >= 0.79 - 0.67 * the CIE trichromatic co-ordinates X result.;The CIE trichromatic co-ordinates Y result must be >= 0.39.ZThe sum of the values of the CIE trichromatic co-ordinates for X and Y can not exceed 1.0VCIE trichromatic co-ordinates for X-Y are not required if values for Y-Z are supplied.@L+ ;\ 0;\@ ;\ WL;\ ;\;\ $;\  WL  h;\   ;\X ;\;\|;\ ;\h;\&;\+x PͫP   % PPͫP JPͫP x    % PPͫP NPͫP x fC ;\ gW @ ;\;\| PW ;\b ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\0;\D  ;\l;\ ;\l;\  ;\ X;\  D;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\\;\ ;\p,;\1;\:;\>;\C    x  % PͫP x PͫP 90PͫP x pPͫP x B@PͫP x $h  ;\T ;\      C;\  ;\ X;\;\D0;\$   Revison 2.5 or earlierB~TRjz Front(1) Front(1a) Front(1b) Rear(2a) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) Side(5) Side(6)B6lTRxzB<TRBDTR0The Category of the lamp tested must be provided6The Lamp Category must be slected from the pop up list/@g# ;\ T ;\    ;\  ;\ ,;\   ;\ ;\l ;\ ;\4;\ ;\ H ;\p;\6 ;\ ;\P;\ ;\ Ch;\ ;\L !;\t";\#;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ $%;\&x;\';\< P;\ ;\P ;\d ()zL*;\+;\ t;\ ;\ ;\ ,-;\.;\/;\T ;\ ;\h  ;\| 012;\;\ ;\/p;\>;\E3 H;\4 ;\567;\8;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ 9:;\; ;\<;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 =>;\\?;\@;\ l;\ ;\  ;\ ABC;\;\ ;\/;\6D ;\8E FG ;\H;\I ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ JK x;\L;\ (M;\ ;\ P ;\ ;\ NO`;\P;\ Q$;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ RST;\;\ @ ;\/;\ T6U ;\ p;\V ;\ WXY Z ;\ ;\ [\];\ D ;\^ ;\ l;\   ;\  ;\ ;\ _ ;\`ab;\c;\  ;\def;\ ;\ pg p;\;\   H;\ ;\ 4;\ hij ;\  ;\k ;\ 8lm;\ `n;\o;\  X;\ ;\  ;\ pq;\ r;\s;\( ;\ ;\< ;\P tu;\xvh;\w;\ @;\ ;\  ;\ xyz;\;\ ;\,/;\6{ ;\T| ;\}~d;\;\(;\ ;\ ;\         /6<x1~       C                   />MT                 />E                 />E                                /6                 /6 <|QK,x   Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Rear(2b) B>*TRz nIyZ )'yZB>>TRzB>DTR Rear(2a) B>XTRz yZ yZB>lTR zB>rTRB>zTR  Revison 2.5 or earlier T@yZ Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) B>TRz nIyZ )'yZB>sTR(z nIyZ )'yZB>{TR6z nIyZ 4΀yZB>TRDz nIyZ :iyZB>TRRzB>" TR Front(1a) B>< TR`z 沀yZ /yZB>X TRnz 沀yZ !`yZB>t TR|z 沀yZ ByZB> TRzB>' TR Front(1b) B> TRz ׄyZ 3ByZB>9TRz ׄyZ #FyZ B>&TRz ׄyZ GyZ B>TR“z B>TR Rear(2a)  B>$GTRГz yZ yZ B>8TRޓz B>>tTR Rear(2a)  B>^TRz yZ ܓyZ B>rTRz B>x?TR Side(5) B>TRz Side(5)  B>VTR z 'yZ yZ B>TRfz 'yZ X;yZB>TRz 'yZ vyZB>TRJzB>jTR Side(6) B>TRXz yZ yZB>6yTRfz yZ X;yZB>R_TRz yZ vyZB>nNTRzB>tTRB>TR  Revison 2.5 or earlier T@yZ Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) B>?TRz nIyZ )'yZB>TRz nIyZ )'yZB>TR,z nIyZ :iyZB> TR:z nIyZ 4΀yZB>:V`"TRVzB>\2#TR Front(1a) B>x#TRdz 沀yZ /yZB>D$TRrz 沀yZ ByZB>5%TRz 沀yZ !`yZB>C&TRz 沀yZ ByZB>:'TRzB>'TR Front(1b) B>U(TRz ׄyZ 3ByZB>$(TRz ׄyZ GyZB>@)TRƏz ׄyZ #FyZB>\*TRԏz ׄyZ GyZB>x+TRzB>~,TR Rear(2a) B>-TRz yZ yZB>-TRzB>>.TR Rear(2a) B>.TR z yZ ܓyZB>Z/TRzB> 0TR Side(5)B>g0TR(z Side(5) B>$"1TR6z 'yZ yZB>@1TRDz 'yZ X;yZB>\2TRRz 'yZ vyZ B>x3TR`z B>~64TR Side(6)  B>4TRnz yZ yZ!B>E5TR|z yZ X;yZ"B>+6TRz yZ vyZ"B>7TRz"B>7TR"B>7TR#B>7TR#B>8TR!Luminous intensity value requiredkLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1) or Rear 2(b) must be between 175 and 700 cd!Luminous intensity value required^Luminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear 2(a) must be between 50 and 200 cd!Luminous intensity value requiredLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 700 cdLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 700 cd for a single lampLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 490 cd for a single lamp marked DLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 980 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredqLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 800 cd for a single lampzLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 560 cd for a single lamp marked DxLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 1120 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredqLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 860 cd for a single lampzLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 600 cd for a single lamp marked DxLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 1200 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredwLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear (2a) must be between 50 and 200 cd when tested to ECE 6/00!Luminous intensity value requiredLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear (2a) must be between 50 and 350 cd when tested to ADR 6/00 or ECE 6/01%Luminous intensity value not required!Luminous intensity value requiredlLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(5) must be between 0.6 and 200 cd for a single lampuLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(5) must be between 0.6 and 140 cd for a single lamp marked DrLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(5) must be between 0.6 and 280 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredkLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(6) must be between 50 and 200 cd for a single lamptLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(6) must be between 50 and 140 cd for a single lamp marked DqLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(6) must be between 50 and 280 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 700 cdLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 700 cd for a single lampLuminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 980 cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourcesLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 490 cd for a single lamp marked DLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear 2(b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) must be between 175 and 980 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredqLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 800 cd for a single lampLuminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 1120 cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourceszLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 560 cd for a single lamp marked DxLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 250 and 1120 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredqLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 860 cd for a single lampLuminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 1200 cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourceszLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 600 cd for a single lamp marked DxLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 400 and 1200 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredwLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear (2a) must be between 50 and 200 cd when tested to ECE 6/00!Luminous intensity value requiredLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear (2a) must be between 50 and 350 cd when tested to ADR 6/00 or ECE 6/01%Luminous intensity value not required!Luminous intensity value requiredlLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(5) must be between 0.6 and 200 cd for a single lampuLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(5) must be between 0.6 and 140 cd for a single lamp marked DrLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(5) must be between 0.6 and 280 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredkLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(6) must be between 50 and 200 cd for a single lamptLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(6) must be between 50 and 140 cd for a single lamp marked DqLuminous intensity in Direction A for Lamp Category Side(6) must be between 50 and 280 cd for a two lamp assembly /,"#$ !@X     e  ;\   ;\ ;\  ;\D  `;\ ;\l 8;\x;\ ;\ P;\;\42 (;\p t;\ `;\ C;\ ;\;\ !"p;\ ;\t# H;\$ ;\ ;\% vP &'(;\)*+;\P ;\,;\x;\2- ;\.;\ ;\;\ ;\ X;\ ;\ /01C;\@2 ;\345;\  ;\678h;\  T;\9:;;\  ;\<=>;\ ;\;\;\$? ;\@ ;\ABC;\ DEF;\\ ;\G ;\H  ;\IJK;\LMN;\ ;\$Ol;\;\L*X;\UP;\te0;\;\ "P  Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Rear(2b) BXY$TR$z )'yZBXY0:TR2zBXY6TR Rear(2a) Side(5) BXYR\TR@z yZBXY^TRNzBXYdWTRBXYlvTR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) BXYwTR\z )'yZBXYTRjzBXYsTR Rear(2a) Side(5) BXYTRxz yZBXYmTRzBXYTRBXYTR   Front(1) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) BXY TRz ׄyZBXY&TRz vyZBXY6| TRz !`yZBXYFz TRzBXYLD TR Rear(2a) BXYd TȒz ܓyZBXYp TRڑzBXYv TR Side(5) BXY TRz yZBXYx TRzBXYTRBXYTRBXY8TR!Luminous intensity value requirediMaximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 700 cd for Lamp Category Front(1) or Rear(2b)!Luminous intensity value requiredhMaximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 200 cd for Lamp Category Rear(2a) or Side(5)!Luminous intensity value requirediMaximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 700 cd for Lamp Category Front(1) or Rear(2b)!Luminous intensity value requiredhMaximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 200 cd for Lamp Category Rear(2a) or Side(5)!Luminous intensity value requiredMaximum Luminous intensity outside the 10 deg field must not exceed 400 cd for Lamp Category Front(1), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) for a single lampMaximum Luminous intensity outside the 10 deg field must not exceed 280 cd for Lamp Category Front(1), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) for a single lamp marked DMaximum Luminous intensity outside the 10 deg field must not exceed 560 cd for Lamp Category Front(1), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value required^Maximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 350 cd for Lamp Category Rear(2a) !Luminous intensity value required_Maximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 200 cd for Lamp Category or Side(5) /,& !"#$@ u ;\ ;\ ;\ T  ;\| !e ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\X ;\ t;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\4D;\ ;\\0;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\8  C;\   !"#;\ $ ;\ ;\%&';\< x;\;\P%(P;\<;\xV<;\n;\u(  Revison 2.5 or earlier B Y"TRz yZB Y.TRzB Y4TR  Revison 2.5 or earlier B YT$TRz yZB Y`TRzB Yf"TR   Side(5) Side(6) B YTR$z yZ Front(1) Front(1a) Rear(2a) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)B YTR2z `yZ Front(1b)B YTR@zB YTRB YTR!Luminous intensity value requiredFMinimum lumious intensity within defined field must be at least 0.3 cd!Luminous intensity value requiredjMinimum lumious intensity within defined field must be at least 0.3 cd when tested to ADR 6/00 or ECE 6/00!Luminous intensity value requiredMinimum lumious intensity within defined field must be at least 0.3 cd for lamp category Front(1), Front(1a), Rear(2a), Rear(2b), Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted(4) when tested to ECE 6/01zMinimum lumious intensity within defined field must be at least 0.7 cd for lamp category Front(1b) when tested to ECE 6/01 /,& !@r/    x;\ 0;\ ;\ C;\  ;\   ;\D ;\ `;\;\$;\&;\/  Revison 2.5 or earlierB@EiYTR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) B@Ei8ITRLz ׄyZB@EiDTRZzB@EiJYTRB@EiRxTRB@EiXTR!Luminous intensity value required}Maximum luminous intensity from 5 to 20 degrees outboard must not exceed 400 cd for lamp cat Front(1) when tested to ECE 6/00 /,@% & |   ;\@  ;\|  ;\ $;\    ;\ d;\;\ C;\ ;\ H;\ `;\;\,;\@ ;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\8  D;\!"#a$%&D;\ ;\' ;\( ;\)*+;\P,-.;\ |;\/012C;\3 ;\456;\789l;\ ;\|:D;\;\.0;\B; ;\<;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\0 = ;\> ;\l?@A;\BCD;\ ;\EC;\F ;\4GHI;\pJKL;\ D;\MC;\N ;\OPQ;\8RST;\t |;\UCT;\V ;\WXY;\ Z[\;\ < ;\]C;\^ ;\ _`a;\ bcd;\  ;\efghC;\ Ti ;\jklL;\mno;\ ;\ p;\;\ /;\D;\ 0Y;\n;\ Dq;\;\ l;\&q  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2a) BrCiTR؋z LK@hyBrCi(TRzBrCi.TR Side(5) BrCiBTRz u0hyBrCiNoTRzBrCiTTR Front(1) Rear(2b) BrCiltTRz  `hyBrCixTRzBrCi~tTRBrCiTR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2a) BrCi^TR,z LK@hyBrCiTR:zBrCiJTR Side(5) BrCiTRHz u0hyBrCi!TRVzBrCiTR Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) BrCiJTRz  `hyBrCiTRzBrCiw TRBrCi TR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2a) BrCiLo TRz LK@hyBrCiX TRzBrCi^[ TR Side(5) BrCit TRz 'hyBrCi8 TRƌzBrCi TR Front(1a) BrCiA TRԌz }x@hyBrCi TRzBrCi/TR Front(1b) BrCiTRz bZhy BrCi TRz BrCiTR Side(6)  BrCiTR z LK@hy BrCimTRz BrCiTR Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  BrCiTR(z  `hy BrCi&TR6z BrCi,TR BrCi4TR BrCiDTR!Luminous intensity value required[Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 5 cd for a category 2a lamp!Luminous intensity value required]Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 0.03 cd for a category 5 lamp!Luminous intensity value requiredlMinimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 17.5 cd for a category 1 or 2b (by day) lamp!Luminous intensity value required[Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 5 cd for a category 2a lamp!Luminous intensity value required]Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 0.03 cd for a category 5 lamp!Luminous intensity value requiredMinimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 17.5 cd for a category 1, 2b (by day) , 3 (toward the front) or 4 (toward the front) lamp!Luminous intensity value required[Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 5 cd for a category 2a lamp!Luminous intensity value requiredkMinimum luminous intensity at any point in the presribed area must be at least 0.6 cd for a category 5 lamp!Luminous intensity value required\Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 25 cd for a category 1a lamp!Luminous intensity value required\Minimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 40 cd for a category 1b lamp!Luminous intensity value requiredZMinimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 5 cd for a category 6 lamp!Luminous intensity value requiredMinimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 17.5 cd for a category 1, 2b (by day) , 3 (toward the front) or 4 (toward the front) lamp/,! @ B   @  ;\|     L;\ D  ;\;\ `;\ ;\   ;\;\;\4 ;\ T;\ ;\<;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\8 ;\ ;\L t;\ ;\;\ ;\!;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ "#;\<$;\%;\x \;\ ;\  ;\ &';\(;\);\ ;\ ;\  ;\, *+,;\hl;\ ;\|/X;\6-;\<. ;\/;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ 0 ;\D1 |;\23T;\4;\5;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 67;\8;\49;\ ;\\ x;\  d;\ :;<;\<;\=;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ >? ;\@;\LA ;\ ;\t ;\  ;\ BCD ;\;\  ;\/;\> ;\EE;\ K t;\Y;\ ( `;\;\ < TE  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b) B8TRz bZwhw 'whwB806TR·zB86TRB8>TR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b) B8bTR܇z bZwhw 'whwB8v9TRzB8|TRB8TR  Revison 2.5 or earlier T@whw Rear(2b) B8TRz bZwhw 'whwB8qTRz bZwhw whwB8cTR"z bZwhw zwhwB8 ^TR0zB8TRB8$TR  T@whw Rear(2b) B8JTR>z bZwhw 'whwB8f TRLz bZwhw zwhwB8{ TRZz bZwhw whwB8 TRhz bZwhw zwhwB8 TRvzB8+ TR B8J TR!Luminous intensity value requiredfLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 120 cd!Luminous intensity value requiredfLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 120 cd!Luminous intensity value requiredxLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 120 cd for a single lampLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 84 cd for a single lamp marked D~Luminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 168 cd for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredxLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 120 cd for a single lampLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 168 cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourcesLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 84 cd for a single lamp marked D~Luminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Rear(2b) by night must be between 40 and 168 cd for a two lamp assembly /,! "#$@ Ou ;\ (;\ ;\ T  ;\|  v`H  ;\0 ;\ ;\X  T;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\  ;\;\l;\ ;\p D;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\$  ;\8;\t  ;\ ;\  !"#;\ ;\;\(;\$$;\P0;\F%;\xP;\n;\u%  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b) Bfd(TRz 'yZBfd4GTRzBfd:TRBfdBTR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b) BfdfTRz 'yZBfdr8TR,zBfdxTR Rear(2b) BfdRTR:z yZBfdTRVz ,yZBfdTRdz X;yZBfd]TRrzBfdTRBfdTRBfd6TR!Luminous intensity value requiredXMaximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 120 cd for Rear(2b) by night!Luminous intensity value requiredXMaximum Luminous intensity in any direction must not exceed 120 cd for Rear(2b) by night!Luminous intensity value requiredbMaximum Luminous outside 10 deg field must not exceed 100 cd for Rear(2b) by night for single lampjMaximum Luminous outside 10 deg field must not exceed 70 cd for Rear(2b) by night for single lamp marked DhMaximum Luminous outside 10 deg field must not exceed 140 cd for Rear(2b) by night for two lamp assembly /, !"#$@ ;\  T;\  ;\ ;\ ;\   Rear(2b) B84TRz pyZB84 TRzB84&TRB84.TRB844TR!Luminous intensity value requiredcMinimum luminous intensity within the defined field must be greater than or equal to 0.07 candelas.@@  d;\ @  ;\|;\  ;\ x;\ ;\  <;\ ;\X ;\  ;\ l;\;\ ;\ ;\4;\;\p"L;\@   Rear(2b) BdbTR|z yZBdb(TRzBdb.TRBdb6TR   Rear(2b) BdbZtTRz yZBdbfTRzBdblvTRBdbtTRBdbzTR!Luminous intensity value requiredmMaximum luminous intensity from 5 to 20 degree outboard must not exceed 100 cd by night for lamp cat Rear(2b)!Luminous intensity value requiredmMaximum luminous intensity from 5 to 20 degree outboard must not exceed 100 cd by night for lamp cat Rear(2b) &,@F ;\ ;\ ;\@  |   ;\ ;\  X;\ ;\X 0;\;\l ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\h;\,;\ ;\pR;\(;\F  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b) BrARTRДx = yZBrAR(TRޔxBrAR.TRBrAR6TR  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b) BrARfTRx = yZBrARrTRxBrARxTRBrARTRBrARTR!Luminous intensity value requireddMinimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 4 cd for a category 2b lamp by night!Luminous intensity value requireddMinimum luminous intensity at 20 degree points must be at least 4 cd for a category 2b lamp by night/ ,!@:D  8;\ ;\ T t ;\| ;\ ;\,;\;\  ;\   ;\ ;\X ;\ ;\   ;\  ;\;\;\X;\ ;\l;\;\43X;\:   Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % P:wP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % P:wP x    /, ;\ $;\ ;\ T  ;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\|  ~^4~pDfB~^~ Rear(2b)~pDfo^ ^~pDf^ %&^~pDf&^& p$S1~m x^~pDf^ ^~pDf^ ^~pDf^ X^~pDf,X^X_ ;\ @;\ ;\ T  ;\| ;\ ;\<;\;\  ;\  ;\ ;\X ;\  ;\ ;\  ;\;\$;\  N_, ;\H L;\ ;\\  $;\x  <;\;\  ;\  x;\;\LP;\;\`<;\(;\&;\7@nX;\_  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % 'P:wP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % 'P:wP x  Rear(2b)  % P:wP x ,P:wP x X;P:wP x    /, !"#$\ ;\ ' ;\ T  ;\|  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\D  d;\ ;\ <;\ (;\   ;\ ;\;\;\  ;\;\H t;\`;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\L;\`;\ @;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\(  ;\<  ;\P!<;\";\ ;\ ;\  ;\ #$;\;\;\(;\-%;\2& ;\';\@ `;\(;\h 8;\ ;\|  ;\ ;\ ;\) ;\* ;\+;\,;\-p;\ ;\D \;\  H;\ .4;\/;\0 ;\ D;\  0;\ 12;\ 3;\ ;\4 ;\  ;\ 4l;\5;\60;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 78;\;\;\(;\5;\:9;\$?;\Q;\8;\;\L|;\ \9  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % bZTwHP 'TwHP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % bZTwHP 'TwHP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier T@TwHP Rear(2b)  % bZTwHP 'TwHP x bZTwHP TwHP x bZTwHP zTwHP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier T@TwHP Rear(2b)  % bZTwHP 'TwHP x bZTwHP zTwHP x bZTwHP TwHP x bZTwHP zTwHP x   /,! "#$ B ;\ ;\ 8 T  ;\|  ;\;\;\   ;\  ;\D  ;\l 4;\;\ C;\ ;\;\ ;\;\4 ;\Hl;\!;\\0 D;\;\ ;\ ;\   P;\;\;\8;\  ;\`  L;\!" p;\#$;\x;\ %&'(C;\) *+l;\,-;\xD;\ .0;\;\#;\2/ ;\0;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\, 1 |;\2 ;\h34;\56;\;\ 7C;\8 ;\9:;\;<;\Dx;\ =CP;\> ;\?@;\AB ;\;\ CC;\ D ;\EF;\GH;\p0;\ IC;\J ;\KLMN,;\;\ OPQRC;\S ;\tTU;\VW L;\;\ X;\ $;\$;\4 ;\D;\ T ;\cY ;\r;\ ( ;\;\ <Y  Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2a)  % LK@P:wP x  Side(5)  % u0P:wP x  Front(1) Rear(2b)  %  `P:wP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2a)  % LK@P:wP x  Side(5)  % u0P:wP x  Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  %  `P:wP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2a)  % LK@P:wP x  Side(5)  % 'P:wP x  Front(1a)  % }x@P:wP x  Front(1b)  % bZP:wP x  Side(6)  % LK@P:wP x  Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  %  `P:wP x   /,!  c p;\ ;\ ;\T  ;\| 0;\;\@;\  ;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\D   ;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\|;\ ;\h;\ ;\  @;\ ;\4 C;\ ;\p ,z ;\;\C\;\  ;\$ L  ;\t ;\ ;\;\!;\4;\I;\\;\cl!  Revison 2.5 or earlier  % P:wP x   Revison 2.5 or earlier  % P:wP x   Revison 2.5 or earlier Side(5) Side(6)  % P:wP Front(1) Front(1a) Rear(2a) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) x `P:wP Front(1b) x  /, ! ;\ ;\ ;\ T  ;\|   0;\ ;\ ;\0   ;\  ;\l ;\  ;\ ;\p;\;\ ;\H;\' ;\  ;\ % ;\\ C;\ ;\;\D;\;\ CX;\ ` !;\"#h;\;\ $;\@;\%% ;\&;\ ;\;\  ;\< ;\ ;\P '()C;\* d;\+,<;\  (;\-.;\  ;\/0;\  ;\12;\|;\;\t;\3 ;\4 8;\56;\78;\;\ 9 ;\D: ;\;<;\=>;\\;\ ?H;\;\4;\A@ ;\P;\ ;\I @  Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Rear(2b)  % )'P:wP x  Rear(2a) Side(5)  % P:wP x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  % )'P:wP x  Rear(2a) Side(5)  % P:wP x     Front(1) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  % ׄP:wP x vP:wP x !`P:wP x  Rear(2a)  % ܓP:wP x  Side(5)  % P:wP x    /,& !"#$A ;\ <;\ H;\ ;\T ;\   @;\  ;\ ;\ ;\     ;\X    ;\ ;\;\ ;\x;\ ;\ ;\ P;\+ ;\H;\ ;\p;\ ;\ C;\ ;\;\L;\;\L $;\ ;\` ;\t ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ !;\"P;\#;\< (;\ ;\P   $;\x%h;\&;\ @;\ ;\  ;\ '(ӧ;\(;\5;\:) ;\@* ;\+;\,;\-d;\ ;\ P;\ <;\ .(;\/V0h;\ ;\0 T;\  @;\ 1,;\2;\3;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 45;\;\;\(;\-6 ;\ 7 P;\8<;\9;\p:̐ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;;\<;\=t;\ ;\ `;\  L;\ >8;\?;\`@;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ AB;\;\;\(;\-C ;\  ;\ D H;\EF ;\GE HI;\  ;\J ;\  p;\   ;\  H;\ ;\  K ;\LM ;\N;\ h ;\OP  ;\Q ;\  |;\  ;\  |;\ ;\ RS ;\   ;\ 0T ;\U9xV;\ WX;\ ;\  D;\ 0;\ X;\Y;\ Z;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ [;\\;\ p]h;\ ;\  T;\  @;\ ^_;\ ;\;\ (;\-` ;\ a ;\b;\c;\ `dx;\ ;\  d;\ P;\ e<;\f;\ g;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ h;\iPj;\ ;\x t;\  `;\ kl;\8;\;\($;\-m;\2;\e;\p;\;\;\;\;\,Bn ;\o;\h ;\p;\ \;\ ;\   4;\ ;\  ;\qrstCu vwx   yz{   |}~            (5BG                 (5:                 (5:                                   (-             (-2ip%t"  Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Rear(2b)  % nI4A~P )'4A~P x  Rear(2a)  % 4A~P ܓ4A~P x    Revison 2.5 or earlier T@4A~P Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  % nI4A~P )'4A~P x nI4A~P )'4A~P x nI4A~P 4΀4A~P x nI4A~P :i4A~P x  Front(1a)  % 沀4A~P /4A~P x 沀4A~P !`4A~P x 沀4A~P B4A~P x  Front(1b)  % ׄ4A~P 3B4A~P x ׄ4A~P #F4A~P x ׄ4A~P G4A~P x  Rear(2a)  % 4A~P 4A~P x  Rear(2a)  % 4A~P ܓ4A~P x  Side(5)  Side(5)  % '4A~P 4A~P x '4A~P X;4A~P x '4A~P v4A~P x  Side(6)  % 4A~P 4A~P x 4A~P X;4A~P x 4A~P v4A~P x    Revison 2.5 or earlier T@4A~P Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  % nI4A~P )'4A~P x nI4A~P )'4A~P x nI4A~P :i4A~P x nI4A~P 4΀4A~P x nI4A~P :i4A~P x  Front(1a)  % 沀4A~P /4A~P x 沀4A~P B4A~P x 沀4A~P !`4A~P x 沀4A~P B4A~P x  Front(1b)  % ׄ4A~P 3B4A~P x ׄ4A~P G4A~P x ׄ4A~P #F4A~P x ׄ4A~P G4A~P x  Rear(2a)  % 4A~P 4A~P x  Rear(2a)  % 4A~P ܓ4A~P x 4A~P ܓ4A~P x  Side(5)  Side(5)  % '4A~P 4A~P x '4A~P X;4A~P x '4A~P v4A~P x  Side(6)  % 4A~P 4A~P x 4A~P X;4A~P x 4A~P v4A~P x   /,"#$ !\<  $(;\& oc ZT  B*TRTxBTRA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***@x, ;\ ;\@x;\ ;\ ;\h;\  $;\ ;\ ;\ D;\ ;\`;\  Revison 2.5 or earlierB4p,TRxB4p2TRB4p8TR Method of testing must be stated / ,!@t,  ;\@;\ ;\ ;\hx;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ p;\ ;\;\p;\  Revison 2.5 or earlierBp,TRnxBp2TRBp8TR Method of testing must be stated/,!@Q* ;\ 0' ;\ ;\T;\| ;\ ;\  >;\ ;\0  `;\ ;\l 8;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  p;\ ;\4 \;\   ;\  ;\   ;\  ;\ $;\/;\F;\J;\$QN  T@yZBRu4TRxBRu:TR  Revison 2.5 or earlierBRuvoTRxBRu|TR BRuKTRȐxBRuTR}The lamp must be either Single, Single with multiple light sources connected in series,Single marked D or a two lamp assemblyFThe lamp must be either Single, Single marked D or a two lamp assembly;These responses are not required when testing to ECE R 6/00  !"#$/,@-V\ ;\ ;\ T;\ T;\| @;\ ;\ ,;\  >;\ ;\0  ;\ l $;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ h;\;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\ ;\4 ;\;\H  ;\\ ;\ ;\p    T;\  @;\ ,;\  ;\ ;\84;\K;\LO;\VN  T@yZB(u4TR6xB(u:TR  Revison 2.5 or earlierB(uTRDxB(u3TR B(uTRRxB(uTR}The lamp must be either Single, Single with multiple light sources connected in series,Single marked D or a two lamp assembly}The lamp must be either Single, Single with multiple light sources connected in series,Single marked D or a two lamp assembly;These responses are not required when testing to ECE R 6/00  !"#$/,@-V\ ;\ (;\ ;\ T;\| ;\ ;\ ;\  >H;\ ;\0  |;\ ;\l T;\ ;\  ;\ ' ;\ d;\;\ ;\ <;\ ;\ (;\ ;\ 'wl ;\H  ;\\ |;\ ;\p  ;\  ;\  '  ;\  h;\ ;\84T;\K;\LO@;\VN  T@yZB(u4TRxB(u:TR  Revison 2.5 or earlierB(uTRxB(u3TR B(uTRxB(uTR}The lamp must be either Single, Single with multiple light sources connected in series,Single marked D or a two lamp assembly}The lamp must be either Single, Single with multiple light sources connected in series,Single marked D or a two lamp assembly;These responses are not required when testing to ECE R 6/00  !"#$/,@!J ;\ ,;\ ;\@;\ ;\h>\;\ ;\C ;\  ;\ ;\D!|   Revison 2.5 or earlier % Front(1a) Front(1b) Side(6) x  / ,!J ;\ ,;\ (;\ ;\ ;\|;\ ;\ ;\ >P;\ ;\ <;\  >;\D  ;\X;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ >;\ ;\4 p;\   >;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\!;\C;\J  T@Tw5P  % x  Revison 2.5 or earlier  % x    !"#$,/, ;\ ;\@ <;\ ;\|;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0  ;\l ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\P;\;\ (;\ ;\  ;\ ;\H;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\/;\>;\E ;\  ;\L;\t|;\;\ T;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\!;\< ;\ ;\P ;\d "#;\$d;\%;\ <;\ ;\ ;\ &';\(;\);\T ;\ ;\h ;\| *+,;\ yK /ث>;\E-@;\K;\.;\.  Revison 2.5 or earlier Side Mounted(3) BTRx yGpwaypw yGpwaypwB8NTRx yGpwaypw yGpwaypwBT;TRx yGpwaypw X;yGpwaypwBp;TRƊx yGpwaypw vyGpwaypwBDTRԊxBTR Side Mounted(4) BnTRx 'yGpwaypw yGpwaypwBTRx 'yGpwaypw yGpwaypwBTRx 'yGpwaypw X;yGpwaypwBTR x 'yGpwaypw vyGpwaypwB TRxB" TRB0 TRB8 TR!Luminous intensity value requireduLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(3) must be between 50 and 200 cd toward the rearLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(3) must be between 50 and 200 cd toward the rear for a single lampLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(3) must be between 50 and 140 cd toward the rear for a single lamp marked DLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(3) must be between 50 and 280 cd toward the rear for a two lamp assembly!Luminous intensity value requiredvLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(4) must be between 0.6 and 200 cd toward the rearLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(4) must be between 0.6 and 200 cd toward the rear for a single lampLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(4) must be between 0.6 and 140 cd toward the rear for a single lamp marked DLuminous intensity on reference axis for Lamp Category Side Mounted(4) must be between 0.6 and 280 cd toward the rear for two lamp assembly /(,"#$@  ;\ ;\  T ;\| ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\D <;\ ;\ ;\ T  ;\   |;\ ;\ d;\ ;\  ;\ ;\4H;\;\p  ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\(;\5;\: ;\ ;\l;\;\L0;\ ;\t ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ |;\;\< ;\ f0$  ;\  ;\;\  h;\ ;\ T;\  @;\ !";\ ;\;\,( ;\5;\@:#;\T? ;\}$ ;\;\|$  Revison 2.5 or earlier Side Mounted(3)  % P:wP P:wP x P:wP P:wP x P:wP X;P:wP x P:wP vP:wP x  Side Mounted(4)  % 'P:wP P:wP x 'P:wP P:wP x 'P:wP X;P:wP x 'P:wP vP:wP x    /(,"#$(*  L @;\ ;\h,;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\C0 ;\  ,;\;\  Hv*   Revison 2.5 or earlierB~,TRTx Front(1a) Front(1b) Side(6)B~B?TRĿxB~HTRB~PTR Method of testing must be statedbLamp Categories Front(1a), Front(1b), and Side(6) do not exist in ECE 6/00, ECE 6/01 must be used /,!@r. ;\ <;\ ;\ T  ;\| T;\ ;\ ;\ C  <;\  ;\  ;\;\ ;\;\;\';\.x  Revison 2.5 or earlier   Revison 2.5 or earlier Front(1) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4)  % ׄP:wP x    /,@ ;\ 4;\ ;\ T  ;\|  ;\;\    8;\ ;\X ;\Dl \D (;\ ;\ ;\  ;\  L;\;\DLl;\ X;\D;\!;\p90;\@   Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % = P:w~P x    Revison 2.5 or earlier Rear(2b)  % = P:w~P x   / ,!:%r ;\ ;\ x;\ T  ;\      C;\  ;\ ;\D`;\L;\;\l%  Revison 2.5 or earlier  % Front(1) Front(1a) Front(1b) Rear(2a) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) Side(5) Side(6) x   /B ;\ T;\??;\ ;\   ;\h;\  ;\  X ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\t;\;\ L;\ ;\  8;\ T;\\;\!;\B y  BjF/rR R1 y yBjF/,CRR1BjF/2RBjF/:RO1  BjF/NRQ1 y yBjF/nRƓ2BjF/tRBjF/|Rԓ2[CIE trichromatic co-ordinate Y value must be supplied when testing to ECE R6/00 or ADR 6/00BCIE trichromatic co-ordinate Y value must be > 0.398 and < 0.429 .MY-Z CIE trichromatic co-ordinates not required when values for X-Y supplied.CIE trichromatic co-ordinate Y value must be supplied when testing to ECE R6/00, ADR 6/00 or when X-Y values from ECE R6/01 testing are not suppliedBCIE trichromatic co-ordinate Y value must be > 0.398 and < 0.429 .MY-Z CIE trichromatic co-ordinates not required when values for X-Y supplied.@80 H;\ T|;\ ;\ Lp ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\  ;\X;\(;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\8t y  B;\  ;\;\pL;\0 ;\  ;\l ;\ ;\  ;\ l;\ ;\  D;\ ;\ X|w<;\6;\H; Pͫg    v2 Entries Not Required    22  Entries Not Required !Y and Z Co-ordinates Not RequiredChoose X-Y or Y-Z co-ordinates!Y and Z co-ordinates Not Required  ,!B ;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\      ;\0   ;\X  ;\ ;\ ;\   \;\   x;\;\  <;\;\;\\;\ ;\p;\,;\=;\B  Pͫg  2 Entries Not Required Revison 2.5 or earlier Revision 2.7 Revision 2.62    222  Entries Not Required !X and Y Co-ordinates Not Required!X and Y co-ordinates Not RequiredChoose X-Y or Y-Z co-ordinates!X and Y co-ordinates Not Required!X and Y co-ordinates Not Required ! ,/Q* ;\ D;\ ;\ T;\| ;\ ;\ ;\  >d;\ ;\0  ;\ ;\l ;\;\ |;\ ;\ h;\ ;\ ;\ @;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\4 ;\  ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\/;\F;\J;\$QN  T@yZB!'4TR 2B!':TR  Revison 2.5 or earlierB!'voTR`lB!'|TR B!'OTRnlB!'TR}The lamp must be either Single, Single with multiple light sources connected in series,Single marked D or a two lamp assemblyFThe lamp must be either Single, Single marked D or a two lamp assembly;These responses are not required when testing to ECE R 6/00  !"#$/,@n 4;\ ;\C  ;\     C<;\ ;\0 ;\ ;\Xt;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ 8;\;\\ ;\0;\ @;\;\ ;\ l;\ ;\L!0;\ ;\t"#$;\%;\ ;\&'(;\ |;\) ;\<*@;\+;\x ;\,-.;\/;\ ;\012;\ x;\;\,d;\7;\@SP;\s;\Tz<;\;\h62 T@yZ  Side(5) Side(6) Bf&TRi Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) 7$yZ :iyZBfHTRi 7$yZ nIyZBf\TRiBfbHTR Front(1a) sY@yZ ByZBf~TRi sY@yZ 沀yZBfTRjBfTR Front(1b) yZ GyZBfTRj yZ ׄyZBfTR"jBf TR Rear(2a) }x@yZ ܓyZBfz TR0j }x@yZ yZBf{ TR>j !Luminous intensity value requiredLuminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1), Rear (2b),Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted (4) must be between 87.5 and 980cd for a single lamp with multiple light sources.If the Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Category Front(1), Rear (2b),Side Mounted(3) or Side Mounted (4) Lamp with multiple light sources is between 87.5 and 175 cd, it must be fitted with an operating tell-tale indicatiing when a light source has failed (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]).Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1a) must be between 125 and 1120 cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourcesIf the Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Category Front(1a) Lamp with multiple light sources is between 125 and 250 cd, it must be fitted with an operating tell-tale indicatiing when a light source has failed (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]).Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(1b) must be between 200 and 1200cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourcesIf the Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Category Front(1b) Lamp with multiple light sources is between 200 and 400 cd, it must be fitted with an operating tell-tale indicatiing when a light source has failed (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]).Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Front(2a) must be between 25 and 350 cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourcesIf the Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Category Front(2a) Lamp with multiple light sources is between 25 and 50 cd, it must be fitted with an operating tell-tale indicatiing when a light source has failed (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]). B- ;\ ;\ ;\h P;\  ;\;\h;\ ;\   0 ,;\ ;\X ;\ l;\;\X;\);\-x T@yZ  Rear(2b) B( TRj 1-yZ zyZB(4CTRj 1-yZ bZyZB(HCTRjB(NiTR!Luminous intensity value requiredLuminous intensity on the reference axis for Lamp Category Rear (2b) must be between 20 and 168cd for a single lamp with multiple light sourcesIf the Luminous intensity on the reference axis for Category Rear (2b) Lamp with multiple light sources is between 20 and 40 cd, it must be fitted with an operating tell-tale indicatiing when a light source has failed (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]). @- ;\ ;\ ;\T  ;\   ;\  ;\;\  D ;\ 0   ;\ ;\"t;\&;\-  T@TwP  Rear(2b)  % 1-TwP zTwP x 1-TwP bZTwP %   } ;\ .- ;\T  L;\C;\ H;\  ;\  C;\ ;\X ;\ ;\ ;\d;\ ;\<;\ ;\ ;\;\4;\ ;\\;\<;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ 8;\`;\ ;\ !;\ ;\" ;\#;\$T;\ ;\%&;\<'r d()(;\ ;\;\;\.;\E;\`;\e;\r;\v;\}) T@TwP  Side(5) Side(6)  % Front(1) Rear(2b) Side Mounted(3) Side Mounted(4) 7$TwP :iTwP x 7$TwP nITwP %  Front(1a) sY@TwP BTwP x sY@TwP 沀TwP %  Front(1b) TwP GTwP x TwP ׄTwP %  Rear(2a) }x@TwP ܓTwP x }x@TwP TwP %  " ;\ ;\ d;\@ ;\| ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\  |;\ ;\T;\;\ %  % \ kVehicle is required to be fitted with a light source failure tell-tale. (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]). Arial Wingdings  j %j j4Arial Wingdings kVehicle is required to be fitted with a light source failure tell-tale. (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]).   n ;\ ;\@ h;\h  j %j j4Arial Wingdings ;\ d;\@ ;\| ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\  |;\ ;\T;\;\ %  % F kVehicle is required to be fitted with a light source failure tell-tale. (Appendix A, Clause 6.1. [Note 3]).   n ;\ ;\@ h;\h  j %j j4Arial Wingdings  h;\h  j %j j4Arial Wingdings Wingdings    s O@uBG1Informed_StartupScriptHasNoteSaveDoc SaveAsDocLang!if (Informed.currentDocument.count(Record) > 0) { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Check_new_doc").value = 'existing'; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; // The follow lines of code replace the contents of the Make and Model cells with trimmed text strings // The lines are only to be enabled by removing the double slash on the System version of a template //Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Hide_Reference").value; } nullJScr JavaScriptLangFBuiltinCommand("Place Note").execute(); Cell("NoteHere").value = true;nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. 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