IDesILaytags:I1002sevSteering ColumnSE 10/02 Steering Column2.1 Kate Huang VSS - DITRDLGColumn2.0gbuYf44j^)L s:ܻwB 3 &,28>DJPV\bhntz6fSubmit 6 K64%<ؐEU؁VWFhj6$]M ؐEU؁VWRP64*50005798321039107oRPNj6855P p@'@'p#@' 4%@XXX@jBXXX@d'ʤOw X@d(G :N6 masterpageN  l1002sev137O/fBwO/_02.1O/fBO/"_0 Kate Huangfice of Road Safety VSS - DITRDLG Transport*SE 10/02 Steering Column**4Steering Column:rXX QXXd'@Ld3C 4d6this BLookupIDoc 45  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234б-1Check1Check2Check3Check4Check5Check6Check7Check8Check9 DataPresent Docume_DateDocume_ReferenceEvidence_AltenateStandEvidence_AppNumEvidence_CorrectEvidence_DocLimitBlockEvidence_ECEAppNoEvidence_ECEAppYes Evidence_ENumEvidence_LoadExertEvidence_MassBodEvidence_MassVehEvidence_MeasureTestEvidence_SpeedEvidence_SpeedBodyImpact Id_vehMake Id_vehModelId_Veh_ColPartNo Id_Veh_SerialId_Veh_StWheel_PartNoId_Veh_Variant MainCheck MainWarningTestRe_ ReportNum TestRe_DateTestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumWarning1Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning6Warning7Warning8Warning9 Warning10 warning11 Warning12 Warning13 Warning14 Warning15   11p?)FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumF<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityNameBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocV  pLpLpL FacilityNum Test_FaciNum TestRe_FacNumciNum Test_FaciNum6d3h- w-~(-z6d32h- w-~(-6d3Qh- w-~(-6d3bh- w-~(-6d3th-6h- w-~(Nw`3Submit s WebxƜyѱ㎒㎧ƜyƝEWVehicle Categories AlternStand1 ALTStand2Vehicle CategoryApplicable Vehicle CategoryEB<>JG<>JG<>OL<>LEPLEGMAMBMCNAƆNƆNƆN1Inf zZ mX  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~X                                                                                                                                                      KNoteHere DataAlertHide_Reference Check_new_docAttached Attached_Yes Issue_NumberTrigger ECE_AppNumECE_ENumDocume_Reference Docume_DateCheck1Check3Check8 MainWarningMainLengthCheck LengthMessageFormUs_Exemption69FormUs_ECEApprovalFormUs_BBHTestFormUs_OtherTestCheck6DataEntryAdvice2 MainCheckFormUs_Not ApplicableDocume_VeclCatCheck2 Issue_NumExt Issue_NumTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacAddCheck13Check14TestRe_ReportNum TestRe_DateCheck12Check11Check10DataEntryAdvice3Docume_VehMakeDocume_VehModelCheck4Check5 ColPartNoSerialNoStWheel_PartNoCheck16Check15Check17DataEntryAdvice4 ECE_ECEAppYes ECE_ECEAppNoCheck9FormUs_Exemption73 Docume_GVMCheck39Exemption_Banner1Barrier_MassVeh Barrier_SpeedBarrier_MeasureTestHBarrier_CorrectHCheck21Check19Check18Check22BodyBlock_MassBodyBlock_SpeedBodyBlock_LoadCheck31Check30Check29CommentsDataEntryAdvice5Docume_Reference1Barrier_MeasureTestVCheck23Barrier_CorrectVCheck24Measurement_HVMeasurement_Residual Head_MassCheck32 Head_SpeedCheck34Head_3msCheck33Head_DecelerationCheck35 Testfailure_Y Testfailure_NCheck37Check20monoblocsmovement_Ymonoblocsmovement_N Leakage_Y Leakage_NBarrier_LeakagePercentageCheck26Check27Check28ElectricMotor_YesElectricMotor_NoCheck25DataEntryAdvice6 `  <}FjP+, H 3 :  3  %} { | y$q 94T5\6diaYVzi AH<=uO' XizE@ pt1;: <8~7lD(?7 q  L ^C! 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if (Informed.currentDocument.count(Record) > 0) { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Check_new_doc").value = 'existing'; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; // The follow lines of code replace the contents of the Make and Model cells with trimmed text strings // The lines are only to be enabled by removing the double slash on the System version of a template //Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Hide_Reference").value; }nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. SaveCheck(); function SaveCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.2" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Test Facility Number field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. SaveAsCheck(); function SaveAsCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.2" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save As").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Test Facility Number field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptLangFBuiltinCommand("Place Note").execute(); Cell("NoteHere").value = true;nullJScr JavaScriptript;\ @ ;\t;\L;\;\$;\R3lP#$'`p#' 6a. Barrier Test   qX  Mass of test vehicle  qW p Speed of vehicle at impact  qu  p@';'' ' ''  ` Barrier_MassVeh  1M p@'='' X' ''  ` Y Barrier_Speed  1@  P EMaximum displacement of upper end of steering column / steering yoke:  q>   0@'B'' ' ''  ` Barrier_MeasureTestH  1e  p 0 @E    ` Barrier_CorrectH  1K  P  Measured  q,  Pp   Corrected  q,  P @C Title : P  @-  33 Check21 h6 h6 4V. h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!2 "@> Title ; " @.  33 Check19 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ! km/h  q  @  mm  q  @ mm  q  @< Title D  @3  33 Check18 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  kg  q    "@D Title ;  " @.  33 Check22 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`#' P@'U''' '' {` BodyBlock_Mass  1L  Mass of body block  qU  P@'Y''' '' |` BodyBlock_Speed  1Q p @'V''' '' }` BodyBlock_Load  1J @p BLoad exerted on body block in worst orientation of steering wheel  ZM MZ ! ZM,Arial (lW$Load exerted on body block in worst (xWorientation of steering wheelP0 p 6b. Body Block Test   qs   kg  q  0  m/s  q  "@ kN  q   @Z Title 7 @*  33 Check31 h6 h6 ZM h6, MS Sans Serif (i C(uhe(ck(31!#`@W Title 8!#` @+  33 Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @X Title 9 @,  33 Check29 h6 h6 h6, MS Sans Serif (i C(uhe(ck(290 Speed of body block at impact  q  6. Test Results (Appendix A)    q (2$'(p)P Comments   q> )2#p@'f''&p' '' Comments  3 3#  Sheet 2 of 2   q8 # @:  33PDataEntryAdvice5   1g 0# @'9 @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  1V  ` Licensee's Reference  q` `"#'@  6c. Headform Test   qh  ` Measured  q,  @ P@'F'' ' ''  ` Barrier_MeasureTestV  1d  @P @@G Title T @P @ @U  33 Check23 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k `  mm  q  Pp P @I    ` Barrier_CorrectV  1K  `p   Corrected  q,  ` mm  q  @ @"@H Title U @ @" @W  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k00@'?''@' '' AMeasurement_HV  S S h6 S,Arial (]Measur(]ement_(]HV0@@'@''@' '' AMeasurement_Residual  S S S,Arial (]Measur(]ement_(]Residua(]l@ Horizontal/Vertical  qP 0@ Residual  q' @ Measurement Method:  qd  @  Horizontal Rearward  qZ  `  Vertical Upward  qF  Mass of head-form  qT  Speed of head-form at impact  q  P@'[''' '' `  Head_Mass  15   kg  q   @] Title V @[  33 Check32 h6 h6 S h6, MS Sans Serif (i C(uhe(ck(32 ! P@'_''' '' `  Head_Speed  1:  ! m/s  q  ! @a Title W ! @]  33 Check34 h6 h6 ! h6, MS Sans Serif (i C(uhe(ck(340p$` 3Max. deceleration within 3ms interval (cumulative)  MP MP h6 MP,Arial (W'Max. deceleration within 3ms interval (W (cumulative)p  Max. deceleration (C.F.C. 600Hz)  q p @'\''' '' ` Head_3ms  10 !#P@^ Title X!#P @_  33 Check33 h6 h6 MP h6, MS Sans Serif (i C(uhe(ck(33 p! @'`''' '' ` Head_Deceleration  1U  !!#P@b Title Y !!#P @a  33 Check35 h6 h6 h6, MS Sans Serif (i C(uhe(ck(35 " g  q  !" g  q % &$ After any test, was there any part of the steering control surface directed towards the driver presenting any sharp or rough edge?   $$HtS HSt h6 HtS,Arial (Z}After any test, was there any part of the steering control surface directed towards the driver presenting any sharp or rough (fedge? %'@ @'c''@' '' A Testfailure_Y  S S HtS S,Arial (]Testfail(]ure_Y%'@ `@'d''@' '' A Testfailure_N  S S S,Arial (]Testfail(]ure_N&@' Yes  q &@'0 No  q  & '"@e Title [& '" @d  33  Check37 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k# '$'#$ 6d. For All Tests:   qa `0`@A Title \`0` @h  33$ Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   [Cl. 5.1. & Annex 3 ]   33`   [Cl. 5.2. & Annex 4 ]   33P  [Cl.5. 3. & Annex 5 ]   33% & [Cl.]   33  ,Is the vehicle powered by an electric motor?  q  /Did the monoblocs remian fixed in their places?  q @ HWas there any liquid electrolyte leakage into the passenger compartment?  qG # When there was leakage to outside the vehicle, during the first hour after the test, the leakage was per cent of the total of the liquid electrolyte in the propulsion battery.  ``KD DK ! KD,Arial (1!When there was leakage to outside the vehicle, during the first hour after the test, the leakage was per cent of (=!>the total of the liquid electrolyte in the propulsion battery.0 Yes  q 0P No  q  @` Yes  q @ No  q  @'M''@' '' /Amonoblocsmovement_Y  S S KD S,Arial (^monobl(]ocsmov(^ement_(lY @'N''@' '' 0Amonoblocsmovement_N  S S S,Arial (^monobl(]ocsmov(^ement_(kN@ @'P''@' '' 1A Leakage_Y  S S S,Arial (^Leakag(fe_Y@@@'Q''@' '' 2A Leakage_N  S S S,Arial (^Leakag(fe_N`@@'S'' ' '' 3 ` Barrier_LeakagePercentage  1} @O Title _ @g  334 Check26 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @R Title `  @h  335 Check27 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0@T Title a 0 @i  336 Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 HFor the vehicle powered by an electric motor, during and after the test:  q5   Yes  q  0P No  q   @'J''@' '' 7AElectricMotor_Yes  S S h6 S,Arial (^Electric(_Motor_(fYes  @'K''@' '' 8AElectricMotor_No  S S S,Arial (^Electric(_Motor_(hNo @L Title b  @l  339 Check25 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#$# @i  33EPDataEntryAdvice5   1g P002EPDataEntryAdvice5   .2g P002h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#$# @l  33EPDataEntryAdvice5   ^'g P002 b  @l  339 Check25 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP002 Title b  @l  339 Check25 h6 h6   h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP002h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  339 Check15 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k({c(kfYes @'g''@' '' 8AElectricMotor_No  S S S,Arial (^Electric(_Motor_(hNo p@h Title b p @l  339 Check15 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kngs  (ne({c(k  33 Check5 h6 h6 h6, MS Sans Serif (i!C(u!h(ec(k5 p! %Max. deceleration within 3ms interval    P0! Max. deceleration   N 0P!P@']''' '' ` Deceleration_3ms  `P @0@@^ Title X@0@ @_  33 Check6 h6 h6 h6, MS Sans Serif (i!C(u!h(ec(k6 @!P@'_''' '' ` Deceleration_Max  `P 000@` Title Y000 @a  33 Check6 h6 h6 Xjf h6, MS Sans Serif (i!C(u!hBTyp @ @' ''@' '' .ANoteHere  S S ! S,Arial (^NoteHe(jre p @  ' DataAlert   0 @g0  Cp01    1 @    = Check_new_doc  ` p D@ Title  ^` p @ @c@  +0 0A Attached  > > S >,Arial (tt("a(.c(:h` @  @d@  ,0 A  Attached_Yes  > > > >,Arial (c("h(.e(:d Pp0 @  @  !  A! Manufacturer's Name  1V P@     PTrigger  1   @!#'P  K*Summary of Evidence Report - Steering Column Australian Design Rule 10/02/  @$0 SE 10/02 July 2012 Revision 2.2   q   0` ` R12-   q  @"#  (!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: >  :t,Arial (!*Test Facility (,*No. 0'p ' ` @!#  !# Test Facility No.   :t  t:  :t,Arial (!*Test Facility (,*No.0  E   q 33#  Sheet 1 of 2   q8 @#'    1. Document   qH   P GRLicensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters, Note 1)  '  >  @    @ @'  @'     A! Manufacturer's Name   1\   @!@' p'  (  q! >Date (dd/mm/yyyy)       0  0 8@ Title " 0  0 8 @2  33 Check1 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0! 0#(@ Title # 0! 0#( @3  33 Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k  `@# Title .  ` @.  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k` @ Title >`  @1  33  MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fW(ta(r(n `  Date  q  ` !  (dd/mm/yyyy)   q<  P@ Title A P @2  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(h $@0 Title  I $ @9  33 0 LengthMessage  1G @#'  2. Form Use   qE  MPlease indicate how this form is being used. It is being used in support of:   qF @p$0 An application for an exemption as this vehicle is equipped with a drivers side airbag and meets the requirements of ADR 69/..     :AM :MA h6 :AM,Arial ('DrAn application for an exemption as this vehicle is equipped with a drivers side airbag and meets the requirements (3D of ADR 69/.. @" Z*An application for vehicle approval submitting ECE Approval Number (Complete sections 3 ).  C  @@% g*An application for vehicle approval submitting test results to ADR 10/02 (Complete section 4, 5 and 6).  I  @" `*An application for vehicle approval submitting other test results (Complete section 4, 5 and 6).  B  @P@'''@' '' AFormUs_Exemption69  S S :AM S,Arial (]FormUs(]_Exemp(ation69P@'''@' '' AFormUs_ECEApproval  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(^_ECEA(^pproval P@'''@' '' AFormUs_BBHTest  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(__BBHT(hest@P@'''@' '' AFormUs_OtherTest  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(`_Other(eTest` 3. ECE Approval Details   q p@ Title Jp @?  33 Check6 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (fh(te(c(kp# @   33PDataEntryAdvice2   1g  @ Title M  @Q  33  MainCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e`0     q `P@'''@' '' AFormUs_Not Applicable  S S h6 S,Arial (]FormUs(d_Not (^Applica(hble ` P p Vehicle Category  qK  P @@''' ' ''    Docume_VeclCat  1N  @ 0X@ Title O @ 0X @U  0@Check2 4V. 4.V S 4V., Wingdings  (;Che(Hck(U2pP@ @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  1V $ @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  1V @  Created in:   q4 @# The ADR is not applicable to this vehicle type as it is a NA Chassis-cab, NA non Forward-control or MC non-Forward-control vehicle.   =  J  Q  a  k  {  "`@*#'&P' Test Facility Name  qR '0*P@'0''' '' Pp0 PTestRe_FacName  1Q $`%!@'*''' '' p0 P TestRe_FacNum  1L ' *@!@'1'' ' '' P0!" Test Facility Address  1\ &P'0 Test Facility Address  q\ #`$# Test Facility No.  qG ' @( @. Title *' @(  @.  33 Check13 h6 h6 4V. h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k' !( #`@/ Title -' !( #` @.  33 Check14 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$% `@'(''' '' p0 PTestRe_ReportNum  1Y #$ Test Report No.  qI $%@')''' '' p0 P TestRe_Date  1; #$` Test Report Date  qL #$@  (dd/mm/yyyy)   q< $"%#@@- Title @$"%#@ @1   Check12 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$%`@, Title H$%` @5  33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1$ % 0@+ Title H$ % 0 @5  33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"# 4. Test Report Details   q{ "##p @'  33PDataEntryAdvice3   1g p  [Cl 6.2.]   33 [Cl. 3.2., 3.3. & 3.4.]   331P3p$@ Note 2: MD1 and MD2 category vehicles must continue to comply with ADR10/01. ADR10/02 is not applicable to these categories.   AN NA h6  AN,Arial ('MNote 2: MD1 and MD2 category vehicles must continue to comply with ADR10/01. (330 ADR10/02 is not applicable to these categories.1P1p gNote 1: This is a mandatory field. Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.  q   * (Note 2 )     @'''' '' t` Docume_VehMake  1U     Vehicle Make   q?  !@'''' '' ` Docume_VehModel  1W    Vehicle Model   qA  `@@  Title " `@ @2  33 Check4 h6 h6  AN h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k `!#@@0 Title " `!#@ @2  33 Check5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k+@@/#'+,` 25. Identification of Vehicle and Components Tested   q$ - p.@'4''' '' u`  ColPartNo  1. -.!@'5''' '' v` SerialNo  1& -. P@'3''' '' w` StWheel_PartNo  1K - -# 'Serial or Vehicle Identification Number  q -- Steering Wheel Part Number  q - `- Steering Column Part Number  q ./ @7 Title &./ @.  33 Check16 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k- / @6 Title (- /  @.  33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k."/# @8 Title )."/# @.  33 Check17 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k+,#` @2  33PDataEntryAdvice4   1g  @! 8Is ECE approval applicable to right hand drive vehicle?   q  !@'$''$' '' :$@$ ECE_ECEAppYes  1Q  p!@'%''$' '' ;$`$ ECE_ECEAppNo  7V 7V h6 7V,Arial (C ECE_ECEAppN(Oo ! 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(Complete section 3, 4b, 4c, and 4e)  G  # *Discussion Items: This information has been automatically generated by the electronic form. It is possible to edit this information if desired. This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'Submit' button. You can only submit this information to the discussion list once, at which time the form status will be changed to 'Examined'. All subsequent attempts will be refused.     workpageanged to 'Examined'. All subsequent attempts will be refused.     mitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'Submit' button. You can only submit this information(Fyto the discussion list once, at which time the form status will be changed to 'Examined'. 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TR5 LK@yZ ####B.2TR B.>TR5 [yZ yZ T0 yZ T1 #####B.rTR B.|-TR܍5B.TRTest Facility registrations can no longer be sent with a submission. Test Facilities must be registered using a Test Facility Registration form before the evidence can be submittedTest Facility Identification number may no longer be a T followed by 4 digits. You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.@& ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\|D;\J?)(g;\(   %  Ĵ4A~-P  & ;\ ;\ @ ;\D;\;\H;\;\4;\(   %  Ĵ4A~rP   ;\ 8;\h;\ T;\;\  B0ETRB0}TR5B0TR6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document Date.@D ;\ \;\ @ ;\T ;\ D  ;\   T@;\B;\ ,;\ ;\0  D6x;\lL;\G;\ ;\Gm ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\ T@;\B;\H ,;\;\p;\-;\6;\;;\?;\D   % AAAB\1LR  NEW x LK@4A~.9P ####B\14 LR   [4A~.9P 4A~.9P T0 4A~.9P T1 #####B\1pLR  x  ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\;\ ;\;\   % x b ;\ `;\ @ ;\ ;\   %  n ;\ l;\  ++ V j Entries Not Required x ;\ ;\D;\;\h  À4A~Z,P  t x ;\ ;\D$;\;\h ;\  À4A~ P  b ;\ `;\ @ ;\ ;\   % ub ;\ `;\ @ ;\ ;\   % wb ;\  ;\ @ ;\|8A A?   % v n ;\ ;\ ;\@;\;\h V j Entries Not RequiredL , False8L , False8G ;\ @ ;\ T;\;\;\ BVXTRBVTR5BV -TRThe test vehicle shall represent the right hand drive production vehicle. Please provide justification in Comment field on next page.;:@ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\h ;\ ;\;\   % x ;:>L ;\T  ;\;\ ;\BTR &%yZB"TR5B(TR- ADR73/.. only apply to MA with GVM < = 2.5T.?@@L , 8  @ ;\ ;\|;\;\h;\;\R  B:ٹsR jdqd1l jdqd1lB:ٹ"R<5B:ٹ(XR[Liquid electrolyte leakage shall not exceed 7 per cent! ADR10/02 Appendix A Clause  n ;\ @;\ @;\;\h   % @4 Z ;\ ;\ V85j jbA full test report including an analysis of equivalence of tests must be attached to this SE form.  8=P;\ ;\|;\ ;\;\R  BDxITR tyZ НyZBDxTRB5BDx"TR=Mass of test vehicle must be within the range 450 to 3500 kg.@  `;\h  ;\ ;\;\;\   BxGTR yZBxzTR\~5 yZBx$TRj~5Bx*TRbThe speed of vehicle at impact must be greater than or equal to 48.3 km/h (Appendix A, Cl. 5.1.). RThe speed of vehicle at impact would normally be less than 100 km/h. Please check.@$,  ;\ ;\|M>   >G    B#NTR yZB#TR5 yZB#,TR5B#2;TRThe maximum horizontal rearward displacement of upper end of steering column corrected value must be less than or equal to 127mm (Appendix A, Cl.5.1.).The maximum horizontal rearward displacement of upper end of steering column must be less than or equal to 100mm (Reg 94/01, Cl. 5.2.2.). @ ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\h&h;\;\ T;\@;\  ;\,;\;\;\;\  l4A~dtP *=4A~dtP 4A~dtP  " ;\ $;\ @ ` ;\ L;\;\;\,;\R   % 4A~;P x 4A~;P x  n ;\ \;\ @ 0;\T;\ ;\ ;\dR   % 4A~sP x 4A~sP % & ;\ \;\ @ ;\ H;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(   % t4A~P Н4A~P x z ;\ t;\ ;\@h;\D ;\  4A~dmP x   x;\;\ ;\| ;\;\R j jj ̀r41@v\ %Qr41@v\j{5jjXMass of body block must be within the range 34 to 36 kg (Appendix A, Annex 4, Appendix).{@  $;\;\h;\  . ;\;\t;\  j jj f;r41@v\j`zj 1-r41@v\jnzjj^Speed of body block at impact must be greater than or equal to 6.7 m/s (Appendix A, Cl. 5.2.).[Speed of body block at impact would normally be less than or equal to 20 m/s. Please check.|@  ;\h ;\$;\;\;\|  j jj _`r41@v\jzj B@r41@v\jzj~Load exerted on body block in worst orientation of steering wheel must be less than or equal to 11.1 kN (Appendix A, Cl. 5.2).Load exerted on body block in worst orientation of steering wheel would normally be greater than or equal to 1 kN. Please check.}@n ;\ 0;\ @ ;\P;\;\;\$;\ ;\;\;\R j j %j f;PͫXP xj 1-PͫXP %j j|: ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\|")(ta ;\0;\( j j %j _`PͫXP xj B@PͫXP %j}& ;\ ;\ @ ;\ ;\;\4;\ ;\ ;\( j j %j ̀PͫXP %QPͫXP xj j{ Z ;\ `;\4;\;\T V  Entries Not Required& 4c Z;\;\T  jjtzjjA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***4,  ;\ ;\| ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\   BNTR yZBTRz ĴyZB,TRzB23TRThe maximum vertical upward displacement of upper end of steering column corrected value must be less than or equal to 127mm (Appendix A, Cl. 5.1.).The maximum vertical upward displacement of upper end of steering column must be less than or equal to 80mm (Reg. 94/01, Cl. 5.2.2.). @" ;\ `;\ @ ;\ ;\;\ H;\;\ ;\A$;\R   % 4A~"P x Ĵ4A~"P x   ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\h&H;\;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\$;\  l4A~P *=4A~P 4A~P  b ;\  ;\ @ ;\  4A~.LP x L , False8L , False8I  $;\h;\ ;\;\( j jj g€r41@v\jzjjAMass of head form should be 6.8kg (Appendix A, Annex 5, Cl. 3.1).@ ;\ p;\ @ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ j j %j g€PͫXP xj j  ,;\h;\  ;\ ;\;\;\  j jj f;r41@v\jzj 1-r41@v\jzjj]Speed of head form at impact must be greater than or equal to 6.7 m/s (Appendix A, Cl. 5.3.).ZSpeed of head form at impact would normally be less than or equal to 20 m/s. Please check.@n ;\ p;\ @ ;\;\Fڬ ;\D;\;\R j j %j f;PͫXP xj 1-PͫXP %j jr  ;\h $;\;\( j jj Ĵr41@v\j,zjjjThe deceleration of the head form shall not exceed 80g cumulative for more than 3ms (Appendix A, Cl. 5.3).@ ;\ p;\ @ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ j j %j ĴPͫXP xj jI  $;\h;\ ;\;\( j jj 'r41@v\jRzjjAMax. deceleration should be lower than 120g (Appendix A, Cl.5.3).@ ;\ ;\ @ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ j j %j 'PͫXP xj jL , ]F;\@B( TRzB( TRy Sharp or rough edges are likely to increase the danger or severity of injuries to the driver (Appendix A, Cl. ,  ;\ l;\ "4L" h ;\ "\;\;\ t;\;\ j %j xj jEZ ;\ X;\ ;\@;\ ;\h h;\ ;\|@;\ ;\ ,;\  % L , 8L , & , ;\ T ;\;\8;\;\$;\ BZ{TRBZ{TR BZ{"0TRLThe monoblocs shall remain fixed in their places (Appendix A, Cl. , ? , ;\ T ;\;\;\;\;\ B\qTRB\TR B\"+TReNo liquid electrolyte shall leak into the passenger compartment! 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