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)FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  4?~4?~4?~ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumateIntoEmg_BoosterTypeIntoEmg_FtGrpEmgActIntoEmg_FtGrpPrkActIntoEmg_EmergEIntoEmg_EmergSIntoEmg_ParkingEIntoEmg_ParkingS6%e1BrakAc_BoosterType2BrakAc_s'0cP 0 #########General // @@X   @@'@@'@@' @@'@@@'A ) `3T3`3`3f qb75ZdA`33f qb`33f qb]5ZdA]5f HL3Df 1A  A f f oAA f dAB AD8L·D8~\QOJ@@@'''' '' @@X   @@@'''' '' @@X   @@@''' ' '' @@X   @@\O@@X  WSSHNT(1O?Jq1Informed_StartupScriptHasNoteSaveDoc SaveAsDocLang!if (Informed.currentDocument.count(Record) > 0) { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Check_new_doc").value = 'existing'; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; // The follow lines of code replace the contents of the Make and Model cells with trimmed text strings // The lines are only to be enabled by removing the double slash on the System version of a template //Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Hide_Reference").value; } nullJScr JavaScriptLangInformed.currentDocument.currentRecord.Cell("NoteHere").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord.Cell("Issue_Num").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord.Cell("Issue_Num").value; BuiltinCommand("Place Note").execute();nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. 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Control Signal rear axle 1 @ 0.8 E is empty"),IFT (Warning8 = '%',"Ratio of output to input Control Signal rear axle 1 @ 1.0 E is empty"),IFT (Check4 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S is empty"),IFT (Check5 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning10 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes booster area is empty"),IFT (Check6 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E is empty"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check7 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S is empty"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E is empty"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S is empty"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning18 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes booster area is empty"),IFT (Check10 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E is empty"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S is empty"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E is empty"),IFT (Check16 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S is empty"),IFT (Check13 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning19 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes booster area is empty"),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E is empty"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check15 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S is empty"),IFT (Check15 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning12 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency brake cut-in level is empty"),IFT (Warning13 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes maximum emergency booster stroke is empty"),IFT (Warning17 = '%',"Brake Booster Data booster type is empty"),IFT (Warning14 = '%',"Brake Booster Data rear axle 1 is empty"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Brake Booster Data anitlock requirements has not been answered"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Brake Booster Data anitlock requirements is incorrect"),IFT (Warning20 = '%',"Test Facility test report number is empty"),IFT (Check17 = '%',"Test Facility date is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Test Facility date is incorrect"),IFT (Check18 = '%',"Test Facility number is empty"),IFT (Check18 = 'x',"Test Facility number must have a prefix of T followed by 4 digits, or in the case of a new test facility must be the word "NEW""),IFT (Warning22 = '%',"Test Facility name is empty"),IFT (Warning23 = '%',"Test Facility address is empty"))) End ^   PsJ PJs 4-Sq PsJ, MS Sans Serif (c!If Hide_Status <> 'received' Then(o ''({Else(l CollapseColumn (MakeColumn (IFT (Warning1 = '%',"Document Reference is empty"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Document(hdate is empty"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Document date is incorrect"),IFT (Warning2 = '%',"Summary of Evidence(gsub-assembly make is empty"),IFT (Warning3 = '%',"Summary of Evidence sub-assembly model is empty"),IFT(j(Check1 = 'x',"Summary Of Evidence Variant codes are incorrect"),IFT (Warning16 = '%',"Summary of Evidence(ovariant code (1) is empty"),IFT (Warning4 = '%',"Ratio of output to input Control Signal rear axle 1 @ 0.2 E is(sempty"),IFT (Warning5 = '%',"Ratio of output to input Control Signal rear axle 1 @ 0.4 E is empty"),IFT (Warning6 =(s'%',"Ratio of output to input Control Signal rear axle 1 @ 0.6 E is empty"),IFT (Warning7 = '%',"Ratio of output to(uinput Control Signal rear axle 1 @ 0.8 E is empty"),IFT (Warning8 = '%',"Ratio of output to input Control Signal rear(qaxle 1 @ 1.0 E is empty"),IFT (Check4 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E is empty"),IFT (Check4(k= 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check5 =(k'%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S is empty"),IFT (Check5 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking( fBrakes emergency S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning10 = '%',"Input to(rEmergency/Parking Brakes booster area is empty"),IFT (Check6 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E is(#sempty"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT(/a(Check7 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S is empty"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Input to(;tEmergency/Parking Brakes parking S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Input to(GoEmergency/Parking Brakes emergency E is empty"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency(SnE must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S is(_pempty"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S must be less than 1 and greater than or(kkequal to 0"),IFT (Warning18 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes booster area is empty"),IFT (Check10 =(wq'%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E is empty"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes(rparking E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S(ris empty"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S must be less than 1 and greater than or(hequal to 0"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E is empty"),IFT (Check16 =(j'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency E must be less than 1 and greater than 0"),IFT (Check13 =(l'%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency S is empty"),IFT (Check13 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking(fBrakes emergency S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning19 = '%',"Input to(pEmergency/Parking Brakes booster area is empty"),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E(ois empty"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking E must be less than 1 and greater than(k0"),IFT (Check15 = '%',"Input to Emergency/Parking Brakes parking S is empty"),IFT (Check15 = 'x',"Input to(sEmergency/Parking Brakes parking S must be less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0"),IFT (Warning12 = '%',"Input(bto Emergency/Parking Brakes emergency brake cut-in level is empty"),IFT (Warning13 = '%',"Input to(mEmergency/Parking Brakes maximum emergency booster stroke is empty"),IFT (Warning17 = '%',"Brake Booster Data(pbooster type is empty"),IFT (Warning14 = '%',"Brake Booster Data rear axle 1 is empty"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Brake(iBooster Data anitlock requirements has not been answered"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Brake Booster Data anitlock(+lrequirements is incorrect"),IFT (Warning20 = '%',"Test Facility test report number is empty"),IFT (Check17 =(7q'%',"Test Facility date is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Test Facility date is incorrect"),IFT (Check18 = '%',"Test(CDFacility number is empty"),IFT (Check18 = 'x',"Test Facility number , MS Sans Serif (CR7must have a prefix of T followed by 4 digits, or in the(O2case of a new test facility must be the word "NEW" (OE"),IFT (Warning22 = '%',"Test Facility name is empty"),IFT (Warning23([)= '%',"Test Facility address is empty")))(gEndntext\f1\'b7\tab}\deflang%d\lang%dDlDl@l<l\pic\obj%sw%d%sh%d%sscalex%d%sscaley%d%scropt%d%scropb%d%scropl%d%scropr%d{\pict\%s%d\picwgoal%d\pichgoal%d{\object\%s{\*\objclass {\*\objname {\*\objdata{\result \objsetsize\objupdate4l(lll ll<hMS Sans Serif~}|{zwnjzwjyrxewbmwidthbyteswbmplaneswbmbitspixelvertdocvupulwaveulwulthulnoneulhairuldbuldashdduldashduldashuldultxtctbft DAO 3.5 Object Library DBEngine7-5ProgIDDAO.DBEngine.35K-KCLSID&{00000011-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}f-fDAO.PrivateDBEngine.350Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library PrivateDBEngineK-KCLSID&{00000013-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}X-XDAO.TableDef.35)<Q< h    W `3aGb[cod efghp Oq ar ss t  ijkl#>5DLT hp./ < D u   O s5_,nAoHu~=  {tsx7GWx{[ z  \ {   X v  \Z y  ]  |  ^ } + IJK,LC     % 9 M a u B]AFCtDFEGH  @<X $"L$t!8#`%    + *  : $ ( uv/ a LBRbrSQPrOdR }    6 9:!;+MZm7wq #-0   1234 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Warning18IntoEmg_BoosterType1IntoEmg_FtGrpPrkAct1IntoEmg_EmergE1IntoEmg_EmergS1IntoEmg_ParkingE1IntoEmg_ParkingS1check9check10check11check12IntoEmg_FtGrpEmgAct2 Warning19IntoEmg_BoosterType2IntoEmg_FtGrpPrkAct2IntoEmg_EmergE2IntoEmg_EmergS2IntoEmg_ParkingE2IntoEmg_ParkingS2check13check14check15check16check17 Warning20Check18 Warning22 Warning23Docume_VeclMakeDocume_VeclModelMainLengthCheckCheck20Check21Docume_Reference1Trigger Issue_NumExt Issue_NumComments Check_new_doc DataAlert Issue_NumberAttached Attached_YesHide_ReferenceNoteHere LengthMessageSummar_RoadTrain_YesSummar_RoadTrain_Nocheck24check25Summar_VarBrProp_YesSummar_VarBrProp_Nocheck26 VarPartNum_1 VarPartNum_2 VarPartNum_3 VarPartNum_4 VarPartNum_5check27Summar_ElecCLReq_NoSummar_ElecCLReq_Yes Warning42Summar_ElecCL_YesSummar_ElecCL_Nocheck28Summar_LSVAxleGrp_YesSummar_LSVAxleGrp_Nocheck29ABS_TechReq_App1 ABS_ECEAppcheck30DataEntryAdviceABS ABS_ECEApp2 ABS_ECEApp1 Warning21ABS_TechReq_R13 ABS_ECEApp3 Warning43 Warning44viceABS ABS_ECEApp2 ABS_ECEApp1 Warning21ABS_TechReq_R13 ABS_ECEApp3 Warning43 Warning44ments Warning24Summar_RoadTrain_YesSummar_RoadTrain_Nocheck24check25Summar_VarBrProp_YesSummar_VarBrProp_Nocheck26 VarPartNum_1 VarPartNum_2 VarPartNum_3 VarPartNum_4 VarPartNum_5check27Summar_ElecCL_NoSummar_ElecCL_Yes Warning42Summar_VarBrProp_Yes1Summar_VarBrProp_No1check28NameDataUni|  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NoteHere Warning16TriggerDocume_Reference 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Test Facilities must be registered using a Test Facility Registration form before the evidence can be submittedTest Facility Identification number may no longer be a T followed by 4 digits. You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.O@ ;\ ;\|  !~(_"n####jj j j [PͫXP PͫXP T0j PͫXP T1j #####jj j xj jO  n ;\ x;\ @   % P  n   ;\@h   % Q& sd ;\ ;\,  T ;\ D;\;\;\;\ %j xj j ;\ 8;\, ;\ j4 ;\| 8;\V %j j<  >h  ;\  ;\| j,1jjTrailer brake control system sub-assemblies are expected to incorporate antilock or variable proportioning unless they will only be installed on trailers that meet the criteria of clause 6.10.  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