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Semi-Trailers and Pig Trailers   q #p@$0 Trailer Category and Type  qs # # Gross Trailer Mass (tonnes)  q| ## Aggreg. Trailer Mass(tonnes)  q $ $@ From  q $@$ To  q  $(#@@' ''0''' Title  $( @''' P' '' @ QSemPig_TralCatType      ,Arial (SemPig_TralCatTyp(e$ (@@''' P' '' @ Q,SemPig_RngGTMFrom  v v  v,Arial (SemPig_RngGTMFr(om$@(@''' P' '' @L QxSemPig_RngGTMTo   ` $(@@''' P' '' @ QSemPig_RngATMFrom  ? ? v ?,Arial (ISemPig_RngATMFro(Im$@(@''' P' '' @ Q! SemPig_RngATMTo   _ $(#@@''' P' ''  SemPig_LUTM    ? ,Arial (Se(mPi(g_L(UT(M$$@ From  q $@$ To  q  " $ '" $ "$'"$# #'# ##>$B'#@$@#>$B'#@$@33#  Sheet 1 of 2   q8  @@* Title  @ @     MainWarning h6 h6   h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r @- Title   @!   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Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.  q 8X@G    Check_new_doc  @$@H@ Title !@$ @2  33  0 LengthMessage V X @I    DataAlert  xX8 @J @     A! Manufacturer's Name  V x P D@K Title  "x P @5@   0 0A Attached  > > h6 >,Arial (tt("a(.c(:hx   @6@   0 A  Attached_Yes  > > > >,Arial (c("h(.e(:dXx8 @L0  p01     p0@'M''@' '' ANoteHere  S S   S,Arial (^NoteHe(jre0  Note Presentq#3 3 Note 2: See Circular 0-7-5.  qv @' ''&p' '' Summar_VarBrake_Yes  !0" @' ''&p' '' Summar_VarBrake_No   Yes  q  @!` No  q  "p# @4P  PQ@Warning9 D_ D_ S D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i AIs the trailer fitted with a Variable Proportioning Brake System?  q "$'"$#$#8 Lightest UTM (tonnes)  'S= '=S D_ 'S=,Arial (9 Lightest UTM (E(tonnes)$"(%#@ @:P  PQ@ Warning15 D_ D_ 'S= D_, Wingdings  (Hn(Ui(bn ` " @'''  P("@  Vehicle Model  >  0` !p *Trailer Type (Note 2)    " #@@1 Title # " #@ @A   Warning5 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n!`"P# @N  33PDataEntryAdvice   ` $ %@@6 Title $$ %@ @F  !  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No  q  00"1 #@Y Title 200"1 # @o  T  Warning45 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n0`01  $ [Cl. 6.7]    9!! @'nw'  rx Sub-Assembly Make  [  @'ow'  sx Sub-Assembly Make  [ @0 @'pw'  tx Sub-Assembly Make  [  @'qw'  ux Sub-Assembly Make  [  @'rw'  vx Sub-Assembly Make  [ x  Variant Codes   qC 8 1.  q (@ 2.  q @@ 3.  q @ 4.  q @ 5.  q  @`@'sw'  wx Sub-Assembly Make  [  @`@'tw'  xx Sub-Assembly Make  [ @ @0`@'uw'  yx Sub-Assembly Make  [  @`@'vw'  zx Sub-Assembly Make  [  @`@'ww'  {x Sub-Assembly Make  [   P 6.  q (  P 7.  q  @ P 8.  q   P 9.  q  x 10.  q @'xw'  |x Sub-Assembly Make  [ @'yw'  }x Sub-Assembly Make  [ @0@'zw'  ~x Sub-Assembly Make  [ @'{w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [ @'|w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [  11.  q ( 12.  q @ 13.  q  14.  q  15.  q #@'}w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [ #@'~w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [ @0#@'w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [ #@'w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [ #@'w'  x Sub-Assembly Make  [ ` 16.  q (h 17.  q h@ 18.  q h 19.  q h 20.  q P001 h 19.  q h 20.  q P001  q h 20.  q P001J@E@ 2$' Comments   q> 2@#@')  @'   ?  A! Manufacturer's Name  hV 33#  Sheet 2 of 2   q8 @@ +If so, are the requirements of Annex 4 met?  q P@ p@'(''*' '' @*@*Summar_ElecCLReq_No      ,Arial (_E(le(cCP @@''''*' '' A*@*Summar_ElecCLReq_Yes    ,Arial (_E(le(cC@ Yes  q `@p No  q  P!`@"@Q Title /P!`@" @`  33B  Warning31 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g $'@  Electronic Brake Systems   q `@  TDoes the Total Trailer Brake System incorporate an additional electric Control Line?  qp 0  @'%'' ' '' C! 0Summar_ElecCL_Yes  hb 0 p@'&'' ' '' D! 0Summar_ElecCL_No  h^ ` 0 Yes  q ``  No  q  0!` "@R Title 00!` " @c  E  Warning30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP@# @'S  @'   F  A! Manufacturer's Name  hV `@ Licensee's Reference  q`  ` $'   Antilock Systems   qd    6How is compliance of the Antilock System demonstrated?  q  ! p"@''' ' '' G! 0ABS_TechReq_App1  h_  ! "@'!'' ' '' H! 0 ABS_ECEApp  h?  ` ! &An approval to UN R 13 Annex 19 item 5  q  " $@T Title 1 " $ @g  I  Warning46 h6 h6   h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n `@ $ @U  JPDataEntryAdviceABS   hz   p! $Requirements of ADR 38/05 Appendix 2  q p``@##  (K!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: h6  :t,Arial ($*Test Facility (.*No.` @"#  L!# Test Facility No.   :t  t:  :t,Arial ($0Test Facility (.BNo.P`  UN Approval  q8 p @` ` @VP  MPQ@ Warning47 D_ D_  :t D_, Wingdings  (Hn(Ui(bn  @'0 E   q  ! "@' '' ' '' N! 0ABS_TechReq_R13  hZ   ! 3Technical requirements of UN R 13/11 para.  q  @`0  Approval no.:  q: ` Test report no.:  qD p`` @'$''#' '' (O!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: D_  :t,Arial ($*Test Facility (.*No.p`` @WP  PPQ@ Warning48 D_ D_  :t D_, Wingdings  (Hn(Ui(bnp `! @XP  QPQ@ Warning49 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Hn(Ui(bnp``'p 13R   q  $'@@0"@'d,'  e+@ , Test Facility No.  hG @@'e$/' $$ Pf-/ Test Facility Name  hR  "@'f$/' $$ Pg-0/! Test Facility Address  h\ @0 @'g',' '' h+,0 Test Report No.  hF `@ Test Report Details   qn @@0@'h+'  (i*@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     D_ ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) @@ Test Report Date   qO @ 0@ @iP  kPQ@ Warning170 D_ D_  D_, Wingdings  (An(Ni([n@0 @jP  lPQ@ Warning171 D_ D_   D_, Wingdings  (Hi(Un(bg@"0# @kP  mPQ@ Warning172 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (An(Ni([n@` @lP  nPQ@ Warning173 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (An(Ni([n"# @mP  oPQ@ Warning174 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (An(Ni([n@@#@ Test Facility Number  q[ @  Test Report No.  qF  0 Test Facility Address  q\ P Test Facility Name  qR @@  (dd/mm/yyyy)   q6  $'X 3Number of axles (a row of eight tyres is one axle):  q p P Static loaded tyre radius (mm):  q p Front Axle Group  qL 0p Rear Axle Group  qJ px Maximum designed energy transmission length from the trailer front couplings to the actuator with the greatest actuator response time  &&= i =i D_ = i,Arial (OQMaximum designed energy transmission length from the trailer front couplings to ([5the actuator with the greatest actuator response time@''' ' '' ! 0AllTra_MxErgTrnsmLeng  ho  8"h metres  q P0  All Trailers   q> (@@''' ' '' ! 0AllTra_NumAxlFront  hZ (p!@''' ' '' ! 0AllTra_NumAxlRear  hX X Front  q X0 Rear  q p@@''' ' '' ! 0AllTra_SLdTyrRadFt  h[ pp!@''' ' '' ! 0AllTra_SLdTyrRadRr  h\ "#@B Title "# @%    Warning23 h6 h6 = i h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n("#@C Title )("# @N  )  Warning25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"p#@D Title *"p# @O  *  Warning26 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP002"p#@D Title *"p# @O  *  Warning26 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( nP002  ;\, ;\ ;\T  ;\|  ;\V %j j`_4 ;\ ;\ 2  0~(!j7d3h! -,L' f4F70d3!E!0~(!.7d3.h!f4F70d3!E!.Number of axles appears unusual, please check.G@;\ ;\|  0~(!7d3h! = IL' f470d3!E!0~(!.7d3.h!f470d3!E!.Number of axles appears unusual, please check.@ @;\T  ;\ ;\ 0~(!67d3h! vL'  ;vL' f470d3!E!b0~(!87d38h!f470d3!E!8Static loaded tyre radius appears unusual, please check.@;\T ;\;\ ;\ 0~(!7d3h! wL'  ;wL' f4~70d3!E!0~(!87d38h!f4~70d3!E!8Static loaded tyre radius appears unusual, please check.@  n ;\ d;\ @ ;\1P   % "  0;\;\@ m  ;\ p;\ ;\ H;\ ;\4;\;\|  Dog-Trailerj j %j j Dog-Trailerj j j %j j" ;\ |;\@ $;\;\| `;\ ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\|  Dog-Trailerj j %j j Dog-Trailerj j j %j jX;\T ;\<;\ ;\ 0~(!6g7d3h! 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You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.e@ porpsila porpsila ;\;\ ;\|  jjl jj6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document Date.it4  n ;\ ;\ @;\h  j %j jhlE!0~(!87d38h!f470d3!E!8Static loaded tyre radius appears unusual, please check.@ > LookupIDoc ;<  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;찈"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7:"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Check1Check2Check3Check4Check5Check6Check7CRNLamp_CompRegNumCRNLamp_DataEntryAdviceCRNLamp_LitManufCRNLamp_PrtNum DataPresentDigitalSignature Docume_DateDocume_ReferenceFormUs_ApplyCRNFormUs_VehAppvCRNFormUs_VehAppvTestLumino_BelowHrzLumino_InAboveHrzLumino_OnRefAxis MainCheck MainWarningTestRe_ColEmitLightXTestRe_ColEmitLightYTestRe_CompNumTestRe_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2 TestRe_DateTestRe_ECEApp1TestRe_ECEApp2TestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumTestRe_ReportNumVehAppv_DataEntryAdviceVehAppv_VeclMakeVehAppv_VeclModelWarning1Warning2Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning6Warning7Warning8Warning9 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning13 Warning14 Warning15 Warning16 Warning17 Warning18 Warning19 Warning20 Warning21    7:")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  +++ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNum\ I %j xj jt4 Wingdings Ariald FtF6 h6 ! 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You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.e@ ;\;\ ;\|  jjԌjj6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document Date.it4  n ;\ ;\ @;\h  j %j jhl  <;\ @;\h;\    j %j xj jit?v ;\ ;\B;\T D;\ ;\  T;\B;\ ;\ ;\  Dt;\ `;\;\DL;\ G;\l ;\G;\ ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\TT;\B;\  @;\;\H;\-;\\6;\:p?t %j AAAjj j NEWj xj LK@` T ####jj j j [` T ` T T0j ` T T1j #####jj j xj je  n  p;\ ,;\;\h  j %j jf  n ;\  @H;\h  j %j jg ;\ ;\ 2  0~(!j7d3h! -,L' f4F70d3!E!0~(!.7d3.h!f4F70d3!E!.Number of axles appears unusual, please check.@ @;\ ;\|  0~(!7d3h! = IL' f470d3!E!0~(!.7d3.h!f470d3!E!.Number of axles appears unusual, please check.@ @;\T  ;\ ;\ 0~(!67d3h! vL'  ;vL' f470d3!E!:0~(!87d38h!f470d3!E!8Static loaded tyre radius appears unusual, please check.@;\T ;\;\ ;\ 0~(!7d3h! wL'  ;wL' f4~70d3!E!0~(!87d38h!f4~70d3!E!8Static loaded tyre radius appears unusual, please check.@  n ;\ d;\ @ ;\1P   % "  0;\;\@ m  ;\ p;\ ;\ H;\ ;\4;\;\|  Dog-Trailerj j %j j Dog-Trailerj j j %j j" ;\ |;\@ $;\;\| `;\ ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\|  Dog-Trailerj j %j j Dog-Trailerj j j %j j Wingdings Ariald FtF6 h6 ! j" ;\ |;\@ $;\;\| `;\ ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\|  Dog-Trailerj j %j j Dog-Trailerj j j %j j Wingdings Ariald FtF6 h6 !