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  @ Engine Data Label Part No.  y @']''&p' '' Instru_AllReqsShownY  0@'^''&p' '' Instru_AllReqsShownN   Yes   0 No    +#'!`! Comments   > "0p+@#@'`''&p' '' Comments  0P@'Z''&p' '' Instru_LabelPartNum  p 0 $ [Cl. 6.2.2]  p0` $ [Cl. 9.7]    ` $ [Cl. 11.4]   $ [Cl. 11.4]  @` $ [Cl. 11.4]  ` Exhaust Emissions:  W  $ [Cl. 6.2.2]  P` $ [Cl. 6.5]  !"@A Title %!" @B   Check1 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`!`"@C Title %`!`" @B   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`! `"@E Title %`! `" @B  ' Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  P@I Title %  P @B  ( Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"@Q Title %!" @B  ) Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP!P"@S Title %P!P" @B  * Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"@U Title %!" @B  + Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ! "@G Title ) ! " @G  < Check79 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP!P"@O Title )P!P" @G  = Check80 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@[ Title ) @G  > Warning9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hr(u n( i( npp@W Title )pp @G  ? 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Manufacturer's Name   X~W P0 Licensee's Ref  LDBA !"@J Title )!" @G  i Check22 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k23` SE 37/01 NOV 1998 Issue 1    t p p# @;  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   }  # @T  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   }  Title )!" @G  i Check22 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k23` SE 37/01 NOV 1998 Issue 1   $^B ^$B h6 $^B,Arial (6hSE 37/01 NOV 1998 Issue 1p p# @9  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   }  # @R  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   } PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   }} }   i  Warning10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (o n(| i( n23 SE 37/01 JUL 1998 Issue 1   $^B ^$B h6 $^B,Arial (6hSE 37/01 JUL 1998 Issue 1p p# @R  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   }  # @T  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   } Level of Intensity, Single Lamp).Stop Lamp (One Level of Intensity, Dual Lamps)0Stop Lamp (Two Levels of Intensity, Single Lamp)/Stop Lamp (Two Levels of Intensity, Dual Lamps)=CIE trichromatic co-ordinate Z value must be less than 0.009.@FA  @ ;\ ;\T;\ |H"b  33pMsg_FormSubmitted   w 01 @c  pp Hide_Status  4-Sq -4qS e 4-Sq,Arial (A9 Hide_Stat(MIus10@1@d  ppHide_AllFields  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (A8 Hide_AllFi(MFelds/0` @e  ppHide_FormTitle  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (A:Hide_For(MAmTitle0p1p @f  pp Hide_Officer  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (A7 Hide_Offic(MJer0 1  @g  ppHide_InformationID  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (A8 Hide_Infor(M;mationID01 @h  ppHide_CertUnitID  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (A8 Hide_Cert(MAUnitID2#@'i''p''' Title  F2#@'l''' '' p#p ErrorList  w  & 0#Submit o[ P#Submit    @$ *Discussion Items: This information has been automatically generated by the electronic form. It is possible to edit this information if desired. This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'Submit' button. You can only submit this information to the discussion list once, at which time the form status will be changed to 'Examined'. All subsequent attempts will be refused.      ((}This information has been automatically generated by the electronic form. It is possible to edit this information if desired.(4~This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'Submit' button. You can only submit this information(@yto the discussion list once, at which time the form status will be changed to 'Examined'. All subsequent attempts will be(Lrefused.6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(NFjZ3Submit s WebW( CGI: /perl/discsubmit.cmd Submit includes these parts: Informed tab delimited dataHTTP Submit Details Web server: CGI: /perl/discsubmit.cmd Submit includes these parts: Informed tab delimited dataI/perl/discsubmit.cmdW*'K 7Wv YDrtupScriptLangxDocument(1).currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Document(1).currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false;nullJScr JavaScriptY{ SignatureVersion  Data Vers$ Blue Keys*Graphics0Header  6 FieldList  < Form Infof LayoutPropsG2x DesPathInfoG2~ScriptsBScripts2!%Z;TcpP@c @     A! Manufacturer's Name  QLAV  @&p  Exempt_NoPetrolY   P@a    PTrigger  QLA  P @` Title  <PQ @S  33ffffoHide_Table4_RefMass  PQ @T  33ffffpHide_Table4_InertiaMass  PQ @U  33ffffqHide_Table4_RoadPower  PQ  @V  33ffffrHide_Table4_Row  `@ @'  [Hide_AltStdsStarted  P @.   Hide_AlternativeStandards  Pp@    Pp @5@   A p DataPresent  > > \ >,Arial (&Data(2Pres(>ent   @ vSummary of Evidence Report - Emission Control for Light VehiclesX X > X,Arial (r2Summary of Evidence Report - Emission Control for (D Light Vehicles @ Title   @1    MainCheck h6 h6 X h6, Wingdings  (gn(uC(h$, #'&p'" @','  jp` Test Facility No.  AT seG (+0@'/$ ' $$ Pk p Test Facility Name  A TesR (+" @'0$ ' $$ Plp #@ Test Facility Address  AT se\ &p'@')'' '' n` Test Report No.  A TesF $`%  Test Facility   ghE &p'@'*+'  (*@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     h6 ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) p@ Title p @/    MainWarning h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (fW(ua(r SE 37/01 OCT 2002   )@_ 33#  Sheet 1 of 2   )@; %& *Test Report Date (dd/mm/yyyy)    &p"P'p#@- Title &p"P'p# @5   Check2 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k&p 'pP@+ Title &p 'pP @7  33 Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k&' @. Title "&' @:  |  Warning15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n(P)@1 Title "(P) @:  } Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k("P)#@2 Title "("P)# @:  ~ Check21 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (he(uc(k(!2%&! Test Facility No.   )2G %&p Test Report No.   )2F '( Test Facility Address   )2\ '(0 Test Facility Name   )2R $p%"p @(  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   RR 0@ Title =0 @V  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gn(ug(t @ Title  > @W  33 0 LengthMessage   oG ,P2#',`-`  Identification of Vehicle Tested   )&D -.P Variant   )&D -`.Pp 'Serial or Vehicle Identification Number   )&D /0 Engine Serial No.   )&DM /`0@ Reference Mass   )&DI .P/p`@'4W'  X  Vehicle Make  RI< .P`/p" @'5W'  X  Vehicle Make  RI< 0p1`@'8W'  X  Vehicle Make  RI< 0p`1@':W'  X"@  Vehicle Model  RI> 0@1`@ kg   .`p/`@7 Title .`p/` @6    Warning1 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n.P"`/P#@6 Title .P"`/P# @7    Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n0p1p@9 Title  0p1p @8   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n01 @; Title "01 @:   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n1"`2#@< Title "1"`2# @:  U  Warning15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n,@p-@"p @3  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   &) #' bADR 37/01 is not applicable because : No variants of this model are fitted with a petrol engine; or All variants of this model meet either 79/00 or 79/01; or For LEP & LEG only, all variants of this model use an engine not originally designed for use in M or N group vehicles; or, The vehicle is of category NA2, MB2, MC2 or MD6.   c  f    ,  .  @` Yes   ` ADR Applicability   d  #' @` ` Document   ;   ?*Licensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters)  '    @'  @'   o  A! Manufacturer's Name  T8V  0 " @' '  (p ! >Date (dd/mm/yyyy)       @  Title  @8   Check17 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k " #@  Title  " # @9   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P 0 Date   )9o  P "  (dd/mm/yyyy)   )9o<  @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name   "\    *Vehicle Make (Optional)     @ Title C  @`   Check74 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k " @' @'    A! Manufacturer's Name   g\   @ *Vehicle Model (Optional)     "#@ Title D "# @b   Check74 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$#'` `  Approval to Alternative Standard   )= P In accordance with:-   )=Y p`0  Model Year   )=3 ` Engine specifications and tuning, and exhaust and evaporative control systems, identical to vehicles covered by alternative standard approval.  ..u .u h6 u,Arial (FEngine specifications and tuning, and exhaust and evaporative control (Hsystems, identical to vehicles covered by alternative standard approval.  Test Fuel:   )=,  p  RON 91-93   )=2 !!p  RON 95-96   )=2  @ P!` eIf test fuel RON 95-96, does the RON appear on the engine data label and in the written instructions?  & & u &,Arial ( 3If test fuel RON 95-96, does the RON appear on the (2engine data label and in the written instructions? @"@@'''&p' '' Approv_ModelYr  @P@'''&p' '' Approv_TstdIdentclY  @!P"@'''&p' '' Approv_TstdIdentclN  Pp Yes   P 0!P No    `@'''&p' '' Approv_Ron9193  !!`@' ''&p' '' Approv_Ron9596   pP!0@'#''&p' '' Approv_RonLabelY   p!@!0"@'$''&p' '' Approv_RonLabelN   !@p Yes    !@!@ No   #$`p O(If approval to alternative standard applicable, no further responses required)   R "p#@ Title $"p# @<   Check14 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"p#@ Title $"p# @<   Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @!@@" Title $ @!@ @<   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n "p! #@! Title $ "p! # @<   Check13 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP p  Clause 12.3   )'m5 P p  Clause 12.4   )'m5 p0@'''&p' '' XApprov_ApprvCl12_3   P Yes   @@'''&p' '' ZApprov_ApprvCl12_4   P Yes   pp0" (if applicable)   > ! @  33PIdenti_DataEntryAdvice   " @@ Title A@ @<   Check13 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`# @ CIs an Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) label on the engine?   )o+ "`P# @'&''&p' '' Approv_EPALabelY  "`!@# "@''''&p' '' Approv_EPALabelN  "p#0p Yes   "p #0!@ No   "0"#0#@% Title B"0"#0# @<   Check13 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 0Compliance demonstrated by alternative standard?   )e 0` @'''&p' '' Approv_AltStdYes  0!`" @'''&p' '' Approv_AltStdNo  @  Yes   @ @!` No   22@ LWill more than 33% of the 'Engine Family' be produced with air-conditioning?  R 2`2 @'=''&p' ''  Ident_AirConYes  2!P2"@'>''&p' ''  Ident_AirConNo  2 2 Yes   2 02!P No   @0 Australian Design Rule 37/01   0p#'p` Vehicle Category   a p0! Vehicle Category  K  @"@'W'  X"@  Vehicle Model  "> "`#@ Title !"`# @9   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n`#p'(If yes, no further responses required)  <hA <Ah h6 <hA,Arial (N(If yes, no further responses (Z required)#` @d @     A! Manufacturer's Name   1V 0P@'e''&p' ''  Exempt_NoPetrolY   ` Yes   P@'f''&p' ''   Exempt_79  ` Yes   P@'g''&p' ''   Exempt_NotM_N  P` Yes    ` @'h''&p' ''   Exempt_Cat   P @i Title I P @t   Warning1 h6 h6 \ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nPempt_NotM_N  P` Yes    ` @'r''&p' ''   Exempt_Cat   P @s Title I P @t   Warning1 h6 h6 <hA h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP0000046}VPVVProxyStubClsid32&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}cQVcTypeLib&{C6108EAC-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}Version1.0URVT&{C6108DF6-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}clsUserSettinggTSVTProxyStubClsid&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}VTVVProxyStubClsid32&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}cUVcTypeLib&{C6108EAC-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}Version1.0RVVQ&{C6108DF8-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9} clsLicenseeeTWVTProxyStubClsid&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}VXVVProxyStubClsid32&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}cYVcTypeLib&{C6108EAC-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}Version1.0UZVT&{C6108E00-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}clsConformBodyyT[VTProxyStubClsid&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}V\VVProxyStubClsid32&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}c]VcTypeLib&{C6108EAC-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}Version1.0O^VN&{C6108E08-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}clsAgenttT_VTProxyStubClsid&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}V`VVProxyStubClsid32&{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}caVcTypeLib&{C6108EAC-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}Version1.0VbVU&{C6108E14-1A73-11D2-A0C4-00C04FCB92D9}clsProdFacilityyTB[Ix{Ak  !jjAj@ @" opqr[j|}~  UoppXXZZ'()*+<=>?@VW\giXXXXXùXXXPRR1XUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX{ porpsilaZ porpsila` porpsilal porpsilarDatam 333ZX3333  39poU333 3 3  .~3}3|333/nlkj.3[opqri3g3_^\ WV@3?3>3=3<3+3*3)3(3'333Revision 2.3MD6Entries Not Requiredhff%%%%%% Entries Not Required8Entries Not Required%TrueFalse  |#=&@*B{@-;1 4dy7:;/@>x@A8EQHL7Os@RٷV05Y\`R4c@gjtotvP@} q@`/c }e!˻%1|(+@/Sz269uy<9@@1@CwF7JSMvQ6@Tu@Wt[A4^asec3@hlqry0@r.-@>l C#F0I>LK@P S`V[^ad@g€jmp@su~ x`z}@, 9GT@a`D B@Revision 2.3Revision 2.3Entries Not RequiredEntries Not Requirediii porpsila porpsila _V  _V~Gi _VN_V Z_VJ/y V/yz/y /y/y  /yj/y v/y/y /y/y /y/y /yFile_VN "_VO ._VW :_VS F_V R_VM ^_V$j_V v_V/_V0 _V_VP _VQNew Document...Open...CloseSave Save As...Send... 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Please check.@ ;\ ;\ @ ;\D|`;\;\ 7N~(OGd3GhGN %7N~(OGd3RhGN Ày&.7N 7N~(OGd3hGN 7N~(OGd3hGN n ;\ ;\ @ D;\h  ~(gn~d3MhR %~(gz~d3XhR ~(g~d3chR n ;\ ;\ @ ;\h  &`d}SiDeL&`& %&`L}SiDeW&`& &`L}SiDea&`& ;\ |;\ @ ;\ ;\;\ ;\( ~($!d3Mh %q~($F!d3Zh y&. y&. %q~($v!d3h q~($!d3h ~($!d3hf ;\ P;\ @ ;\ ;\h D;\ ;\f4 97Nd3O EGNf4 97Nd3OEGN %7N~(O9d3rhGN 7N~(O9d3|hGN(V Entries Not Required36h' !~($Qd3@h'a ZT  L]~(/M,n3hOf4j,LIn3/MEOdD(LK~(/M?,n3?yhOf4j,LIn3/MEO?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***o@" { ,T;\t   3~(Jd3h/)f4J3d3E/)E(3~(1Jd31h/)f4J3d3E/)1The date cannot be greater than the current date.p@ ;\ L;\ ;\ TDH;\4;\<;\ ;\ kSVl:kk %kSVlEkk fL \  lSVlvll 4jSVl4j4jo| ;\ ;\ p;\ TH;\;\|;\ ;\ JSf&4JJ %tSf&?tt xSf&e jSf&ojjp* ;\ ;\ @;\DX;\;\|p;\ ÀfL ) tS$Ltt S$V* ;\ ;\ @;\D\;\;\|4;\ ÀfL * zjStMzjzj jStWjjN6 , @  ;\;\;\h[;\ ;\P;\;\ ;\ 0 (;\    ;\ ;\ h;\,;\ ;\;\;\+;\6 o}SiDooo B@^}}T}X0H"o8}sDT7M8}SiDo66MM t:^}}T}X0H.o8}sDb7rL8}SiDo>N>rLrL}X0H6oP}sDqn v^}}T}X0HBo8}sD!p7L8}SiDo\ \LL}X0HJoP}sD%-* vo6^}}T}X0HVo8}sD+\Y~7 M8}SiDo\\ M M}X0H\o8}sD.}X0Hhoh}sD46Model year must be less than or equal to current year.>Model year would normally be greater than 1960. Please check.\Model year must be greater than or equal to 1990 if approved in accordance with Clause 12.3.\Model year must be greater than or equal to 1987 if approved in accordance with Clause 12.4. XZ@L , false~(w2d3hL , false~(d3h x ;\ ;\, ;\@d }X0H^h}sDWTP7^h}SiD^}X0H^h}sD *'Engine specifications, tuning and exhaust and evaporative control systems must be identical to vehicles covered by alternative standard approval. Further responses are required.@L , false~(V/d3hL , false~(#d3hL , false~(d3hL , false~(d3h ;\ ;\, ;\@ `;\Fd}X0H^h}sD gdt7^h}SiD^}X0H^h}sD  If test fuel RON 95-96, the RON must appear on the engine data label and in the written instructions. Further responses are required.@. ;\   T@;\ ;\|;\;\[f;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\  |;\ ;\l T;\  ;\ ,;\;\;\& Ӳ.$  G4}SiDxGZGG t:XR1}K %Od3h< ;\C;\ aI ;\|;\ MAT|}SiDITT LEPT|}SiDOTT}X0H^h}sD c`7Uh}SiD44UU7JUh}SiD""JUJU}X0H"^h}sD4Clause 12.4 not applicable when vehicle category is ". Further responses are required.Z@(V Entries Not Requiredq^q q^L}SiDq;q^q&| ;\ ;\, ;\ d) ,;\ |C;\ D;\ ;\  Ch;\ ;\0  @;\ ;\X,;\ & }X0H|^4}sD_[}X0H|^4}sD ~z %v^}SiD|v^v v^}SiD|v^v MAf^}SiD|f^f LEPf^}SiD|f^f %f^}SiD|f^f MAtf^0}SiD|tf^tf LEPf^0}SiD|f^f %f^}SiD|*f^f g^}SiD|8g^g 8g^L}SiD|H8g^8g XZL , false~(r%d3hL , false~(Od3h x ;\ ;\, ;\D;\ }X0Hf^h}sDTQ1f^h}SiDfiif^f}X0Hf^h}sD iAn Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) label must be on the engine. Further responses are required.@ ;\ ;\, L;\;\@ $;\ ;\h ;\;\(;\ ;\ %U}SiDf~UU xV}SiDfVV V}SiDfVV VL}SiDfVV L , False|}SiD7,7,7L , False|}SiDd>r>r>L , false~(^%d3hL , false~(d3h x ;\ ;\,  ;\d;\ }X0HZ1^}sDTQ1 .^}SiDZ1ii .^ .}X0HZ1^}sD iAn Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) label must be on the engine. Further responses are required.;\     C;\ ;\ ;\ <;\x dSrl LEGSrl: LEPSrl@ NA1SrlF NA2SrlL MA6”SrlQ6”6 MB1D”SrlWD”D MB2”Srl]” MC1>Srlc>> MC2Srli MD5(Srlo(( MD66Srlu66X(rlL$S1DLSrl||DD `LSrl``|You must use a value from the drop down list. Acceptable values are LEG, LEP, NA1, NA2, MA, MB1, MB2, MC1, MC2, MD5 or MD6.B, ;\ ;\ p;\ ;\T      C<;\ ;\;\;\;\x kS>k8kk %kS>kEkk LEGkS>knkk LEPkS>ktkk NA1kS>kzkk NA2kS>kkk MAkS>kkk MB1kS>kkk MB2lS>kll MC1lS>kll MC2lS>kll MD5,lS>k,l,l MD6:lS>k:l:l xHlS>kHlHl VlS>kVlVl   d;\ P;\T8;\| V S8 Revison 2.2 or earlier༎a Z;\T  ֒DS֒֒X,$S%"1",S?r?"X,$S?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***  ;\|  LEP:dS^:: LEGrdS^7rrX^L$SHEZ1LS^??X^L$S ?This option is only available for vehicle categories LEP or LEG@C@ (;\T;\( NA26S•"66 MB2DS•(DD MC2RS•.RR MD6`S•4``X•L$S HE U=nLS•JJnnX•L$S JThis option is only available for vehicle categories NA2, MB2, MC2 or MD6@!J  ;\ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\  ;\  ;\0 ;\;\D!|  LEP4wDS8vO4w4w LEGLxDS8vjLxLx xxS8vxxx NA2xS8vxx MB2yS8vyy MC2yS8vyy MD6yS8vyy xuS8vuu uS8vuu:@ p;\ ;\ ;\( 5~(Eo)d3hF P&^2,>L _ P&^2,>Lf4o)5d3EEF,T=5~(EJ>o)d3JhFf4o)5d3EEFf4o)5d3EEFJOdometer reading at start of test must be within the range 0 to 80,000 km.@^ , L;\L;\ h;\ 4;\( 5~(Ew0d3hF P:2,>L P:2,>Lf4w05d3EEFT=5~(ELVw0d3LhFf4w05d3EEFf4$w05d3E$EFLFuel evaporative emissions hydrocarbons must be within the range 0 to 1.9 g.@n , `;\ ;\h;\ 4;\( !~($^fd37h' '-J g,x>L _ '-J g,x>Lf4.f!d3$E',Q=!~($\fd3\h'f4.f!d3$E'f4$.f!d3$$E'\Odometer reading at start of exhaust emissions test must be within the range 0 to 80,000 km.@P  ;\4;\P;\|&;\ ;\  ;\ \;\;\ ;\ ;\ &;\D  ;\X  ;\;\l ;\ %;\;\`;\&;\  8;\$;\  ;\4;\;\;\&;\  ;\;\ ;\\;\!;\J4;\P >]}SiD>]>}X0H ]P}sD<9 B@v^}}|gT 1-v^}}|gT v^}}|gT ]@v^}}|gT}X0H.]}sDQ=]}SiDKK] B@v^}}|gT 1-v^}}|gT v^}}|gT  to 13 kW. Please check.]}X0HR]}sD) B@v^}}|gT 1-v^}}|gT ]@v^}}|gT}X0Ht]8}sD: Q=v]8}SiDKcKv]v B@v^}}|gT 1-v^}}|gT  to 13 kW. Please check.]z}X0H]8}sDJ}X0H]h}sDNKRoad load power at 80 km/h used in test would normally be within the range KRoad load power at 80 km/h used in test would normally be within the range qr@ , ;\C;\| ;\;\ ;\|  O~(N3d3hC iO~(N23d3[hC iiO~(N>3d3`hC iiiO~(NJ3d3fhC ivO~(NV3d3khCf43Od3NEC R=O~(NAb3d3AhCf4$3Od3N$ECf4*3Od3N*ECAMethod of establishing road load power must be i, ii, iii, or iv.@"D;\T;\h \;\ $;\;\;\   |;\ ;\|  0^}SiDx0^0 B@w^}} &_T ^w^}} &_T}X0Hx^8}sD R=.^8}SiDx??.^. B@w^}} &_T  to 4000 kg. Please check..}X0H0x^8}sD@=}X0H6x^h}sDYV?Vehicle equivalent inertia mass would normally be within range pr@;N , ;\TG   C4;\  ;\ D;\  ;\GT;\C;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\ +;\2;\H; O~(N3d3hC J"Zw)Lf43Od3NECS=O~(N%>3d3%hC -J"Zw)L LEGO~(Nb3d3hC MBO~(Nn3d3hC MCO~(Nz3d3hC MDO~(N3d3hC NAO~(N3d3hC J"Zw)Lf463Od3N6ECS=O~(N[3d3[hC .O~(N3d3hC -J"Zw)L MAO~(N3d3hC LEPO~(N3d3hC J"Zw)Lf4Z3Od3NZEC$S=O~(NZ.3d3ZihC .O~(NF3d3hCf4h3Od3NhECf4r3Od3NrEC%Value appears unusual. Please check.[Exhaust emmission hydrocarbons must be less than or equal to 0.45 when vehicle category is ZExhaust emission hydrocarbons must be less than or equal to 0.24 when vehicle category is @ G ;\@ ;\TGC;\G;\C;\ <;\ ;\;\   ;\0 ;\D;\X G ;\  C;\ G;\C;\ ;\ ;\;\  X;\0;\;\P;\ ;\;(;\D;\Gf4W4Od3NEC"P=O~(N W4d3hC O~(NRW4d3FhC Jw)OL MAOC~(NW4d3uhC -Jw)OL LEPOC~(NW4d3hC $Jw)OLf48W4Od3N8EC0P=O~(N^W4d3^BhC .O~(NW4d3XhC Jw)OL MBOC~(NW4d3hC MCOC~(N*W4d3hC MDOC~(NBW4d3hC NAOC~(NNW4d3hC -Jw)OL LEGOC~(N~W4d3hC V@Jw)OLf4rW4Od3NrEC>P=O~(N^W4d3^bhC .O~(NW4d3xhCf4W4Od3NECf4W4Od3NECCOMMENT: the reason for the member(left(....)) statements below is simply for maintainablity... if different vehicle categories are added, having unique prefixes of 2 or 3 letters, than the category can be added in member(left(...,2)) or member (left(...,3)) respectively. It also makes sure that a user entering, for example, category MA2, doesn't break the check. Its also a bit easier than having a lot of BeginsWith(...) functions, although how much easier I'm beginning to wonder. Easy, huh?^Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide must be less than or equal to 1.91 when vehicle category is ^Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide must be less than or equal to 5.64 when vehicle category is BB , L;\@GC;\|GC;\ |;\ 8;\ ;\B/ , ;\0D GH;\    Cl;\ G;\C0;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\;\;\;\;\p9|;\Bt g"~(/&7?d3;h #N6TL MAg"C~(/&7?d3jh -#N6TL LEPg"C~(/&=d3h #N6TLf44vAg"d3/&4EP=g"~(/&b=d'c<h .g"~(/&&=d3Rh #N6TL MBg"C~(/&J=d3h MCg"C~(/&b=d3h MDg"C~(/&n=d3h NAg"C~(/&z=d3h -#N6TL LEGg"C~(/&=d3h `#N6TLf4nvAg"d3/&nEP=g"~(/&b2=d'cah .g"~(/&=d3whf4vAg"d3/&EbExhaust emissions' oxides of nitrogen must be less than or equal to 0.57 when vehicle category is bExhaust emissions' oxides of nitrogen must be less than or equal to 1.27 when vehicle category is @L , false~(Vd3hL , false~(ZOd3h ;\ ;\ @;\ | ;\;\ ;( g"~(/&g=d3Mh %g"q~(/&g=d3Zh y&.g" _ y&.g" xg"q~(/&g=d3h g"q~(/&g=d3h g"~(/& g=d3h ;\ ;\ @,;\ ;\|\< ;\( 5~(EOKd3MhF %5q~(EOKd3ZhF y&.5 y&.5 x5q~(EOKd3hF 5q~(EOKd3hF 5~(EOKd3hF ;\ ;\ @,;\ ;\|(9 ;\( g"~(/&9d3Lh %g"q~(/&9d3Yh y&.g" _ y&.g" xg"q~(/&V9d3h g"q~(/&b9d3h g"~(/&n9d3hz ;\ 0;\ @C;\ h;\;\ @;\ ,;\|  "~(0:od3MhV %"q~(0vod3ZhV i"~(0od3hV ii"~(0od3hV iii"~(0od3hV iv"~(0od3hV x"q~(0od3hV "q~(0od3hV "~(0od3hV%r ;\ X;\ @C;\ ;\    C9  <;\  ;\D ;\;\X;\l%x g"~(/&f9d3Nh %g"q~(/&r9d3[h LEGg"~(/&9d3h MBg"~(/&9d3h MCg"~(/&9d3h MDg"~(/&9d3h NAg"~(/&9d3h y&.g" xg"q~(/&9d3h MAg"~(/&9d3h LEPg"~(/&9d3h y&.g" xg"q~(/&>9d3h g"q~(/&J9d3&h g"~(/&V9d36h9: ;\ T;\ ;\@) GCGC;\ ;\ ;\\;\ ;\ G;\     C G;\C@;\ ;\ ,;\;\ LA;\ d;\.;\ 3;\49  g"~(/&:d3Ph %g"q~(/&:d3]h y&.g" MAg")~(/&":d3h -y&.g" LEPg")~(/&^:d3h $y&.g" xg"q~(/&:d3h y&.g" MBg")~(/&:d3h MCg")~(/&:d3h MDg")~(/&:d3h NAg")~(/&:d3!h -y&.g" LEGg")~(/&:d3Jh V@y&.g" xg"q~(/&:d3zh g"q~(/&*:d3h g"~(/&B:d3h9: ;\ d;\ @TG|;\C;\Gp;\C;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ GD;\     CP5/ G;\C;\ ;\ ;\;\ t;\;\ L;\.;\ 3;\49  $~(#9d3Ph$ %$q~(#9d3]h$ y&.$ MA$)~(#B9d3h$ -y&.$ LEP$)~(#29d3h$ y&.$ x$q~(#z9d3h$ y&.$ MB$)~(#9d3h$ MC$)~(#9d3h$ MD$)~(#9d3h$ NA$)~(#9d3!h$ -y&.$ LEG$)~(# 9d3Jh$ `y&.$ x$q~(#v9d3zh$ $q~(#9d3h$ $~(#9d3h$3 ;\ ;\ @ eePXe&;\ ;\  8;\$;\ ;\ (l;\ ;\l &X;\     ;\ t;\(-;\3x +^4}SiD*R+^+ %+^}SiD*_+^+}X0H*^4}sD | B@@1pXh= 1-@1pXh= @1pXh= ]@@1pXh= xn,^}SiD*n,^n, ,^}SiD* ,^, B@@1pXh= 1-@1pXh= ]@@1pXh= x-^}SiD*-^- -^}SiD*-^- -^L}SiD*-^- qr8 ;\ ;\ @;\|$;\;\ ;\ t;\ ( R^4}SiDhSR^R %S^}SiDh\S^S B@@1pX> ^@1pX> xFR^}SiDhFR^FR N^}SiDhN^N N^L}SiDhN^N prD x  ;\ @;\;\  $~(#:d3Nh$ %$q~(#:d3[h$ $q~(#:d3ih$ $~(#:d3yh$ ;\ ;\, ;\ ;\T <;\$;\ ;\ %$q~(#f75d3uh$ x$q~(#75d3h$ $q~(#75d3h$ $~(#75d3h$WV ;\ ;\,  T t;\;\ L;\  %$q~(#r2d3uh$ x$q~(#2d3h$ $q~(#2d3h$ $~(#2d3h$L , false~(j/d3hL , false~(>ׅd3h<D;\ !~($'id3h' %!~($'id3h' !~($'id3&h' ;\ @;\ @ p;\ ;\hP;\<;\ iv!~($Fd3Dh' !~($Fd3dh' %!q~($Fd3qh' !q~($Fd3h' !~($Fd3h'_*D x;\ ;\T  ;\| ;\;\( XR1}p p^L}SiDo4p^p ivp^d}SiDo}p^p p^4}SiDop^p %Lp^}SiDoLp^Lp p^}SiDop^p k^L}SiDok^k^(V Entries Not Required35h' !~($'id3?h'(V Entries Not Required35hF 5~(E)d3?hF& oc ZT  +~(O4wgd3hWFf4wg+d3O4EWFU+~(O4A"wgd3A|hWFf4wg+d3O4EWFA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***& a Z;\;\T  "=DSx@"="=Xx@,$S%"ی0=,Sx@?r?0=0=Xx@,$S?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***Arial WingdingsdP \$+γ"v>| f4W4Od3NECO~(N W4d3hC O~(NRW4d3FhC Jw)OL MAOC~(NW4d3uhC -Jw)OL LEPOC~(NW4d3hC $Jw)OLf48W4Od3N8ECO~(N^W4d3^BhC .O~(NW4d3XhC Jw)OL MBOC~(NW4d3hC MCOC~(N*W4d3hC MDOC~(NBW4d3hC NAOC~(NNW4d3hC -Jw)OL LEGOC~(N~W4d3hC V@Jw)OLf4rW4Od3NrECO~(N^W4d3^bhC .O~(NW4d3xhCf4W4Od3NECf4W4Od3NECCOMMENT: the reason for the member(left(....)) statements below is simply for maintainablity... if different vehicle categories are added, having unique prefixes of 2 or 3 letters, than the category can be added in member(left(...,2)) or member (left(...,3)) respectively. It also makes sure that a user entering, for example, category MA2, doesn't break the check. Its also a bit easier than having a lot of BeginsWith(...) functions, although how much easier I'm beginning to wonder. Easy, huh?^Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide must be less than or equal to 1.91 when vehicle category is ^Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide must be less than or equal to 5.64 when vehicle category is BB , L;\@GC;\|GC;\ |;\ 8;\ ;\B/ , ;\0D GH;\    Cl;\ G;\C0;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\;\;\;\;\p9|;\Bt g"~(/&7?d3;h #N6TL MAg"C~(/&7?d3jh -#N6TL LEPg"C~(/&=d3h #N6TLf44vAg"d3/&4E0g"~(/&b=d'c<h .g"~(/&&=d3Rh #N6TL MBg"C~(/&J=d3h MCg"C~(/&b=d3h MDg"C~(/&n=d3h NAg"C~(/&z=d3h -#N6TL LEGg"C~(/&=d3h `#N6TLf4nvAg"d3/&nE>g"~(/&b2=d'cah .g"~(/&=d3whf4vAg"d3/&EbExhaust emissions' oxides of nitrogen must be less than or equal to 0.57 when vehicle category is bExhaust emissions' oxides of nitrogen must be less than or equal to 1.27 when vehicle category is @L , false~(Vd3hL , false~(ZOd3h ;\ ;\ @;\ | ;\;\ ;( g"~(/&g=d3Mh %g"q~(/&g=d3Zh y&.g" _ y&.g" xg"q~(/&g=d3h g"q~(/&g=d3h g"~(/& g=d3h ;\ ;\ @,;\ ;\|\< ;\( 5~(EOKd3MhF %5q~(EOKd3ZhF y&.5 y&.5 x5q~(EOKd3hF 5q~(EOKd3hF 5~(EOKd3hF ;\ ;\ @,;\ ;\|(9 ;\( g"~(/&9d3Lh %g"q~(/&9d3Yh y&.g" _ y&.g" xg"q~(/&V9d3h g"q~(/&b9d3h g"~(/&n9d3hz ;\ 0;\ @C;\ h;\;\ @;\ ,;\|  "~(0:od3MhV %"q~(0vod3ZhV i"~(0od3hV ii"~(0od3hV iii"~(0od3hV iv"~(0od3hV x"q~(0od3hV "q~(0od3hV "~(0od3hV%r ;\ X;\ @C;\ ;\    C9  <;\  ;\D ;\;\X;\l%x g"~(/&f9d3Nh %g"q~(/&r9d3[h LEGg"~(/&9d3h MBg"~(/&9d3h MCg"~(/&9d3h MDg"~(/&9d3h NAg"~(/&9d3h y&.g" xg"q~(/&9d3h MAg"~(/&9d3h LEPg"~(/&9d3h y&.g" xg"q~(/&>9d3h g"q~(/&J9d3&h g"~(/&V9d36h9: ;\ T;\ ;\@) GCGC;\ ;\ ;\\;\ ;\ G;\     C G;\C@;\ ;\ ,;\;\ LA;\ d;\.;\ 3;\49  g"~(/&:d3Ph %g"q~(/&:d3]h y&.g" MAg")~(/&":d3h -y&.g" LEPg")~(/&^:d3h $y&.g" xg"q~(/&:d3h y&.g" MBg")~(/&:d3h MCg")~(/&:d3h MDg")~(/&:d3h NAg")~(/&:d3!h -y&.g" LEGg")~(/&:d3Jh V@y&.g" xg"q~(/&:d3zh g"q~(/&*:d3h g"~(/&B:d3h9: ;\ d;\ @