IDesILaytags SE 35/05 Brake Systems2.1Vehicle Safety StandardsDIRD3505sevDdsGJA<4j*l*@gku 2 o Z=C  $&  1~ 2 ,  &,28>DJPV\bhntz6`LookupIDoc6 (ӿ,m!u6o6$64*41300029891005410Nj68)4%)QXX`@jrBXX`@d'|PT `@d(  D6this6 N $l3Submit tails6 ZLookupIDoc N @p SE 35/05 Rev 2.1  qbP  masterpage vĽxt1Informed_StartupScriptHasNoteSaveDoc SaveAsDocLang!if (Informed.currentDocument.count(Record) > 0) { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Check_new_doc").value = 'existing'; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; // The follow lines of code replace the contents of the Make and Model cells with trimmed text strings // The lines are only to be enabled by removing the double slash on the System version of a template //Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Hide_Reference").value; } nullJScr JavaScriptLangInformed.currentDocument.currentRecord.Cell("NoteHere").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord.Cell("Issue_Num").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord.Cell("Issue_Num").value; BuiltinCommand("Place Note").execute();nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. 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Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Test Facility Number field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. SaveAsCheck(); function SaveAsCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.1" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save As").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Test Facility Number field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptriptfalse); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You c6r*Vehicle Model (optional)x3505sevVv6T8T"92.1T 1$BrVehicle Safety StandardsIDIRDRS9u9ISE 35/05 Brake Systems4 Nn*~XX`@jrGXX`@d'<@#n .C 4dM+n  Z LookupIDoc ;<  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;찈"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7:"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Check1Check2Check3Check4Check5Check6Check7CRNLamp_CompRegNumCRNLamp_DataEntryAdviceCRNLamp_LitManufCRNLamp_PrtNum DataPresentDigitalSignature Docume_DateDocume_ReferenceFormUs_ApplyCRNFormUs_VehAppvCRNFormUs_VehAppvTestLumino_BelowHrzLumino_InAboveHrzLumino_OnRefAxis MainCheck MainWarningTestRe_ColEmitLightXTestRe_ColEmitLightYTestRe_CompNumTestRe_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2 TestRe_DateTestRe_ECEApp1TestRe_ECEApp2TestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumTestRe_ReportNumVehAppv_DataEntryAdviceVehAppv_VeclMakeVehAppv_VeclModelWarning1Warning2Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning6Warning7Warning8Warning9 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning13 Warning14 Warning15 Warning16 Warning17 Warning18 Warning19 Warning20 Warning21    7:")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  +++ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumt o0Q. 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Manufacturer's Name  UfV  @ 0"@' @'  (g  A! *Date (dd/mm/yyyy)     p@  Title  p @  h  MainCheck h6 h6 > h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e `p@ Title  `p @  i  MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r P@ @'''  lP(  Vehicle Make  Uf<  P@@'''  mP("@  Vehicle Model  Uf>   P  Vehicle Make  qb<   P0  Vehicle Model  qb>  pP@ Title  pP @   33n MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(h`@  2. Form Use   qbE @ LPlease indicate how this form is being used. It is being used in support of    qbC # RAn application for a vehicle approval, submitting test results to ADR 35/05 (Complete ss. 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 & 11 as applicable)  K  M  ~  p@' ''@' ''  rAFormUs_3505VehAppvTest  S S h6 S,Arial (]FormUs(^_3505V(^ehAppv(eTest $ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_1   Ufn $ @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  UfV 3 3$  Sheet 1 of 6   qb8 3 3@ gNote 1: This is a mandatory field. 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X  o  @ IIs the vehicle equipped with an Antilock System covered by the approval?    h6 ,Arial (*Is the vehicle equipped with an Antilock (System covered by the approval?##` Yes  qb #!#" No  qb  "P# @@'''' '' 7Ident_AntilockY  UfE "!#"@'''' '' 9Ident_AntilockN  UfF ""#$@+ Title ?""#$ @Q  A Warning4 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gr(tn(i(n'P( @@'#''' '' JTestRe_EquippedToTow_Yes  Uf '!("@'$''' '' KTestRe_EquippedToTow_No  Uf '(` Yes  qb '!(" No  qb  '"($@, Title G'"($ @\  L  Warning16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nn({i(nP p$ @-  33OPDataEntryAdvice_2   Ufn !"`@'''' '' PIdent_MaxSpeed  UfK !" @. Title J!"  @a  Q  Warning100 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g!"p km/h  qb  ! 8 Max. Laden Vehicle Speed  qbw )p*0h AIs the vehicle fitted with a Variable Proportioning Brake System?  qb )@P*0 @@'%''' '' VTestRe_Proport_Yes  Uf] )@!*0"@'&''' '' WTestRe_Proport_No  UfY )p*0` Yes  qb )p!*0" No  qb  )@"*0$@0 Title L)@"*0$ @L  X  Warning16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nn({i(n,p-0 Test Report Number  qb[ ,p@-0#@ Test Facility Number  qb[ 0@ 0@' ''' '' FormUs_VehAppvTest_Full  Ufz `@   All tests:  qb& 0!` "P@' ''' '' FormUs_VehAppvTest_Mot  Uf{  !`"P@' ''' '' FormUs_VehAppvTest_Park  Uf `  0Indicate which test results are being submitted:  qb ` !` In motion braking tests:  qbg P!` Park brake test:  qbF 0  @q Title [0   @    Warning12 h6 h6 Tk h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n!`"P@'''' '' FormUs_VehAppvTest_Act  Ufy @!` Air actuation time tests:  qbh # ~RAn application for a vehicle approval, submitting test results to ECE R 13 (Complete ss. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 & 11 as applicable)  J  L  }  p`p@'''@' ''  sAFormUs_VehAppvECE  S S h6 S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(_pvECE0 p@'''' '' RTestRe_ECERT_Yes  Uf^ 0  @'''' '' STestRe_ECERT_No  UfZ ` x @>Is the vehicle designed to be used in 'Road Train' combinations?  &  2  ` ` Yes  qb `0 P No  qb  0 @/ Title K0  @L  U  Warning12 h6 h6 S h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n `$ $SE 35/05 September 2016 Revision 2.1  qb `$ {RAn application for a vehicle approval, submitting an ECE R 13 approval number (Complete ss. 3, 4, 9, 10 & 11 as applicable)  M  O  z  p@' ''@' ''  AFormUs_VehAppvECETR  S S h6 S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(_pvECE(hTR!"@'  @'  '  A! 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'' $Ident_BASEquip_Yes  Uf_ &@!'0"@'"''' '' $Ident_BASEquip_No  Uf[ &@"'0$@  Title &@"'0$ @    Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(tn(i(n  p@E  p@P001, Wingdings  (gr(tn(i(n  p@E  p@P00101onditions of clause 8.1?  3 3 h6 3,Arial (= Does the vehicle meet the road (=train conditions of clause 8.1? P `@'''' '' TestRe_ECEABS_Yes  >ke   @'''' '' TestRe_ECEABS_No  L>k` h @ Yes  q( h   No  q(   @ Title   @    Warning12 h6 h6 3 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n h! 0Is the vehicle equipped with an Antilock System?  q( P001 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n h! 0Is the vehicle equipped with an Antilock System?  qi P001  q~\  1Are the road train conditions of clause 8.1 met?  3 3 h6 3,Arial (="Are the road train conditions of (=clause 8.1 met? 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Test Facility No.  `L *.@'%$+' $$ P* + Test Facility Name  `X * .!@'&$+' $$ P* 0+! Test Facility Address  `` (*@@''')p' '' ()q0 Test Report No.  `I $ %P 4. Test Results   T (@@*#@'(')`' '' (PP)a# Component Part No.  `` ) *@')+'  (*@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)       ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) %&p R23-    %`&P@*#  (!# Test Facility No.   :t  t:   :t,Arial ($*Test Facility (.*No.%`p&p0'$ &0'%`&p0 E    %p&P@+#  !# Test Facility No.   :t  t:  :t,ArialG2   "$G ` Comments   qi>  "#@'''&p' '' Comments  " p# @ P  PQ@Comments_Warning D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Hts(U_(bW `$' ,11. Brake Assist System (Appendix 2, Part B)   qi $ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_8   *> n   PX Type of BAS fitted:  qiS  ` P@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA  d  d  D_ d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(CatA `!` P"P@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatB  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(CatB `" P#@ Title  `" P# @  33 Check61 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6  P Category A BAS  qiH   P!P Category B BAS  qiH  @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V  p /Lowest initial speed of all tests (par. 2.4.1):  qi !" km/h  qi "#@ Title "# @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0Highest initial speed of all tests (par. 2.4.1):  qi  p @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V  !p" km/h  qi  "p#@ Title  "p# @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kh 8Values determined from Reference Test (Annex 9, App. 4):  qi    DF  qi P DABSqi @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V  N  qi @ Title  @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   Da  qi P DABSqi  @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V "#@ Title "# @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"!"P Dm/s  qi !P" D2 qi#@'@@  +11b-i. Category A BAS Test Results (par. 3)   qi #@ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_8   *> n `@  :Pedal force figures were derived from (par. 3.2.3, 3.2.5):  qi 0 @'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Decel  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Decel0  !@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Press  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Press0"  #@@ Title 0"  #@@  33 Check61 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6`   Deceleration  qi8 ` Brake line pressure  qiV P @@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V @@ 0@@ 0 D!Threshold force, F (par. 3.2.3):  qi P@ DTqiP@@ p@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V p8xp@x D)Threshold deceleration, a (par. 3.2.3):  qi 0 DTqip @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V    DF  qi   DABS,extrapolatedqi/p @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V   DF  qi  ` DABS,minqip"  @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  *> V  !X  DF  qi  !X DABS,maxqiP@@ Title P@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6P" @#@@ Title P" @#@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6" p#@@ Title " p#@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6`#@'@ ,11b-ii. Category B BAS Test Results (par. 4)   qi `#@ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_8   *> n h@ ` bHighest value of brake pedal force from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.2):  qi x  0qi@` ZMean deceleration, a , from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.3):  qis ` BAS  P006qPOc5gM_:% |6w9`-b؝dަlHqW[l#F)RF(C&3Bk1ۯ_2ɟ6e6E05.=ݙFDV+usZ|+(j3or͒qS%g{K}aD 2ˑDtz ],Fr?|c ~&#pwgO IkECfJ#j|qlft/!$ Wy%OPi%&xf9kcsӪOq%uKj]l}ͭ O碑nIMxM#5V{M^w@F#"z3auu֖ЯUW1d`iuNIlK18}-K@xxjJ{LzT_ASGrK&wF7Ui2D(:@LdO[+;PB6am=V hx~MvIR>%撜ӕ4 = xI뛜Qt G_1_u205f$DF$LuiUi7We-V*9.i%^RΪ*ͦ}`݌)nep^ԯ34=1ʜϷOF鮄EǒSF \Ô`QB b)Ni8p{/8jΏWgWjzz@.t+#q +LSisܮ2.  SignatureVersion< Data VersD$ Blue Keys*GraphicsD0Header D6 FieldListDD< Form Infox LayoutProps DesPathInfoDScriptsScripts2Dv{CellDisplayNameB\;<2>VJhJhW.VeclCatsChoiceDirTests RollTests BrakeAssist( LEGMBMCMD1MD2MD3MD4MENANBNCReducing radius test||RRSine with dwell test||SSIStep steer input test||SSIJ-turn test||JT)U-split single lane change test||U-SSSLCTDouble lane change test||DLCTFish hook test||FHTCAsymetrical one period sine steer or pulse steer input test||ASSPST5 Steady state circular test||SSCTJ-turn test||J-TT]Compressed Air||CAHydraulic Power Assist||HPAHydraulic Power Unit||HPU Vacuum||VNone||NUnit||HPU Vacuum||VNone||NJ=BC d  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ d!kNoteHereAttached Attached_Yes Issue_NumExt Check_new_docTriggerDocume_Reference Docume_Date MainCheck MainWarningDocume_VeclMakeDocume_VeclModelMainLengthCheckFormUs_3505VehAppvTestDataEntryAdvice_1 Issue_NumWarning1Warning3Warning4Warning5 Warning20 LengthMessage DataAlert Issue_NumberHide_ReferenceTestRe_ECERvalTestRe_ECEEvalTestRe_ECEC81_YesTestRe_ECEC81_No Warning92 Warning22 TestRe_FacNumTestRe_FacNameTestRe_FacAddressTestRe_ReportNum TestRe_DateDataEntryAdvice_3 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning14 Warning15 Ident_VeclCat Warning21Ident_AntilockYIdent_AntilockN Warning24TestRe_EquippedToTow_YesTestRe_EquippedToTow_No Warning16DataEntryAdvice_2Ident_MaxSpeed Warning100TestRe_Proport_YesTestRe_Proport_No Warning26FormUs_VehAppvTest_FullFormUs_VehAppvTest_MotFormUs_VehAppvTest_Park Warning102FormUs_VehAppvTest_ActFormUs_VehAppvECETestRe_ECERT_YesTestRe_ECERT_No Warning25FormUs_VehAppvECETR Ident_GVM Warning171Ident_ESCEquip_YesIdent_ESCEquip_No Warning173Ident_ESCComp_YesIdent_ESCComp_No Warning174Ident_Unladen_Mass Warning215Ident_BrakeEnergySource Warning180TestRe_ECEABS_YesTestRe_ECEABS_No Warning216Ident_BASEquip_YesIdent_BASEquip_No Warning227!Hide_DataEntryAdvice_3505_PartialDocume_Reference1TestRe_LightLadEffSpeedTestRe_LadEffSpeedTestRe_LightLadEffDecelTestRe_LadEffDecelTestRe_LightLadEffForceTestRe_LadEffForceTestRe_VarPropFailSpeedTestRe_VarPropFailDecelTestRe_VarPropFailForceTestRe_FadeEffSpeedTestRe_FadeEffDecelTestRe_FadeEffForceTestRe_ParkFootForceTestRe_AveOpPressTestRe_TimeLongLineTestRe_TimeEndPressVessTestRe_ParkBPU_YesTestRe_ParkBPU_No Warning31 Warning32 Warning33 Warning34 Warning35 Warning36TestRe_2ndryNoServSpeedTestRe_2ndryNoServDecelTestRe_2ndryNoServForceTestRe_2ndryServSys1SpeedTestRe_2ndryServSys1DecelTestRe_2ndryServSys1ForceTestRe_2ndryServSys2SpeedTestRe_2ndryServSys2DecelTestRe_2ndryServSys2ForceTestRe_2ndryServBPAUSpeedTestRe_2ndryServBPAUDecelTestRe_2ndryServBPAUForceTestRe_InopAntiockSpeedTestRe_InopAntilockDecelTestRe_InopAntilockForce Warning38 Warning39 Warning40 Warning41 Warning42 Warning43 Warning44 Warning45 Warning46 Warning47 Warning48 Warning49 Warning50 Warning51 Warning52 Warning53 Warning57 Warning55 Warning54 Warning56 Warning58 Warning87Warning7 Warning89 Warning90Warning8TestRe_2ndryHandTestRe_2ndryFoot Warning29TestRe_ServiceControlTestRe_HandFootWarning2TestRe_TimeFallTo35kPa Warning91TestRe_CompatFirstSpeed Warning59TestRe_CompatFirstERCTestRe_CompatFirstE Warning62 Warning60TestRe_CompatIntSpeedTestRe_CompatTestSpeedTestRe_CompatIntERCTestRe_CompatTestERCTestRe_CompatIntETestRe_CompatTestE Warning63 Warning66 Warning65 Warning64 Warning67 Warning68TestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVP Warning69TestRe_CompatFirstERCVPTestRe_CompatFirstEVP Warning71 Warning70TestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPTestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPTestRe_CompatIntERCVPTestRe_CompatTestERCVPTestRe_CompatIntEVPTestRe_CompatTestEVP Warning72 Warning75 Warning74 Warning73 Warning76 Warning77TestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVPL Warning78TestRe_CompatFirstERCVPLTestRe_CompatFirstEVPL Warning80 Warning79TestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPLTestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPLTestRe_CompatIntERCVPLTestRe_CompatTestERCVPLTestRe_CompatIntEVPLTestRe_CompatTestEVPL Warning81 Warning84 Warning83 Warning82 Warning85 Warning86DataEntryAdvice_5TestRe_CompatData_YesTestRe_CompatData_No Warning103DataEntryAdvice_6TestRe_ParkHold_YesTestRe_ParkHold_No Warning181DataEntryAdvice_7TestRe_ParkHandForceIdent_VeclIdNum Ident_SFRefIdent_SFVeclNum Warning96 Warning98 Warning97DataEntryAdvice_4 Hide_DataEntryAdvice_R13_PartialDocume_Reference2ECE_OECU_Decel_80ECE_OECU_Speed_80ECE_OECU_Force_80ECE_OECL_Decel_80ECE_OECL_Speed_80ECE_OECL_Force_80ECE_OEDL_DecelECE_OEDL_SpeedECE_OEDL_ForceECE_OEDU_DecelECE_OEDU_SpeedECE_OEDU_Force ECE_IHP_Decel ECE_IHP_Speed ECE_IHP_ForceECE_IHP_Decel_AddECE_IHP_Speed_AddECE_IHP_Force_AddECE_SecU_DecelECE_SecU_SpeedECE_SecU_ForceECE_SecL_DecelECE_SecL_SpeedECE_SecL_Force ECE_PB_Decel ECE_PB_Speed ECE_PB_ForceDataEntryAdvice_8 Warning114 Warning115 Warning116 Warning117 Warning118 Warning119 Warning126 Warning127 Warning128 Warning129 Warning130 Warning139 Warning140 Warning141 Warning142 Warning143 Warning144 Warning145 Warning150 Warning151 Warning152 Warning153 Warning154 Warning155 Warning162 Warning163 Warning172ECE_AddTestReq_LabelECE_SpeedLimit_YesECE_SpeedLimit_No Warning106ECE_OECU_Decel_30ECE_OECU_Speed_30ECE_OECU_Force_30ECE_OECL_Decel_30ECE_OECL_Speed_30ECE_OECL_Force_30 Warning120 Warning121 Warning122 Warning123 Warning124 Warning125TestRe_Recovery_Required2 ECE_MaxSpeed Warning107 ECE_TII_Decel ECE_TII_Speed ECE_TII_Force Warning147 Warning149 Warning148ECE_TIIAbsorb_yesECE_TIIAbsorb_No Warning146ECE_SecControl_FootECE_SecControl_Hand Warning109ECE_ParkBrake_FootECE_ParkBrake_Hand Warning110ECE_UnbrTrail_YesECE_UnbrTrail_No Warning111ECE_MaxUnBrTrMass Warning112 Warning164 ECE_TFU_Decel ECE_TFU_Speed ECE_TFU_Force ECE_TFL_Decel ECE_TFL_Speed ECE_TFL_Force Warning156 Warning157 Warning158 Warning159 Warning160 Warning161DataEntryAdvice_9ECE_ActTimeCoupHead10 ECE_TimeAct Warning176 Warning177ECE_ActTimeCoupHead75 Warning182ECE_TimeFallTo35kPa Warning179ECE_ActTimeSuppFail Warning183ECE_TrailerPerfDataEntryAdvice_10ECE_EnergyStorReq_YesECE_EnergyStorReq_No Warning212TestRe_R13_EnergySouceBannerTestRe_R13_EnergyBannerMinReqECE_EnergyStorStrokesReq_YesECE_EnergyStorStrokesReq_No Warning209ECE_BrakeEnergy_EngineECE_BrakeEnergy_Pump Warning211TestRe_R13_TimeEnergyTestECE_TimeEnergyTest Warning210ECE_TimeEnergyTest1 Warning185Docume_Reference3 ECE_ABS_Decel ECE_ABS_Speed ECE_ABS_Force ECE_ABS_MBR ECE_ABS_COADataEntryAdvice_13 Warning165 Warning166 Warning167 Warning168 Warning169ECE_ABSComp_YesECE_ABSComp_No Warning30ECE_ABS_EpsilonDataEntryAdvice_12TestRe_ABS40_YesTestRe_ABS40_No Warning186TestRe_ABS80_YesTestRe_ABS80_No Warning187TestRe_ABSReq_YesTestRe_ABSReq_No Warning188DataEntryAdvice_11TestRe_ABS_App1 Warning217TestRe_ABS_ECE13TestRe_ABSOff_YesTestRe_ABSOff_No Warning218TestRe_ABSOff_Reqts_YesTestRe_ABSOff_Reqts_No Warning219TestRe_ABSOff_Sgnl_YesTestRe_ABSOff_Sgnl_No Warning220TestRe_ABSOff_Reconnect_YesTestRe_ABSOff_Reconnect_No Warning221TestRe_ABSTowElecConn_YesTestRe_ABSTowElecConn_No Warning222TestRe_ABSElecSig_YesTestRe_ABSElecSig_No Warning223TestRe_ABSAnx111_YesTestRe_ABSAnx111_No Warning224TestRe_ABSTow_YesTestRe_ABSTow_No Warning225TestRe_ABS_ECE13H Warning170DataEntryAdvice_14 Warning189TestRe_ESC_ComDem_Ann21TestRe_ESC_Malfunction_YesTestRe_ESC_Malfunction_No Warning191TestRe_ESC_RequirementsTestRe_ESC_DynTestRe_ESC_Sim Warning192TestRe_ESC_Annex9_DocRef_Sim Warning193TestRe_ESC_App2_GTR8DataEntryAdvice_16TestRe_ESC_Annex9_DocRef Warning199TestRe_ESC_Annex9_A_Ang Warning203TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Final_SD Warning204TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_Peak Warning205TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_1Sec Warning206TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_175Sec Warning207TestRe_ESC_Annex9_LatDis Warning208TestRe_ESC_DocRef_Appendix2 Warning201TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_YesTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_No Warning200TestRe_ESC_Off_YesTestRe_ESC_Off_No Warning202Docume_Reference4DataEntryAdvice_15TestRe_ESC_Annex21_DirTest Warning194TestRe_ESC_Annex21_RollOverTest Warning195TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_YesTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_No Warning196TestRe_ESC_Annex21_DocRef Warning198TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_YesTestRe_ESC_IntervAl_No Warning197DataEntryAdvice_17TestRe_BAS_HighSpeed Warning231TestRe_BAS_LowSpeed Warning230TestRe_BAS_FABS Warning243TestRe_BAS_aABS Warning232DataEntryAdvice_20TestRe_BAS_CatA_DecelTestRe_BAS_CatA_Press Warning233TestRe_BAS_CatA_FTTestRe_BAS_CatA_aTTestRe_BAS_CatA_FABS_ExtrapTestRe_BAS_CatA_FABSminTestRe_BAS_CatA_FABSmax Warning234 Warning235 Warning239TestRe_BAS_CatA_PT Warning236TestRe_BAS_CatA_PaT Warning237TestRe_BAS_CatA_PABS Warning238TestRe_BAS_CatA_Banner Warning226TestRe_BAS_3505_13HTestRe_BAS_ECAppDataEntryAdvice_18TestRe_BAS_EC_AppNo Warning228TestRe_BAS_CatATestRe_BAS_CatBTestRe_BAS_CatC Warning244DataEntryAdvice_19TestRe_BAS_EC631CommentsDataEntryAdvice_21TestRe_BAS_CatB_F Warning241TestRe_BAS_CatB_aBAS Warning242TestRe_BAS_CatB_PedSpeed Warning240Docume_Reference5 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  0Highest initial speed of all tests (par. 2.4.1):  qi !0@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  V !`# km/h  qi "$@ Title "$ @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @! 8Values determined from Reference Test (Annex 9, App. 4):  qi  @ ! @ ! DJA@gF  qi  ! DABSqi  !@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  V  @! N  qi  !@ Title  ! @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @! @!( Da  qi  ! DABSqi  !!0@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  V  "!$@ Title  "!$ @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k !`!" @!`!" Dm/s  qi  "P " D2 qi!`(#'!" )11a. Category A BAS Test Results (par. 3)   qi !``"# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_8   n "# :Pedal force figures were derived from (par. 3.2.3, 3.2.5):  qi " #@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Decel  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Decel"!#!@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Press  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Press""##@ Title ""##@  33 Check61 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6"`#(  Deceleration  qi8 "`#! Brake line pressure  qiV # $0@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  V $$ $$ D!Threshold force, F (par. 3.2.3):  qi $`$ DTqi#$ @'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  V $$$$ D)Threshold deceleration, a (par. 3.2.3):  qi $X$x DTqi'' @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  V &@ '&@ ' DF  qi &' DABS,extrapolatedqi/'' @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  V &@' &@' DF  qi &`' DABS,minqi''"  @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  V &@ '!X&@ ' DF  qi &'!X DABS,maxqi# $@@ Title # $@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 >1! h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6#"$#@ Title #"$# @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6'"'#@ Title '"'# @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6(. #')@*  )11b. Category B BAS Test Results (par. 4)   qi ()# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_8   n +, bHighest value of brake pedal force from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.2):  qi ,H, 0qi-(-X ZMean deceleration, a , from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.3):  qis -- BASqi +,!@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  V +!(,! N  qi +",#@ Title +",# @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,-!@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  V -(!(-! N  qi ,"-#@ Title ,"-# @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$`$ N  qi $!$"x$0!$"H Dm/s  qi $!$"x D2 qi$ %0@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  V % % 0% % 0 D!Threshold pressure, P (  qi %% DTqi$ %@@ Title $ %@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6% `% N  qi $% @'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  V % % *Corresponding deceleration (par.  qi $"%#@ Title $"%# @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6$!%"x% !%"H Dm/s  qi $!%"x D2 qi& '0@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  V &@'`&@'` DP (par.  qiS &@'P DABSqi & '@@ Title & '@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6&@`' N  qi - p- 0qi'(  @  33PTestRe_BAS_CatA_Banner    *+` 4Brake pedal speed needed to activate BAS (par. 4.2):  q( "# @'  @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  &V #(! ## mm/s  q( ""##@ Title ""## @  33  Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP005Title &(#'8$( @o  33Q  Warning191 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g&h'H Yes  q( & h'H! No  q(  &h'x @  RPTestRe_ESC_Requirements   *~ 'x(x 8How is compliance of the ESC system being demonstrated?   q(  '(@'''/' '' p/@/ TestRe_ESC_Dyn  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(Dyn'!H("X@'''/' '' q/@/ TestRe_ESC_Sim  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(Sim'#($(@ 2T<1 X7@M. d2JCmY; %O  ^zgf ; zl;mK           x            ,    > @  b .  P       ,     t          $r%   !?"S [ y j . L =2 84 T3 F/ 1 *0 #       +  *)rls  q  7 NG97 K 8;A@>=' P &,u- ~ +e$ nh%n\i/[ED   h! f"  L     2 n]-qmS E` h   N @m  o S - M .  ^        n   Q P t    u    N r    X  :V  z  2  `|  _  T x    -Y  LW  %{  H  w}  s  U y    F$@#." 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Warning24TestRe_EquippedToTow_YesTestRe_EquippedToTow_No Warning16DataEntryAdvice_2Ident_MaxSpeed Warning100TestRe_ECERT_YesTestRe_ECERT_No Warning25TestRe_Proport_YesTestRe_Proport_No Warning26TestRe_LightLadEffSpeedTestRe_LadEffSpeedTestRe_LightLadEffDecelTestRe_LadEffDecelTestRe_LightLadEffForceTestRe_LadEffForceTestRe_VarPropFailSpeedTestRe_VarPropFailDecelTestRe_VarPropFailForceTestRe_FadeEffSpeedTestRe_FadeEffDecelTestRe_FadeEffForceTestRe_ParkHandForceTestRe_ParkFootForceTestRe_AveOpPressTestRe_TimeLongLineTestRe_TimeEndPressVessTestRe_ParkBPU_YesTestRe_ParkBPU_No Warning31 Warning32 Warning33 Warning34 Warning35 Warning36TestRe_2ndryNoServSpeedTestRe_2ndryNoServDecelTestRe_2ndryNoServForceTestRe_2ndryServSys1SpeedTestRe_2ndryServSys1DecelTestRe_2ndryServSys1ForceTestRe_2ndryServSys2SpeedTestRe_2ndryServSys2DecelTestRe_2ndryServSys2ForceTestRe_2ndryServBPAUSpeedTestRe_2ndryServBPAUDecelTestRe_2ndryServBPAUForceTestRe_InopAntiockSpeedTestRe_InopAntilockDecelTestRe_InopAntilockForce Warning38 Warning39 Warning40 Warning41 Warning42 Warning43 Warning44 Warning45 Warning46 Warning47 Warning48 Warning49 Warning50 Warning51 Warning52 Warning53 Warning57 Warning55 Warning54 Warning56 Warning58 Warning87Warning7 Warning89 Warning90Warning8TestRe_2ndryHandTestRe_2ndryFoot Warning29!Hide_DataEntryAdvice_3505_PartialTestRe_ServiceControlTestRe_HandFootWarning2TestRe_TimeFallTo35kPa Warning91TestRe_CompatFirstSpeed Warning59TestRe_CompatFirstERCTestRe_CompatFirstE Warning62 Warning60TestRe_CompatIntSpeedTestRe_CompatTestSpeedTestRe_CompatIntERCTestRe_CompatTestERCTestRe_CompatIntETestRe_CompatTestE Warning63 Warning66 Warning65 Warning64 Warning67 Warning68TestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVP Warning69TestRe_CompatFirstERCVPTestRe_CompatFirstEVP Warning71 Warning70TestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPTestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPTestRe_CompatIntERCVPTestRe_CompatTestERCVPTestRe_CompatIntEVPTestRe_CompatTestEVP Warning72 Warning75 Warning74 Warning73 Warning76 Warning77TestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVPL Warning78TestRe_CompatFirstERCVPLTestRe_CompatFirstEVPL Warning80 Warning79TestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPLTestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPLTestRe_CompatIntERCVPLTestRe_CompatTestERCVPLTestRe_CompatIntEVPLTestRe_CompatTestEVPL Warning81 Warning84 Warning83 Warning82 Warning85 Warning86ECE_ABSComp_YesECE_ABSComp_No Warning30FormUs_VehAppvTest_FullFormUs_VehAppvTest_MotFormUs_VehAppvTest_Park Warning102FormUs_VehAppvTest_ActDataEntryAdvice_5TestRe_CompatData_YesTestRe_CompatData_No Warning103DataEntryAdvice_4FormUs_VehAppvECETRDocume_Reference2ECE_OECU_Decel_80ECE_OECU_Speed_80ECE_OECU_Force_80ECE_OECL_Decel_80ECE_OECL_Speed_80ECE_OECL_Force_80ECE_OEDL_DecelECE_OEDL_SpeedECE_OEDL_ForceECE_OEDU_DecelECE_OEDU_SpeedECE_OEDU_Force ECE_IHP_Decel ECE_IHP_Speed ECE_IHP_ForceECE_IHP_Decel_AddECE_IHP_Speed_AddECE_IHP_Force_AddECE_SecU_DecelECE_SecU_SpeedECE_SecU_ForceECE_SecL_DecelECE_SecL_SpeedECE_SecL_Force ECE_ABS_Decel ECE_ABS_Speed ECE_ABS_Force ECE_PB_Decel ECE_PB_Speed ECE_PB_Force ECE_ABS_MBR ECE_ABS_COAECE_ABS_EpsilonDataEntryAdvice_8DataEntryAdvice_13 Warning114 Warning115 Warning116 Warning117 Warning118 Warning119 Warning126 Warning127 Warning128 Warning129 Warning130 Warning139 Warning140 Warning141 Warning142 Warning143 Warning144 Warning145 Warning150 Warning151 Warning152 Warning153 Warning154 Warning155 Warning162 Warning163 Warning172 Warning165 Warning166 Warning167 Warning168 Warning169 Warning170ECE_AddTestReq_LabelECE_TrailerPerfECE_SpeedLimit_YesECE_SpeedLimit_No Warning106ECE_OECU_Decel_30ECE_OECU_Speed_30ECE_OECU_Force_30ECE_OECL_Decel_30ECE_OECL_Speed_30ECE_OECL_Force_30 Warning120 Warning121 Warning122 Warning123 Warning124 Warning125TestRe_Recovery_Required2 ECE_MaxSpeed Warning107 ECE_TII_Decel ECE_TII_Speed ECE_TII_Force Warning147 Warning149 Warning148ECE_TIIAbsorb_yesECE_TIIAbsorb_No Warning146ECE_SecControl_FootECE_SecControl_Hand Warning109ECE_ParkBrake_FootECE_ParkBrake_Hand Warning110 Ident_GVM Warning171ECE_UnbrTrail_YesECE_UnbrTrail_No Warning111ECE_MaxUnBrTrMass Warning112 Warning164 ECE_TFU_Decel ECE_TFU_Speed ECE_TFU_Force ECE_TFL_Decel ECE_TFL_Speed ECE_TFL_Force Warning156 Warning157 Warning158 Warning159 Warning160 Warning161Docume_Reference3Ident_ESCEquip_YesIdent_ESCEquip_No Warning173Ident_ESCComp_YesIdent_ESCComp_No Warning174DataEntryAdvice_14TestRe_ESC_App2_GTR8 Warning189TestRe_ESC_ComDem_Ann21TestRe_ESC_DocRef_Appendix2 Warning201TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_YesTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_No Warning200TestRe_ESC_Malfunction_YesTestRe_ESC_Malfunction_No Warning191TestRe_ESC_RequirementsTestRe_ESC_Off_YesTestRe_ESC_Off_No Warning202TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_YesTestRe_ESC_IntervAl_No Warning197DataEntryAdvice_16TestRe_ESC_Annex9_DocRef Warning199TestRe_ESC_Annex9_A_Ang Warning203TestRe_ESC_Annex9_DocRef_SimTestRe_ESC_Annex9_Final_SD Warning204TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_Peak Warning205TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_1Sec Warning206TestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_175Sec Warning207TestRe_ESC_Annex9_LatDis Warning208 Warning193DataEntryAdvice_15TestRe_ESC_Annex21_DirTest Warning194TestRe_ESC_DynTestRe_ESC_Sim Warning192TestRe_ESC_Annex21_RollOverTest Warning195TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_YesTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_No Warning196TestRe_ESC_Annex21_DocRef Warning198DataEntryAdvice_9Ident_Unladen_Mass Warning215ECE_ActTimeCoupHead10 ECE_TimeAct Warning176 Warning177ECE_TimeFallTo35kPa Warning179Ident_BrakeEnergySource Warning180DataEntryAdvice_6TestRe_ParkHold_YesTestRe_ParkHold_No Warning181DataEntryAdvice_7ECE_ActTimeCoupHead75 Warning182ECE_ActTimeSuppFail Warning183DataEntryAdvice_10ECE_EnergyStorReq_YesECE_EnergyStorReq_No Warning212TestRe_R13_EnergySouceBannerTestRe_R13_EnergyBannerMinReqECE_EnergyStorStrokesReq_YesECE_EnergyStorStrokesReq_No Warning209ECE_BrakeEnergy_EngineECE_BrakeEnergy_Pump Warning211TestRe_R13_TimeEnergyTestECE_TimeEnergyTest Warning210ECE_TimeEnergyTest1 Warning185DataEntryAdvice_12TestRe_ABS40_YesTestRe_ABS40_No Warning186TestRe_ABS80_YesTestRe_ABS80_No Warning187TestRe_ABSReq_YesTestRe_ABSReq_No Warning188 Hide_DataEntryAdvice_R13_PartialTestRe_ECEABS_YesTestRe_ECEABS_No Warning216DataEntryAdvice_11TestRe_ABS_App1 Warning217TestRe_ABS_ECE13TestRe_ABSOff_YesTestRe_ABSOff_No Warning218TestRe_ABSOff_Reqts_YesTestRe_ABSOff_Reqts_No Warning219TestRe_ABSOff_Sgnl_YesTestRe_ABSOff_Sgnl_No Warning220TestRe_ABSOff_Reconnect_YesTestRe_ABSOff_Reconnect_No Warning221TestRe_ABSTowElecConn_YesTestRe_ABSTowElecConn_No Warning222TestRe_ABSElecSig_YesTestRe_ABSElecSig_No Warning223TestRe_ABSAnx111_YesTestRe_ABSAnx111_No Warning224Docume_Reference4TestRe_ABSTow_YesTestRe_ABSTow_No Warning225DataEntryAdvice_17TestRe_BAS_CatATestRe_BAS_CatBTestRe_BAS_HighSpeed Warning231TestRe_BAS_LowSpeed Warning230TestRe_BAS_FABS Warning243TestRe_BAS_aABS Warning232DataEntryAdvice_20TestRe_BAS_CatA_DecelTestRe_BAS_CatA_Press Warning233TestRe_BAS_CatA_FTTestRe_BAS_CatA_aTTestRe_BAS_CatA_FABS_ExtrapTestRe_BAS_CatA_FABSminTestRe_BAS_CatA_FABSmax Warning234 Warning235 Warning239DataEntryAdvice_21TestRe_BAS_CatB_F Warning241TestRe_BAS_CatB_aBAS Warning242TestRe_BAS_CatA_PT Warning236TestRe_BAS_CatA_PaT Warning237TestRe_BAS_CatA_PABS Warning238TestRe_BAS_CatA_BannerTestRe_BAS_CatB_PedSpeed Warning240 Warning226TestRe_BAS_3505_13HTestRe_BAS_ECAppDataEntryAdvice_18TestRe_BAS_EC_AppNo Warning228TestRe_BAS_CatC Warning244DataEntryAdvice_19Ident_BASEquip_YesIdent_BASEquip_No Warning227TestRe_ABS_ECE13HDocume_Reference5TestRe_BAS_EC631tRe_ABS_ECE13HDocume_Reference5TestRe_BAS_EC631e5TestRe_BAS_EC631g227TestRe_ABS_ECE13HDocume_Reference5TestRe_BAS_EC631     X*#""     DMean Decel. (m/s )    h6 ,Arial ( Mean Decel. ( (m/s )  X D2qb@ @ P Hide_DataEntryAdvice_R13_Partial Uf  0$'P@@$ @'u @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  UfV @0 Licensee's Reference  qb` 3 3$  Sheet 3 of 6   qb8  8. ECE R 13 Test Results   qb P@@P  ' (0A *     P@@P  ' (0A *     P@#@P  ' (0A *     @0@P  ' (0A *     @0@P  ' (0A *     @0#@P  ' (0A *      p@P  ' (0A *      p@P  ' (0A *      p#@P  ' (0A *       @P  ' (0A *       @P  ' (0A *       #@P  ' (0A *     0 @P  ' (0A *     0 @P  ' (0A *     0 #@P  ' (0A *      @P  ' (0A *      @P  ' (0A *      #@P  ' (0A *     @P  ' (0A *     @P  ' (0A *     #@P  ' (0A *        Initial Speed (km/h)  F F  F,Arial (\Initial Speed (b (km/h)  # Control Force Max. (daN)  D D F D,Arial (Control Force ( Max. (daN) p @ Tests for all Vehicles   qbn p )*Type "0" Cold Brakes [Annex 4, Par. 1.4.]    33p 8  [Par. 1.4.2.]  33 `  Unladen  qb%  `ph Laden  qb ` (*Type "I": Fade test [Annex 4, Par. 1.5.]    33@P  ' (0A *     @P  ' (0A *     #@P  ' (0A *     ` ` p Hot Performance  qbL  ` Unladen  qb% `p Laden  qb   A*Secondary Braking Performance minimum result [Annex 4, Par. 2.2.]  -  33 @*Calculated Performance of Unbraked Trailer [Annex 4,Par. 2.1.2.]  +  33@P  ' (0A *     @P  ' (0A *     #@P  ' (0A *      (*Parking Brake System [Annex 4, Par. 2.3]    33$ @v  33PDataEntryAdvice_8   Ufn   @x Title `   @   33  Warning114 h6 h6 D h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g `0  [Par. 1.4.2.]  33 `  Engine Disconnected  qb^  `p Engine Connected @   qbd   @y Title a   @   33  Warning115 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g " #@z Title b " # @   33  Warning116 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g p@{ Title c p @   33  Warning117 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g p@| Title d p @  33  Warning118 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g "p#@} Title e "p# @  33  Warning119 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gP@@~ Title fP@ @  33  Warning126 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gP@@ Title gP@ @  33  Warning127 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gP"@#@ Title hP"@# @  33  Warning128 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@0@ Title i@0 @  33  Warning129 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@0@ Title j@0 @  33  Warning130 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@"0#@ Title k@"0# @  33  Warning139 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g0 @ Title l0  @  33  Warning140 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g0 @ Title m0  @  33  Warning141 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g0" #@ Title n0" # @  33  Warning142 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g @ Title o  @  33  Warning143 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g @ Title p  @  33  Warning144 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g "#@ Title q "# @  33  Warning145 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title r @  33  Warning150 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title s @  33  Warning151 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g"#@ Title t"# @   33  Warning152 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title u @!  33  Warning153 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title v @"  33  Warning154 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#@ Title w"# @#  33  Warning155 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ Title x @$  33  Warning162 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title y @%  33  Warning163 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#@ Title z"# @&  33  Warning172 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g H @  PECE_AddTestReq_Label  Ufe   +Is the vehicle fitted with a speed limiter?  qb  @ Yes  qb  p! No  qb  `P@'u''' ''  ECE_SpeedLimit_Yes  Ufb !"@'v''' ''  ECE_SpeedLimit_No  Uf^ "$@ Title "$ @1   Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( np`@P  ' (0A *     p`@P  ' (0A *     p`#@P  ' (0A *     `P@P  ' (0A *     `P@P  ' (0A *     `P#@P  ' (0A *     @0  [Par. 1.4.2.]  33 `P Engine Connected @ 30% Vmax    h6 ,Arial (Engine Connected ( @ 30% Vmaxp`@ Title p` @8  33  Warning120 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gp`@ Title p` @9  33  Warning121 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(gp"`#@ Title p"`# @:  33  Warning122 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g`P@ Title `P @;  33   Warning123 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g`P@ Title `P @<  33   Warning124 h6 h6 Tk h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g`"P#@ Title `"P# @=  33   Warning125 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g`` Unladen  qb% `Pp Laden  qb `@ Unladen  qb% p`0p Laden  qb @ @0@ @  PTestRe_Recovery_Required  Ufr !0@'w''' ''  ECE_MaxSpeed  UfI "$@ Title "$ @>    Warning100 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@!`# km/h  qb @p @Maximum speed of vehicle / speed at which vehicle is limited to:  qb @P  ' (0A *     @P  ' (0A *     #@P  ' (0A *     @ .*Type "II": Endurance test [Annex 4, Par. 1.6.]    330 `p Hot Performance  qbL @ Title  @E  33  Warning147 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title  @F  33  Warning149 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#@ Title "# @G  33  Warning148 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@0 Yes  qb @ ! No  qb    @'''' '' (ECE_TIIAbsorb_yes  UfZ !"@'''' '' (ECE_TIIAbsorb_No  UfW "#@ Title "# @G     Warning146 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ ` BCan the vehicle's engine absorb the energy as per par. 1.6.1 & 2.?  qb$ `  SIs the control that actuates the secondary braking system operated by hand or foot?  qbp ` p Foot  qb `  ! Hand  qb 0` P@'x''' ''  !ECE_SecControl_Foot  Ufe 0! "@'y''' ''  "ECE_SecControl_Hand  Ufh 0" $@ Title 0" $ @J  # Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n@ QIs the control that actuates the parking braking system operated by hand or foot?  qbc @p Foot  qb  @! Hand  qb P`@P@'z''' '' '$ECE_ParkBrake_Foot  Ufb P!@"@'{''' '' '%ECE_ParkBrake_Hand  Uff P"@$@ Title P"@$ @M  & Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n ` 0Is the vehicle rated to tow an unbraked trailer?  qb  `@ Yes  qb  p `! No  qb  p` `P@'|''' '' )ECE_UnbrTrail_Yes  UfY p! `"@'}''' '' *ECE_UnbrTrail_No  UfU p" `$@ Title p" `$ @R  + Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n  !0@'~''' '' ,ECE_MaxUnBrTrMass  Ufe  " $@ Title  " $ @T  -  Warning100 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g !` "` kg  qb    !Maximum mass of unbraked trailer:  qb @ Title  @U  .  Warning164 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@P  /' (0A *     @P  0' (0A *     #@P  1' (0A *     @P  2' (0A *     @P  3' (0A *     #@P  4' (0A *     ` Unladen  qb% `p Laden  qb P O*Residual Braking after Transmission Failure minimum result [Annex 4, Par. 2.4.]  ;  33@ Title  @\  335  Warning156 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ Title  @]  336  Warning157 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#@ Title "# @^  337  Warning158 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title  @_  338  Warning159 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Title  @`  339  Warning160 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#@ Title "# @a  33:  Warning161 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g%#' @# @  33zPDataEntryAdvice_9   Ufn  @@! a>Time to reach 10% of the asymptotic pressure value after actuation of the brake pedal [Par. 2.6]:  V  33`  p *For an actuating time of 0.2 seconds, time to achieve 75% of the asymptotic pressure in the brake cylinder [Annex 6, Par. 2.4.]  l  33 !!`@'''!' '' ECE_ActTimeCoupHead10  p`!`@'''!' ''  ECE_TimeAct   @!!"0 s  qb !`"0 s  qb  "!#@ Title  "!# @   Warning7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( np"`#@ Title p"`# @    Warning89 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP0 ,Service Brake Actuation Time Tests (Annex 6)   qb !`@"  a>Time to reach 75% of the asymptotic pressure value after actuation of the brake pedal [Par. 2.6]:  V  33`  !0" !`@'''!' '' ECE_ActTimeCoupHead75  !`!" "0 s  qb !0"" #@ Title !0"" # @   Warning7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n$@% KTime to fall to 35kPa at end of a 2.5 m line after the control is released.  qb8 $%!`@'''!' '' ECE_TimeFallTo35kPa  $!%" ms  qb $"%#@ Title $"%# @    Warning91 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gP  KFor vehicles equipped to tow a trailer with compressed air braking systems:   qbh #$p 4>For vehicles designed for 'Road Train' combinations:    &  $%0 [35/05, Cl. 8.1.]  33"@#@ g>Time for the pressure in the supply line to fall to 150 kPa after failure of a control line [Par. 2.7]:  \  33f  "P#@!`@'''!' '' ECE_ActTimeSuppFail  "!#@"0 s  qb "P"#@#@ Title "P"#@# @   Warning7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n #' '  '  '   #' #  ~0 #' # 0n r#'p#p ^0b#'`#`0N R#'P#P >0B#'@#@0.2#'0#0 "#' # #'# .02' 000  '  #'#''' #'# .2'00#'##'#0#'#00#'#0' @P  ' (0A *     #'#&@0`#'&@'P# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_10   Uft &'@ *Energy Sources and Storage Tests (Annex 7)   qb ( p)`@'''/' '' /@/ ECE_EnergyStorReq_Yes  d  d  Tk d ,Arial (n ECE_EnergyS(t torReq_Yes( !0)" @'''/' '' /@/ ECE_EnergyStorReq_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_EnergyS(v torReq_No( ")#@ Title ( ")# @  33  Warning212 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g(P ) Yes  qb (P @)!` No  qb  ')X @  PTestRe_R13_EnergySouceBanner  Uf *,X @  PTestRe_R13_EnergyBannerMinReq  Uf *p+`@'''/' '' /@/ ECE_EnergyStorStrokesReq_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n ECE_EnergyS(n torStrokesReq(_Yes*!0+" @'''/' '' /@/ ECE_EnergyStorStrokesReq_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_EnergyS(n torStrokesReq(_No*"+#@ Title *"+# @  33  Warning209 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g* + Yes  qb * @+!` No  qb  )*` 8For vacuum energy sources, how is the energy generated?   qb )pp*``@'''/' '' /@/ ECE_BrakeEnergy_Engine  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n ECE_BrakeEn(r ergy_Engine)p!0*`" @'''/' '' /@/ ECE_BrakeEnergy_Pump  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_BrakeEn(t ergy_Pump)p"*`#@ Title )p"*`# @  33  Warning211 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g)0*`p Engine  qb )*`!p Pump  qb ,.8 @  PTestRe_R13_TimeEnergyTest  Uf --!`@'''!' '' ECE_TimeEnergyTest  -0!-"0 s  qb -"-#@ Title -"-# @    Warning210 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g.0` tTime taken for the energy in the least favoured storage device/s to rise from 0 to P2 (Annex 7, Part A, Par. 2.4.):      h6  ,Arial (WTime taken for the energy in the least favoured storage device/s to rise from 0 to P2 ((Annex 7, Part A, Par. 2.4.):./!`@'''!' '' ECE_TimeEnergyTest  /!/"0 s  qb ."/#@ Title ."/# @   Warning7 h6 h6   h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( nP003' @ h #' # h  #' # &*#'(#(6:#'8#8FJ#'H#HNR#'P#P^hb#'`#`hnr#'p#p~h#'#h ` ' ` ' h#'#h'''#'# 'h#'#hh#'#h#'##'#h#'#h @P  ' (0A *     P0033003#'#h#'#h @P  ' (0A *     P0033'8#8PFJ#'H#HNPR#'P#PP^b#'`#`n8r#'p#p8~8#'#8 NpR' PpPP003D~ALookupIDoc   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      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ECE_PB_SpeedECE_SecControl_FootECE_SecControl_HandECE_SecL_DecelECE_SecL_ForceECE_SecL_SpeedECE_SecU_DecelECE_SecU_ForceECE_SecU_SpeedECE_SpeedLimit_NoECE_SpeedLimit_Yes ECE_TFL_Decel ECE_TFL_Force ECE_TFL_Speed ECE_TFU_Decel ECE_TFU_Force ECE_TFU_SpeedECE_TIIAbsorb_NoECE_TIIAbsorb_yes ECE_TII_Decel ECE_TII_Force ECE_TII_Speed ECE_TimeActECE_TimeEnergyTestECE_TimeEnergyTest1ECE_TimeFallTo35kPaECE_TrailerPerfECE_UnbrTrail_NoECE_UnbrTrail_YesESCTestReq_BannerFormUs_3503VehAppvTestFormUs_VehAppvECEFormUs_VehAppvECETRFormUs_VehAppvTest_ActFormUs_VehAppvTest_FullFormUs_VehAppvTest_MotFormUs_VehAppvTest_Park!Hide_DataEntryAdvice_3503_Partial Hide_DataEntryAdvice_R13_PartialHide_LLTMLowBoundHide_LLTMLowerBoundValuesHide_MLTMHighBoundValuesHide_MLTMLowBoundHide_MLTMLowerBoundValuesHide_ReferenceHide_VeclCategoriesIdent_ABSComp_NoIdent_ABSComp_YesIdent_AntilockNIdent_AntilockYIdent_BrakeEnergySourceIdent_ESCComp_NoIdent_ESCComp_YesIdent_ESCEquip_NoIdent_ESCEquip_Yes Ident_GVMIdent_MaxSpeed Ident_SFRefIdent_SFVeclNumIdent_Unladen_Mass Ident_VeclCatIdent_VeclIdNum Issue_Num Issue_Number Issue_NumExt LengthMessage MainCheckMainLengthCheck MainWarningNoteHereTestRe_2ndryFootTestRe_2ndryHandTestRe_2ndryNoServDecelTestRe_2ndryNoServForceTestRe_2ndryNoServSpeedTestRe_2ndryServBPAUDecelTestRe_2ndryServBPAUForceTestRe_2ndryServBPAUSpeedTestRe_2ndryServSys1DecelTestRe_2ndryServSys1ForceTestRe_2ndryServSys1SpeedTestRe_2ndryServSys2DecelTestRe_2ndryServSys2ForceTestRe_2ndryServSys2SpeedTestRe_ABS40_NoTestRe_ABS40_YesTestRe_ABS80_NoTestRe_ABS80_YesTestRe_ABSReq_NoTestRe_ABSReq_YesTestRe_AveOpPressTestRe_CompatData_NoTestRe_CompatData_YesTestRe_CompatFirstETestRe_CompatFirstERCTestRe_CompatFirstERCVPTestRe_CompatFirstERCVPLTestRe_CompatFirstEVPTestRe_CompatFirstEVPLTestRe_CompatFirstSpeedTestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVPTestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVPLTestRe_CompatIntETestRe_CompatIntERCTestRe_CompatIntERCVPTestRe_CompatIntERCVPLTestRe_CompatIntEVPTestRe_CompatIntEVPLTestRe_CompatIntSpeedTestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPTestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPLTestRe_CompatTestETestRe_CompatTestERCTestRe_CompatTestERCVPTestRe_CompatTestERCVPLTestRe_CompatTestEVPTestRe_CompatTestEVPLTestRe_CompatTestSpeedTestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPTestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPL TestRe_DateTestRe_ECEC81_NoTestRe_ECEC81_YesTestRe_ECEESC_NoTestRe_ECEESC_YesTestRe_ECEEvalTestRe_ECERT_NoTestRe_ECERT_YesTestRe_ECERvalTestRe_EquippedToTow_NoTestRe_EquippedToTow_YesTestRe_ESC_Annex21_DirTestTestRe_ESC_Annex21_DocRefTestRe_ESC_Annex21_RollOverTestTestRe_ESC_Annex9_A_AngTestRe_ESC_Annex9_DocRefTestRe_ESC_Annex9_DocRef_SimTestRe_ESC_Annex9_Final_SDTestRe_ESC_Annex9_LatDisTestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_175SecTestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_1SecTestRe_ESC_Annex9_Yaw_PeakTestRe_ESC_App2_GTR8TestRe_ESC_ComDem_Ann21TestRe_ESC_DocRef_Appendix2TestRe_ESC_DynTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_NoTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_YesTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_NoTestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_YesTestRe_ESC_ECEAppEqu_NoTestRe_ESC_ECEAppEqu_YesTestRe_ESC_IntervAl_NoTestRe_ESC_IntervAl_YesTestRe_ESC_Malfunction_NoTestRe_ESC_Malfunction_YesTestRe_ESC_Off_NoTestRe_ESC_Off_YesTestRe_ESC_RequirementsTestRe_ESC_SimTestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumTestRe_FadeEffDecelTestRe_FadeEffForceTestRe_FadeEffSpeedTestRe_HandFootTestRe_InopAntilockDecelTestRe_InopAntilockForceTestRe_InopAntiockSpeedTestRe_LadEffDecelTestRe_LadEffForceTestRe_LadEffSpeedTestRe_LightLadEffDecelTestRe_LightLadEffForceTestRe_LightLadEffSpeedTestRe_ParkBPU_NoTestRe_ParkBPU_YesTestRe_ParkFootForceTestRe_ParkHandForceTestRe_ParkHold_NoTestRe_ParkHold_YesTestRe_Proport_NoTestRe_Proport_YesTestRe_R13_EnergyBannerMinReqTestRe_R13_EnergySouceBannerTestRe_R13_TimeEnergyTestTestRe_Recovery_Required2TestRe_ReportNumTestRe_ServiceControlTestRe_TimeEndPressVessTestRe_TimeFallTo35kPaTestRe_TimeLongLineTestRe_VarPropFailDecelTestRe_VarPropFailForceTestRe_VarPropFailSpeedTriggerWarning1Warning2Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning7Warning8 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning14 Warning15 Warning16 Warning20 Warning21 Warning22 Warning24 Warning25 Warning26 Warning29 Warning30 Warning31 Warning32 Warning33 Warning34 Warning35 Warning36 Warning38 Warning39 Warning40 Warning41 Warning42 Warning43 Warning44 Warning45 Warning46 Warning47 Warning48 Warning49 Warning50 Warning51 Warning52 Warning53 Warning54 Warning55 Warning56 Warning57 Warning58 Warning59 Warning60 Warning62 Warning63 Warning64 Warning65 Warning66 Warning67 Warning68 Warning69 Warning70 Warning71 Warning72 Warning73 Warning74 Warning75 Warning76 Warning77 Warning78 Warning79 Warning80 Warning81 Warning82 Warning83 Warning84 Warning85 Warning86 Warning87 Warning89 Warning90 Warning91 Warning92 Warning96 Warning97 Warning98 Warning100 Warning102 Warning103 Warning106 Warning107 Warning109 Warning110 Warning111 Warning112 Warning114 Warning115 Warning116 Warning117 Warning118 Warning119 Warning120 Warning121 Warning122 Warning123 Warning124 Warning125 Warning126 Warning127 Warning128 Warning129 Warning130 Warning139 Warning140 Warning141 Warning142 Warning143 Warning144 Warning145 Warning146 Warning147 Warning148 Warning149 Warning150 Warning151 Warning152 Warning153 Warning154 Warning155 Warning156 Warning157 Warning158 Warning159 Warning160 Warning161 Warning162 Warning163 Warning164 Warning165 Warning166 Warning167 Warning168 Warning169 Warning170 Warning171 Warning172 Warning173 Warning174 Warning175 Warning176 Warning177 Warning179 Warning180 Warning181 Warning182 Warning183 Warning185 Warning186 Warning187 Warning188 Warning189 Warning190 Warning191 Warning192 Warning193 Warning194 Warning195 Warning196 Warning197 Warning198 Warning199 Warning200 Warning201 Warning202 Warning203 Warning204 Warning205 Warning206 Warning207 Warning208 Warning209 Warning210 Warning211 Warning212 Warning215   bb")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNum!Data document lookup into "c\\\".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  bbb FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumDA&H4workpage#h#8 10. ESC Details   q(X "8#$ @  33CPDataEntryAdvice_6   >>>n $xx%0 <How is the compliance of the ESC system being demonstrated?   q( $H#%X$(@ Title $H#%X$( @c  33E  Warning189 h6 h6 ZM! h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g$$ ADR 35/05, Appendix 2; GTR 8  q( $!H%"X@'''/' '' F/@/ TestRe_ESC_ComDem_Ann21  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ComDem_An(n21%h% ECE 13-11, Annex 21  q(` &(x'8@'''/' '' O/@/ TestRe_ESC_Malfunction_Yes  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(n Malfunction_Y(es&(!H'8"X@'''/' '' P/@/ TestRe_ESC_Malfunction_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(n Malfunction_N(o&(#'8$(@ Title &(#'8$( @o  33Q  Warning191 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g&h'@ Yes  q( & h'@! No  q(  &h'x @  RPTestRe_ESC_Requirements  >>>~ 'x(x 8How is compliance of the ESC system being demonstrated?   q(  '(@'''/' '' p/@/ TestRe_ESC_Dyn  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(Dyn'!H("X@'''/' '' q/@/ TestRe_ESC_Sim  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(Sim'#($(@ Title '#($( @  33r  Warning192 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g'(( Practical dynamic test  q(a '(!x  Simulations  q(4 )*"`@''  a    >>> )Xx* QSE 35/05 Document reference of the actual tested vehicle (validating simulation):  q(d )#*$(@ Title )#*$( @  l  Warning193 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g#!@$"P@'''/' '' D/@/ TestRe_ESC_App2_GTR8  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(r App2_GTR8*xh1#'*+ *10a. ESC Test Results (ECE13-11, Annex 21)   q( *x+# @  33mPDataEntryAdvice_7   >>>n +x,"P@''  n    >>> +, 8Directional control test used to demonstrate compliance:  q( +",#@ Title +",# @  o  Warning194 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g,x-"P@''  s    >>> -(- 6Roll-over control test used to demonstrate compliance:  q( ,"-#@ Title ,"-# @  t  Warning195 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g.h/  AHave the tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the ESC system?   q(+ .h/x@'''/' '' u/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex21(_Yes.!8/"H@'''/' '' v/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex21(_No."/#@ Title ."/# @  33w  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g.hX/  Yes  q( .h X/ !x No  q(  0x1"P@''  x    >>> 01 FDocument reference/s demonstrating compliance to ECE R13-11, Annex 21:  q(R 0"1#@ Title 0"1# @  y  Warning198 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g/0P8 GDoes the vehicle have a ESC intervention warning telltale (Cl. 2.1.4)?   q(3 /Hh0Xx@'''/' '' V/@/ TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(r IntervAl_Yes/H!80X"H@'''/' '' W/@/ TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(t IntervAl_No/H"0X#@ Title /H"0X# @v  33X  Warning197 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g/X0P Yes  q( / X0P!x No  q(  workpaget  &  @ ` @'''!' '' ECE_TimeEnergyTest   p!@ 0! s  q2  P! P"@ Title  P! P" @   Warning7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n @ @` tTime taken for the energy in the least favoured storage device/s to rise from P2 to P1 (Annex 7, Part A, Cl. 2.4.):    h6 ,Arial ($XTime taken for the energy in the least favoured storage device/s to rise from P2 to P1 ($(Annex 7, Part A, Cl. 2.4.):  @'''!' '' ECE_TimeEnergyTest   !@ ! s  q2  ! "@ Title  ! " @   Warning7 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( nworkpageZ|kuf::  #-  @R GP!Hide_DataEntryAdvice_3505_Partial U P@@$ @' @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  UV @0 Licensee's Reference  qb` 3 3$  Sheet 2 of 6   qb8  /$'  @/  P`TestRe_LightLadEffSpeed  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_LightLadEffSp(eed  @2  PTestRe_LadEffSpeed  U_   @0  P $TestRe_LightLadEffDecel  kT kT k kT,Arial (vTestRe_LightLadEffDe(cel P  7Service brake lightly laden effectiveness test (Item 3)  qb   @3  P`TestRe_LadEffDecel  U\   #@1  PTestRe_LightLadEffForce  kn nk kT kn,Arial (vxTestRe_LightLadEffFor(xce  #@4  P $TestRe_LadEffForce  U\ p@H  P`TestRe_VarPropFailSpeed  k k kn k,Arial (vTestRe_VarPropFailSp(eedp@I  PTestRe_VarPropFailDecel  kn nk k kn,Arial (vxTestRe_VarPropFailDe(xcelp#@J  P $TestRe_VarPropFailForce  kT kT kn kT,Arial (vTestRe_VarPropFailFo(rcep`@K  P`TestRe_FadeEffSpeed  Ue p`@L  PTestRe_FadeEffDecel  Ub p`#@M  P $TestRe_FadeEffForce  Ub  @  /Service brake laden effectiveness test (Item 6)  qb  0  ALaden secondary brake test, where secondary brake is applied by;    kT ,Arial (#Laden secondary brake test, where (secondary brake is applied by; X DWhere secondary brake is not applied by the service control (Item 7)     ,Arial (*%Where secondary brake is not applied (*by the service control (Item 7)08 9Where secondary brake is applied by the service control  - -  -,Arial (*Where secondary (*brake is applied by (*the service control p 0- each system of a split service brake system  ! ! - !,Arial (- each system of a split ( service brake system  /- if fitted, failure in brake power assist unit  qb   System 1  qb)   System 2  qb) @ Laden partial failure test:  "N "N ! "N,Arial (4Laden partial failure (@test:  Inoperative antilock system  qbx  p %Variable proportioning system failure  qb ` &Service brake fade effectiveness check  qb #$` ,Maximum force applied to park brake control:  qb #$`  Hand Control  qb; #p$` or Foot Control  qbB #p$`!@'n''' ''  P`TestRe_ParkFootForce  Uh "#@P 2RPark Brake operates from "Brake Power Unit 35/..."    /  0  "@#@` Yes  qb ( ( /Average operating pressure (see defined terms).  qb )* YTime to achieve 65% of average operating pressure in the slowest reacting brake chamber.  w w "N w,Arial (JTime to achieve 65% of average operating pressure in the slowest reacting ( brake chamber.+@,p LTime to achieve 420kPa at end of a 2.5 m line after the control is operated.  qbI '(!@'q''!' ''  TestRe_AveOpPress  )@*0!@'r''!' ''  TestRe_TimeLongLine  +,p!@'s''!' '' TestRe_TimeEndPressVess   >B' @@p  Initial Speed (km/h)  }F F} w }F,Arial (\Initial Speed (h(km/h)p  Deceleration (Average) (m/s )  } } }F },Arial ( Deceleration ((Average) (m/s )p # Control Force (Max) (N)  }D }D } }D,Arial (Control Force ( (Max) (N) P  % >[Cl 7.3]  33    33 @  % >[Cl 7.6]  33    33@@ % >[Cl 7.8]  33    33` % >[Cl 7.10]  33    33"#@0 No  qb  "P#@@'k''' '' TestRe_ParkBPU_Yes  Ue "P#@@'l''' '' TestRe_ParkBPU_No  Ua  0(  2qb#$`p N  qb #!$`" N  qb )p*0` % >[Cl 7.12.5]  33    33+p,p` %[Cl]  33( !0(" kPa  qb )p!0*0"` ms  qb +!0,p"` ms  qb   @1 Title    @h    Warning31 h6 h6 }D h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g  @2 Title    @i    Warning32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n " #@3 Title  " # @j    Warning33 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n  @4 Title    @k    Warning34 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n  @5 Title    @l    Warning35 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n "P #p@6 Title  "P #p @m    Warning36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n @9  P`TestRe_2ndryNoServSpeed  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryNoServS(peed @:  PTestRe_2ndryNoServDecel  kn nk k kn,Arial (vxTestRe_2ndryNoServD(xecel #@;  P $TestRe_2ndryNoServForce  kT kT kn kT,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryNoServF(orce@<  P`TestRe_2ndryServSys1Speed  k k kT k,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryServSys(1Speed@=  PTestRe_2ndryServSys1Decel  kn nk k kn,Arial (vxTestRe_2ndryServSys(x1Decel#@>  P $TestRe_2ndryServSys1Force  kT kT kn kT,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryServSys(1Force@?  P`TestRe_2ndryServSys2Speed  k k kT k,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryServSys(2Speed@@  PTestRe_2ndryServSys2Decel  kn nk k kn,Arial (vxTestRe_2ndryServSys(x2Decel#@A  P $TestRe_2ndryServSys2Force  kT kT kn kT,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryServSys(2Force@B   P`TestRe_2ndryServBPAUSpeed  k k kT k,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryServBPA(USpeed@C  !PTestRe_2ndryServBPAUDecel  kn nk k kn,Arial (vxTestRe_2ndryServBPA(xUDecel#@D  "P $TestRe_2ndryServBPAUForce  kT kT kn kT,Arial (vTestRe_2ndryServBPA(UForce@E  #P`TestRe_InopAntiockSpeed  k k kT k,Arial (vTestRe_InopAntiockSp(eed@F  $PTestRe_InopAntilockDecel  kn nk k kn,Arial (vxTestRe_InopAntilockDe(xcel#@G  %P $TestRe_InopAntilockForce  kT kT kn kT,Arial (vTestRe_InopAntilockFo(rce @ % >[Cl 7.7]  33    33@0@7 Title @0 @}  &  Warning38 h6 h6 kT h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@0@8 Title @0 @~  '  Warning39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@"0#@9 Title @"0# @  (  Warning40 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@: Title  @  )  Warning41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@; Title  @  *  Warning42 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"#@< Title "# @  +  Warning43 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@= Title  @  ,  Warning44 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@> Title  @  -  Warning45 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"#@? Title "# @  .  Warning46 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@@ Title  @  /  Warning47 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@A Title  @  0  Warning48 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"#@B Title "# @  1  Warning49 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@C Title   @  2  Warning50 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@D Title ! @  3  Warning51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#@E Title ""# @  4  Warning52 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np@F Title #p @  5  Warning53 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np`@G Title $p` @  6  Warning57 h6 h6 Tk h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"p#@H Title %"p# @  7  Warning55 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( np@I Title &p @  8  Warning54 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np`@J Title 'p` @  9  Warning56 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( np"`#@K Title (p"`# @  :  Warning58 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n#p"$`#@L Title *#p"$`# @  <  Warning87 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n'"(#@M Title +'"(# @  = Warning7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n)@"*0#@N Title ,)@"*0# @  >  Warning89 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n+",p#@O Title -+",p# @  ?  Warning90 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"P #@@@P Title 1"P #@@ @  C Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n Hand  qb @ Foot  qb  @'7''' '' DTestRe_2ndryHand  UV @'8''' '' ETestRe_2ndryFoot  UR @0@Q Title 2@0 @  F Warning5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n   7. ADR 35/05 Test Results   qb  0  Service control  qbB     Hand/foot  qb+   @'5''' '' ITestRe_ServiceControl  Ug   @'6''' '' JTestRe_HandFoot  UQ  ` P@S Title 3 ` P @  K Warning2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n-@.P KTime to fall to 35kPa at end of a 2.5 m line after the control is released.  qb8 -`.P!@'t''!' '' LTestRe_TimeFallTo35kPa  -!0.P"` ms  qb -`".P#@T Title 4-`".P# @  M  Warning91 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gP  Service brake compatibility test  qb p 0P  First test  qb& `   Intermediate test  qbJ P   Test with an ERC of at least .45  qb @0@P  NP`TestRe_CompatFirstSpeed  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstSp(eed@0@U Title 5@0 @  O  Warning59 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@0#@R  PP`TestRe_CompatFirstERC  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstE(RC@0@Q  QP`TestRe_CompatFirstE  Uc @"0#@V Title 6@"0# @  R  Warning62 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@0@W Title 7@0 @  S  Warning60 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a0 @S  TP`TestRe_CompatIntSpeed  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatIntSpe(ed @V  UP`TestRe_CompatTestSpeed  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestSp(eed0 #@U  VP`TestRe_CompatIntERC  k k k,Arial (|TestRe_CompatIntERC #@X  WP`TestRe_CompatTestERC  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestE(RC0 @T  XP`TestRe_CompatIntE  UZ  @W  YP`TestRe_CompatTestE  Uc 0 @X Title 80  @  Z  Warning63 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a @Y Title 9  @  [  Warning66 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a0" #@Z Title :0" # @  \  Warning65 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a0 @[ Title ;0  @  ]  Warning64 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a @\ Title <  @  ^  Warning67 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a "#@] Title = "# @  _  Warning68 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@ P  First test  qb& 0  Intermediate test  qbJ    Test with an ERC of at least .45  qb @Y  rP`TestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVP  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstSp(eedVP@^ Title G @  s  Warning69 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a#@[  tP`TestRe_CompatFirstERCVP  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstE(RCVP@Z  uP`TestRe_CompatFirstEVP  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstE(VP"#@_ Title H"# @  v  Warning71 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@` Title I @  w  Warning70 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@\  xP`TestRe_CompatIntSpeedVP  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatIntSpe(edVP@_  yP`TestRe_CompatTestSpeedVP  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestSp(eedVP#@^  zP`TestRe_CompatIntERCVP  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatIntERC(VP#@a  {P`TestRe_CompatTestERCVP  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestE(RCVP@]  |P`TestRe_CompatIntEVP  Uh @`  }P`TestRe_CompatTestEVP  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestE(VP@a Title J @  ~  Warning72 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@b Title K @    Warning75 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a"#@c Title L"# @    Warning74 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@d Title M @    Warning73 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@e Title N @    Warning76 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a"#@f Title O"# @    Warning77 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a P  First test  qb&   Intermediate test  qbJ    Test with an ERC of at least .45  qb @b  P`TestRe_CompatFirstSpeedVPL  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstSp(eedVPL@g Title P @    Warning78 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a#@d  P`TestRe_CompatFirstERCVPL  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstE(RCVPL@c  P`TestRe_CompatFirstEVPL  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatFirstE(VPL"#@h Title Q"# @    Warning80 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@i Title R @    Warning79 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@e  P`TestRe_CompatIntSpeedVPL  k k h6 k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatIntSpe(edVPL@h  P`TestRe_CompatTestSpeedVPL  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestSp(eedVPL#@g  P`TestRe_CompatIntERCVPL  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatIntERC(VPL#@j  P`TestRe_CompatTestERCVPL  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestE(RCVPL@f  P`TestRe_CompatIntEVPL  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatIntEVP(L@i  P`TestRe_CompatTestEVPL  k k k,Arial (vTestRe_CompatTestE(VPL@j Title S @    Warning81 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@k Title T @    Warning84 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a"#@l Title U"# @    Warning83 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@m Title V @    Warning82 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a@n Title W @    Warning85 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a"#@o Title X"# @    Warning86 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  ({W(a`  All systems - laden  qbS P @ % >[Cl 7.13.1]  33    33p ( KWithout variable proportioning - Table 2 axle limits (if applicable) *     h6  ,Arial (*Without variable proportioning (* - Table 2 axle limits (* (if applicable) * P @ %>[Cl]  33    33 "With variable proportioning - LLTM        ,Arial (*With variable proportioning - (*LLTM  @ %>[Cl]  33    33   Y* May utilise calculated values based on the All systems - laden test, as per Cl 7.14.2       ,Arial ( Y* May utilise calculated values based on the All systems - laden test, as per Cl 7.14.2  Brake In Motion Test Results   qb !`"@ Park Brake Test [Cl 7.11]   qb &' @Service Brake Actuation Time Test (Air Brake Vehicles) [Cl 7.12]   qbl #$` %>[Cl]  33    33-.P` %[Cl]  33P % >[Cl 7.13]  33    33 $ @r  33PDataEntryAdvice_5   Un @ Is data attached instead?  qbo @ Yes  qb @ No  qb  P @@'N''' ''  TestRe_CompatData_Yes  Ut P@@'O''' ''  TestRe_CompatData_No  Up P@@s Title \P@ @   Warning8 h6 h6 Tk h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n @0 % [Cl]  33# ERC  qb  E  qb   Initial Speed  qb6 *+p CFor vehicles equipped to tow a trailer (with positive air pressure)   qbT ,-pX 3>For vehicles designed for 'Road Train' combinations    &  !`" # @  33PDataEntryAdvice_6   Un !%#'$%` U*Holds the vehicle in both directions on 18% slope at "Maximum Loaded Test Mass 35/.."  5  $@%` Yes  qb $ %!0 No  qb  $%@'o''' '' TestRe_ParkHold_Yes  Ue $!%!@'p''' '' TestRe_ParkHold_No  Ua $"%#@ Title $"%# @   Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n&@.#'&@`'`# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_7   Un $p% % [7.11.1.]  33@#'  "#' #   #' #   #' # @'@ @ #' # @@ '@ @ '@ @#'#@p'p"'   #'# #'##'#~#'#nr#'p#p '  @#'# @ ' ^b#'`#`>@B#'@#@@@>B'@@@@ > B'@ @ @. @2#'0#0 @ @"#' # @@#'#@ 0 P    ^^  h6 @#'# @ @#'# @@#'#@ @#'# @#p$`@'m''' ''  P`TestRe_ParkHandForce  k k  k,Arial (vTestRe_ParkHandForc(e `$' #6. Identification of Vehicle Tested   qb "@'.''' '' +Ident_VeclIdNum  UL  " #Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)  qb  @',''' ''  , Ident_SFRef  U8   SFVBS reference no.  qb^  @@'-''' '' -Ident_SFVeclNum  UQ   Vehicle No. from SFVBS  qbm   @@( Title 9  @ @K  ;  Warning96 h6 h6 k h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"#@) Title :"# @L  <  Warning98 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@`@* Title ;@` @M  =  Warning97 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n $ @t  33PDataEntryAdvice_4   Un P002P002PDataEntryAdvice_4   n P002 Title $h"%x# @   Warning8 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( nh#'vhz#'x#xhh#'#hh#'#h'  #' #  ''  #' #   v(z' x(x  '    #' #  x #' # xh #'#hx#'#x&h*#'(#(h '  P#'# P ' 6h:#'8#8hV Z#'X#X X"'X  X N R'X P Pf Pj#'h#h Pv Pz#'x#x P #'#  ` p    ^^t t h6 P#'# P P#'# P #'#  P#'# P')@'q''' ''  P`TestRe_ParkHandForce  k k t k,Arial (vTestRe_ParkHandForc(eP0022 P#'# P P#'# P #'#  P#'# PP002P002P002P002P0022(t n( i( nP002P@@$ @' @'   ;  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^V @0 Licensee's Reference  qb` 3 3$  Sheet 4 of 6   qb8 #@#'`@ C>9b. Antilock System Test Results (ECE R13H Annx 6; ECE R13 Annx 13)  3  B  P @`@P  ' (0A *     P @@P  ' (0A *     P` @#@@P  ' (0A *     P Initial Speed (km/h)  @ @ h6 @,Arial (VInitial Speed (b(km/h)`P#@ Control Force Max. (daN)  > > @ >,Arial (Control Force ( Max. (daN)@P@ 4RFailure of the ABS unit , Laden [Par. 4.2; Par. 4.3]   33*  333  33!"`@P  ' (0A *     !"@P  ' (0A *     !0@!@ 4RUtilization of Adhesion, Laden [Par. 5.2; Par. 5.2]   33*  333  33 p! Coefficient of Adhesion (km)  @) @) > @),Arial (TCoefficient of (P Adhesion (km) p!` Max. Braking Rate (zAL)  ) ) @) ),Arial ( Max. Braking ( Rate (zAL) p`!#@ Adhesion Utilization Rate  )> >) ) )>,Arial ( Adhesion (Utilization Rate # @w  33PDataEntryAdvice_13   ^t P` @@ Title {P` @ @'  33  Warning165 h6 h6 )> h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP@ @`@ Title |P@ @` @(  33  Warning166 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP" @#@@ Title }P" @#@ @)  33  Warning167 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g!`"@ Title ~!`" @*  33  Warning168 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g!@"`@ Title !@"` @+  33  Warning169 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gp ADoes the Antilock System comply with all applicable requirements?  qb& 0p Yes  qb  p! No  qb  Pp @@'''' '' ECE_ABSComp_Yes  ^_ !p"@'''' '' ECE_ABSComp_No  ^[ "p#@p Title Y"p# @   Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(tn(i(n#@'#@"'"""`'""`#>!#B'!#@#@"'" > B#@' @#@ @P`P` DMean Decel. (m/s )    h6 ,Arial ( Mean Decel. ((m/s )R D2qbNR#@'PP#@^!b'`!`~"'"!!`'!`!!`"#@ @P  ' (0A *      -9a. Antilock System Test Results (Appendix 1)   qb @``# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_12   ^t @#'0 From an initial speed of 40 km/h, does at least one axle in each axle group remain unlocked at any speed above 15 km/h when a control force of 685 N is applied to the control?  RR - -   -,Arial (*`From an initial speed of 40 km/h, does at least one axle in each axle group remain unlocked at (*Pany speed above 15 km/h when a control force of 685 N is applied to the control?0P Yes  qb  ! No  qb  P @@'''' '' )TestRe_ABS40_Yes  ^[ !"@'''' '' )TestRe_ABS40_No  ^W "#@ Title "# @   Warning8 h6 h6  - h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n@@  [Cl. 1.1]  33 BIn both "Lightly Loaded Test Mass" and "Maximum Loaded Test Mass":  qb9 ` From an initial speed of 80 km/h, does at least one axle in each axle group remain unlocked at any speed above 15 km/h when a control force of 685 N is applied to the control?  RR H H h6  H,Arial (.*`From an initial speed of 80 km/h, does at least one axle in each axle group remain unlocked at (:*Pany speed above 15 km/h when a control force of 685 N is applied to the control?0P Yes  qb  ! No  qb  P @@'''' '' *TestRe_ABS80_Yes  ^[ !"@'''' '' *TestRe_ABS80_No  ^W "#@ Title "# @   Warning8 h6 h6  H h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n @  [Cl. 1.1]  33@` WDoes the Antilock System meet all other applicable requirements of clauses 1.2 and 1.3?  qb @0P Yes  qb @ ! No  qb  P @@'''' '' +TestRe_ABSReq_Yes  ^b !"@'''' '' +TestRe_ABSReq_No  ^^ "#@ Title "# @   Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n 9. Antilock System Details   qb $ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_11   ^t  #$' `  AHow is the compliance of the Antilock System being demonstrated?   qb,  @! 0"@'''/' '' %/@/ TestRe_ABS_App1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ABS_(App1 0" $@ Title  0" $ @  33  Warning189 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g p 0! ADR 35/05, Appendix 1  qbh  !"@'''/' '' %/@/ TestRe_ABS_ECE13  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ABS_(~ECE13The requirements of ECE R 13-11, par. and Annex 13, are deemed to be equivalent to ADR 35/05 cl. and Appendix 1 for MD, ME, NB and NC vehicles [cl. 8.7]. P ! %ECE R 13-11, par. & Annex 13  qb   oIs the vehicle equipped with a manual device to disconnect or change the control mode of the Antilock System?   8d 8d d  8d,Arial (J^Is the vehicle equipped with a manual device to disconnect or change the control mode of the (VAntilock System? PP@ @@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Yes  d  d  8d d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(|Off_YesP!@"@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_No  d  d  d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(~Off_NoP"@$@ Title P"@$ @  33  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g0@ Yes  qb !@" No  qb  @@ 4>[ADR 35/05 cl. | ECE R 13 Annex 13 par. 4.5]  33  333  33@ vDoes the vehicle satisfy all relevant requirements with the Antilock System disconnected or the control mode changed?  V V h6 V,Arial (h$]Does the vehicle satisfy all relevant requirements with the Antilock System disconnected or (t$the control mode changed?0P @@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Reqts_Yes  d  d  V d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(n Off_Reqts_Ye(s0! "@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Reqts_No  d  d  d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(n Off_Reqts_No0" $@ Title 0" $ @  33  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g`0  Yes  qb `! " No  qb   @ %>[Cl. | Annx. 13 par. 4.5.1]  33  33$  33@ ` Is the vehicle fitted with an optical warning signal that informs the driver that the Antilock System has been disconnected or the control mode changed?  ::t t h6 t,Arial ($gIs the vehicle fitted with an optical warning signal that informs the driver that the Antilock System ($2has been disconnected or the control mode changed?P @@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Sgnl_Yes  d  d  t d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(o Off_Sgnl_Yes! "@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Sgnl_No  d  d  d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(q Off_Sgnl_No" $@ Title " $ @  33  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@0  Yes  qb @! " No  qb   `@ %>[Cl. | Annx. 13 par. 4.5.1]  33  33$  33 @ @0 uIs the Antilock System automatically reconnected/returned to the on-road mode when the specified conditions are met?    h6 ,Arial ($XIs the Antilock System automatically reconnected/returned to the on-road mode when the ($specified conditions are met? P @@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Reconnect_Yes  d  d   d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(n Off_Reconnec(t_Yes ! "@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_ABSOff_Reconnect_No  d  d  d ,Arial (q TestRe_ABS(n Off_Reconnec(t_No " $@ Title  " $ @  33  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g 0  Yes  qb  ! " No  qb    @@ %>[Cl. | Annx. 13 par. 4.5.3]  33  33$  33P UFor vehicles of category MD4, ME, NB or NC, is the vehicle equipped to tow a trailer?  qbw X wIs the vehicle fitted with an electrical connection for the Antilock System meeting Appendix 1 clauses 1.3.1 to 1.3.3?  ^  ^ Tk ^ ,Arial (p*`Is the vehicle fitted with an electrical connection for the Antilock System meeting Appendix 1 (|*clauses 1.3.1 to 1.3.3?0P Yes  qb  ! No  qb  P @@'''' ''  TestRe_ABSTowElecConn_Yes  ^ !"@'''' ''  TestRe_ABSTowElecConn_No  ^ "#@ Title "# @   Warning8 h6 h6 ^  h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n@ [Annex 1 cl. 1.1]  33`  \fDoes the vehicle also provide an electrical 'Control Signal' via an electric 'Control Line'?  ,  <  N  [  `0 P Yes  qb `  ! No  qb  0P @@'''' '' !TestRe_ABSElecSig_Yes  ^r 0! "@'''' '' !TestRe_ABSElecSig_No  m 0" #@ Title 0" # @   Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n@ QIf so, does the vehicle meet the requirements of Appendix 1 Annex 1 clause 1.1.1?  qbl 0@P Yes  qb  @! No  qb  PP@ @@'''' '' "TestRe_ABSAnx111_Yes  ^r P!@"@'''' '' "TestRe_ABSAnx111_No  ^n P"@#@ Title P"@# @   Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n0PP Yes  qb  P! No  qb  `PP @@'''' '' #TestRe_ABSTow_Yes  ^c This question asks if the vehicle model is physically equipped to tow a trailer, as opposed to only being rated to tow [Appendix 1 Annex 1].`!P"@'''' '' #TestRe_ABSTow_No  ^_ This question asks if the vehicle model is physically equipped to tow a trailer, as opposed to only being rated to tow [Appendix 1 Annex 1].`"P#@ Title `"P# @   Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n 0! "@'''/' '' %/@/ TestRe_ABS_ECE13H  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ABS_(zECE13HThe requirements of ECE R 13H, Annex 6, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of Appendix 1 for MB, MC and NA vehicles [cl. 8.6]. ` ! ECE R 13H, Annex 6  qb] !" "#@@ Title !" "#@ @,  33  Warning170 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g$ ,@$'$`%@P 10. ESC Details   qbX $%$ @  33CPDataEntryAdvice_14   ^t %' <How is the compliance of the ESC system being demonstrated?  Nz< N<z h6 Nz<,Arial (`)How is the compliance of the ESC system (lbeing demonstrated?%"&$@ Title %"&$ @c  33E  Warning189 h6 h6 Nz< h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g%`&@!0 7ADR 35/05 App. 2 Part A; UN R13-H Annx. 9 Part A; GTR 8  qb &@!`'0"P@'''/' '' F/@/ TestRe_ESC_ComDem_Ann21  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ComDem_An(n21&pp'0!( ECE 13-11, Annex 21  qb` '(@'''/' '' O/@/ TestRe_ESC_Malfunction_Yes  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(n Malfunction_Y(es'!`("P@'''/' '' P/@/ TestRe_ESC_Malfunction_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(n Malfunction_N(o'"($@ Title '"($ @o  33Q  Warning191 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g'p( Yes  qb ' p(! No  qb  '`(  @  RPTestRe_ESC_Requirements  ^~ )) 8How is compliance of the ESC system being demonstrated?   qb  ( )@'''/' '' p/@/ TestRe_ESC_Dyn  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(Dyn(!`)"P@'''/' '' q/@/ TestRe_ESC_Sim  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(Sim(")$@ Title (")$ @  33r  Warning192 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g)) Practical dynamic test  qba ))!  Simulations  qb3 **"@''  a    ^ *0* QSE 35/05 Document reference of the actual tested vehicle (validating simulation):  qbd *"*$@ Title *"*$ @  l  Warning193 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g%P!`&@"P@'''/' '' D/@/ TestRe_ESC_App2_GTR8  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(r App2_GTR8+P+# ESC section continued overpage   qb P004(r App2_GTR8+P+# ESC section continued overpage   qi P004+",# @  o  Warning194 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g-0 . " @''  s      -`. @ 6Roll-over control test used to demonstrate compliance:  qi -0". #@ Title -0". # @  t  Warning195 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g./p AHave the tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the ESC system?   qi+ .`/pP@'''/' '' u/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex21(_Yes.!0/p" @'''/' '' v/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex21(_No."/p#@ Title ."/p# @  33w  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g.@/p Yes  qi . @/p!` No  qi  0 1" @''  x      01@ FDocument reference/s demonstrating compliance to ECE R13-11, Annex 21:  qiR 0"1#@ Title 0"1# @  y  Warning198 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g/0` GDoes the vehicle have a ESC intervention warning telltale (Cl. 2.1.4)?   qi3 /`0P@'''/' '' V/@/ TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(r IntervAl_Yes/!00" @'''/' '' W/@/ TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(t IntervAl_No/"0#@ Title /"0# @v  33X  Warning197 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g/@0 Yes  qi / @0!` No  qi  P004 2Y! 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Saving data file will update the revision number to 2.1. dn  8;\ , ;\S@;\ ,;\ ;\  <;\;\ D;\;\ j B@PͫP j j PͫP PͫPdf nDp;\L H ;\ ;\h , .jz Z ;\ , 4;\S@;\T df880  ;\ hGC;\ ;\ ;\       C;\D G C  ;\  ;\;\ ;\/;\ 4;\8p j jj NAj  DIu  10j 11jjxj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCj  DIu  05j 06j 07j 08j 09j 10j 11jjjj[ECE R13 approval must be for the 10 or 11 series of amendments for vehicles of category NA.mECE R13 approval must be for the 05 to the 11 series of amendments for vehicles of category MD, ME, NB or NC.!@y  ;\5 |;\ ;\;\R j jj B@z<@Dw@ z<@Dw@jjj3ECE country code must be within the range 1 and 99."@B ;\ ,;\ ;\@  | ;\ ;\  G;\  C;\0 ;\ D    CL;\ G;\ C;\  ;\4  ;\;\\;\);\p0;\9;\=p;\B j j j %j B@ T<X  T<X xj NAj  T<X 10j 11j xj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCj  T<X 05j 06j 07j 08j 09j 10j 11j xj j d"! ;\ X;\ @ T ;\ 5\ ;\0;\;\ ;\;\ j %j xj j dR#$G  ;\T  D8;\  $;\   TB ;\ ;\ ;\ DX;\l;\G8 (;\G;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\  ;\T;\HB;\ ;\\;\"<;\2;\>(;\C;\GF j jj AAAjj j NEWjjmj LK@5@Dw ! ####jj jjmj [5@Dw ! 5@Dw ! T0j 5@Dw ! T1j #####jj jjmjjTest Facility registrations can no longer be sent with a submission. Test Facilities must be registered using a Test Facility Registration form before the evidence can be submittedTest Facility Identification number may no longer be a T followed by 4 digits. You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.@ ;\;\ ;\|  c.DS\cc.cX\c.$SMJ -!c.S\c66c.cX\c.$S 6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document ;\ ;\ D;\ ;\T ;\|?;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\ NAj j Entries Not Required drsb ;\  ;\ @ ;\ ;\   % d ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\;\ ;\;\   % x dgD ;\ P;\ @ ;\T;\ ;\D;\  ;\   T\;\B;\ H;\ ;\0  D ;\;\;\l;\G;\ ;\G0;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ T;\B;\H ;\;\p|;\-;\6h;\;;\?T;\D j j %j AAAjj j NEWj xj LK@PͫXP ####jj j j [PͫXP PͫXP T0j PͫXP T1j #####jj j xj jdb ;\ @;\ @ |;\ ;\   % db ;\ @;\ @ T;\ ;\   % d  n ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\h  j %j jdJ&| H;\ @ x;\ TC;\   CD;\  X )(ro;\ "<;\&N jj MD4j MEj NBj NCjj4j MBj MCj NAjj4jjVehicles of category MD4, ME, NB and NC with not more than four axles must be fitted with an 'Antilock System' [cl.]. If the vehicle has more than four axles please state this in a Note (Edit > Place Note).|Vehicles of category MB, MC and NA are expected to be equipped with ABS in order to meet mandatory ESC and BAS requirements.O79@ <X ;\ ;\ @;\h d;\ ;\ CX;\  D;\   ;\0;\    ,;\ ;\>;\߀ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4d;\3;\H7P;\<x j NAj %j MD4j MEj NBj NCj MBj MCj xj j NAj %j xj j dO79rsN" ;\ 8;\ @X;\ h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\X;\ ;\D;\;\ j LEGj NAj j %j j dOsJK< ;\ P;\ ;\@ D;\ ;\h8;\ ;\ NAj j Entries Not RequireddrV@ ;\ ;\( j 1-Dv Dvjf7jjjfMaximum Laden Vehicle Speed would normally be within the range 20 to 180 km/h inclusive. Please check.P@z ;\ ;\ @ ;\T tde;\h;\ ;\ j j %j jdOrP ;\ x;\ @ ;\? ;\ ;\ lP  ;\;\ j %j j dOJ7VWA  ;\ ;\@>;\| ;\>;\ ;\?;\>`;\ l ;\?;\ 0;\;\ 4;\;\ ;\%;\ .>;\ ;\\p ;\<;\A( %j xj xj xj xj j xjdrs C@ |;\ ;\>|R LEGj MBj MCjjZ5j NAjj6jeYou may not apply for a vehicle approval using an ECE approval for categories MB, MC or LEG vehicles.pFor NA vehicles, evidence for the ESC and Brake Assist Systems must be supplied in addition to the ECE approval.s@Z ;\ ;\, ;\  ;\ ;\| ;\ ;\ ;\ NCj %j jdRS xC;\@ $;\t  MBj MCj LEGjjljQYou may not submit test results to ECE R 13 for a category MB, MC or LEG vehicle.@ C;\>x;\  ;\|   P;\ R j MBj MCj NAj jjljj&Please enter vehicle GVM/maximum mass.O'@L ;\ ;\ @C|;\>h;\  ;\  @;\;\0;\;\( j MBj MCj NAj j %j j dO' C;\T @;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ (R;\;\;\R j MBj MCj NAjjjjjMB, MC and NA category vehicles must be equipped with an Electronic Stability Control system that meets the requirements of Appendix 2 [cl.].O=>@j ;\ ;\ @CΟ ;\ P;\ ;\ <;\;\T;\ ;\@;\( j MBj MCj NAj %j xj j dO=>, ;\ <;\ @CKS ?;\  T;\ ;\ @;\;\v| x;\( j MBj MCj NAj %j xj j dO=@A5 C;\ T  h;\X;\ ( j MBj MCj jj6jj)Please enter the mass of unladen vehicle.O~@ ;\ ;\ @C ;\ j  L;\;\ j MBj MCj j %j jdO~ ;\ ;\ @>;\h ;\ ;\;\;\Ґ| j j %j j dOr* ;\ \;\ ;\@C;\;\ \;\ ;\ H;\;\ ;\   ;\ ;\D $;\ X  ;\  !;\%x;\*  j MD4j MEj NBj NCj %j xj j NAj %j j d CT ;\h H;\ ;\ 4;\;\;\;\R j MBj MCj NAjjjjjMB, MC and NA category vehicles must be equipped with a Brake Assist System that meets the requirements of Appendix 2 [cl.].O@j  ;\ @C ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ Jp ;\`;\ ;\L;\( j MBj MCj NAj %j xj j dO ;\ ;\<;\ ;\T ;\ *w ;\V j Entries Not Requireddr& f7&  ;\;\;\| ;\;\;\P;\ ;\<;\  ;\0 de ;\X\;\ ;\   8;\;\;\ ;\";\ .;\3;\ 7  B+YTR ÀyZB+ TR yZ yZB+:{TR yZ  km/h.B+PTR yZB+\XTRB+bTRUTest speed exceeds the maximum laden vehicle speed by an unusual amount. Please checkNService brake lightly laden effectiveness test initial speed must be at least [Service brake lightly laden effectiveness test initial speed must not be less than 99 km/h.GP@5  ;\;\ ;\;\|;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\D;\ ;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\";\,|;\1;\ 5  BȤTTRBȤTRp yZ yZBȤ6GTR~ yZ  km/h.BȤLTR yZBȤXTRBȤ^TR5Test speed can not exceed maximum laden vehicle speedFService brake laden effectiveness test initial speed must be at least SService brake laden effectiveness test initial speed must not be less than 99 km/h.GP@lp  ;\h;\G  C  G;\ C;\ l;\ 0  ;\ ;\4;\ <;\(;\  ;\;\4;\ ;\ ;\;\4 \;\p  ;\ ;\;\ ;\ x;\;\$ d;\p;\');\-0;\;\ ;\ =G ;\ !"# C;\ $;\;\;\<;\%;\d X;\&D;\  ;\0;\';\(;\;\);\ ;\;\;\*;\ ;\,+;\@  |;\;\T h;\;\h T;\;\| @;\;\$ ,;\,;\';\)-.;\T;\/;\ ,;\0;\  ;\0;\1;\2;\;\l3;\ ;\;\;\4x;\ ;\5;\  P;\;\ <;\;\  (;\;\  ;\;\4$ ;\6;\';\\)7;\p+;\-/8;\[9t;\:;L;\<$;\ ;\$j=;\y;\L;\;\`;\ = j jj T@FlIuFjj FlIuF NAj NBj NCj -FlIuF LEGj FlIuF 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuF xjj 9FlIuFj&jj FlIuF MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj FlIuF 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuFj4j 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuF  when vehicle category is j ?0FlIuFjBjjjkService brake lightly laden effectiveness test deceleration would normally be less than or equal to 9m/s*s.{Service brake lightly laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to 3.78 when vehicle category is ]Service brake lightly laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to {Service brake lightly laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to 4.19 when vehicle category is  GPB  ;\G C4;\  G;\ C;\  (;\ 4;\D;\;\X t;\ ;\;\  L;\;\;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ ;\4 ;\  ;\\;\ p;\ ;\;\ ;\;\$ ;\;\';\);\t;\;\ ;\$8  ;\;\L;\`;\t;\;\ ;\;\l;\;\ D;\0;\  ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\(;\ ;\<;\$ ;\P;\d';\);\+;\-/ h;\[!;\"#;\$;\, ;\k%G;\T&'()*+, Cx;\ -;\;\<;\;\.;\ ;\/;\0  ;\;\D0;\X1;\l;\2;\ ;\;\t;\3;\ L;\48;\  ;\$;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4;\$ ;\H5;\\';\)67;\;\;\8p;\ ;\9;\  H;\;\:;\;;\ ;\<;\8 ;\;\L;\=;\t ;\>;\  ;\;\ ;\l;\ ;\X;\ ;\D;\$ ;\?;\ ' T;\)@ @;\+ ,;\-/A ;\[B;\ xCD E;\ $;\jF;\ y;\;\ ;\ ~F jj T@FlIuFjj FlIuF NAj NBj NCj -FlIuF LEGj FlIuF 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuFjj 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuF  when vehicle category is j 9FlIuFj .jj FlIuF MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj FlIuF 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuFj.j 6FlIuF FlIuF FlIuF B@FlIuF IFlIuF FlIuF FlIuF -FlIuF  when vehicle category is j ?0FlIuFj(.jjjcService brake laden effectiveness test deceleration would normally be less than or equal to 9m/s*s.UService brake laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to sService brake laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to 3.78 when vehicle category is UService brake laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to sService brake laden effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to 4.19 when vehicle category is P@  hD;\ ;\  ;\ ,;\;\   BKYTR bZyZBKTR. (E@yZBK(MTR.BK.TRmService brake lightly laden efficetiveness test control force would normally be greater than or equal to 40N.`Service brake lightly laden efficetiveness test control force must be less than or equal to 685.G@H,;\|;\@;\ ;\ ;\|   bZXd*RBOR@/ (E@Xd*RBRN/B RB(RmService brake lightly laden efficetiveness test contol force would normally be greater than or equal to 40 N.aService brake lightly laden efficetiveness test contol force must be less than or equal to 685 N.8 M  ,;\C|`;\ ;\ C0;\  \;\  4;\ C;\ ;\ ;\ C;\ ;\\ h;\@;\;\;\$v4]2A;\G;\Mp j j NAj LEGj @ lIu j/j NBj @ lIu j/j NCj S lIu j/j MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D lIu j0jjjLaden partial failure test initial speed, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must not be less than 69 km/h when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test initial speed, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must not be less than 49 km/h when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test initial speed, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must not be less than 39 km/h when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test initial speed, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must not be less than 59 km/h when vehicle category is GV@ cTH  ,;\C|`;\ ;\ ;\C} ;\ ;\  D;\ C;\ ;\ ;\ C8;\ ;\\ ;\;\x;\<;\ ;\(;\+;\9;\H;\8N;\T j j NAj LEGj  lIu j0j NBj : lIu j0j NCj w@ lIu j0j MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj lIu j0j T@ lIu j0jjjLaden partial failure test deceleration, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must be greater than or equal to 2.00 when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test deceleration, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must be greater than or equal to 1.85 when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test deceleration, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must be greater than or equal to 1.80 when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test deceleration, with variable proportioning brake system failure, must be greater than or equal to 2.10 when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test deceleration, with variable proportioning brake system failure, would normally be less than or equal to 9 m/s*s.GV@  ,;\;\h  X;\ ;\0;\    (E@yZB,GTRT1 bZyZB,G$XTRb1B,G*TRB,G2TRnLaden partial failure test control force, with inoperative antilock system, must be less than or equal to 685.{Laden partial failure test control force, with inoperative antilock system, would normally be greater than or equal to 40N.GV@ LK C;\h ;\ C$;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ C;\l ;\ ;\;\ C;\ ;\H |;\T;\,;\;\$;\2;\A;\GKp j j NAj LEGj @ lIu jj NBj @ lIu jj NCj S lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D lIu j*jjjoService brake fade effectiveness test initial speed must be within the range 69 to 75 when vehicle category is oService brake fade effectiveness test initial speed must be within the range 49 to 55 when vehicle category is oService brake fade effectiveness test initial speed must be within the range 39 to 45 when vehicle category is oService brake fade effectiveness test initial speed must be within the range 59 to 65 when vehicle category is G@ S>  ;\C;\h ;\ ;\C;\ ;\ ;\  <;\   C;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ p;\ ;\H;\p;\;\;\ ;\;\,;\:;\I;\O;\8S j j NAj LEGj +U lIu jj NCj %p lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj . lIu jĄj NBj (!p lIu j҄j .j T@ lIu jjjjqService brake fade effectiveness test deceleraion must be greater than or equal to 2.84 when vehicle category is qService brake fade effectiveness test deceleraion must be greater than or equal to 2.47 when vehicle category is qService brake fade effectiveness test deceleraion must be greater than or equal to 3.02 when vehicle category is rService brake fade effectiveness test deceleration must be greater than or equal to 2.63 when vehicle category is bService brake fade effectiveness test deceleraion would normally be less than or equal to 9 m/s*s.G@ ;\T;\   ;\8;\    (E@yZB8A~TR^ bZyZB8A TRlB8A&TRB8A.TRVService brake fade effectiveness test control force must be less than or equal to 685.cService brake fade effectiveness test control force would normally be greater than or equal to 40N.G@$h , D;\ @ h@;\;\ ;\0;\  t;\ D;\;\X;\$  BhKTR  (E@yZBhK*TR yZBhK6TRBhK< TRXMaximum force applied to park brake control by hand must be less than or equal to 685 N.WMaximum force applied to park brake control by foot would normally be greater than 0 N. r @" , d;\ @  | ;\0;\ ;\;\;\R j jj #Fn@ve ;n@vejһjjMAverage operating pressure must be within the range 600 to 800 kPa inclusive. rG @, , H;\ @ ;\ ;\  l;\;\ X;\|  jj 1-n@vejPj #Fn@vej^jjsTime to achieve 65% of average operating pressure in longest line would normally be greater than or equal to 20 ms.gTime to achieve 65% of average operating pressure in longest line must be less than or equal to 600 ms.r @, ;\ ;\, ;\TP;\ ;\ 4;\4;\|  B;TR 1-yZB;TRܼ ׄyZB;*TRB;0TRbTime to achieve 420kPa at end of pressure vessel would normally be greater than or equal to 20 ms.VTime to achieve 420kPa at end of pressure vessel must be less than or equal to 400 ms. rJ@- ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\L;\ ;\8;\;\l;\;\ D;\;\0 ;\  l  ;\;\;\;\";\&;\-    % À4A~P % 4A~P 4A~P x  4A~P x dGP&@   l;\ T  ;\ d;\G;\C(;\  GzL CP;\ ;\D ;\ l;\(;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\4 t;\;\H`;\;\p ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\l;\ ;\X;\ ;\D;\$ ;\;\';\);\$,;\;\`;\7G;\  C@;\ !;\;\;\;\(";\ ;\P#;\d  ;\;\x$;\%;\x;\&;\ P;\;\<;\';\ ;\(;\  ;\,;\ ;\@;\ ;\T;\ ;\h;\$ ;\|);\';\)*+;\,,L;\-.;\$;\6/;\D<(;\0;\/ j j T@ T0 %j  T0 NAj NBj NCj - T0 LEGj  T0 6 T0  T0  T0 B@ T0 I T0  T0  T0 - T0 xj j 9 T0 xj j  T0 MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T0 6 T0  T0  T0 B@ T0 I T0  T0  T0 - T0 xj j ?0 T0 xj j j dGPN  ;\ @ ;\;\| ;\ ;\;\l;\;\X;\(   bZ4A~LP % (E@4A~LP x dG+ ;\ ;\ L;\ T ;\ ;\L;\L;\8;\;\ ;\;\  ;\X  ;\;\;\;\ ;\$;\+    % x 4A~P 4A~P x  4A~P x dGPZJ ;\ 0;\ ;\ T ;\0;\G;\ C;\  G;\ C ;\D 8;\ ;\lz ;\    ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\4 ;\;\H;\;\p `;\L;\  ;\8;\ ;\$;\ ;\;\ ;\;\$ ;\;\';\);\$,h;\;\`;\7G;\ ! Cl;\ ";\;\0;\;\(#;\ ;\P$;\d  ;\;\x%;\&;\;\';\ |;\;\h;\(;\ @;\),;\  ;\,;\ ;\@;\ ;\T;\ ;\h;\$ ;\|*;\';\)+,;\,-x;\./;\P;\60<;\D;\(;\;\0;\;\D0 j j %j T@ T0 %j  T0 NAj NBj NCj - T0 LEGj  T0 6 T0  T0  T0 B@ T0 I T0  T0  T0 - T0 xj j 9 T0 xj j  T0 MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T0 6 T0  T0  T0 B@ T0 I T0  T0  T0 - T0 xj j ?0 T0 xj j j dGPn ;\ ;\ @ h;\|  ;\;\;\;\R j j bZ T<X %j (E@ T<X xj j jdG M  , ;\C ;\ ;\ Cp;\ ;\0 H;\   ;\ C;\;\ ;\;\ C;\  ;\;\;\;\$;\2;\B;\G;\Mp j jj NAj LEGj @ lIu jj NBj @ lIu jj NCj S lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D lIu jjjLaden secondary brake test, where brake is not applied by the service control initial test speed must not be less than 69 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test, where brake is not applied by the service control initial test speed must not be less than 49 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test, where brake is not applied by the service control initial test speed must not be less than 39 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test, where brake is not applied by the service control initial test speed must not be less than 59 km/h when vehicle category is GJ@ \  , T;\;\|C;\  ;\    0 C;\ $;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\H\ CP;\  0;\ ;\!;\";\;\`(;\8;\tI;\Q;\V;\\" j jj T@ lIu jRj NAj LEGj  lIu j`j .j NBj : lIu jnj .j NCj w@ lIu j|j .j MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj lIu jj .jjLaden secondary brake test deceleration, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control, would normally be less than or equal to 9m/s*s.Laden secondary brake test deceleration, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control, must be greater than or equal to 2.00 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control, must be greater than or equal to 1.85 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control, must be greater than or equal to 1.80 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control, must be greater than or equal to 2.10 when vehicle category is GJ@|'  , 0;\    ;\   ;\X ;\;\l;\!;\'$   Bn"mTR #*yZBn" TR (E@yZBn"0TR$ bZyZBn"<TR2Bn"B'TRLaden secondary brake test control force, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control and is a hand type brake, must be less than or equal to 590.Laden secondary brake test control force, where secondary brake is not applied by the service control and is a foot type brake, must be less than or equal to 685.XLaden secondary brake test control force would normally be greater than or equal to 40N. GJDE@ M ;\ ,  ;\C;\ ;\ ;\ Cp;\ 0 ;\  4;\ C;\;\ ;\;\ C;\ ;\p ;\\;\4;\;\$ ;\2;\B ;\GF,Mp j jj NAj LEGj @ lIu jj NBj @ lIu jj NCj S lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D lIu jjjLaden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 1 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 69 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 1 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 49 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 1 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 39 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 1 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 59 km/h when vehicle category is GI@ 0TH  , ;\;\|C;\  ;\    C;\ l ;\|;\C;\D;\ ;\;\  C ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\$;\2;\$A;\I;\8Nl;\T j jj T@ lIu jxj NAj LEGj  lIu jj NBj : lIu jj NCj w@ lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj lIu jjjLaden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 1 of a split service system, would normally be less than or equal to 9m/s*s.Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 1 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 2.00 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 1 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 1.85 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 1 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 1.80 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 1 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 2.10 when vehicle category is GI@  , x;\;\|  ;\ 0;\;\;\   BB uTR (E@yZBB TR< bZyZBB (rTRJBB .TRtLaden secondary brake test control force, for system 1 of a split service system, must be less than or equal to 685.Laden secondary brake test control force, for system 1 of a split service system, would normally be greater than or equal to 40N.GI@ M  , 4;\C;\;\ ;\ ;\ C\;\ ;\0 4;\   ;\ C ;\;\ C;\ ;\p `;\8;\;\;\$;\2;\B;\G;\Mp j jj NAj LEGj @ lIu j֬j NBj @ lIu jj NCj S lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D lIu jjjLaden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 2 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 69 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 2 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 49 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 2 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 39 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, for system 2 of a split service brake system, must not be less than 59 km/h when vehicle category is GI@ /TH  , ;\C;\8;\ ;\ =  C ;\ -\   d;\ C;\x;\ ;\;\ C$;\ ;\p ;\;\;\p;\ ;\\;\+;\$9H;\I;\8N4;\T j jj NAj LEGj  lIu jj NBj : lIu jj NCj w@ lIu jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj lIu jj T@ lIu jĭjjLaden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 2 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 2.00 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 2 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 1.85 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 2 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 1.80 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 2 of a split service system, must be greater than or equal to 2.10 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, for system 2 of a split service system, would normally be less than or equal to 9m/s*sGI@  , x;\;\|  ;\ 0;\;\;\   B uTR (E@yZB TRP bZyZB (rTR^B .TRtLaden secondary brake test control force, for system 2 of a split service system, must be less than or equal to 685.Laden secondary brake test control force, for system 2 of a split service system, would normally be greater than or equal to 40N.GI@ &Q*  ;\?;\T  C;\ ;\  ;\ C;\ T d  ;\C;\;\ ;\;\  C,;\ ;\ ;\;\;\$;\2;\B;\G;\$Q HPAj j jj NAj LEGj @0Du0jj NBj @0Du0j8j NCj S0Du0jj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D0Du0jjjLaden secondary brake test initial speed, with failure in brake power assist unit, must not be less than 69 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, with failure in brake power assist unit, must not be less than 49 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, with failure in brake power assist unit, must not be less than 39 km/h when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test initial speed, with failure in brake power assist unit, must not be less than 59 km/h when vehicle category is  GI @ BQ*  ?;\T  C;\ ;\  ;\ C@;\ X h;\  ;\C;\@;\ ;\;\  CH;\ ;\  ;\;\;\;\$;\2;\B;\G;\$Q HPAj j jj NAj LEGj 0Du0j j NBj :0Du0j j NCj w@0Du0j j MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj 0Du0j jjLaden secondary brake test deceleration, with failure in brake power assist unit, must be greater than or equal to 2.00 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, with failure in brake power assist unit, must be greater than or equal to 1.85 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, with failure in brake power assist unit, must be greater than or equal to 1.80 when vehicle category is Laden secondary brake test deceleration, with failure in brake power assist unit, must be greater than or equal to 2.10 when vehicle category is  GI!@5 @  ?;\T  ;\   ;\ @;\;\0,;\   HPAj j jj (E@0Du0j j bZ0Du0j jjuLaden secondary brake test control force, with failure in brake power assist unit, must be less than or equal to 685.Laden secondary brake test control force, with failure in brake power assist unit, would normally be greater than or equal to 40N.GI"@ M  , ;\C;\8;\ ;\  C ;\     ;\ C;\ ;\;\ C;\ ;\p |;\T;\,;\;\$;\2;\B;\G;\Mp j jj NAj LEGj @ lIu jF j NBj @ lIu jT j NCj S lIu jb j MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D lIu jp jjLaden partial failure test initial speed, with inoperative antilock system, must not be less than 69 km/h when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test initial speed, with inoperative antilock system, must not be less than 49 km/h when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test initial speed, with inoperative antilock system, must not be less than 39 km/h when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test initial speed, with inoperative antilock system, must not be less than 59 km/h when vehicle category is G7#@ LN   , 0;\;\h \;\C;\  C p;\ ;\D    C;\;\ `;\8;\ C;\\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\$;\3;\?;\H;\Np j j T@ lIu j NAj LEGj  lIu j NBj : lIu j j NCj w@ lIu j j MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj lIu jjjLaden partial failure test deceleration, with inoperative antilock system, must be greater than or equal to 1.85 when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test deceleration, with inoperative antilock system, must be greater than or equal to 1.80 when vehicle category is Laden partial failure test deceleration, with inoperative antilock system, must be greater than or equal to 2.10 when vehicle category is G7$@  , ;\;\h \;\;\ `;\;\R   bZyZB TR (E@yZB $TRB *_TRnLaden partial failure test control force, with inoperative antilock system, must be less than or equal to 685.G7%@r@  ;\ ;\@ ;\T C;\;\ h;\ C{4  ;\0  C;\ ;\ ;\  C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\H;\%\0;\5;\p;;\@ j j %j NAj LEGj @ T<X xj NBj @ T<X xj NCj S T<X xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T<X xj j dGJE ;\  ;\ @ T tC;\ \;\   C;\0 ;\ ;\X  CH;\;\ ;\ C;\ ;\ ;\H;\;\p;\%;\0;\5;\:;\@;\E j j %j T@ T0 %j NAj LEGj  T0 xj NBj : T0 xj NCj w@ T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj T0 xj j dGJ<$h ;\ l;\ @ T t ;\ ;\  0;\ ;\D;\;\X;\$    % #*4A~P x (E@4A~P x bZ4A~P %  dGJDEr@ ;\ H;\ @ T tC{ C;\ ;\ ;\0  C;\ ;\ ;\  C;\ l;\ ;\ D;\;\H0;\%;\\0;\5;\p;;\@ j j %j NAj LEGj @ T<X xj NBj @ T<X xj NCj S T<X xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T<X xj j dGIE ;\  ;\ @ T tC;\ \;\   C0  ;\X  Cl;\;\ D;\ C;\  ;\H4;\;\p ;\%;\0 ;\5;\:;\@;\E j j %j T@ T0 %j NAj LEGj  T0 xj NBj : T0 xj NCj w@ T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj T0 xj j dGI ;\ ;\ @ T tP;\L;\;\P;\ ;\<;\;\R   % (E@4A~P x bZ4A~P % dGIr@ ;\ ;\ @ T tC{ C;\ ;\ ;\0  CD;\ ;\ ;\  C ;\ ;\ ;\HD;\%;\\00;\5;\p;;\@ j j %j NAj LEGj @ T0 xj NBj @ T0 xj NCj S T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T0 xj j dGIE ;\  ;\ @ T tC| C;\ ;\ ;\0  C;\ ;\ ;\  C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\H;\;\p;\ ;\*p;\5;\:\;\@;\E j j %j NAj LEGj  T0 xj NBj : T0 xj NCj w@ T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj T0 xj T@ T0 %j j dGI ;\ ;\ @ T tP;\L;\;\0;\ ;\;\;\R   % (E@4A~N-P x bZ4A~N-P % dGID ;\ ;\ @ ;\?|  C ;\  C;\0 ,;\ ;\X  C;\ ;\ ;\ C;\ <;\ ;\H;\%;\0;\5;\? ;\D HPAj j j %j NAj LEGj @ T0 xj NBj @ T0 xj NCj S T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T0 xj j dGI D ;\ ;\ @ D;\?|  C;\ ;\  C;\0 |;\ ;\X  C@;\ ;\ ;\ C (;\ ;\Ht;\p;\%;\0l;\5;\?X;\D HPAj j j %j NAj LEGj  T0 xj NBj : T0 xj NCj w@ T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj T0 xj j dGI!6 ;\  ;\ @ ;\?;\|  H;\;\l;\ <;\ ;\(;\;\0|  HPAj j j %j (E@ T0 xj bZ T0 %j j dGI"r@ ;\ \;\ @ T tC{ C ;\ ;\0  C;\ ;\ X;\  C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\H;\%;\\0|;\5;\p;h;\@ j j %j NAj LEGj @ T<X xj NBj @ T<X xj NCj S T<X xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T<X xj j dG7#D ;\ p;\ @ T t ;\C;\ H;\  C;\0  ;\X  C@{ ;\ ;\ C;\ <;\ ;\H;\}|6%;\0,;\9;\?;\D j j T@ T0 %j NAj LEGj  T0 xj NBj : T0 xj NCj w@ T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj T0 xj j dG7$R ;\ L;\ @ T t X;\;\;\;\;\;\(   bZ4A~-P % (E@4A~-P x dG7%r@ ;\ ;\ @ T tCbd| C;\ ;\ ;\0  C;\ ;\ |;\  C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\H;\%;\\0;\5;\p;;\@ j j %j NAj LEGj @ T0 xj NBj @ T0 xj NCj S T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T0 xj j dGVB ;\ ;\ @ $;\C;\ $;\ C;\ ;\      C|;\ ;\ T;\ ;\ x;\P;\;\H(;\;\\;\);\p4;\9;\=;\B j j %j NAj LEGj +U T0 xj NCj %p T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj . T0 xj NBj (!p T0 xj T@ T0 %j jdG ;\ l;\ @ T t6<;\;\d;\ ;\P;\;\R   % (E@4A~:P x bZ4A~:P % dGVE ;\ ;\ @ T L;\CT;\ ;\ C  ;\ l>x  C;\ ;\ ;\  C;\ $;\ ;\ ;\H;\;\p;\ ;\*;\5;\:;\@;\E j j %j NAj LEGj  T0 xj NBj : T0 xj NCj w@ T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj T0 xj T@ T0 %j j dGVZ>l ;\ ;\ @ ;\C;\ $;\ C;\ ;\ ;\  C(;\ ;\l ;\  C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\4;\%;\H0p;\5;\\9\;\> j j %j NAj LEGj @ T0 xj NBj @ T0 xj NCj S T0 xj MBj MCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj D T0 xj jdGn ;\ ;\ @ d;\H;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\LdR   % (E@4A~6BP x bZ4A~6BP % dG80 ;\ ;\ ;\@t;\ ;\h R N_UP   @;\ X;\ ;\  ;\D l ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ 3t;\8x j HPUj Nj Vj HPAj j j %j j #*PͫXP xj j (E@PͫXP xj j d  &  ;\ ;\@ ;\ @;\;\;\ ;\K( j j %j #FPͫXP ;PͫXP xj jd n ;\ ;\ @ ;\K;\;\t;\ ;\`;\;\R j j %j 1-PͫXP %j #FPͫXP xj jd  ;\ <;\ @ T ;\D;\h;\;\0;\ ;\;\;\R j j %j 1-PͫXP %j ׄPͫXP xj jdJ ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\h  ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\DK j HPUj %j j dr ;\ ;\ @;\T (;\ ;\| ;\;\ |;\ ;\h;\  %  dGJEDZ ;\ T;\ @p;\ ;\h ;\ 7YTP;\ ;\ <;\  % dGJI|, ;\ ;\, ;\T;\ $;\ ;\;\htl(|  jj 1-+@v)jj &6+@v)jjjTTime to fall to 35kPa at end of the 2.5 m line would normally be greater than 20 ms.NTime to fall to 35kPa at end of the 2.5 m line may not be greater than 650 ms. rRL@ ;\ 0;\ ` ;\T tg;\;\;\X;\ ;\D;\;\R j j %j 1-PͫXP %j &6PͫXP xj jdRLt  ,(;\;\h X;\(   DyZBNcTRœBNcTRBNc$;TRTService brake compatibility first test initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h.GJN@R ;\ ;\ @ T t d;\;\ d;\;\(   % D4A~!P  x dGJN ue  ,;\|;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\D X;\  ;\l     ;\ `;\L;\;\  ;\ m<;\H(;\;\p ;\;\ ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\t;\`;\;\$8;\ ;\L;\` ;\m<  dn;\;\+d;\H;\Y<;\_;\ep   5yZ B$TRz 5yZ `yZ YyZ yZ BTTR YyZ yZ `yZ W0yZ `yZ yZ BTR W0yZ `yZ yZBTRBTRIService brake compatibility first test ERC must be less than or equal to LService brake compatibility first test ERC must be greater than or equal to LService brake compatibility first test ERC must be greater than or equal to GJPQ@  ,;\\;\ |;\ ;\;\R   yZ yZBTRB"TRB(5TRQService brake compatibility first test E must be within the range 0.063 to 0.310.GJQ@TH ;\ ;\ @ T t;\;\;\ h;\ ;\ @;\ ;\;\ ;\X ;\ ;\;\  ;\  ;\ `;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\Q;\;\4;\ ;\\;\p ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\;\ d;\;\ <;\;\;\5;\$D;\I;\8O;\Tt   % 54A~5P   x `4A~5P Y4A~5P 4A~5P   x `4A~5P W04A~5P `4A~5P 4A~5P   x  dGJPQ ;\ ;\ @ T t;\ ;\7  ;\;\;\R   % 4A~fP 4A~fP  x dGJQ{  ,D;\;\h ;\;\(   DyZBTRԖBTRB$>TR[Service brake compatibility intermediate test initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h.GJT@  ,;\;\h;\ ;\(   DyZBަTR`Bަ(TRBަ$GTRbService brake compatibility test with an ERC of 0.45 initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h.GJU@ av  , ;\;\h|;\ ;\   ;\ (;\;\0 7   l;\ ;\ ;\D;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\H;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\8;\ ;\L|;\ ;\tT;\@;\;\;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\;\;\( ;\P-x;\N;\dcd;\j!;\p<;\vl!   yZB޴TR8 5yZ B޴0MTRF 5yZ . `yZ YyZ yZ B޴hWTRT YyZ yZ . `yZ W0yZ `yZ yZ B޴yTRb W0yZ `yZ yZ .B޴ TRB޴9TRBService brake compatibility third test ERC must be less than 0.45.IService brake compatibility third test ERC must be less than or equal to LService brake compatibility third test ERC must be greater than or equal to LService brake compatibility third test ERC must be greater than or equal to GJVX@L , 8~  ,;\;\h;\ ;\;\(   yZB1TRB1"TRB1$ATR^Service brake compatibility test with an ERC of 0.45 ERC must be greater than or equal to 0.45GJW@Z  ,P;\;\h <;\;\(   %yZB TRB TRB $ TR:Service brake compatibility test E must be less than 0.927GJX@19:  ,;\p;\;\h\;\;\ 4;\<;\  ;\   ;\`;\ ;\0 7TPX;\ ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\   ;\;\ ;\ -;\3;\49x   W0yZ "0yZ `yZ B8TR" W0yZ "0yZ `yZ  .BfTRBlTR0Service brake compatibility test with an ERC of ! E must be less than or equal to GJYW@R ;\ ;\ @ T h;\h;\;\ @;\ ;\;\;\(   % D4A~%P  x dGJT ;\ l;\ @ T 7;\ ;\   % D4A~-P x dGJU] ;\ ;\ @ T t;\;\ `;\;\;\  ;\D ;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\  p;\ ;\ H;\;\  ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\8 ;\;\`;\5;\tD;\M;\R;\X;\]   %  4A~5P x 54A~5P   x `4A~5P Y4A~5P 4A~5P   x `4A~5P W04A~5P `4A~5P 4A~5P   x  dGJVXR ;\ ;\ @ T tD;\;\ ;\8 ;\8 (   % %4A~%P  x dGJX, ;\ L;\ h;\ T ;\h ;\d;\;\;\ ;\  ;\;\  ;\;\;\D ;\;\l h;\  ;\@;\;\%,;\,    % W04A~/P "04A~/P `4A~/P   x  dGJYWR ;\ ;\ @ T tx;\;\ P;\;\ (;\;\;\(   % 4A~WP  x dGJWf  ;\, ;\@ ;\T T7 h;\;\ ;\   DyZB"TRHB(ETRTService brake compatibility first test initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h. GJWr@ ;\ ;\ @ T I  ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ j j DPͫXP xj j dGJWr k.  , @ ;\h 38 ;\ ;\D;\X ;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\  X;\ ;\ 0;\;\  6T8\;\4  ;\\;\p;\D;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\$ ;\;\` ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\  ;\;\;\+ p;\H;\Y H;\_;\(k    5yZ B0TR> 5yZ `yZ YyZ yZ B`1TR YyZ yZ `yZ W0yZ `yZ yZ BcTR W0yZ `yZ yZB TRB+TRIService brake compatibility first test ERC must be less than or equal to LService brake compatibility first test ERC must be greater than or equal to LService brake compatibility first test ERC must be greater than or equal to  GJWrtu@"  , @ ;\h x;\4;\ ;\;\  ;\|     yZ yZB(TRdB.gTRB4TRQService brake compatibility first test E must be within the range 0.063 to 0.310. GJWru@TZ ;\ ;\ @ T hl;\ ;\  D;\;\7;\ ;\ 0 ;\  ;\;\ ;\ p;\ \;\;\  H;\  ;\ ;\ 8VL ;\l;\;\p;\ ;\;\ ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\;\ |;\;\$ T;\;\L,;\5;\`D;\I;\tU;\Z    % 54A~,P   x `4A~,P Y4A~,P 4A~,P   x `4A~,P W04A~,P `4A~,P 4A~,P   x dGJWrtu"T ;\ ;\ 8h ;\T 8h@;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\;\D;\"|     % 4A~@P 4A~@P  x  dGJWru  , @ ;\h ;\;\ ;\;\R    DyZB@$TRB@*bTRB@0TR[Service brake compatibility intermediate test initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h. GJWrx@  , @ ;\h d;\;\ n;\R    DyZB$TRB*kTRB0TRbService brake compatibility test with an ERC of 0.45 initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h. GJWry@ |  , @ ;\h p;\;\;\;\x;\ ;\    ;\X ;\;\l ;\   82;\0;\ ;\;\@8  (  ;\4T;\;\\,;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\;\8 d;\P;\ ;\`<;\  ;\t(;\ ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ ;\;\( t;\;\<  `;\;\P ;\d!;\-;\N8vcj";\p|;\|"    yZB$TR. 5yZ B<TR< 5yZ . `yZ YyZ yZ BtTRJ YyZ yZ . `yZ W0yZ `yZ yZ BTRX W0yZ `yZ yZ .BTRBTRBService brake compatibility third test ERC must be less than 0.45.IService brake compatibility third test ERC must be less than or equal to LService brake compatibility third test ERC must be greater than or equal to LService brake compatibility third test ERC must be greater than or equal to  GJWrz|@L , 8  , @ ;\h H;\;\;\ 4;\;\R    yZB$TRB*dTRB0TR^Service brake compatibility test with an ERC of 0.45 ERC must be greater than or equal to 0.45 GJWr{@  , @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\R    %yZBV$TRRBV*=TRBV0\TR:Service brake compatibility test E must be less than 0.927 GJWr|@?v  , @ ;\h  ;\ ;\8v;\ ;\;\  ;\;\  ;\ ;\D ;\l ;\X;\x;\ ;\ P;\ <;\  ;\ ;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\H-;\3;\p?    W0yZ "0yZ `yZ BD'TR W0yZ "0yZ `yZ  .BrTRBxTR0Service brake compatibility test with an ERC of ! E must be less than or equal to  GJWr}{@n ;\ ;\ @ T h ;\  D;\;\;\ ;\;\(    % D4A~2P x  dGJWrxn ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\  x;\P;\;\(;\ ;\;\( j j j %j DPͫXP xj j dGJWry,c ;\ P;\ @ ;\T 8,d;\ ;\  <;\ ;\;\0p;\ ;\X H;\  ;\  ;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\  ;\ ;\4 l;\;\\ ;\;\;\;\d;\ ;\;\ <;\;\  (;\;\$ ;\ 8;\;\t ;\;\;\5;\D;\M;\R;\^;\c    %  4A~&P x 54A~&P   x `4A~&P Y4A~&P 4A~&P   x `4A~&P W04A~&P `4A~&P 4A~&P   x dGJWrz| @ ;\ X;\ @ T h;\  ;\8;\;\ \;\ ;\0H;\ R    % %4A~1P  x  dGJWr|2 ;\ h;\  ;\ T ;\h ;\| ;\  ;\4;\;\$;\ ;\8  <;\  ;\X;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  <;\;\+(;\2     % W04A~P "04A~P `4A~P   x dGJWr}{ @ ;\ ;\ @ T h`;\ ;\  8;\;\ 8;\ ;\;\0t;\ R    % 4A~RP  x  dGJWr{  , @ T ;\;\ ;\(   DyZB TRrB&XTRB,wTRTService brake compatibility first test initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h. GJV@0 ;\ ;\ @ ;\T h 7$  p;\$;\7 ;\;\   % D4A~EP x  dGJV i  , @ T ;\P;\ ;\ ;\;X;\0;\D ;\ l ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\   ;\;\;\  ;\H;\\;\p0;\;\ ;;\ ;\;  h;\ ;\@;\ ;\;\TL;\ ;\t;\ \;\;\  H;\;\;\+ ;\H;\Y;\_;\ip   5yZ B,TRs 5yZ `yZ YyZ yZ B\1TRs YyZ yZ `yZ W0yZ `yZ yZ BhTRs W0yZ `yZ yZBTRB1TRIService brake compatibility first test ERC must be less than or equal to LService brake compatibility first test ERC must be greater than or equal to LService brake compatibility first test ERC must be greater than or equal to  GJV@  , @ T ;\ ;\ H;\;\R   yZ yZBX$TRpBX*`TRBX0TRQService brake compatibility first test E must be within the range 0.063 to 0.310. GJV@Xp ;\ ;\ @ T h ;\|  ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ p;\;\  \;\  ;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\ <;\(;\;\;\\;\ ;\ L;\;\  8;\;\ $;\ h;\;\ @;\;\8;\5;\LD;\I;\`S;\Xt   % 54A~)P   x `4A~)P Y4A~)P 4A~)P   x `4A~)P W04A~)P `4A~)P 4A~)P   x dGJV @ ;\ 0;\ @ T h ;\|  H;\;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\ ;\;\0;\ R   % 4A~P 4A~P  x  dGJV  , @ T ;\;\  ;\;\(   DyZBJ[ TRuBJ[&[TRBJ[,zTR[Service brake compatibility intermediate test initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h. GJV@  , @ T ;\;\ JU(   DyZBZ TRXvBZ&dTRBZ,TRbService brake compatibility test with an ERC of 0.45 initial speed must not be lower than 59 km/h. GJV@ z  , @ T ;\X;\;\0;\ ;\  8 ;\D L;\;\X ;\l   ;\  ;\;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\H\;\ ;\p;\ 4;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\;\$ ;\;\ ;\L;\  ;\`;\ ;\t`;\ ;\8;\$;\;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\(  ;\;\<P ;\x-;\N;\c;\j!;\p;\zl!   yZBb\ TRv 5yZ Bb\8TRv 5yZ . `yZ YyZ yZ Bb\pTRw YyZ yZ . `yZ W0yZ `yZ yZ Bb\TRw W0yZ `yZ yZ .Bb\TRBb\TRBService brake compatibility third test ERC must be less than 0.45.IService brake compatibility third test ERC must be less than or equal to LService brake compatibility third test ERC must be greater than or equal to LService brake compatibility third test ERC must be greater than or equal to  GJV@L , 8  , @ T ;\8 ;\;\(   yZBB] TRwBB]&\TRBB],{TR^Service brake compatibility test with an ERC of 0.45 ERC must be greater than or equal to 0.45 GJV@  , @ T ;\;\  ;\;\(   %yZBZ TRtBZ&6TRBZ,UTR:Service brake compatibility test E must be less than 0.927 GJV@a=b  , @ T @;\;\,;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  ;\4;\ ;\0;R ;\l;\;\;\  D;\ 0;\  ;\ ;\  ;\;\  ;\4-;\3;\\=x   W0yZ "0yZ `yZ B@"TRF(T( W0yZ "0yZ `yZ  .BnTRBtTR0Service brake compatibility test with an ERC of ! E must be less than or equal to  GJV@0 ;\  ;\ @ T h  @;\;\ ;\$;\   % D4A~P x  dGJV0 ;\ ;\ @ T h ;\|   ;\4;\;\ ;\;\   % D4A~-P x  dGJVa ;\ ;\ @ T h ;\|  ;\;\ ;\;\;\D p;\  ;\l H;\    ;\  p;\ \;\;\  H;\ ;\   ;\;\H ;\;\;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ X;\;\  D;\;\ 0;\;\8 ;\;\` ;\;\;\5;\D;\M;\R;\\;\a   %  4A~P x 54A~P   x `4A~P Y4A~P 4A~P   x `4A~P W04A~P `4A~P 4A~P   x dGJV, ;\  ;\ @ T h  H;\ ;\3T ;\ ;\;\;\(   % %4A~+P  x  dGJV0 d;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\| ;\  ;\;\h;\;\@;\ ;\;\  ;\TG  D;\;\l ;\;\ d;\  ;\<;\;\)(;\0    % W04A~P "04A~P `4A~P   x dGJV, ;\ ;\ @ T h  ;\ ;\ |;\;\h;\(   % 4A~/P  x  dGJV Z ;\ p;\;;\T V  Entries Not Requireddr2(4VjH j/You must attach data to demonstrate compliance.@x ;\ ;\;\ T |;\ ;\h| <;\ ;\ I;\ ;\(IV % drVP ;\ ;\ @4;\ ;\h ;\ ;\|  ;\ j j Entries Not Requiredd ;\ 8;\ @0;\ ;\h ;\ CNL;\ ;\;\ j %j xj jd ;\ XD El ;\h ;\ ;\ ?;\ 4;\;\ j CAj j Entries Not Required d$h , D;\ @ h@;\;\ ;\4;\   ;\D`;\;\XL;\$  BCTR  #*yZBC*TR  yZBC6TR BC<!TRXMaximum force applied to park brake control by hand must be less than or equal to 590 N.WMaximum force applied to park brake control by hand would normally be greater than 0 N. r @5@ ,;\H;\ (  B@XdJR 1-XdJRBPVR֨BPRBPREVehicle number from SF 35/01 must be within the range 1-20 inclusive.-8 ;\ L;\ ;\ T P;\D;\;\ ;\ j j %j PͫXP j jd, ;\ P;\ ;\ T ;\|D;\H);\;\ ;\;\;\ j j %j f@PͫXP xj jdr+: ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\ @;\;\@;\ ;\,;\( j j %j B@PͫXP PͫXP xj jd- n ;\ ;\ @;\7 V j Entries Not Requireddr ;\ ;\8 ;\T (;\ ;\h ;\Vjjd@& f4  , ,;\;\|;\;\;\`;\ ;\|  j jj = i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 4 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category @(  , ;\ ;\||;\<;\  ;\   (;\;\X ;\l ;\;\ 0;\;\;\;\4;\H;\\;\ l;\D;\;\8C;\ ;\!;\"#;\;\`$%;\&;\'(,;\);\;\ *;\ +;\,;\<-;\P;\./d;\01;\2;\3;\;\ 45;\;\,867CP;\8;\|9;\:;;\;\<=;\>;\?@;\A;\0t;\ B`;\ C8;\D;\Ez;\FG;\H;\I,;\J;\K;\;\H L;\\M;\;\8N;\@;\;\x;\;\ N j jj NAj 5 lIu  ' lIu  ' lIu   lIu j4j  vehicle should be   lIu  ' lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj 5 lIu   lIu jBj  vehicle should be  5 lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NBj 5 lIu   lIu   lIu   lIu jPj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj 5 lIu   lIu j^j  vehicle should be  5 lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MEj NCj 5 lIu  ]J lIu  ]J lIu   lIu jlj  vehicle should be   lIu  ]J lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj 5 lIu   lIu jzj  vehicle should be  5 lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category  @  , 4;\1Q ;\;\;\ ;\|  j jj ,i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 70 daN.jj0The maximum force on the control for a category @  ;\, ;\|;\;\<;\ ;\|  j jj = i%@Dw;jvj  vehicle is 4 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category @(  , ;\ ;\||;\<;\  ;\   (;\;\X l dD;\;\;\;\4;\\ ;\  h;\;\8C;\ ;\!;\"#h;\;\`$%;\&;\'(;\);\;\ *;\ +;\,;\<-;\Pd;\./<;\0(;\1;\2;\3;\;\ 4;\5;\;\,867C`;\8;\|9;\:;;\;\<=;\>;\?@;\A;\0;\ Bp;\ CH;\D ;\E ;\|FGH;\IT;\J@;\K,;\;\H L;\\M;\;\8N;\@;\;\;\;\ N j jj NAj 5 lIu  ' lIu  ' lIu   lIu jj  vehicle should be  ' lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj 5 lIu   lIu jj  vehicle should be  5 lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NBj 5 lIu   lIu   lIu   lIu jj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj 5 lIu   lIu jj  vehicle should be  5 lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MEj NCj 5 lIu  ]J lIu  ]J lIu   lIu j,j  vehicle should be  ]J lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj 5 lIu   lIu j:j  vehicle should be  5 lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category  @  , (;\;\|;\;\ ;\|  j jj ,i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 70 daN.jj0The maximum force on the control for a category @  , ,;\;\|;\;\ 1}|  j jj LK@i%@Dw;jfj  vehicle is 5 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category @K  , ;\ ;\|;\   ;\ ;\X;\  D;\ ;\ C;\ ;\;\;\ 44;\H;\;\p ;\  ;\$;\@ӥlEKB  j jj NAj  lIu  Ĵ lIu jj  vehicle should be   lIu  Ĵ lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu jj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category @  , 4;\1;\;\4;\ ;\|  j jj ,i%@Dw;jpj  vehicle is 70 daN.jj0The maximum force on the control for a category @  , D;\;\|;\(;\ 1|  j jj LK@i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 5 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category @K  , ;\ ;\|;\@;\   ;\ ;\   P;\ Ct;\ L;\;\;\ ;\4T;\@;\;\p ;\ ;\ ;\$;\@;\E;\KB  j jj NAj  lIu  Ĵ lIu jlj  vehicle should be   lIu  Ĵ lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu jzj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category @  , 4;\1P;\;\X;\ ;\|  j jj ,i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 70 daN.jj0The maximum force on the control for a category @/  , ;\;\ H;\;\;\ ;\ 1  1  ;\X;\l  ;\  ;\"L;\';\/N j jj 5i%@Dw; LK@i%@Dw; 'i%@Dw;jjj 'i%@Dw; B@i%@Dw;  m/s*s.jjj(The minimum deceleration for a category 3 vehicle without an additional test is 4 m/s*s or  @K  , ;\ ;\|;\@;\   ;\ ;\   P;\ C\;\ 4;\;\‡;\44;\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\ ;\$;\@;\E;\KB  j jj NAj  lIu  Ĵ lIu j*j  vehicle should be  Ĵ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu j8j  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category @  , ;\;\|;\;\;\;\( j jjjj  daN.jj~The maximum force on the control may not exceed the force used in the Type O test, laden with engine disconnected. Which was: @26 ;\ @ T  P;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ ;\0  j j jj LK@i%@Dw;jBj  vehicle is 5 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category  @ O d;\ @ T  P;\ ;\;\ |;\   ;\0 ;\D@;\  ,;\ C;\ ;\;\ ;\H;\\|;\h;\;\ ;\  ;\!;\$;\@;\E;\Ol! j j jj NAj  lIu  Ĵ lIu jj  vehicle should be  Ĵ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu jj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category  @t6  ;\@  H;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\0  j j jj ,i%@Dw;jLjZjjjFThe maximum force on the control in this additional test for category vehicles may not exceed 70 daN. @L80  ,  ;\C;\     ;\ 0 C;\l ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\-;\ 2;\8 j jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj &% lIu jj  vehicle is 2.5 m/s*s.j NAj NBj NCj ! lIu jj  vehicle is 2.2 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category @  ;\, D;\ |\;\;\  <;\  ;\  ;\   ;\C;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\;\!";\#$$%;\&;\` ';\t () *+,;\;\,-.(/0(;\1;\;\d 2;\x 3;\4;\;\8;\X;\t;\y;\4 j jj NAj  lIu  , lIu jvj  vehicle should be  , lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu j wj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj  lIu   lIu jwj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NCj  lIu  bZ lIu j&wj  vehicle should be  bZ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category @*  , ;\;\ ;\;\;\P;\ ;\  ;\0 1I ;\l;\;\" *$  j jj ,i%@Dw;jwjwj i%@Dw;jwjwjjj3The maximum force on the foot control for category vehicles may not exceed 70 daN.3The maximum force on the hand control for category vehicles may not exceed 60 daN. !"@L80  , ;\C,;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ 0 C;\lP;\(;\;\;\ ;\ ;\-;\ 2;\8 j jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj &% lIu jHyj  vehicle is 2.5 m/s*s.j NAj NBj NCj ! lIu jVyj  vehicle is 2.2 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category @  , l;\ ;\| \;\;\   ;\ ;\   ;\C;\;\;\;\ H;\4;\;\\ ;\p ;\ ;\  ;\;\!";\#;\$$%0;\&;\;\` ';\t (;\) ;\*+;\;\,-;\.;\(/0,;\1;\;\d 2;\x 3;\4;\;\8;\X;\t;\y;\4 j jj NAj  lIu  , lIu jyj  vehicle should be  , lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu jyj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj  lIu   lIu jyj  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NCj  lIu  bZ lIu jyj  vehicle should be  bZ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category @*  , ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\D ll;\;\" D;\*$  j jj ,i%@Dw;jzjzj i%@Dw;jzjzjjj3The maximum force on the foot control for category vehicles may not exceed 70 daN.3The maximum force on the hand control for category vehicles may not exceed 60 daN. !"@ @;\ @ p;\ T  ;\ ;\;\( j jj `i%@Dw;j{jj>The minimum deceleration for the park brake test is 1.5 m/s*s.@#^ ;\ @ ;\ T  n|2;\ p;\ \;\;\ ;\   ;\D ;\;\X#  j jj  i%@Dw; Ài%@Dw;j:|j Ài%@Dw;  i%@Dw; B@i%@Dw;  km/h.jj0The minimum initial speed for testing should be @. ;\ 2vX L ;\T  t ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\0  ;\X ;\l ;\X;\;\" 0;\.$  j jj ,i%@Dw;j|j|j i%@Dw;j|j|jjj3The maximum force on the foot control for category vehicles may not exceed 70 daN.3The maximum force on the hand control for category vehicles may not exceed 60 daN.$%@ n ;\ T;\ `;\h V j Entries Not Requireddh2 ;\ ;\ L;\ T ;\h  ;\;\      C(;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ ;\%;\+;\2J j j %j NAj  T<X Ĵ T<X xj j NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j j dH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\;\t;\ `;\;\( j j %j LK@PͫXP xj j jdH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j jdh2 ;\ ;\ $;\ T ;\h  <;\      C;\ l;\;\4;\ ;\;\  ;\%;\+;\2J j j %j NAj  T<X Ĵ T<X xj j NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j j dH ;\ 4;\ ;\ T ;\h ,;\ ,;\;\( j j %j LK@PͫXP xj j jdH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\;\ ;\;\( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j jd `nL ;\ ;\ x;\ T ;\h  ;\   X l,;\ ;\ H;\C;\;\ ;\ ;\H;\;\p;\;\0;\;\ C;\ x;\!d;\"#@;\;\t$%;\&L;\'8;\;\();\ *;\;\@;\(\;\a;\<g;\n* j j %j NAj 5 T<X ' T<X ' T<X  T<X xj j 5 T<X  T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NBj 5 T<X  T<X  T<X  T<X xj j 5 T<X  T<X xj j MEj NCj 5 T<X ]J T<X ]J T<X  T<X xj j 5 T<X  T<X xj j j dH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\ ;\  ;\.( j j %j = PͫXP xj j jdH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\\;\ H;\;\( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j jd `nL ;\ ;\ x;\ T ;\h  ;\4  0 ;\X ;\lx;\ ;\ ;\C;\;\ ;\ ;\H|;\;\p;\;\;\;\ ;\C;\ ;\!;\"#d;\;\t$%<;\&;\';\()X;\ ;\*;\0;\@;\(\;\a;\<g;\n* j j %j NAj 5 T<X ' T<X ' T<X  T<X xj j 5 T<X  T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NBj 5 T<X  T<X  T<X  T<X xj j 5 T<X  T<X xj j MEj NCj 5 T<X ]J T<X ]J T<X  T<X xj j 5 T<X  T<X xj j j dH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\ ( j j %j = PͫXP xj j jdH ;\ ;\ T ;\h 8;\;\;\ ;\( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j jdh2 ;\ ;\ 4;\ T ;\h  l;\;\      C;\ ;\;\;\8;\;\ $;\%;\+;\2J j j %j NAj  T<X Ĵ T<X xj j NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j j d%r ;\ \;\  ;\T h T;\;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ x;\;\DP;\ <;\;\l%|  j j %j 5PͫXP LK@PͫXP 'PͫXP xj j j d ;\ ;\ @;\ T ;\h ;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j xj j d6 ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\| ;\   ;\;\ ;\     Cl;\ D;\;\;\;\;\ ;\%;\ /;\6t j j j %j NAj  T<X Ĵ T<X xj j NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j j d" ;\ H;\ ;\ T ;\| ;\  l;\l;\;\$;\ ;\3<`R j j j %j LK@PͫXP xj j j d" ;\ H;\ ;\ T ;\| ;\  ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\R j j j %j ,PͫXP xj j j dH ;\ ;\ `;\ T ;\h  ;\     C;\d;\;\<;\ ;\;\;\;\  h;\@;\;\\;\;\ ;\;\*;\6;\;;\A;\H j j %j NAj  T<X , T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j NBj  T<X  T<X xj j NCj  T<X bZ T<X xj j j d/ ;\  ;\ ;\ T ;\h C;\   ;\  C;\X;\;\;\;\;\";\(;\/ j j %j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj &% T<X xj j NAj NBj NCj ! T<X xj j j d"T ;\ ;\ P;\ T ;\h  ;\ ;\;\(;\0 3Xd;\"|  j j %j ,PͫXP xj PͫXP xj j j d!"H ;\ ;\ `;\ T ;\h  ;\     C;\d;\;\;\ ;\;\;\;\  P;\(;\;\\;\;\ ;\;\*;\6;\;;\A;\H j j %j NAj  T<X , T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j NBj  T<X  T<X xj j NCj  T<X bZ T<X xj j j d/ ;\  ;\ ;\ T ;\h C;\   ;\  C;\X;\;\;\;\;\";\(;\/ j j %j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj &% T<X xj j NAj NBj NCj ! T<X xj j j d"T ;\ ;\ P;\ T ;\h  ;\  ;\;\Ӕ30 ;\"|  j j %j ,PͫXP xj PͫXP xj j j d!"~, ;\ @;\ ;\ T | ;\ ;\  ;\h;\3 ;\@;\( j j %j  PͫXP ÀPͫXP xj j d@ ;\ 4;\ ;\ T | ;\ ;\  ;\t;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j `PͫXP xj j d*&| ;\ D;\ ;\ T;\ | ;\ 3  T;\;\ ;\3$ ;\D;\;\X ;\l;\&|  j j %j ,PͫXP xj PͫXP xj j jd$%?v 4;\C;\hzv;\ ;\x|zd;\ ;\ ;\      C;\ ;\;\ ;\;\;\T;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ ;\;\H;\6;\;;\p? j j MBj MCj 5 T0 X@ T0 ' T0gj j NAj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj 5 T0 LK@ T0 ' T0gj jhj(Additional hot performance test required(Additional hot performance test required(Additional hot performance test requiredr ;\ ;\ @ T;\ ;\| h;\ ;\@;\ ;\,;\ j %j j d  , ,;\;\|;\;\ |  j jj = i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 4 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category @#^  , ;\;\T;\;\ 0;\;\ 3  ;\   ;\D;\;\X#  j jj  i%@Dw; i%@Dw;jj  i%@Dw; i%@Dw; B@i%@Dw;  km/h.jj0The minimum initial speed for testing should be @  , 4;\3;\;\;\ |  j jj ,i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 50 daN.jj0The maximum force on the control for a category @  , ,;\;\|;\;\<;\ ;\|  j jj = i%@Dw;jj  vehicle is 4 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category @#^ ;\ , p;\;\;\;\ ;\|;\ h;\  4   ;\D;\;\X#  j jj  i%@Dw; i%@Dw;jj  i%@Dw; i%@Dw; B@i%@Dw;  km/h.jj0The minimum initial speed for testing should be @  , L;\;\|;\4;\4;\ ;\|  j jj ,i%@Dw;j,j  vehicle is 70 daN.jj0The maximum force on the control for a category @j ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\;\( j j %j  PͫXP PͫXP xj j d ;\ ;\ d;\ T ;\h <;\;\;\ ;\l;\ j j %j = PͫXP xj jdH ;\ 3 8;\ T ;\h ;\;\t;\ ;\( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j jdj ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\;\T;\;\ ,;\;\;\( j j %j  PͫXP PͫXP xj j dH ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\( j j %j = PͫXP xj j jdH ;\ 4;\ ;\ T ;\h ,;\;\,;\ ;\;\( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j jd, ;\ ;\;\X;\C;\ ;\    C;\ C;\X|;\;\h;\;\T;\ ;\'@;\, j  km/hj MBj MCj 80% Vmax < 160 km/h NAj 80% Vmax < 120 km/h MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NBj 80% Vmax < 100 km/h MEj NCj 80% Vmax < 90 km/h j dz ;\ 4;\ @ T D;\;\$;\ ;\ j j %j jdI  , @   C;\  <;\  ;\ ;\  ;\lx;\;\;\;\  ;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\\;\$;\<H;\A;\Ip j jj NAj NBj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j LK@ lIu jZ# j  vehicle is 5 m/s*s.j NCj 2Z lIu jh# j  vehicle is 3.3 m/s*s.j MEj 98p lIu jv# j  vehicle is 3.75 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category  @M  , @  ;\d;\8;\ ;\  ;\ ;\0;\   ;\ Ct;\ L;\;\ ;\4;\H;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ p;\$;\@\;\E;\MB  j jj NAj  lIu  Ĵ lIu j# j  vehicle should be  Ĵ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu j$ j  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category  @6"  , @ ;\;\;\ӊ4 |  j jj ,i%@Dw;j$ j$ jjjFThe maximum force on the control in this additional test for category vehicles may not exceed 70 daN. @4 ;\ ;\ L;\ T ;\h ;\|  L;\;\$;\      C;\ ;\;\p;\\;\;\ H;\%;\-4;\4J j j %j NAj  T<X Ĵ T<X xj j NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j j d9: ;\ ;\  T ;\h ;\|  C;\  ;\  ;\  X;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\%;\ *;\2;\49t j j %j NAj NBj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j LK@ T<X xj j NCj 2Z T<X xj j MEj 98p T<X xj j j d` ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\| T;\H;\;\ ;\  ;\s( j j %j ,PͫXP xj j j dr ;\ ;\ @ 4t ٤  ;\;\ j %j j dr ;\ `;\ @ T ;\ 4ɐ ;\;\ ;\;\ j %j j d!"r ;\ ;\ @ T ;\  ;\\;\ ;\H;\ j %j j d$%r ;\ ;\ @ T ;\ 4@ ;\ ;\;\ j %j j d)*  , @ ;\ 4t ;\4dR j jj B@i%@Dw; xjj>A jj}The vehicles braking system cannot meet the minimum requirement of decleration with an unbraked trailer of this maximum mass. ),.@Z ;\ H;\ @ T ;\h 0;\;\ ;\@;\ ;\,;\( j j %j B@PͫXP xj xj j d),. ;\ ;\ @ T ;\h0;\0;\ ;\5 j j LK@PͫXP xj j j d)H  , ;\ ;\|t;\ ;\     C;\l;\;\;\ C8;\;\ ;\H;\\;\ |;\;\+h;\=;\BT;\Hp j jj MEj ` lIu j C j  vehicle is 1.5 m/s*s.j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NCj  lIu jC j  vehicle is 1.3 m/s*s.j NAj NBj  lIu j(C j  vehicle is 1.1 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category /@  , l;\ ;\| \;\;\   ;\ ;\   ;\C;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\\ ;\p ;\ X;\ ;\!";\#;\$$%;\&;\;\` ';\t (;\) d;\*+<;\;\,-Q.;\(/0;\1;\;\d 2;\x 3;\4`;\;\8L;\X;\t8;\y;\4 j jj NAj  lIu  , lIu jC j  vehicle should be  , lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu jC j  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj  lIu   lIu jC j  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NCj  lIu  bZ lIu jC j  vehicle should be  bZ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 0@W  , ;\;\|;\  ;\5( j jj ,i%@Dw;jND jj7Maximum force on the control during this test is 70 daN1@L80  ,  ;\C;\    ;\ ;\ ;\0 C;\l;\;\;\;\ ;\ x;\-;\ 2d;\8 j jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj ` lIu jv j  vehicle is 1.5 m/s*s.j NAj NBj NCj  lIu jv j  vehicle is 1.3 m/s*s.jj(The minimum deceleration for a category (The minimum deceleration for a category 2@  , l;\ ;\| \;\;\   ;\ ;\   ;\C;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\|;\;\\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\;\!";\#;\$$%;\&;\;\` ';\t (;\) @;\*+;\;\,-;\.;\(/0;\1;\;\d 2;\x 3;\4;\;\8;\X;\t;\y;\4 j jj NAj  lIu  , lIu j|w j  vehicle should be  , lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lIu   lIu jw j  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NBj  lIu   lIu jw j  vehicle should be   lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jj NCj  lIu  bZ lIu jw j  vehicle should be  bZ lIu   lIu  B@ lIu   km/h.jjj5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 5The minimum initial speed for testing for a category 3@W  , ;\;\|;\  ;\5^d( j jj ,i%@Dw;j$x jj7Maximum force on the control during this test is 70 daN4@H ;\ ;\ `;\ T ;\h  ;\     C;\d;\;\<;\ ;\;\;\;\  ;\;\;\\`;\L;\ ;\8;\*;\6$;\;;\A;\H j j %j NAj  T<X , T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j NBj  T<X  T<X xj j NCj  T<X bZ T<X xj j j d080 ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h  h;\    C;\ ;\X;\C<;\;\;\ L;\;\ &8;\+;\ 1$;\8t j j %j MEj ` T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j NCj  T<X xj j NAj NBj  T<X xj j j d/ ;\ ;\ d;\ T ;\h <;\;\;\ ;\ j j %j ,PͫXP xj jd1H ;\ 0;\ T;\ T ;\h  ;\;\(;\     C;\(;\ ;\;\$;\;\  ;\;\;\\;\;\ ;\p;\*;\6\;\;;\AH;\H j j %j NAj  T<X , T<X xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T<X  T<X xj j NBj  T<X  T<X xj j NCj  T<X bZ T<X xj j j d3/ ;\  ;\ ;\ T ;\h C;\ ;\  ;\  C;\X;\;\;\;\;\"|;\(;\/ j j %j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj ` T0 xj j NAj NBj NCj  T0 xj j j d2 ;\ ;\ (;\ T ;\h e ;\;\ j j %j ,PͫXP xj jd4 ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\h ;\ y  h;\ ;\ ;\ j CAj j Entries Not Required ds  , ;\;\|;\ H;\;\( j jj  @^Dou^j| jjSThe time to reach 10% of the asymptotic pressure value must not exceed 0.2 seconds.zJ@  ;\h;\ ;\;\( j jj ' #Dbv #jT} jjFor an actuating time of 0.2 seconds, the time to achieve 75% of the asymptotic pressure in the brake cylinder shall not exceed 0.6 seconds.z@ ;\ p;\ @ T ;\D;\;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j  @ T0 xj jdzJ  $ ;\@ @;\;\;\ ;\ҪT@ j j %j 'PͫXP xj jdzs  E ;\|) ;\( j jj ^Dou^j.jjSThe time to reach 75% of the asymptotic pressure value must not exceed 0.4 seconds.zJ@ ;\ p;\ @ T ;\D;\;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j  T0 xj jdzJ  , ;\;\|  ;\  ;\;\ ;\  j jj 1- #Dbv #jpj &6 #Dbv #j~jjTTime to fall to 35kPa at end of the 2.5 m line would normally be greater than 20 ms.NTime to fall to 35kPa at end of the 2.5 m line may not be greater than 650 ms.zR@ ;\  ;\ @ T ;\D;\;\d;\ ;\P;\;\R j j %j 1-PͫXP %j &6PͫXP xj jdzRz  ;\, ;\|;\ ;\;\( j jj P^D%uP^j jjZThe time for the pressure in the supply line to fall to 150 kPa must not exceed 2 seconds.zJ@ ;\ p;\ @ T ;\D;\;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j  T0 xj jdzJ,"T ;\ ;\ @ T ;\;\ ?u ;\;\;\ X;\;\ D;\;\0 0;\;\D;\" j j j j d)',2  , @C;\;\8;\       C;\X ;\;\ ;\;\&;\*;\2t j j MBj MCj Re lIu j jj NAj NBj NCj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj LK@ lIu j jjj )@ ;\ ;\ @C;\ ;\ ;\( j Vj CAj HPUj HPAj j Entries Not Requiredd ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\h;\ ;\ d;\ ;\ ;\;\ j j %j j d/  ;\ ;\@ C;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\|  j Vjذ j HPUj HPAj j CAj j j}Can the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance in the absence of any energy reserve (Annex 7, Part B, par. 1.1.2)?}Can the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance in the absence of any energy reserve (Annex 7, Part C, par. 1.1.2)?}Can the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance in the absence of any energy reserve (Annex 7, Part A, par. 1.1.3)?d{$h ;\ |;\ @ X;\ t;\  l;\C;\    ;\0,;\ ;\D;\;\X;\$  j VjH j VjV j HPUj HPAjd j CAjr j jCan the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after four full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part B, par. the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after eight full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part B, par. the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after eight full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part C, par. the vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after eight full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part A, par. 1.2.1.)? d;N ;\?T t;\ ;\| L;\ ;\ j1, ;\ ;\ ;\0   C;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\$;\4)l;\1;\H; j jj Vjj j Vjj j HPUj HPAjj( j CAjj6 jjj}The vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after four full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part B, Cl. vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after eight full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part B, Cl. vehicle achieve the secondary braking performance after eight full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part C, Cl. vehicle must be able to achieve the secondary braking performance after eight full strokes of the control (Annex 7, Part A, Cl. 1.2.1.)?@ ;\ l @;\?;\| x;\ ;\ P;\ ;\;\ 0;\;\ j j %j xj j d  $ ;\@;\ | ?$;\ ;\  ;\ G(D;\ @;\ j j Vj %j jd ;\ ;\ @ X;\Cd;\ <;\ ;\;\ T;\|  j Vjr j HPUj HPAj j CAj j jTime taken for the energy in the storage device/s to achieve 90% of the manufacturer's specified energy level (Annex 7, Part B, par. 2):cTime taken for the energy in the storage device/s to rise from P2 to P1 (Annex 7, Part C, par. 2.):qTime taken for the energy in the least favoured storage device/s to rise from 0 to P1 (Annex 7, Part A, par. 2.):d f[  (;\ ZF?;\  CP;\ ;\   C;\D?;\XC;\CT;\ ;\ ?;\  \ ;\?;\  ;\;\?;\  ;\L0;\;\`1;\E;\tR;\W;\[B  j jj Vj *@uػj j HPUj HPAj 1-*@uػ MBj MCj NAjj j HPUj HPAj À*@uػ MBj MCj NAjj( j CAj u**@uػj6 j CAj *@uػjD jjVehicles with vacuum energy storage brake systems must be able to reach their specified operating level within 180 seconds (Part B, Clause 2.1.1.).Vehicles of categories MB, MC and NA with hydraulic energy storage brake systems must be able to reach their specified operating level within 20 seconds (Part C, Clause of categories other than MB, MC and NA with hydraulic energy storage brake systems must be able to reach their specified operating level within 30 seconds (Part C, Clause of compressed air brake systems that are authurised to tow a trailer must be able to reach P1 from 0 without exceeding 360 seconds (Part A, Clause of compressed air brake systems that are not authurised to tow a trailer must be able to reach P1 from 0 without exceeding 180 seconds (Part A, Clause JK@TH ;\ @;\ @ ;\ ?;\C;\ 4;\   C;\?d C0;\C;\ ;\?;\ ;\;\\?d;\  <;\;\? ;\ ;\;\*;\<;\$F;\K;\8O;\Tp j j %j Vj PͫXP xj HPUj HPAj 1-PͫXP MBj MCj NAj xj HPUj HPAj ÀPͫXP MBj MCj NAj xj CAj u*PͫXP xj CAj PͫXP xj jdJK"T      ;\   ;\0 ,;\;\D;\"  j CAj jj /*@uػj j u**@uػj jjVehicles of compressed air brake systems that are authorised to tow a trailer must be able to reach P2 from P1 without exceeding 540 seconds (Part A, Clause of compressed air brake systems that are not authorised to tow a trailer must be able to reach P2 from P1 without exceeding 360 seconds (Part A, Clause JK@!J ;\ *84 ;\@ ;\ 41D \;\ H;\@;\ ,;\  ;\;\0 ;\6!|  j CAj j %j /PͫXP xj u*PͫXP xj j dJK& f4C   ;\C;\ 8;\ ;\     C;\;\ ;\D  ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\*;\ ;\\ ;\ ;\:;\?;\CF j jj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj `lvj0Y j NAj NBj lvj>Y j NCj  lvjLY jj N0lvjZY jjjPThe mean deceleration must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].PThe mean deceleration must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].PThe mean deceleration must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].The mean deceleration must not be less than 80% of the prescribed performance of the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected [Annx. 6 par. 4.2]. @ V\  ;\ ;\ p;\      C;\;\DH;\ ;\X _];\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\H ;\;\;\.;\;;\x;\ !<;\ ";\8;\M;\LR;\V" j jj NAj  lv ,lvjY j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  lv lvjY j NBj  lv lvjY j NCj  lv bZlvjZ jj  lv lvjZ jjjLThe initial speed must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].LThe initial speed must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].LThe initial speed must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].LThe initial speed must be as per R13 Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1 [Annx. 13 par. 4.3].aThe initial speed must be as per the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected [Annx. 6 par. 4.2]. @: @  `;\ ;\|_  ;\   ;\ ;\;\0;\   j jj ,lvjZ j lvjZ jjxMaximum force on the control during the failure of the ABS unit test is 70 daN [Annx. 13 par. 4.3 & Annx. 4 par. 2.4.1].Force on the control during the failure of the ABS unit test must be between 6.5 and 50 daN [Annx. 6 par. 4.2 & Annx. 3 par. 2.1.1].@  8;\ ;\ j jjj jj@  ;\;\h_4 ;\;\( j jj B@Dvj jj@n) ;\ ;\ @  C;\  ?    C(;\?$\ ;\ ;\l;\x;\$;\) j j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCj j MBj MCj NAj j Entries Not Required Entries Not RequireddrO ;\ ;\ $;\ _  X;\ ;\;\ ;\     Ct;\ ;\;\l ;\ ;\;\ ;\   ;\;\4  ;\ ;\\ ;\;\p';\2;\;\;\;\ X;\?;\DD;\H;\O j j %j NAj  T0 , T0 xj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj  T0  T0 xj NBj  T0  T0 xj NCj  T0 bZ T0 xj j  T0  T0 xj j j d8>l ;\ ;\ D;\ T CX;\ ;\ ;\    CD;\ ;\X ;\  ;\ \;\;\ 4;\;\#;\ ;\;\ ;\H.;\3;\\7;\> j j %j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj ` T0 xj NAj NBj  T0 xj NCj  T0 xj j N0 T0 xj j j d!J ;\ ;\ d;\ T P;\;\ ;\ ;\ X;\ ;\ ;\;\0;\;\D!|  j j %j , T0 xj c. T0  T0 xj j d ;\ ;\ @ ;\@;\ X;\ j j %j B@PͫXP xj jd ;\ `;\ @ ;\;\\;\ ;\H;\ j j %j xj jd ;\ T;\ @L;\ ;\h ;\ _;\ h;\;\ j %j xj jd>  0;\T 0;\;\| ;\ ;\;\( j j j qlvj jj@* ;\ L;\ @    C  ?   C;\ ;\;\l ;\;\ ;\%;\* j LEGj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCj j MBj MCj NAj j Entries Not Required Entries Not Required drH ;\ @ ;\ T0;\;\;\ jjj jjThe wheels of at least one axle in every axle group must remain unlocked from 40 to 15 km/h when a control force of 685 kN is applied.@  ;\ ;\@;\ h \;\ ;\| ;\;\  ;\w\ j %j xj jdH p;\ @ ;\ T,;\;\;\ jjjD jjThe wheels of at least one axle in every axle group must remain unlocked from 80 to 15 km/h when a control force of 685 kN is applied.@ ;\ T;\ @;\ ;\h \;\ ;\| ;\;\  ;\|o j %j xj jd  `;\ @ ;\ T,;\;\;\ jjj jjKAll applicable requirements in Appendix 1, Clauses 1.2 and 1.3 must be met.@  0;\ @;\ ;\h ;\ ;\|;\;\ ;\;\ j %j xj jdv ;\ ;\ ?; >;\  ;\  ;\ NAj j Entries Not Required d7sV"  p;\    ?;\ ;\\;\;\R jj" j NAj jj0 jjrWhen results for brake tests are supplied for ECE R 13, results for the Antilock System must also be for ECE R 13.6Please provide test facility information in section 3.s@lG ;\ ;\ @> ;\| C;\  ;\     C;\ ;\;\X ;\ C0;\  ;\  ?;\ C\ <;\ ;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\=;\BGp j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCj %j MBj MCj NAj %j xj MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCj xj MBj MCj NAj xj jdr  C;\   ?;\   ;\<;\  j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NBj NCjjV jjThe requirements of ECE R 13-11, par. and Annex 13, are deemed to be equivalent to ADR 35/05 cl. and Appendix 1 for MD, ME, NB and NC vehicles [cl. 8.7].@m!J C;\;\T d;\ ;\| P;\ ;\ C;\ 8;\ ;\  ;\0;\;\D!|  j NBj NCjj NBj NCjj jj}A manual device that disconnects or changes the control mode of the Antilock System may only be fitted to NB and NC vehicles.@xP;\4;\@L"T ;\ t;\ ;\@C;\;\| ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\ ;\ x;\;\0 ;\ w"R j NBj NCj %j NBj NCj xj j d  ,;\ T ;\ ;\h*;\ jjjʖ j jWith the Antilock System disconnected or the control mode changed, the vehicle must meet the requirements specified in either ADR 35/05 cl. or ECE R 13, Annx. 13 pa. 4.5.1.B ;\ ;\ @ T;\ ;\| H;\ ;\ ;\Ԭ ;\ j %j xj j dx  ,;\ T ;\ ;\h ;\  jjjn jjThe vehicle must be fitted with an optical warning signal that informs the driver that the anti-lock system has been disconnected or the control mode changed.@ ;\ ;\ @ , ;\| ;\ ᄼ ;\;\  ;\  j %j xj j dT  |;\ ;\T T;\ ;\hd;\;\P;\ jjj jjzThe The Antilock System shall automatically be reconnected/returned to on-road mode when the specified conditions are met.@ ;\ l;\  T h ;\;\ H;\;\ j %j xj j dU , ;\ T ;\;\;\;\  jjj jj{The vehicle must be fitted with an electrical connection for the Antilock System meeting Appendix 1 clauses 1.3.1 to 1.3.3.@ ;\ \;\ @;\T ;\ ;\| ;\;\h;\ ;\T;\;\ j %j xj j dr ;\ t;\ @T ;\ q$  ;\ ;\ j %j j d ;\ @;\ @T ;\ /|4 ;\;\ ;\l;\;\ j %j xj j dn ;\ ;\ ;\@C ;\ ;\ Ƞ\ h;\ ;\ T;\;\ ,;\;\;\( j MD4j MEj NBj NCj %j j dJ/#^ C ;\h <;\     ?;\    ;\D;\;\X#  j MBj MCj NAjjt j NAj jj jjThe requirements of ECE R 13H, Annex 6, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of Appendix 1 for MB, MC and NA vehicles [cl. 8.6].6Please provide test facility information in section 3. s@ ;\ ;\ @ ;\_ X;\;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\p j j j q T<X xj j d ;\ ;\ @l;\C| ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ 7 NAj MBj MCj j Entries Not Requireddr. ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\h ;\ 8Cl;\;\D;\ ;\;\?;\  C;\l ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\;\%;\);\.  j %j MBj MCj xh T0 gi T0 xj MBj MCj NAj xj j dCDF~/ ;\ @ ,;\ TC;\;\ ;\;\?;\   C;\ ;\l ;\   ;\;\#;\+;\/N jj MBj MCj xhPlvP giPlvPjB j MBj MCj NAjjP jjThe requirements of ECE R 13-11 Annx. 21 are only equivalent to App. 2 Part A for MB & MC vehicles with a mass in running order > 1735 kg and all NA vehicles.The requirements of ECE R 13-11 Annx. 21 are only equivalent to App. 2 Part A for MB & MC vehicles with a mass in running order > 1735 kg and all NA vehicles. CDF~@ ;\ $Ő L ;\T;\;\p;\ jjj jj?The vehicle must be equipped with an ESC malfunction tell-tale.COP4 ;\ (;\ @ ;\ ;\h ;\ l@;\;\ ,;\;\ j %j xj jdCOP Z ;\ ;\4;\;\T V j, jDoes the vehicle's ESC system have a malfunction detection system and tell-tale that meets the requirements of Appendix 2, cl. 3.4 (ECE R 13 Annx. 9 par. 3.4; GTR 8 cl. 5.4)?Does the vehicle's ESC system have a malfunction detection system and tell-tale that meets the requirements of ECE R13-11, Annex 21, par. 2.1.5?dD8 ,;\ @ \;\ T;\ ;\ jjjCpq@Z ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\h ;\ F@H;\ ;\ 4;\ j %j jdCpq ;\ ,;\ @ L ;\D;\;\8;\;\ $;\;\ j j %j ÀPͫXP j j dCqaZ$  ;\ ;\ @ T ;\%  j j Entries Not RequireddCD ;\ x;\ @ ;\D;\$Z ;\;\ j j %j ÀPͫXP j jdYZ%r ;\ T;\;\ D;\  y0 0v   ;\D ;\;\X;\!;\l%$  j B@0hюu0 jjj B@0hюu0 jj 0hюu0 u*0hюu0jZ& jj6Wheel angle is expected to be within 60 - 360 degrees.Y\@&| ;\ ;\ h;\ TT;\  $;\  ;\ ;\  ;\D;\ ;\X;\;\l;\&  j B@ T0 j %j j B@ T0 j %j  T0 u* T0 %j jdY\P  T$;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ '  ;\ ';\X 0 ;\;\;\;\;\  `;\ 8;\ ;\H;\ ;\;\9p;\>;\ 4;\0;\T0 L ;\t 'd0!;\";\#';\$;\;\ ;\%&'|;\(;\d)@;\*,;\ ;\ +,;\ ;\-./;\ ;\;\9;\,>;\B;\@x;\/ j B@0hюu0 jj j c.0hюu0 0hюu0 c.0hюu0 ߀0hюu0 &%0hюu0 c.0hюu0 ߀0hюu0 &%0hюu0j' jj j c.0hюu0 0hюu0 }`0hюu0 Ƞ0hюu0j' jj B@0hюu0 jj j c.0hюu0 0hюu0 c.0hюu0 ߀0hюu0 B@0hюu0 c.0hюu0 ߀0hюu0 B@0hюu0j' jj j c.0hюu0 0hюu0 `0hюu0 @0hюu0j' jjsIf 6.5 A is less than or equal to 300 degrees, the steering amplitude shall be the greater of 6.5 A or 270 degrees.RIf 6.5 A is greater than 300 degrees, the steering amplitude shall be 300 degrees.sIf 6.5 A is less than or equal to 300 degrees, the steering amplitude shall be the greater of 6.5 A or 270 degrees.RIf 6.5 A is greater than 300 degrees, the steering amplitude shall be 300 degrees.Yb\@ D  ;\ ;\ \;\ T ,;\;\ ;\ '0 ;\ ;\l 'l;\ ;\ p;\;\;\;\ ;\  h;\ @;\ ;\\;\;\;\2;\7;\ ;\;\x;\d;\ ;\8 ;\`';\;\ ;\!';\";\;\ ;\#$;\%`;\&;\P';\d $;\ ();\ ;\*+;\;\;\2;\7;\;;\v;\z;\+ j B@ T0 j %j j c. T0  T0 c. T0 ߀ T0 &% T0 c. T0 ߀ T0 &% T0 xj j j c. T0  T0 }` T0 Ƞ T0 xj j B@ T0 j %j j c. T0  T0 c. T0 ߀ T0 B@ T0 c. T0 ߀ T0 B@ T0 xj j j c. T0  T0 ` T0 @ T0 xj j dYb\n  ;\X;\ |;\ ;\;\R j jj ~o@u ~o@uj) jj(Peak yaw rate is expected to be 10 - 60.Yd@: ;\ ;\ h;\ T T;\;\ ;\H;\ <;\( j j %j PͫXP PͫXP %j jdYd  ;\h;\;\ $;\;\R j jj j W0~o@ujV* jj~The yaw rate 1 second after completion of the Sine with Dwell steering input shall not exceed 35% of the first preak yaw rate.Yfd@f ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\;\Sg ;\ \;\;\H;\( j j %j j W0PͫXP xj jdYfd ;\ ;\h;\;\ (;\;\R j jj j  @~o@uj+ jjxThe yaw rate 1.75 seconds after completion of the Sine with Dwell input shall not exceed 20% of the first peak yaw rate.Yhd@f ;\ ;\ ;\ T (;\;\ d;\   ;\;\;\( j j %j j  @PͫXP xj jdYhd?"T ;\ 8;\h;\ ;\;\     0 l;\;\DX;\"  j jj Н~o@u p~o@uj, j Н~o@u 1~o@uj, jjeThe lateral displacement of a vehicle with a GVM no greater than 3500 kg must be greater than 1.83 m.bThe lateral displacement of a vehicle with a GVM greater than 3500 kg must be greater than 1.52 m.Yj'@*#^ ;\ \;\   ;\ D;\;\;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\;\D;\;\X#  j j %j Н[ww p[ww xj Н[ww 1[ww xj jdYj' ;\ x;\ @ ;\D;\P;\;\ <;\;\ j j %j ÀPͫXP j jdYJ ;\ @ ;\ ;\T;\;\;\ jjjB;DjjDThe vehicle must meet the requirements of Appendix 2, Clauses 1 & 2.CLM@ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\h X;\ ;\|$;\;\ ;\, j %j xj jdYLM ;\ ;\@ 4;\ T;\;\;\ jjj!jjThe brake line pressure response characteristic can only be used for NA vehicles (and MB or MC vehicles derived from NA vehicles) with a GVM > 2,500 kg (par. 3.2.5).'@  $ @\;\ h ;\ |\;\ ;\4;\;\ ;\ j %j w@~owĥw xj j d'  , ;\L;\ ߘT ;\;\R j jj 5glv LK@lvj!jj?The value of aT must be between 3.5 and 5.0 m/s/s (par. 3.2.3).@, ;\T;\;\T;\ ;\|;\;\ 4 ;\,;\ T;\h ;\;\ ;\V j  @tJvWntd4&|  h;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\X;\;\l"l;\&|  j jjj< j  @tJvWntdjJ jj9F ABS,min must be less than or equal to F ABS (par. 3.3).XThere must be, at most, an 80% decrease in required brake pedal force (par. 3.2.2, 3.3). Y4 ;\, ;\ T;\h ;\ `;\ ;\V j 'tJvWntd4&|  ;\h;\;\ ;\t,b |;\   ;\ ;\X;\;\l";\&|  j jjj8 j 'tJvWntdjF jj ;\ 4 @ T  0;\;\ ;\;\( j j %j 5g T0 LK@ T0 xj jdVB ;\ ;\ @>;\h ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ >;\ ;\ P;\  ;\l   ;\      $;\>;\ ;\  ;\  ;\>;\;\\ ;\ ;\p2p;\9;\=\;\Bx j j j j j j %j j j j j j %j xj j dz ;\ ;\ @ dZ ,;\;\v|  j j %j jd  , ;\L;\ ;\ ;\;\R j jj &%lv D lvj jjYThe deceleration that corresponds to PT must be between 2.5 and 4.5 m/s/s (par.> ;\ ;\ @ T ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\( j j %j &% T0 D T0 xj jdz ;\ ;\ @ T   j j %j jd ;\ ;\ @>;\h ;\@;\;\>;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ Mt j j!j j-F ABS must lie between the min and max valuesdX, ;\ 0;\ @>$;\ ;\| ;\ ;\t;\ ;\ L;\ ;\ j %j NAj xj j j d   ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ BA\;\ h;\,;\ ;\1|( jj NAjj!jjjREC No. 78/2009 is only an alternative standard for NA category vehicles [cl. 8.5].  @ ;\ 0;\ |;\ T h |;\ ;\ T;\ ;\ j NAj j Entries Not Requiredd  ;\ ;\ >;\ ;\|;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ l;\;\ D;\;\0;\ j %j xj jd U > l;\ T;\| ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\Әz jjj!jjACategory C BAS is only an option under EC No.s 78/2009 & 631/2009  @v ;\ ;\ <;\ ;\T \;\;\ ;\ j j %j jdd ;\ ;\ d;\ T ;\ | ;\  ;\ j j Entries Not Requiredd d ;\ ;\ d;\ } ;\ x ;\  ;\ j j Entries Not Requiredd  ;\;\;\| ;\;\T;\;\( j jj `lvj~!jjsBrake pedal force cannot exceed 0.7 * F ABS from t = t0 + 0.8 s until the vehicle has slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.2).@( ;\ ;\ T;\ T @;\;\{ 8;\;\ T;\;\@;\ j j %j ` T<X xj jd}  X;\X;\;\| ;\;\;\( j jj Plvj!jjIMean deceleration of at least 0.85 * a ABS must be maintained (par. 4.3).@( ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\;\ ;\;\ L;\;\8;\ j j %j P T0 xj jd  ;\;\ ;\| h;\;\R j jj lv ;lvj!jjiThe brake pedal speed required to activate BAS is expected to be between 50 and 1000 mm/s. Please check. @: ;\ ;\ h;\ T T;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\( j j %j  T0 ; T0 %j jd & f4Arial Wingdingsftf \;dftf,\;P SymbollvjJ2jjiThe brake pedal speed required to activate BAS is expected to be between 50 and 1000 mm/s. Please check. @: ;\ ;\ h;\ T T;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\( j j %j  T0 ; T0 %j jd & f4Arial Wingdingsftf \;dftf,\;P SymbolC=  $' 0#'  p F>10b. ESC Test Results (App. 2, Part A & ECE R13H Annx 9 Part A; GTR 8)  @  E   0 P# @  33YPDataEntryAdvice_16   ^ft  p"@''  Z    ^f  p@ B>Document reference demonstrating requirements of Clause 3.7; 5.9.:  =  @   "p#@ Title  "p# @y  [  Warning199 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g @'  @'  \  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV 0p g>A - Steering wheel angle required to achieve steady state 0.3g lateral acceleration (Cl. 5.6.1; 7.6.1):  `  e  0 "P deg.  qb "#@ Title "# @{  33]  Warning203 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g  @'  @'  b  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV P R>Steering wheel amplitude on the final Sine and Dwell test runs (Cl. 5.9.4; 7.9.4):  K  P  P "P deg.  qb  "#@ Title  "# @  33c  Warning204 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@0 @'  @'  d  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV p0 ?Peak yaw rate after the steering wheel changes sign (Figure 1):  qb @"0#@ Title @"0# @  33e  Warning205 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gp 0" *Y Pk    `P @'  @'  f  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV P X>Yaw rate 1 second after completion of the Sine with Dwell steering input (Cl. 3.1; 5.1):  S  V  `"P#@ Title `"P# @  33g  Warning206 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g @! Y    qb  p @'  @'  h  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV p [>Yaw rate 1.75 seconds after completion of the Sine with Dwell steering input (Cl 3.2; 5.2):  V  Y  "p#@ Title "p# @  33i  Warning207 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g `! Y    qb   @'  @'  j  A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV P >Lateral displacement of the vehicle's centre of gravity from its initial path 1.07 seconds after BOS where steering wheel amplitude is greater than 5A (Cl. 3.3; 5.3):    "#@ Title "# @  33k  Warning208 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g0 ! m  qb  "@''  J    ^f  JDocument reference/s demonstrating compliance to Appendix 2, Clauses 1& 2:  qb\ "#@ Title "# @i  K  Warning201 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g GDoes the ESC system meet all applicable requirements of Clauses 1 & 2?   qbG `P@'''/' '' L/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex8_(Yes!"@'''/' '' M/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex8_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex8_(No"#@ Title "# @l  33N  Warning200 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Yes  qb  ! No  qb  @ I>Does the vehicle have an ESC Off or other system control (Cl. 3.5; 5.5)?   C  F  `P@'''/' '' S/@/ TestRe_ESC_Off_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(|Off_Yes!"@'''/' '' T/@/ TestRe_ESC_Off_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(~Off_No"#@ Title "# @s  33U  Warning202 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@ Yes  qb  ! No  qb   ( 10. ESC Details - cont'd   qb P@@$ @' @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV @0 Licensee's Reference  qb` 3 3$  Sheet 5 of 6   qb8   #'` *10a. ESC Test Results (ECE13-11, Annex 21)   qb  @# @  33mPDataEntryAdvice_15   ^ft  " @''  n    ^f  8Directional control test used to demonstrate compliance:  qb "#@ Title "# @  o  Warning194 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g " @''  s    ^f  @ 6Roll-over control test used to demonstrate compliance:  qb "#@ Title "# @  t  Warning195 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gp 0 AHave the tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the ESC system?   qb* @` 0P@'''/' '' u/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex21(_Yes@!0 0" @'''/' '' v/@/ TestRe_ESC_ECEAnnex21_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(p ECEAnnex21(_No@" 0#@ Title @" 0# @  33w  Warning196 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gp@ 0 Yes  qb p @ 0!` No  qb    p" @''  x    ^f   p@ FDocument reference/s demonstrating compliance to ECE R13-11, Annex 21:  qbQ  " p#@ Title  " p# @  y  Warning198 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g  P` GDoes the vehicle have a ESC intervention warning telltale (Cl. 2.1.4)?   qb2  `` PP@'''/' '' V/@/ TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_Yes  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(r IntervAl_Yes `!0 P" @'''/' '' W/@/ TestRe_ESC_IntervAl_No  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_ESC_(t IntervAl_No `" P#@ Title  `" P# @v  33X  Warning197 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g @ P Yes  qb  @ P!` No  qb   ,11. Brake Assist System (Appendix 2, Part B)   qb @`$ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_17   ^ft   Category A BAS  qbH   Category B BAS  qbH &@'0 @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV %P& /Lowest initial speed of all tests (par. 2.4.1):  qb &p!'0" km/h  qb &@"'0#@ Title &@"'0# @  33  Warning231 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(g&p'0 0Highest initial speed of all tests (par. 2.4.1):  qb % & @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV %P!&" km/h  qb % "&#@ Title % "&# @  33  Warning230 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g'(Ph 8Values determined from Reference Test (Annex 9, App. 4):  qb ' (P' (P DF  qb '(P DABSqb '`(P@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV '(P N  qb '`(P@ Title '`(P @  33  Warning243 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g' (P' (P Da  qb '(P DABSqb '`(P @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV '`"(P#@ Title '`"(P# @  33  Warning232 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g'`!(P"'!(P"P Dm/s  qb '`!'" D2 qb(/#@'(@) +11b-i. Category A BAS Test Results (par. 3)   qb ()#@ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_20   ^ft *@* :Pedal force figures were derived from (par. 3.2.3, 3.2.5):  qb )*@'''/' '' ,/@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Decel  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Decel) *!@'''/' '' ,/@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Press  d  d  Tk d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Press)" *#@@ Title )" *#@ @  33  Warning233 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g**  Deceleration  qb8 ** Brake line pressure  qbV * +@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV + @+ 0+ @+ 0 D!Threshold force, F (par. 3.2.3):  qb +P+ DTqb*@+ p@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV + p+x+ p+x D)Threshold deceleration, a (par. 3.2.3):  qb +x+ DTqb. / @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV -` . -` .  DF  qb -.  DABS,extrapolatedqb/. / @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV -`.  -`.  DF  qb -`.  DABS,minqb. /"  @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV -` . !X-` .  DF  qb -. !X DABS,maxqb*+@ Title *+ @  33  Warning234 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g*" +#@@ Title *" +#@ @  33  Warning235 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g. " /#@@ Title . " /#@ @  33  Warning239 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g+ + N  qb + ,"+P ,! Dm/s  qb + !+" D2 qb, -@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV ,@@- ,@@- D!Threshold pressure, P (  qb ,`- DTqb,-@ Title ,- @  33  Warning236 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g,@- N  qb ,@- p@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV ,@p-H *Corresponding deceleration (par.  qb ," -#@@ Title ," -#@ @  33  Warning237 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g, -",@ -! Dm/s  qb ,!," D2 qb-0 . @'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  ^fV -`@. -`@.  DP (par.  qbS -.  DABSqb -0. @ Title -0.  @  33  Warning238 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g-`.  N  qb . /@ @  33PTestRe_BAS_CatA_Banner   ^f P EHow is the compliance of the Brake Assist System being demonstrated?    h6 ,Arial (2How is the compliance of the Brake Assist System (being demonstrated?"$@ Title "$ @  33   Warning189 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g! Approval to EC No. 78/2009   qb !"@'''/' '' . /@/ TestRe_BAS_3505_13H  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(w3505_13H@! 7Test results to App. 2 Part B or UN R13-H App. 9 Part B  qb !"@'''/' '' . /@/ TestRe_BAS_ECApp  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(~ECApp @#@#' ! .11a. European Commission (EC) Approval Details   qb  @`!`# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_18   ^ft !"@#  !# Test Facility No.   :t  t: d   :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (-*No." " EC Type Approval Number  qbw !"'  Type of BAS fitted:  qbS "$@ Title "$ @  33  Warning228 h6 h6  :t h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g@'''/' '' -/@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(CatA@'''/' '' -/@/ TestRe_BAS_CatB  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(CatB!"@'''/' '' -/@/ TestRe_BAS_CatC  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(CatC ! Category C BAS  qbI !" @ Title !"  @   33  Warning244 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g$$` 11b. Test Results   qbc #`$# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_19   ^ft @ 1P$'0`1# BAS section continued overpage   qb #0#' ! 9Test results to EC No. 631/2009 Part III & EC No. 78/2009  qb !"@'''/' '' ./@/ TestRe_BAS_EC631  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(EC631P005  qi "0#'! (Test results to EC No. 631/2009 Part III  qi !"@' ''/' '' ./@/ TestRe_BAS_EC631  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(EC631P005d  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g"#` 11b. Test Results   qic "`## @   33PDataEntryAdvice_19   t @ 1P$'0`1# BAS section continued overpage   qi "0#'! (Test results to EC No. 631/2009 Part III  qi !"@'''/' '' //@/ TestRe_BAS_EC631  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(EC631P005x 1s   2@$' @  Comments   qb>  `1#@' ''&p' '' Comments   $' #@'@ 911b-ii. Category B & Category C BAS Test Results (par. 4)   qbG #@ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_21   ^t @@` bHighest value of brake pedal force from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.2):  qb x@ 0qb@  ZMean deceleration, a , from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.3):  qbs   BASqb @@0 p@'   @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  ^V  P!X N  qb @"00#P@ Title @"00#P @  33  Warning241 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n i({ n(gp@ ` p@'   @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  ^V "0 p#P@ Title "0 p#P @  33  Warning242 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g ( P 0qbH@P 4Brake pedal speed needed to activate BAS (par. 4.2):  qb @ p@'   @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  ^V X "x mm/s  qb "0#P@ Title "0#P @  33   Warning240 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g  #'P@@$ @'  @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  ^V @0 Licensee's Reference  qb` 3 3$  Sheet 6 of 6   qb8 P -11b. Brake Assist System Test Results- cont'd   qb p `"  `! Dm/s  qb p! " D2 qbP006 q8 P -11b. Brake Assist System Test Results- cont'd   q p `"  `! Dm/s  q p! " D2 qP006rV  N  q0 @ Title  @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   Da  q0 P DABSq0  @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  rV "#@ Title "# @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"!"P Dm/s  q0 !P" D2 q0#@'@@  +11b-i. Category A BAS Test Results (par. 3)   q0 #@ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_20   rt `@  :Pedal force figures were derived from (par. 3.2.3, 3.2.5):  q0 0 @'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Decel  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Decel0  !@'''/' '' /@/ TestRe_BAS_CatA_Press  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(s CatA_Press0"  #@@ Title 0"  #@@  33 Check61 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6`   Deceleration  q08 ` Brake line pressure  q0V P @@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV @@ 0@@ 0 D!Threshold force, F (par. 3.2.3):  q0 P@ DTq0P@@ p@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV p@xp@x D)Threshold deceleration, a (par. 3.2.3):  q0 0 DTq0p @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV    DF  q0   DABS,extrapolatedq0/p @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV   DF  q0  ` DABS,minq0p"  @$$ $ @$ $$   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV  !X  DF  q0  !X DABS,maxq0P@@ Title P@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6P" @#@@ Title P" @#@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6" p#@@ Title " p#@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6`#@'@ ,11b-ii. Category B BAS Test Results (par. 4)   q0 `#@ @  33PDataEntryAdvice_21   rt h@ ` bHighest value of brake pedal force from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.2):  q0 x  0q0@` ZMean deceleration, a , from t = t + 0.8 s until vehicle slowed to 15 km/h (par. 4.3):  q0s ` BASq0  @ p@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  rV x 0!X N  q0  "0#P@ Title  "0#P @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`@P p@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  rV  p!X N  q0 `"0P#P@ Title `"0P#P @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ N  q0  p" p! Dm/s  q0 !" D2 q0p `@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV @` @` D!Threshold pressure, P (  q0 `` DTq0p`@ Title p` @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6` N  q0 p@` p@'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV p`H *Corresponding deceleration (par.  q0 p" `#@@ Title p" `#@ @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6p `" `! Dm/s  q0 p!" D2 q0 @'' ' @' ''   A! Manufacturer's Name  rV @@ DP (par.  q0S   DABSq0 @ Title  @  33 Check61 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6 N  q0  ` P 0q0 @  33PTestRe_BAS_CatA_Banner   r (@P 4Brake pedal speed needed to activate BAS (par. 4.2):  q0 @ p@'  @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  rV 8 "x mm/s  q0 "0#P@ Title "0#P @  33  Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k EHow is the compliance of the Brake Assist System being demonstrated?  >j >j h6 >j,Arial (P2How is the compliance of the Brake Assist System (\being demonstrated?"p$@ Title "p$ @  33   Warning189 h6 h6 >j h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(gP!` Approval to EC No. 78/2009   q0 !`"P@'''/' '' $ /@/ TestRe_BAS_Results  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(}Results@!` 7Test results to App. 2 Part B or UN R13-H App. 9 Part B  q0  !`"P@'''/' '' $ /@/  TestRe_BAS_EC  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(EC` #' .11a. European Commission (EC) Approval Details   q0 ``# @  33PDataEntryAdvice_18   rt  @#  !# Test Facility No.   :t  t: d   :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (-*No.@  EC Type Approval Number  q0w  '  P` Type of BAS fitted:  q0S  ` Pp@'''/' '' %/@/ TestRe_BAS_EC_CatA  d  d   :t d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(yEC_CatA ` P@'''/' '' %/@/ TestRe_BAS_EC_CatB  d  d  d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(yEC_CatB `" P#@  Title  `" P# @  33 Check61 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!6  Pp Category A BAS  q0H   P Category B BAS  q0H  `!` P"P@' ''/' '' %/@/ TestRe_BAS_EC_CatC  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n TestRe_BAS_(yEC_CatC  P!` Category C BAS  q0I   @  Title    @   33 Check24 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k #' @ ` 11b. 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