IDesILaytags(s8102sf2.4SF 81/02 Fuel Consump Label6SF 81/02 Fuel Consumption Labelling for Light Vehicles Kate HuangVSSVehicles Kate Huang$7m4jLF   h" f[  2KTD &,28>DJPV\bhntz6fSubmit 6 $9÷4ރ6T/, /,~(6$ /,~(.Gwd364*36039410611530700j`SubmitHTTPHTTP Submit Details Web server: CGI: /perl/discsubmit.cmd Submit includes these parts: Tab Delimited Text (*.txt)HTTP Submit Details Web server: CGI: /perl/discsubmit.cmd Submit includes these parts: Tab Delimited Text (*.txt)I/perl/discsubmit.cmdW*|/09/l8102sf7196/f9G//2.4h/f9/"/h Kate Huang'_W] W]VSSartment of TransportW]SF 81/02 Fuel Consump LabelVbel6SF 81/02 Fuel Consumption Labelling for Light VehiclesScripts2D4N 684%@QXX`@jrBXX`@d'6$ `@d(e6 thisales can not excee6 V 2N6 masterpage\WIN95\cursors\size3_1.curSizeNWSEC:\WIN95\cursors\size2_1.curSizeNESWC:\WIN95\cursors\size1_1.curSizeAllC:\WIN95\cursors\move_1.curUpArrowC:\WIN95\cursors\up_1.curoRoRunMRUa"I:\Post Win95 Install.bat"\1MRUListba bregedit\1*ExplorerCheckAssociations DirectoryCols<xxlink( ShellStateGeneralEnableScripting &BodyEditor{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} WarnDelete SyncAtClose9E8ViewViewY  Vhcl8_Ratio4  !@''' ' '' ? 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(If Yes, provide details as an attach.)  ;    h6 ,Arial ($Any other major variable items that (wouldaffect ADR 81/02? ('(If Yes, provide details as an attach.) p'pP Yes  q4  @@ No  q4    @'''/' '' /@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d   d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1` P @'''/' '' /@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo10`@K Title h0` @  33  Warning17 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np'p0 Yes  q4 @ No  q4  @'''/' '' /@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1`P@'''/' '' /@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo10@L Title i0 @  33  Warning25 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np#'p! Yes  q4 @! 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(if tested) or the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)  c c D_ c, Arial Narrow (u4Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or (3the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)p @#'  5   q4  6   q4 P 7   q4 "@ 8   q4 ''"'  P0027   q4 "@ 8   q4 ''"'  P002` @'NR @'P @P''''!#'#!##'##"'  _ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i  @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i@ @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ipp @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i"p`# @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i P 0` @XP   SEDocRef_h5  ' ' '' J   Hide_Not_8  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_N(ot_8 @ @''' ' '' K   Hide_TypeI_8  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_8@ @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_6  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I@p @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_7  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I@@ @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_8  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"#@J Title w"# @8  33  Warning41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g) )@ Ref. mass (kg)   A )0@) P  ETIM (kg)   , 'p^*b'*`'p`'( Unladen Mass (kg)   T '( p  MLTM/GVM (kg)   J 'p(@'''P' '' GVM_1  'p(@'''P' '' GVM_1  'p (#@'''P' '' GVM_1  'p0(0@'''P' '' GVM_1  '( @qP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i'( @rP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i'( @sP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i'"(# @tP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i   OInsert either the SE 79/02 doc. ref. or the column number of the rep. vehicle.    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D_ ,Arial (Insert either the SE (79/02 doc. ref. or (the column number (of the rep. vehicle. p  'p0  Engine Configuration    b  0 @'r'' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_10  7 7  7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1p @''' ' ''    Hide_Not_11  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_N(ot_1( 1pp @''' ' ''    Hide_Not_12  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_N(ot_1( 20p @'s'' ' ''    Hide_Not_10  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_N(ot_1( 00 @'q'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_10  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_10 @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_11  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_11p @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_12  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_12 @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_11  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1p @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_12  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1@"# @"  Hide_WakeColumn_12  @ @"  Hide_WakeColumn_11  @  @p"  Hide_WakeColumn_10  @@  @a"  YHide_WakeColumn_9  P  @  ffff Hide_CO_1  Pp @  ffff Hide_CO_1  @P @  ffff Hide_CO_1  @"0" @  ffff Hide_CO_1  ot_1( 00 @'z'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_10  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_10 @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_11  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_11p @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_12  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_12 @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_11  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1p @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_12  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1@"# @"  Hide_WakeColumn_12  @ @"  Hide_WakeColumn_11  @  @|"  Hide_WakeColumn_10  @@  @m"  YHide_WakeColumn_9  P  @%  ffff Hide_CO_1  Pp @&  ffff Hide_CO_1  @P @'  ffff Hide_CO_1  @"0" @(  ffff Hide_CO_1   (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_11p @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_12  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_12 @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_11  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1p @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_12  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1@"# @"  Hide_WakeColumn_12  @ @"  Hide_WakeColumn_11  @  @"  Hide_WakeColumn_10  @@  @y"  YHide_WakeColumn_9  P  @=  ffff Hide_CO_1  Pp @>  ffff Hide_CO_1  @P @?  ffff Hide_CO_1  @"0" @@  ffff Hide_CO_1  7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1p @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_12  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1@"# @"  Hide_WakeColumn_12  @ @"  Hide_WakeColumn_11  @  @"  Hide_WakeColumn_10  @@  @"  YHide_WakeColumn_9  P  @a  ffff Hide_CO_1  Pp @b  ffff Hide_CO_1  @P @c  ffff Hide_CO_1  @"0" @d  ffff Hide_CO_1  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_11p @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_12  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_12 @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_11  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1p @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_12  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I(V_1@"# @"  Hide_WakeColumn_12  @ @"  Hide_WakeColumn_11  @  @"  Hide_WakeColumn_10  @@  @"  YHide_WakeColumn_9  P  @a  ffff Hide_CO_1  Pp @b  ffff Hide_CO_1  @P @c  ffff Hide_CO_1  @"0" @d  ffff Hide_CO_1   ffff Hide_CO_1  P003 X iP 0 Compression Ratio    X 6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@' Title ` @  33Q  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@( Title a @  33R  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n!"@) Title b!" @  33S  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n`P@'P''/' '' d/@/  Tests_T1_9   `6 p `@'Q''/' '' e/@/  Tests_III_9   `3 P@@'y''/' '' f/@/  Tests_T1_10   `< ` P@'z''/' '' g/@/  Tests_III_10   `9 P@@'''/' '' h/@/  Tests_T1_11   `< ` P@'''/' '' i/@/  Tests_III_11   `9 `"`P#@'''/' '' j/@/  Tests_T1_12   `< p"` `#@'''/' '' k/@/  Tests_III_12   `9 (PP(@8  0 Model:   `  anyting(P0(@9  0 Model:   `  anyting(P (! @:  0 Model:   `  anyting(` @*P '( )P Yes    )`P*  No     (pP)`@'u''/' '' /@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1)@`*0@'v''/' '' /@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo1(`p*P @'( P) @; Title k( P) @  33 Warning9 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n(*p b* Any other major variable items that wouldaffect ADR 79/01? (If Yes, provide details as an attach.)  ;    h6 ,Arial ($Any other major variable items that (wouldaffect ADR 79/01? ('(If Yes, provide details as an attach.)(` *P'()P` Yes    )`0* P No     (p0)`0@''1TDH,0,0 @P  #EITM_h1  ,`, @P  %EITM_h1  "@"  @tP   EngCapac_h2  0 @P"  gHide_WakeColumn_3    @O"  iHide_WakeColumn_2  0"# @Q"  fHide_WakeColumn_4   0#'` 0! 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Manufacturer's Name  WzV 0 @E    PTrigger  Wz  @D@A Title  @ @`  {PaAttached  +!P; !+;P "  +!P;,Arial ((,t(4+a(@,c(L+h@  @`  |P0a Attached_Yes  +)PC )+CP +!P; +)PC,Arial ((4c(43h(@3e(L3dpp @D  ~ DataAlert  $0$ @}"  ^Body_h2  #` #! @y"  `Body_h4  #p#@ @z"  _Body_h3   0 @'  @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  WzV 303#  Sheet 1 of 3   q48 p @'  @  Vehicle number (use on SE 81/02)  q4 &P' :Gearbox description (eg 5 speed manual, 5 speed Auto, CVT)  [ [ +)PC [,Arial (m Gearbox description (eg 5 speed (ymanual, 5 speed Auto, CVT)+0`+ Ref. mass (kg)  q4A ,0,  ETIM (kg)  q4, p @ @@'''P' ''  FuelType_1  0 /p$'p P Fleet and Test Vehicle Details   q4 p Type of Fuel Used   q4T +P-  @'''P' '' EITM_1  ,0-  @'6''P' '' EITM_2  + -  @'P''P' '' EITM_3  +!- # @'j''P' '' EITM_4  @$ @B @     A! Manufacturer's Name  WzV  @ @' ''P' ''   EngConfig_1  " @$ @'''P' '' Body_1  # $@'(''P' '' Body_2  #$@'B''P' '' Body_3  #$#@'\''P' '' Body_4  &0 @' @'''P' '' Trans_1  &0 '@'+''P' '' Trans_2  &0'@'E''P' '' Trans_3  &0'#@'_''P' '' Trans_4  )@* @88   , Warning34 ) * @88   5 Warning35 )* @88   > Warning36 )!*# @88   G Warning38 (* AOverall transmission ratios used during test (km/h per 1,000 rpm)  ~ ~ [ ~,Arial (!Overall transmission ratios used ( during test (km/h per 1,000 rpm)%&@  Road Power Absorption value (kW)  q4 `  @'I''@' '' ANoteHere  S S ~ S,Arial (^NoteHe(jre @$'  @' '  ( ` "p Date (dd/mm/yyyy)   WzN  @0 0 Document   q4;  P  *Date (dd/mm/yyyy):     `0 0 GRLicensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters, Note 1)  '  >  ?  @ ` @' '      Vehicle Make   z?  P  Vehicle Make:  q4? 00`!@' '    "}  Vehicle Model   WzC  p@0 Vehicle Model:  q4A pp @'p @'! @# @' ''P' ''  EngCapac_1  ! #@''''P' ''  EngCapac_2  !#@'A''P' ''  EngCapac_3  !##@'[''P' ''  EngCapac_4  "0" Engine Capacity (cc)   q4^ !p# @'%0p&0 @'&0p' @'$ @%0 @'''P' ''  DriveTrain_1  $ %0@')''P' ''  DriveTrain_2  $%0@'C''P' ''  DriveTrain_3  $%0#@']''P' ''  DriveTrain_4  $p%0 @'$`%  Driven Axle Configuration  q4q  p  @KP  PQ@Warning1 D_ D_ S D_, Wingdings  (Hn(Ui(bn@`P @JP  PQ@Warning2 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i0"0@#` @LP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i p  @MP  PQ@Warning4 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i"# @NP  +PQ@Warning5 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ip @ZP  ;PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i 0  @VP  <PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i 0 @WP  =PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i0@@YP  >PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i "0#@XP  ?PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i @gP  TPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i @hP  UPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i @iP  VPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i!P" @fP  WPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i%0&0  @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i%0&0 @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i%0&0 @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i%P"&# @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ ip @[P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ip @\P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ip!P" @]P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i$@%0 @P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i$0%  @|P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i$ % @{P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i$0!P% "p @~P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i&`'P  @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i&p'` @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i&P'@ @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i&P"'P# @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i @ @''  <0 Model:  Wz p @'  Vehicle variant test status  q4q  @''  =0 Model:  Wz @'9'  >0 Model:  Wz #@'S'  ?0 Model:  z @R Title W @  33@  Warning38 h6 h6 "  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@S Title X @  33A  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@T Title Y @  33B  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n!P"@U Title Z!P" @  33C  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n.@.@  m0 Model:   Wz  anyting. .@  n0 Model:   Wz  anyting. .!@  o0 Model:   Wz  anyting- @/ '-` .  Yes  q4 .0P. No  q4  -@P.0@'''/' '' p/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1.`/@'''/' '' q/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo1- p/ @'- P. @ Title c- P. @  33r Warning9 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n-P/0 b* Any other major variable items that wouldaffect ADR 81/02? (If Yes, provide details as an attach.)  ;    h6 ,Arial ($Any other major variable items that (wouldaffect ADR 81/02? ('(If Yes, provide details as an attach.)-  /'-P.` Yes  q4 . 0.P No  q4  -00. 0@'7''/' '' s/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d   d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1.0.0@'8''/' '' t/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo1-p@.pp@ Title d-p@.pp @  33u  Warning17 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n- /'-P.@ Yes  q4 . .0 No  q4  -0. @'Q''/' '' v/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1..@'R''/' '' w/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo1-p.p@@ Title e-p.p@ @  33x  Warning25 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n- /#'-P.! Yes  q4 . .! No  q4  -0 . "P@'k''/' '' y/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(wVarsYes1. ."P@'l''/' '' z/@/ Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Fleeta_Other(zVarsNo1-p.p@@ Title f-p.p@ @   33{  Warning33 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n p$@G Title o p$ @(  33 0 LengthMessage WzV 30@3`gNote 1: This is a mandatory field. Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.  q4  @ @' '  0 Model:  Wz  @'#'  0 Model:  Wz @'='  0 Model:  Wz #@'W'  0 Model:  Wz p @' $ Unique variant and option descriptor    h6 ,Arial ($Unique variant and option descriptor @b Title p @-  33  Warning38 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (n!n({!i(!n@c Title q @.  33  Warning39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n!n({!i(!n@d Title r @/  33  Warning40 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n!n({!i(!n"#@e Title s"# @0  33  Warning41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g!n(t!i(!n(g Engine Configuration   q4b * @- `@'''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  * - 0@'4''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  *-  @'N''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  *- !@'h''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  + + Unladen Mass (kg)  q4T *+ @P  "PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i @P@? Title } @P @    MainCheck h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e @@> Title ~ @ @    MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r P@@@ Title  P@ @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(hpp @'0`  Created in:  q41 ` @H @  %  A! Manufacturer's Name  WzV P0% #SF 81/02 December 2010 Revision 2.4  q4 #@$ Body Shape Description  q4j #p$ @'! tWhen compared with the tested vehicle, does the untested vehicle have an engine belonging to the same engine family?  <<) ) h6 ),Arial (When compared with the tested (#vehicle, does the untested vehicle (%have an engine belonging to the same (engine family?p! @'p $Method of Charging (Electric/Hybrid)  q4  @ @@'''P' '' + ChargingMethod_1   @^P  ,PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ ) D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i @j Title   @  339  Warning38 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n!"  @nP  :PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i#$@u Title #$ @  33;  Warning38 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ 0@' ''/' '' </@/  EngFamYes_1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n EngFamYes_(1 !@' ''/' '' =/@/  EngFamNo_1   Wz@  @! 'Pp p Yes  q4  !P No  q4  p @''p* @',0, @P  EPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ d  D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i @@'"''P' '' F ChargingMethod_1   @_P  GPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i@@'<''P' '' J ChargingMethod_1   @`P  KPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i#@@'V''P' '' L ChargingMethod_1  !P" @aP  MPQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ip @k Title p  @  33^  Warning38 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ 0@'%''/' ''  _/@/  EngFamYes_1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n EngFamYes_(1 !@'&''/' ''  `/@/  EngFamNo_2   Wz@  !'PP P Yes  q4  p!0 No  q4  @ p@l Title @ p @  33a  Warning38 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ 0@'?''/' '' b/@/  EngFamYes_1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n EngFamYes_(1 !@'@''/' '' c/@/  EngFamNo_3   Wz@ !'P  Yes  q4  @! No  q4   0@m Title  0 @  33d  Warning38 h6 h6 "  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@"P 0#p@'Y''/' '' e/@/  EngFamYes_1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n EngFamYes_(1 "P!#p@'Z''/' '' f/@/  EngFamNo_4   Wz@ !#'P ! Yes  q4  !! No  q4  !" @oP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ d  D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i!# @pP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i!"## @qP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i# $@x Title # $ @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n#$@v Title #$ @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n#!P$"@w Title #!P$" @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n*+@P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i*+@P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i*"+#@P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i,P-@P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i,0,@P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i,0",#@P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(N n([ i*p- '+ ,P @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i+, @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i+, @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i+p,  @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i*- @'+, @', @,**'**)*')*)*')***'**)#*#')#*#*!*#'*#*!` # > " % " denotes that the field requires mandatory data, and has not been entered. Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left. If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.    3333  `0   Instructions   q4H ` $'p P gInsert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)    D_ , Arial Narrow (4Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or (3the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)  1   q4  2   q4  PP 3   q4  `" 4   q4 "'  '' p J0P001' p J0P0013   q4  `" 4   q4 "'  '' p J0P001p P gInsert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)    D_ , Arial Narrow (4Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or (3the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)P001column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)    D_ , Arial Narrow (4Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or (3the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)Narrow (4Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or (3the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)    D_ , Arial Narrow (4Insert either the SE 81/02 doc. ref. (if tested) or (3the column number of the rep. vehicle (if untested)D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i&' @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i&p&  @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i& & @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i& `& @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i&"P&# @P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @'r'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @P  ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @',Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_3  @'v'' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_4  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @'u'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @o  ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @',Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_3  @'y'' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_4  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @'x'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @  ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @' 0 Model:  `  @'5'  0 Model:  ` @']'  0 Model:  ` #@''  0 Model:  ` p @'0 $ Unique variant and option descriptor  Yw Yw h6 Yw,Arial (i$Unique variant and option descriptor@ Title p @-  33  Warning38 h6 h6 Yw h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ Title q @.  33  Warning39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ Title r @/  33  Warning40 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n"p#@ Title s"p# @0  33  Warning41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (g n(t i( n(g0 Engine Configuration    b . @/@@'&''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  . / @'N''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  ./@'v''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  ./ @'''P' ''  UnladenMass_1  .0"'0 . //@ Unladen Mass (kg)   T ./@ @P  "PQ@Warning3 D_ D_  D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i./  @P  0PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i./ @P  2PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i./  @P  3PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i  @p@ Title }  @p @    MainCheck h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e @@@ Title ~ @@ @    MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r P@@ Title  P@ @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(hp '0`  Created in:   1 @0  @  @  %  A! Manufacturer's Name  `V p^pP'0 SE 81/02 June 2009 Revision 2.0     P @  ffff Hide_CO_1    @"  gHide_WakeColumn_3   0 @'Z'' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_3  7 7 h6 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I P0 @  ffff Hide_CO_1   " P" @   ffff Hide_CO_1     @"  iHide_WakeColumn_2   "0# @"  fHide_WakeColumn_4   0 @"  hHide_WakeColumn_1    ` @' '' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_1  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I P  @' '' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_1  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_1 0 @'2'' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_2  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I   @'1'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_2  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_2   @'Y'' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_3  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_3  @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_4  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @  ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @',Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_2   @'['' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_3  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_3  @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_4  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @  ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @' ` @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @   ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @'e_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @' 7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @'  ffff Hide_CO_1  &'` Body Shape Description   j &`p' @'ypeI_3  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_3  @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_4  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @0  ffff Hide_CO_1   7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @D  ffff Hide_CO_1    ffff Hide_CO_1   PP @E  ffff Hide_CO_1  ial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @F  ffff Hide_CO_1  P001' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_3  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_3  @''' ' ''   Hide_TypeIII_IV_4  7 7 7,Arial (e_T(ypeI(II_I ` @''' ' ''    Hide_TypeI_4  7 7 7,Arial (Hid(e_T(ypeI(_4 PP @F  ffff Hide_CO_1  P001 @pP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i./ @qP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i."p/# @rP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i  @p@{ Title }  @p @    MainCheck h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e @@@| Title ~ @@ @    MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r P@@} Title  P@ @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(hp '` @ @'''P' '' ESMP_1  0`  Created in:  q1 @0  @ @  %  A! Manufacturer's Name  GV  ^ P0& !SE 81/02 August 2008 Revision 2.0  q P001 PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i."p/# @rP  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i  @p@{ Title }  @p @    MainCheck h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e @@@| Title ~ @@ @    MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r P@@} Title  P@ @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(hp '` @ @'''P' '' ESMP_1  `p @'p`  ESMP (rpm)  q7 0`  Created in:  q1 @0  @ @  %  A! Manufacturer's Name  GV  ^ P0& !SE 81/02 August 2008 Revision 2.0  q P001D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i/`/ P  MLTM/GVM (kg)  qJ ./ @[P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i./ @|P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i./ @}P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i."p/# @~P  PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i  @p@ Title }  @p @    MainCheck h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e @@@ Title ~ @@ @    MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r P@@ Title  P@ @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(hp '` @ @'''P' '' ESMP_1  `p @'p`  ESMP (rpm)  q7 p @P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ h6 D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ip @P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([ip @P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i"P# @P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i0`  Created in:  q1 @0  @ @  %  A! Manufacturer's Name  GFV  ^ P0& !SE 81/02 August 2008 Revision 2.0  q P001P001 Created in:   1 ingdings  (Ar(Nn([i0`  Created in:   1  Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i"P# @P   PQ@Warning3 D_ D_ D_, Wingdings  (Ar(Nn([i0`  Created in:   1 P001b<:I{#|,e tlszh 8 d   ^_`&, X 2+XZ\ FJL N<PXRtTVn#~ 9^W Cjzklmfrghij   _    U 6 b l# - a. j/ s$ !% )& 1' 9) A* I+ Q, Y _N`Zaf "!-"8^Can{  %1=IU5 gAMY\ 7 c s=x!G{!k~!` 6c Xf zi l o r!u!$<w!:z!^}!_ *b Le nh k n q t!m |  n } o ~ qMt$wXz1ep7msvCyvP*:Jh Hs~ \ W )i$gf.- Y :+% |H^RU  TK4 ` b  < p 6q Ar L  @ . 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"""*"5"@"K"V"""""""####'#2#=#H#S 8;<=>?@ABCDEFG TUV(W2X<YFZP[Z#Hide_WakeColumn_4Hide_WakeColumn_3Hide_WakeColumn_2 RefMass_h2 RefMass_h3 RefMass_h4Docume_Reference FuelType_1 FuelType_2 FuelType_3 FuelType_4 RefMass_1 RefMass_2 RefMass_3 RefMass_4 SEDocRef_1 SEDocRef_2 SEDocRef_3 SEDocRef_4EITM_1EITM_2EITM_3EITM_4TriggerDocume_Reference1 Issue_NumExt Issue_Num EngConfig_1 EngConfig_2 EngConfig_3 EngConfig_4Body_1Body_2Body_3Body_4Trans_1Trans_2Trans_3Trans_4 Vhcl1_Ratio1 Vhcl1_Ratio2 Vhcl1_Ratio3 Vhcl1_Ratio4 Vhcl1_Ratio5 Vhcl1_Ratio6 Vhcl1_Ratio7 Vhcl1_Ratio8 Warning34 Vhcl2_Ratio1 Vhcl2_Ratio2 Vhcl2_Ratio3 Vhcl2_Ratio4 Vhcl2_Ratio5 Vhcl2_Ratio6 Vhcl2_Ratio7 Vhcl2_Ratio8 Warning35 Vhcl3_Ratio1 Vhcl3_Ratio2 Vhcl3_Ratio3 Vhcl3_Ratio4 Vhcl3_Ratio5 Vhcl3_Ratio6 Vhcl3_Ratio7 Vhcl3_Ratio8 Warning36 Vhcl4_Ratio1 Vhcl4_Ratio2 Vhcl4_Ratio3 Vhcl4_Ratio4 Vhcl4_Ratio5 Vhcl4_Ratio6 Vhcl4_Ratio7 Vhcl4_Ratio8 Warning38 RoadPower_h2 RoadPower_h3 RoadPower_h4 RoadPower_1 RoadPower_2 RoadPower_3 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Vhcl6_Ratio8 Warning51 RoadPower_h6 RoadPower_6 SEDocRef_6Vhcl7_Ratio_h1Vhcl7_Ratio_h8Vhcl7_Ratio_h7Vhcl7_Ratio_h6Vhcl7_Ratio_h5Vhcl7_Ratio_h4Vhcl7_Ratio_h3Trans_h7Body_h7Hide_WakeColumn_7 RefMass_h7 RefMass_7EITM_7 EngConfig_7Body_7Trans_7 Vhcl7_Ratio1 Vhcl7_Ratio2 Vhcl7_Ratio3 Vhcl7_Ratio4 Vhcl7_Ratio5 Vhcl7_Ratio6 Vhcl7_Ratio7 Vhcl7_Ratio8 Warning52 RoadPower_h7 RoadPower_7 SEDocRef_7Vhcl8_Ratio_h1Vhcl8_Ratio_h8Vhcl8_Ratio_h7Vhcl8_Ratio_h6Vhcl8_Ratio_h5Vhcl8_Ratio_h4Vhcl8_Ratio_h3Trans_h8Body_h8Hide_WakeColumn_8 RefMass_h8 RefMass_8EITM_8 EngConfig_8Body_8Trans_8 Vhcl8_Ratio1 Vhcl8_Ratio2 Vhcl8_Ratio3 Vhcl8_Ratio4 Vhcl8_Ratio5 Vhcl8_Ratio6 Vhcl8_Ratio7 Vhcl8_Ratio8 Warning394 RoadPower_h8 RoadPower_8 SEDocRef_8Vhcl9_Ratio_h1Vhcl9_Ratio_h8Vhcl9_Ratio_h7Vhcl9_Ratio_h6Vhcl9_Ratio_h5Vhcl9_Ratio_h4Vhcl9_Ratio_h3Trans_h9Body_h9Hide_WakeColumn_9 RefMass_h9 FuelType_9 RefMass_9EITM_9 EngConfig_9Body_9Trans_9 Vhcl9_Ratio1 Vhcl9_Ratio2 Vhcl9_Ratio3 Vhcl9_Ratio4 Vhcl9_Ratio5 Vhcl9_Ratio6 Vhcl9_Ratio7 Vhcl9_Ratio8 Warning131 RoadPower_h9 RoadPower_9 SEDocRef_9Vhcl10_Ratio_h1Vhcl10_Ratio_h8Vhcl10_Ratio_h7Vhcl10_Ratio_h6Vhcl10_Ratio_h5Vhcl10_Ratio_h4Vhcl10_Ratio_h3 Trans_h10Body_h10Hide_WakeColumn_10 RefMass_h10 FuelType_10 RefMass_10EITM_10 EngConfig_10Body_10Trans_10 Vhcl10_Ratio1 Vhcl10_Ratio2 Vhcl10_Ratio3 Vhcl10_Ratio4 Vhcl10_Ratio5 Vhcl10_Ratio6 Vhcl10_Ratio7 Vhcl10_Ratio8 Warning130 RoadPower_h10 RoadPower_10 SEDocRef_10Vhcl11_Ratio_h1Vhcl11_Ratio_h8Vhcl11_Ratio_h7Vhcl11_Ratio_h6Vhcl11_Ratio_h5Vhcl11_Ratio_h4Vhcl11_Ratio_h3 Trans_h11Body_h11Hide_WakeColumn_11 RefMass_h11 FuelType_11 RefMass_11EITM_11 EngConfig_11Body_11Trans_11 Vhcl11_Ratio1 Vhcl11_Ratio2 Vhcl11_Ratio3 Vhcl11_Ratio4 Vhcl11_Ratio5 Vhcl11_Ratio6 Vhcl11_Ratio7 Vhcl11_Ratio8 Warning129 RoadPower_h11 RoadPower_11 SEDocRef_11Vhcl12_Ratio_h1Vhcl12_Ratio_h8Vhcl12_Ratio_h7Vhcl12_Ratio_h6Vhcl12_Ratio_h5Vhcl12_Ratio_h4Vhcl12_Ratio_h3 Trans_h12Body_h12Hide_WakeColumn_12 RefMass_h12 FuelType_12 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EngConfig_3 EngConfig_4 EngConfig_2 Issue_NumExtTriggerAttached Attached_Yes DataAlertBody_h2Body_h4Body_h3Docume_Reference FuelType_1EITM_1EITM_2EITM_3EITM_4 Issue_Num EngConfig_1Body_1Body_2Body_3Body_4Trans_1Trans_2Trans_3Trans_4 Warning34 Warning35 Warning36 Warning38NoteHere Docume_DateDocume_VeclMakeDocume_VeclModel EngCapac_1 EngCapac_2 EngCapac_3 EngCapac_4 DriveTrain_1 DriveTrain_2 DriveTrain_3 DriveTrain_4Warning1Warning2Warning3Warning4 Warning37 Warning53 Warning54 Warning55 Warning56 Warning57 Warning78 Warning79 Warning80 Warning81 Warning234 Warning235 Warning236 Warning237 Warning246 Warning247 Warning248 Warning257 Warning258 Warning259 Warning260 Warning269 Warning270 Warning271 Warning272 TestStatus_1 TestStatus_2 TestStatus_3 TestStatus_4 Warning382 Warning383 Warning384 Warning385Fleeta_NumFwdGrs2_hFleeta_NumFwdGrs3_hFleeta_NumFwdGrs4_hFleeta_OtherVarsYes1Fleeta_OtherVarsNo1 Warning399Fleeta_OtherVarsYes2Fleeta_OtherVarsNo2 Warning400Fleeta_OtherVarsYes3Fleeta_OtherVarsNo3 Warning25Fleeta_OtherVarsYes4Fleeta_OtherVarsNo4 Warning33 LengthMessageFleeta_VarDesc1Fleeta_VarDesc2Fleeta_VarDesc3Fleeta_VarDesc4 Warning409 Warning39 Warning40 Warning41 UnladenMass_1 UnladenMass_2 UnladenMass_3 UnladenMass_4 Warning282 MainCheck MainWarningMainLengthCheck Issue_NumberChargingMethod_1 Warning430 Warning431 Warning432 Warning433 EngFamYes_1 EngFamNo_1 Warning435ChargingMethod_2 Warning436ChargingMethod_3 Warning437ChargingMethod_4 Warning438 Warning447 EngFamYes_2 EngFamNo_2 Warning448 EngFamYes_3 EngFamNo_3 Warning449 EngFamYes_4 EngFamNo_4 Warning458 Warning459 Warning460 Warning461 Warning462 Warning463 Warning469 Warning470 Warning471 Warning480 Warning481 Warning482 Warning491 Warning492 Warning493 Warning494Hide_WakeColumn_7Hide_WakeColumn_8Hide_WakeColumn_5Hide_WakeColumn_6Fleeta_VarDesc8UnladenMass_h5UnladenMass_h6UnladenMass_h7UnladenMass_h8 RefMass_h5 RefMass_h6 RefMass_h7 RefMass_h8 UnladenMass_5 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Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2i=Iu<>?DEFGLMNOBF ;\4;\@, <F ;\@, <F ;\;\@, < h  t;\ ;\       Ah;\T;\ ;\  A$;\;\ & ;\ ;\+ ;\;\        A;\;\p;\ !"#$%&  AD;\0;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\5 ;\(;\<  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&  Ad;\ P;\<;\;\;\;\ `;\5;\D9L;\r;\Xw8;\  B(O&XR Untested  y+ B@y+B(O&VR%%B(O&;RB(O&`R  y+ B@y+B(O&(`R %.%B(O&6URB(O&<zRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same&LV^_`,Xfghijklm<STUDp@lx ;\ <;\;\@;\;\   ;\  \;\;\X;\;\;\  ;\!"#$%&H;\'();\*+,;\-./;\L012;\345;\678;\9:;;\<=>;\?@;\AB;\h;\ ;\T;\;\@;\$;\*,;\0;\6;\<;\B;\H;\N;\T;\Z;\`;\,f;\l;\@r;\x;\T~;\;\h;\ B  84A~H.P B@4A~H.P z@4A~H.P /4A~H.P 4A~H.P ?@4A~H.P #v4A~H.P -4A~H.P #=4A~H.P &64A~H.P = 4A~H.P &x4A~H.P *Q4A~H.P LK@4A~H.P *`4A~H.P -@4A~H.P [4A~H.P -;4A~H.P 24A~H.P j4A~H.P 2:4A~H.P 9@4A~H.P z4A~H.P 94A~H.P @_~4A~H.P T@4A~H.P @n@4A~H.P F4A~H.P 4A~H.P F74A~H.P Mȸ@4A~H.P 4A~H.P M4A~H.P T{4A~H.P 4A~H.P T@4A~H.P [14A~H.P ]@4A~H.P [A44A~H.P aj4A~H.P ՟4A~H.P aϬ@4A~H.P hx4A~H.P 4A~H.P h@4A~H.P ou4A~H.P $4A~H.P o14A~H.P vg4A~H.P f@4A~H.P v@4A~H.P }+u4A~H.P 4A~H.P }:@4A~H.P 4A~H.P !4A~H.P .4A~H.P 4A~H.P 1-4A~H.P -@4A~H.P p4A~H.P @o@4A~H.P p4A~H.P O4A~H.P lx ;\ (;\@;\;\D;\   ;\  ;\;\X;\;\,;\;\  ;\!"#;\$%&d;\'();\*+,-./;\L012x;\345;\678;\9:;;\<=>;\?@;\AB;\`;\ ;\L;\;\8;\$;\*$;\0;\6;\<;\B;\H;\N;\T;\Z;\`;\,f;\l;\@r;\x;\T~;\;\h;\ B  8Tw P B@Tw P z@Tw P /Tw P Tw P ?@Tw P #vTw P -Tw P #=Tw P &6Tw P = Tw P &xTw P *QTw P LK@Tw P *`Tw P -@Tw P [Tw P -;Tw P 2Tw P jTw P 2:Tw P 9@Tw P zTw P 9Tw P @_~Tw P T@Tw P @n@Tw P FTw P Tw P F7Tw P Mȸ@Tw P Tw P MTw P T{Tw P Tw P T@Tw P [1Tw P ]@Tw P [A4Tw P ajTw P ՟Tw P aϬ@Tw P hxTw P Tw P h@Tw P ouTw P $Tw P o1Tw P vgTw P f@Tw P v@Tw P }+uTw P Tw P }:@Tw P Tw P !Tw P .Tw P Tw P 1-Tw P -@Tw P pTw P @o@Tw P pTw P OTw P F ;\H;\;\@, <F  ;\@, <6k~D6k6pF ;\D;\@, <c_~Ddc_cqF ;\8;\@, <-"F ;\@, <^C_~DE^C_^C@pF ;\@, < _~D>  _ ?oF ;\p;\@, <la~DolalFvF ;\kgd, <b~DhbEuF P;\;\@, <b~DbDtF l;\@, <Y_~DhY_YCsF ;\l;\@, <ka~DjkakBrF l;\@, <\b~D|\b\AqF H;\@, <6dF >=, <n_~Dnn_n=kF l;\@, <ga~Dbggag<jF l;\@, <^<_~D<^<_^<;iF ;\@;\@, <Ҋb~DҊbҊ:hF ;\@, <Zia~DiZiaZi9gF ;\ ;\@, <?_~D>?_?8fF l;\@, <։b~D։b։7eF l;\@, <~pD4+F ;\;\@, <bќ~pDbќb3*F h;\@, <~pD2)F l;\@, <V~pDVV1(F ;\ ;\Ѵ, <2~pD122/&F ;\ ;\6B4, <.%F ;\;\@, <~pD|0'F ;\2@, <WVF T;\@, <ia~DiiaiXSF D;\@, <9_~Df:9_9YT< ;\, <Z_~DhZ_Za< ;\, <Z_~DhZ_Zb< ;\, <^~pD*^^F ;\@, <F ;\X;\;\@, < C ;\D ;\;\ D;\      C;\D   (;\  98tD;\ (;\9T 9 ;\4 ;\ p  A;\;\$  A;\C;\ 0;\';\-;\(;;\A ;\PD;\d;\x;\h;\ ;\   A;\C;\ ;\| ;\ !D;\";\      C;\X ;\#$%;\;\<;\@;\;\;\% B 3"R Tested ECE-T -y yB 3"R{B 3DR{B 3JR Untested y x B@y y B@yB 3vR{  Untested ECE-AB 3R{B 3R ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TB 3uR{ yB 3JR{B 3PR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.0<Iu=>?DEFGLMNOB ;\ChD;\|;\ ;\      C;\   H;\  `;\DL;\ dt4;\ ;\  ;\ e; @;\  A;\;\;\  Ad;\C<;\ ;\';\(-;\;;\<A ;\D;\;\;\;\ \;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !DX;\"D;\      C;\ ;\l#$%d<;\@0;\;\;\;\% B^U" @R Tested ECE-T -y yB^U"$R{B^U"FR{B^U"L"R Untested y x B@y y -yB^U"xR"{  Untested ECE-AB^U"R0{B^U"^R ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TB^U" R>{ yB^U"LRL{B^U"RHR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2g>Iu<=?DEFGLMNOB 9C;\hD9h ;\      Cl;\   0;\;\  L8eD;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\H   A ;\ ;\ ;\  A 0;\C ;\ ;\';\(-;\;;\<A ;\D;\;\x;\;\ P;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !DL;\"8;\      C;\ ;\l#$%;\\;\<;\@H;\;\4;\;\% BV3 @R Tested ECE-T -y yBV3$R{BV3FR{BV3L"R Untested y x B@y y = yBV3xR{  Untested ECE-ABV3R{BV3^R ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TBV3 R{ yBV3LR{BV3RHR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2f?Iu<=>DEFGLMNOB =T ;\,;\@       A;\  A;\ & ;\ ;\+ ;\;\       A;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t;\;\;\ ;\ ;\3 \;\H;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\P;\ (;\;\;\;\3x;\7;\0nd;\s;\DP;\ B!ZR Untested  y+B!yR{{B!aRB!R  y+B!"R{{B!0RB!6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'NiS^_`,Xfghijklm=VTUDp@ z Is T;\;\       Ah;\T;\;\D  A;\;\|;\T;\  ;\p3 ;\t;\ !"#$%&'  A;\;\;\`  A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\3;\7;\nl;\s;\xX;\z B& BR Untested  yB&fRb{p{B&tRB&z)R  yB&*R~{{B&#RB&NRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'NgT>_^`,XVSUDpfghijklm@ =T ;\,;\@       A;\  A;\)  & ;\ 8;\+ ;\;\       A;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t;\;\x;\ P;\ ;\3 ;\;\  At;\`;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\;\ ;\;\x;\;\3P;\7;\0n<;\s;\D(;\ B|!ZR Untested  y+B|!yR{{B|!aRB|!R  y+B|!"R{ {B|!0RB|!6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'NfU^_`,Xfghijklm?VSTDp@   ;\ ;\@X;\;\;\|   PͫP $  ;\ ;\@X;\D;\;\|   PͫP $  ;\ ;\@h;\;\|   PͫP $  ;\ d;\z ;\|   TwP @  hX;\;\       A;\ ;\ ;\0;\D       A;\ ;\%;\&( ;\,;\;\ ;\6;\p;t;\@|  B.$R Untested  8yB.jCRvEDEDB.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested"<dow#O{@@  D;\;\h;\       A;\|;\ ;\0;\D       A;\ ;\%;\&}4( , L;\ 8;\  ;\6;\p; ;\@|  B.$R Untested  8yB.jCRFDFDB.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%<epx@@  h|;\;\       A;\;\ ;\0;\D       A ;\%;\&}4( ,\;\H;\  ;\6;\p; ;\@|  Bҟ.$R Untested  8yBҟ.jCRFDFDBҟ.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&<fqy)U@@  h|;\;\       A;\;\ ;\0;\D       A;\ ;\%;\&}4( ,\;\H;\  ;\6;\p; ;\@|  B .$R Untested  8yB .jCRGD(GDB .xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'<grz(T@@  ;\h;\;\       A;\d;\ ;\0;\D       A;\;\%;\&;\( ;\,\;\H;\  ;\6;\p; ;\@|  B.$R Untested  8yB.jCRGD4DDB.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(<hs{'S@@  ;\hX;\;\       A;\T;\ ;\0;\D       A;\;\%;\&;\( `;\,8;\$;\ h6;\p;X;\@|  B.$R Untested  8yB.jCR:CDHCDB.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)<it|&R~@@  ;\h};\       A;\t;\ ;\0;\D       A;\;\%;\&;\( ;\,;\)(ni ;\6;\p;;\@|  B.$R Untested  8yB.jCRCDCDB.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*<ju}%Q}@@  ;\h0;\;\       A;\`;\ ;\0;\D       A;\;\%;\&;\( ;\,\;\H;\  ;\6;\p; ;\@|  BƢ.$R Untested  8yBƢ.jCR@D@DBƢ.xRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+<kv~$P|@G ;\ ;\0x;\;\       A;\;\D ;\;\       A@;\;\& ,;\;\ (;\ * .;\ ;\ `;\8 ;\>8;\E;\G  B5 BRBAD Untested  8yB5rRPAD^ADB5xRB5R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested i-=d"ow#O{@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\|;\8;\\<h;\>( Untested  8yBz&f=RADADBz&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=pe%x@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.X;\D;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=RLBDZBDB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=f&qy)U@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.X;\D;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBL&f=RBDBDBL&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=g'rz(T@>l @;\;\T;\       A;\;\ ;\;\       A ;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ ;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=R?D?DB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=h(s{'S@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\;\       A 0;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ ;\ ;\8;\\< |;\>( Untested  8yB&f=Rh?Dv?DB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=i)t|&R~@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\;\       A 0;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ ;\ ;\8;\\< |;\>( Untested  8yBX&f=R?D?DBX&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=j*u}%Q}@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.X;\D;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=R,@D:@DB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi=k+v~$P|@G  ;\|;\sl       A;\;\D ;\;\       A ;\;\& ;\t+4(;\ * ;\.;\ ;\ ;\8 ;\>p;\E;\G  B& BR=D Untested  8yB&rR=D*=DB&xRB&R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested g6>o"dw#O{@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       Ad;\;\& P;\;\(;\* (;\.;\;\@;\8;\\<,;\>( Untested  8yB~&f=R~=D=DB~&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>p%ex@>l @P;\T;\       A;\t+4 tX;\       A 4;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ ;\ ;\8;\\< ;\>( Untested  8yB&f=R=D=DB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>q&fy)U@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A8;\;\& $;\;\(t+4* .8;\$;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBP&f=RB>DP>DBP&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>r'gz(T@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A8;\;\& $;\;\(t+4* d;\.<;\h;\8;\\<T;\>( Untested  8yB&f=R>D>DB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>s(h{'S@>l @P;\T;\       A;\tKl th;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.x;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=RԖ{{B&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>t)i|&R~@>l @P;\T;\       A;\tKl t;\       AL;\;\& 8;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBf=R6{D{BtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>u*j}%Q}@>l @P;\T;\       A;\tKl t;\       A;\;\& l;\;\(;\* D;\.;\q<;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB+f=R{{B+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg>v+k~$P|@G  |;\;\`;\       A ;\;\D  ;\;\       Al;\;\& X;\;\ (;\ * 0;\.\;\  |;\8 ;\>T;\E;\G  B+ BR{ Untested  8yB+rR{{B+xRB+R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested f??w"do#O{@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* `;\.;\;\t;\8\<;\>( Untested  8yB+f=Rj{x{B+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?x%ep@>l @P;\T;\       A;\tk t;\       At;\& P;\;\(;\* (;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB+f=RL{Z{B+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?y&fq)U@>l @P;\T;\       A;\tk t;\       At;\& ;\;\(;\* d;\.<;\(;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBN+f=R{{BN+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?z'gr(T@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       AT;\;\& @;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB+f=R{{B+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?{(hs'S@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A0;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\t;\8;\\<`;\>( Untested  8yB+f=Rr{{B+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?|)it&R~@>l @P;\T;\       A;\t t \;\       A ;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. l;\(;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBt+f=R{{Bt+tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?}*ju%Q}@>l @P;\T;\       A;\t t;\       A\;\;\& H;\;\(;\*  ;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBbBf=R{{BbBtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf?~+kv$P|@OS >  T;\ ;\|       A0        A8;\  C;\ ;\4 t;\     ;\       A ;\CD;\ L t;\ (;\       AX;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC ;\ ;\  ;\ x;\d;\       A;\;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& ;\0;\       A;\';\ ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x ;\,-. ;\ |;\       A ;\/ ;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l ;\456 ;\;\       A;\7;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ Pp;\j;\ \;\;\ H;\;\ 4;\;\ 0 ;\C;\ $L ;\Q;\ 8S : Bn& @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBn&vXRr{ Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBn&R{ LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBn&xR{ NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricBn&"R{ Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBn&T{R{ Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGBn& R{ Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricBn&8 RƓ{ Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric Bn& Rԓ{ LPG/Electric LPG/Electric Bn&R{ NG/Electric NG/Electric Bn&NbR{ Electric Electric Bn&R{ Bn&6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 4 must be tested.f?\@OS >  T;\ ;\|       A0        A8;\  C;\ ;\4 t;\     ;\       A ;\CD;\ L t;\ (;\       AX;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\       A(;\;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& ;\;\       A4;\' ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x ;\,-. t;\`;\       A;\/;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l ;\456 ;\l;\       A;\7;\ ;\ p89:;\ @;\6;\ P,;\j;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ 0;\C;\ $L;\Q;\ 8S : Bj& @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBj&vXRR{ Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBj&R`{ LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBj&xRn{ NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricBj&"R|{ Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBj&T{R{ Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGBj& R{ Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricBj&8 R{ Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric Bj& R{ LPG/Electric LPG/Electric Bj&R”{ NG/Electric NG/Electric Bj&NbRД{ Electric Electric Bj&Rޔ{ Bj&6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.g>\@OS >  T<;\ ;\|;\       A;\;\0 x;\       A;\  C;\ 4 ;\    ;\       Ad;\Cx;\ ;\L d;\ (;\;\       A;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC;\ ;\ t;\ 8;\$;\       C ;\ ;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       C;\p# D;\$%& ;\;\       Ch;\'T;\ ;\()* ;\;\       C;\ d+;\ x P;\,-. ;\       C ;\/;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        C;\ X3;\ l L;\456 ;\;\       C;\7;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ P;\j;\ ;\;\ |;\;\ h;\;\ 0T;\C;\ $L@;\Q;\ 8S : B& @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGB&vXR{ Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricB&RΑ{ LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricB&xRܑ{ NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB&"R{ Petrol/NG Petrol/NGB&T{R{ Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB& R{ Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB&8 R{ Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B& R"{ LPG/Electric LPG/Electric B&R0{ NG/Electric NG/Electric B&NbR>{ Electric Electric B&RL{ B&6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 3 must be tested.g>\@) @ ;\ 8;\       A;\;\;\;\;\';\)R  ElectricB. ^RD UntestedB. BRDB. HCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 3 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 3 must be tested g> 7c@) @ ;\ l;\       Ap;\\;\ ;\;\ ;\')R  ElectricB ^RD UntestedB BRDB HCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 4 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 4 must be tested f? 7c@) `u@ ;\ ;\       Ap;\\;\ ;\;\ ;\';\)R  ElectricBL+^RDD UntestedBL+BRRDBL+HCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 2 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 2 must be tested i= 7c@L , Revision 2.4 ja ZT  uCh~pDVuuCu~8HVuCP~zD(%DuCP~pDVu?u?uCu~8HVuCP~zD?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***" 8^ ;\ ;\ d;\Td\;\ B@yZ R  x {8* P;\ ;\, <;\S(;\ ;\;\|X;\  B@PͫP PͫP<  ;\, << |;\, <Z_~D(iZ_Z_< , <Z_~DhZ_Z^ Z ;\T  dSXL$S+( Document Reference requiredNXL$Sgd@7Q *  ;\h 0;\;\       AX;\ ;\D       A;\  C;\  H;\ ;\4    p       A;\C;\8 ;\ ;\L ;\;\       A;\(C;\ ;\d ;\ ;\;\       A;\C;\| ;\ ;\ ;\;\       A;\l l;\ !" 0;\;\       A;\#|;\ ;\$%& ;\       A;\`';\t ;\()* ;\       Ad;\+ ;\ x,-. ;\ ;\        A;\ T/;\ h ;\012 ;\;\       A$;\3;\ υ0456 ;\ ;\        A;\ H7;\ \ ;\89:T;\;\ 6@;\P;\ j,;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\0;\ C;\L;\ $Q : BV&"R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBV&t2RƐ{ Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBV&RԐ{ LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBV&JR{ NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricBV& R{ Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBV&RER{ Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGBV& R { Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricBV& R{ Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric BV&_ R({ LPG/Electric LPG/Electric BV& R6{ NG/Electric NG/Electric BV&LRč{ Electric Electric BV&~kRҍ{ BV&RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 1 must be tested.<\@: ;\ (;\ ;\;\T|;\;\ ;\d;\  <;\  ;\0;\,;\ ;\X;\ ;\';\ ;\/;\;\p;\7;\ 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/PͫP ePͫP PͫP ?@PͫP #vPͫP !PͫP PͫP #=PͫP &6PͫP %@@PͫP PͫP &xPͫP *QPͫP (PͫP PͫP *`PͫP -@PͫP ,PͫP PͫP -;PͫP 2PͫP /PͫP PͫP 2:PͫP 9@PͫP 6=PͫP PͫP 9PͫP @_~PͫP <PͫP PͫP @n@PͫP FPͫP CZnPͫP PͫP F7PͫP Mȸ@PͫP J|PͫP PͫP MPͫP T{PͫP QPͫP PͫP T@PͫP [1PͫP WkPͫP PͫP [A4PͫP ajPͫP ^yPͫP PͫP aϬ@PͫP hxPͫP eSPͫP PͫP h@PͫP ouPͫP khPͫP PͫP o1PͫP vgPͫP s vPͫP PͫP v@PͫP }+uPͫP yPͫP PͫP }:@PͫP PͫP &ePͫP PͫP .PͫP PͫP MsPͫP PͫP -@PͫP pPͫP MsPͫP PͫP pPͫP MsPͫP PͫPp: ;\ 0;\ ;\T|r;\ ;\;\  0;\  ;\0;\p;\;\H;\ ;\g,';\ ;\/`;\;\pP;\7(;\ !g,?"#;\$%;\d;\G&'<;\();\`;\O*+;\,-;\;\W./;\01;\t;\_23L;\45;\P$;\g67;\89;\;\o:;;\<=;\;\w>?\;\@A;\@4;\BC ;\DE;\h;\FG@;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\x;\RSP;\TU;\(;\V;\WX;\;\ ;\;\4rX  B@PͫP 8PͫP PͫP PͫP z@PͫP /PͫP ePͫP PͫP ?@PͫP #vPͫP !PͫP PͫP #=PͫP &6PͫP %@@PͫP PͫP &xPͫP *QPͫP (PͫP PͫP *`PͫP -@PͫP ,PͫP PͫP -;PͫP 2PͫP /PͫP PͫP 2:PͫP 9@PͫP 6=PͫP PͫP 9PͫP @_~PͫP <PͫP PͫP @n@PͫP FPͫP CZnPͫP PͫP F7PͫP Mȸ@PͫP J|PͫP PͫP MPͫP T{PͫP QPͫP PͫP T@PͫP [1PͫP WkPͫP PͫP [A4PͫP ajPͫP ^yPͫP PͫP aϬ@PͫP hxPͫP eSPͫP PͫP h@PͫP ouPͫP khPͫP PͫP o1PͫP vgPͫP s vPͫP PͫP v@PͫP }+uPͫP yPͫP PͫP }:@PͫP PͫP &ePͫP PͫP .PͫP PͫP MsPͫP PͫP -@PͫP pPͫP MsPͫP PͫP pPͫP MsPͫP PͫPq: ;\ r 0;\T;\|d;\<;\ ;\;\  ;\  0 ;\;\X;\;\;\p;\';\;\ 8;\/;\;\p;\7h;\ !;\@;\?"#;\$%;\G&';\()`;\O*+;\,-;\h;\W./@;\01;\;\_23;\45;\P;\g67|;\89;\T;\o:;,;\<=;\;\w>?;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\d;\FG<;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\t;\RSL;\TU;\$;\V;\WX;\;\ ;\;\4rX  B@0P 80P 0P 0P z@0P /0P e0P 0P ?@0P #v0P !0P 0P #=0P &60P %@@0P 0P &x0P *Q0P (0P 0P *`0P -@0P ,0P 0P -;0P 20P /0P 0P 2:0P 9@0P 6=0P 0P 90P @_~0P <0P 0P @n@0P F0P CZn0P 0P F70P Mȸ@0P J|0P 0P M0P T{0P Q0P 0P T@0P [10P Wk0P 0P [A40P aj0P ^y0P 0P aϬ@0P hx0P eS0P 0P h@0P ou0P kh0P 0P o10P vg0P s v0P 0P v@0P }+u0P y0P 0P }:@0P 0P &e0P 0P .0P 0P Ms0P 0P -@0P p0P Ms0P 0P p0P Ms0P 0PrL ;\ 4;\ ;\ T|;\x;\ ;\ j Revision 2.4j j|&| ;\ ;\@ x;\d;\       A p;\ ;\0;\l;\&( j Electricjj Untestedjjv>jjEngine configuration for vehicle 1 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 1 must be tested< 7c@>l  T;\       A;\;\t;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4 |;\4;\\9h;\>|  B7R Untested yB7`RJw>B7nRB7tRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same4< 8dVWXYEq@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ ;\\4`;\9;\p>L;\@|  B =R Untested yBbRw>w>BpRBvRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8i^=_`,XWVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\\4;\9;\p>;\@|  B 80 =R Untested yB 80bRx>x>B 80pRB 80vRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8g_>^`,XXVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\t;\`;\;\ ;\\4x;\9;\p>d;\@|  Bt80 =R Untested yBt80bRbx>px>Bt80pRBt80vRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8f`?^_,XYVSTUDp@"T  \;\`       A;\l;\;\;\D+" BNR UntestedBN6Rx>BN<RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.<abc+W@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D;\;\X"|v$ Bqn >R UntestedBqn8Ru>Bqn>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.ia=bc+W@'$h  Th       A;\vִ;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ B& >R UntestedB&8Ru>B&>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested>ac+W@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ Bx& >R UntestedBx&8R*u>Bx&>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.fc?ab+W@z ;\ H;\ 4;\ T |;\       A;\;\X ;\;\       A<;\;\ %(;\&( ;\4,;\\;\;\  A;\P;\ ;\$;\8  A;\;\%;\&;\( t;\,  ;\($;\ !"#$%&'  A;\;\ ;\p;\ !"#$%&'  A;\;\%;\& ;\( ;\, ( ;\X;\(;\()*+,-./0123  A;\;\ ;\;\()*+,-./0123  A;\H;\%;\\&;\p( ;\,4;\;\4x;\456789:;<=>?  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A8;\;\ %$;\&;\( ;\ <,@;\ d;\@;\ @ABCDEFGHIJK  A;\  ;\ ;\ ,;\ @@ABCDEFGHIJK  A;\ l;\%;\ &;\ ( D;\,L;\;\ 0L;\LMNOPQRSTUVW  A;\;\  ;\;\LMNOPQRSTUVW  Ah;\;\ %T;\&@;\( ;\ ,X t;\X;\ XYZ[\]^_`abc  A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ XYZ[\]^_`abc  A;\P,;\%;\d&x( t;\,;\/L;\];\8;\;\$;\;\C;\q;\v;\{;\  % Untested  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  c"<dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|V ;\ ;\   ;\;\       A;\XT;\ ;\l;\       A;\ l;\%;\ &;\4( D;\,T;\p 8;\;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8;\L  A;\ ;\& ;\ ;\(* ;\.  ;\<;\P;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\ t;\`;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\& ;\;\( ;\* ;\. * d;\;\P;\*;\D+*,-./012345  A;\ ;\ ;\;\+*,-./012345  A;\ ;\& ;\ ;\( ;\* ;\.6;\ ;\;\6 \;\7689:;<=>?@A  A ;\;\ ;\ ;\7689:;<=>?@A  A ;\;\ d& ;\;\ x(;\ * ;\.B ;\;\ ;\B;\ CBDEFGHIJKLM  A;\ | ;\ ;\ ;\ CBDEFGHIJKLM  A;\ 0 <;\& ;\ D (;\( ;\* ;\ l.N;\ ;\;\ N;\ONPQRSTUVWXY  A$;\;\ \ ;\;\ONPQRSTUVWXY  Ap;\;\ & \;\;\ $(;\ 8* 4;\.Z;\ tx;\Z;\ [Z\]^_`abcde  A;\(;\ ;\<;\P[Z\]^_`abcde  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\1;\@a;\;\T;\;\h!;\Q;\|;\\;\H;\;\  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Untested  Py 0yB&Rq>B&dRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.i=@^P   Th       A;\;\;\0       A;\ ;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\> ;\D$;\I;\N;\P|  B AR Untested  Py' 0y'BRfq>BdRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.g>@^P   Th       A;\;\;\0       A;\ L;\8;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\> ;\D<;\I;\N(;\P|  BX AR Untested  Py' 0y'BXR:n>BXdRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.f?@: ;\ ;\h       A;\ ;\ D;\X       A;\ ;\ ;\       A\;\    ;\;\,  ;\       A;\ ;\       A;\ ;\;\ ;\, ;\       A;\C;\ (;\;\  A;\l;\ `;\;\;\;\;\;\8;\ h;\;\ ;\;\4p B&$R Untested   FWD RWDB&h8Rn> AWDB&Rn> RWD FWDB&$Rn> AWDB&Rn> AWD RWD FWD -x|:vB&TRn>n>B&b RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6<fghijklmVSTUDp@N  T;\;\       A ;\ ;\ wP (;\;\       A|;\  ;\4       A;\    ;\;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\;\       A$;\ ;\;\;\, `;\L;\       A;\C;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\;\ 8x;\h;\ d;\;\4P;\;\Hp Bx BR Untested   FWD RWDBxj`RDo> AWDBxRRo> RWD FWDBxXR`o> AWDBxRno> AWD RWD FWD -x|:vBxV* R|o>o>Bxd1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6i=fghijklmSVTUDp@N  T;\;\       A;\;\ ;\0 ;\       AP;\  ;\4       AwT  ;\  ;\d;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\`;\       A;\ ;\;\, ;\;\       A;\C;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\;\ 8x;\h;\ d;\;\4P;\;\Hp B, BR Untested   FWD RWDB,j`Ro> AWDB,Ro> RWD FWDB,XRo> AWDB,Rp> AWD RWD FWD .x|:vB,V* R̶<ڶ<B,d1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6g>fghijklmTVSUDp@N  T;\x;\       A ;\ ;\ w ;\       At;\  ;\4       A;\  ;\  ;\d;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\;\       Ad;\ P;\(;\;\, ;\       A;\C;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ 8`;\h;\ L;\;\48;\;\Hp B, BR Untested   FWD RWDB,j`R.< AWDB,R<< RWD FWDB,XRJ< AWDB,RX< AWD RWD FWD -x|:vB,V* Rf<t<B,d1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6f?fghijklmUVSTDp@ ;\ ;\ ;\@DH;\4;\;\ ;\ n  % PͫP  * 4;\ , ;\D@;\,;\| ÀPͫP  * 4;\ , ;\D@;\,;\| ÀPͫP  | ;\ , X;\ Tp|;\;\ ;\  % x  j ;\ ;\C;\C;\ C;\   Ct;\ C;\C<;\CP;\ C;\ C$;\ C;\  !C<;\ "#$C(;\ I >;\J ;\K%;\$&  C`;\'  C;\P ;\ (  C;\  ;\0)  C;\ ;\@*  C;\0 ;\P ;\D+,-C;\./0C;\123C;\456C;\4789C;\p:;<C;\=>?C;\ @ABC;\$ CDEC;\` FGHC IJKC;\ LMNC;\  J >;\ (K ;\L ;\ <O;\ P;\;\ d O Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A % Petrol Petrol/NG Petrol/LPG NG LPG Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested ECE-T ECE-A Tested 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;\D;\BDRBsRBRpq@` ;\ , ;\@ @\ h ;\P;\ ;\ % % pqL ,BrR8 , ;\ @;\;\;\BJbRBJRaBJR`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/ ,BrR8L , ;\ @dpi;\BZQbRBZQRBZQRist@x ;\ , ;\@;\ h ;\;\ ;\;\ % % istL ,B@*R8 , p;\ ;\@ ;\djjajj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.gvw@L ,BR@L , ;\ @;\;\;\BbRBRBRgvw@x ;\ , ;\@;\ h  ;\;\ ;\;\ % % gvwL ,BV*R8 , ;\ ^;\;\Ҽdajjajj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.fyz@L ,BwR@L , ;\ @;\|;\;\BQbRBQRBQRfyz@x @;\ , ;\@;\ h $;\ ;\|;\;\ ;\;\ % % fyz, ;\ ;\@ ;\Q;\;\ ;\  ;\|;\;\h;\  PͫXP B@PͫXPaj j = PͫXP$aj2aj j One or more fields too long. j4The Document Reference field has not been completed.'Data file was last saved with template :. Saving data file will update the Revision number to 2.4. ~%,        C;\ ;\;\h;\ Bq'R UntestedBq0+RaBq6R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. <@,        C;\ ;\;\ H;\ B4 ERB4*/R4 uB40RB48R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. i@,        C;\l;\;\;\ B^D ERB^D*/R uB^D0RB^D8R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. g@,        C;\ ,;\;\;\ BΩ ERBΩ*/R uBΩ0RBΩ8R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. f@l!J ;\ , ;\ ;\T ;\|      C;\ ;\;\0;\;\D!  % Untested x <b @ ,;\ , ;\       C;\;\;\0X;\   % x  ib @ ,;\ , ;\       COE;\;\0;\   % x  gb @ ;\ , ;\       C;\ӱ(;\0@;\   % x  f}) ;\ <;\ @ ;\       A;\;\;\;\|;\$;\)( jj Untestedjj ujjjaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle. <#$%&')*+,-./@- ;\ ;\ $;\ |;\       A;\;\0;\l4;\;\$ ;\(zT-R BiR UntestedB@AR uBFRBLRBTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."i=#$%&')*+,-./@-  \;\ ;\ c]\;\       A;\;\0l;\;\$;\(-R BDiR UntestedBD@ARuBDFRBDLRBDTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."g>#$%&')*+,-./@- ;\ ;\  |;\       A;\ ;\0;\l;\$ ;\(;\-R BiR UntestedB@AR8uBFRBLRBTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."f?#$%&')*+,-./@  ;\ ;\ \;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C;\;\;\ xj xj j<qrstuvwo x|yvs_^]\][YW    ,5>+GC,9:;EGKMOQSU^adgjmp;<=>?@ABCDEFGTUVWXYZ[ Lz ;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C;\L$;\;\t %j %j jqrstuvwo x|yvs_^]\][YWx    "{,5>+G@ABCHIJKPQRSCru,9:;EGKMOQSU^adgjmp;<=>?@ABCDEFGTUVWXYZ[2  CD;\;\| ;\ j j j nD<;\L;\@;\ `<H h , .a Z)$  BrF!%RuBrF!R?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***%8KHC@ h;\  ;\ ;\d;\       Ad ;\       A;\ ;\   ;\;\-T;\7;\>,;\H Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BL#Ru Untested  BL#r.RuBL#xRBL#~RBL#RBL#R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles.+<FJLNPRTVXZ\@VE ;\ @;\C;\h  ;\  ;\ ;\       A;\ l;\;\       A;\4 ;\  ;\\ ;\p) ;\2;\7;\@;\EN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x     +<FJLNPRTVXZ\ ;\ <;\ ;\ T | $;\ ;\;\ 4;\;\ Untested % x <<=O ;\ ;\ @ h|       A;\S;\0;\D       A;\ 0;\;\;\;\        A;\ h;\T;\;\* @;\+ ;\>A;\E;\J;\OR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x <:D ;\ <;\ @ h|       A;\;\0  A$;\;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ,;\0;\45;\:(  % Untested PͫP x  6< 8dVWXYEq T;\ @ ;\ TD;\;\0;\ UntestedB)YRB)R>uB) RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.<<=@cJCP;\ h  ;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\t;\       A;\;\4   ;\p;\-;\7\;\>;\H4;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BʰRtu Untested  BʰtVRuBʰzRBʰRBʰ!RBʰ@R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. iF=+JLNPRTVXZ\@nG ;\  ;\C;\  ;\$;\ ;\鎜       A;\ `;\       A;\;\H  ;\ ;\) ;\2;\7;\@\;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "iF=+JLNPRTVXZ\cJC;\ ;\h  `;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\;\       A;\;\4   ;\p;\-;\7l;\>;\HD;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BʰRL{ Untested  BʰtVRL{BʰzRBʰRBʰ!RBʰ@R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. gJ>+FLNPRTVXZ\@nG ;\ p;\C;\  ;\ ;\;\       A;\ ;\       A,{H  ;\ p;\) \;\2;\7;\@;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "gJ>+FLNPTVXZ\RcJC ;\ h   ;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\0;\       A;\;\4   ;\p;\-;\7;\>;\H;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BRJ{ Untested  BtVRJ{BzRBRB!RB@R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. fL?+FJNPRTVXZ\@nG ;\ ;\C;\  ;\;\ ;\;\        A;\ ;\;\       A;\;\H  ;\ ;\) ;\2;\7;\@;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "fL?+FJNPTVXZ\R ;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\h  ;\ 8;\;\x;\ ;\d;\;\ Untested % x  i=_`3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\;\;\ UntestedBxRBRK{B"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.i=_`@ ;\ t;\ ;\ ;\h  ;\ $;\;\T;\ ;\@;\;\ Untested % x  g>bc3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\ǰ,0;\ UntestedBxRBRL{B"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.g>bc@ ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\h 4;\ ;\ ;\;\P;\ ;\<;\;\ Untested % x  f?ef3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\d0;\ UntestedB+xRB+RF{B+"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.f?ef@Q*  $  ;\       A;\;\t;\`;\       A;\ ;\;\p;\\;\       A;\ ;\;\d;\* ;\+ P;\>;\Ax;\E;\Jd;\L;\$QR j %j Untestedj j PPͫXP 0PͫXP xj j i=Q* ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\>;\A`;\E;\JL;\L;\$QR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x  g>Q* ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A<;\(;\;\;\       At;\ ;\;\L;\8;\       A(;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\>;\A;\E;\J;\L;\$QR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x  f? <X ;\ ,;\ \;\ Q$| ;\       A;\l;\X;\  A;\;\ ;\;\ ;\,;\40;\5;\H7;\<(  % Untested PͫP x  :i^=_`,XWVSTUDp <X ;\ ;\ ;\ x;\       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\t;\,;\40`;\5;\H7L;\<(  % Untested PͫP x  :g_>^`,XXVSTUDp <X ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\       A,;\;\;\  A;\;\ P;\;\(;\,;\40;\5;\H7;\<(  % Untested PͫP x  :f`?^_,XYVSTUDp$h ;\ ;\ ;\@ h;\|       ASh;\;\׼X;\$ j %j Untestedj xj j j <#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\;\;\D;\X |;\ h;\";\'( j %j Untestedj xj j j j"i=#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ 0;\ 0;\       A;\;\DxD;\0;\";\'(  % Untested x   "g>#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ 0;\ 4;\       A;\ ;\DX";\'(  % Untested x   "f?#$%&')*+,-./G ;\ ;\@ ;\a`;\;\  ;\ ;\    \;\ ;\  ;\ \;\;\<;\;\4;\;\p;\A>;\B;\GJ                    2FR no! h@G  $@;\|<;\;\   8;\  ;\D  X;\  ;\ ;\;\;\4;\;\p;\A>;\B;\GJ                    2GIT7qr"8iE:;<=>?@AB@G ;\ ;\@ ;\>4;\;\  ;\ 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UntestedB"@ARCB"FRB"LRB"TRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."-GI#$%&')*+,-./@lx ;\ x;\PD<;\   P   Q;\X(;\;\;\;\  `;\!"#;\$%&;\'();\*+,;\-./;\L0124;\345`678;\9:;;\<=>(;\?@;\AB;\;\ ;\;\;\;\$;\*;\0;\6;\<;\Bt;\H;\N`;\T;\ZL;\`;\,f8;\l;\@r$;\x;\T~;\nt B  8TwP B@TwP z@TwP /TwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP -TwP #=TwP &6TwP = TwP &xTwP *QTwP LK@TwP *`TwP -@TwP [TwP -;TwP 2TwP jTwP 2:TwP 9@TwP zTwP 9TwP @_~TwP T@TwP @n@TwP FTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP ]@TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ՟TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP $TwP o1TwP vgTwP f@TwP v@TwP }+uTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP !TwP .TwP TwP 1-TwP -@TwP pTwP @o@TwP pTwP OTwP lx  4;\@;\P;\      T;\Xh;\;\;\;\  ;\!"#;\$%& ;\'();\*+,;\-./;\L012X;\345;\678;\9:;;\<=>;\?@h;\AB;\@;\ ;\,;\;\;\$;\*;\0;\6;\<;\B;\H;\N;\T;\Z;\`;\,f;\l;\@r;\x;\T~x;\;\hd;\ B  8Tw?P B@Tw?P z@Tw?P /Tw?P Tw?P ?@Tw?P #vTw?P -Tw?P #=Tw?P &6Tw?P = Tw?P &xTw?P *QTw?P LK@Tw?P *`Tw?P -@Tw?P [Tw?P -;Tw?P 2Tw?P jTw?P 2:Tw?P 9@Tw?P zTw?P 9Tw?P @_~Tw?P T@Tw?P @n@Tw?P FTw?P Tw?P F7Tw?P Mȸ@Tw?P Tw?P MTw?P T{Tw?P Tw?P T@Tw?P [1Tw?P ]@Tw?P [A4Tw?P ajTw?P ՟Tw?P aϬ@Tw?P hxTw?P Tw?P h@Tw?P ouTw?P $Tw?P o1Tw?P vgTw?P f@Tw?P v@Tw?P }+uTw?P Tw?P }:@Tw?P Tw?P !Tw?P .Tw?P Tw?P 1-Tw?P -@Tw?P pTw?P @o@Tw?P pTw?P OTw?P lx  \;\;\@ ;\|;\   ;\  ;\;\X;\;\(;\;\  ;\!"#;\$%&;\'()*+,8;\-./;\L012;\345;\678p;\9:;;\<=> ;\?@;\AB;\;\ ;\;\;\;\$;\*;\0;\6l;\<;\BX;\H;\ND;\T;\Z0;\`;\,f;\l;\@r;\x;\T~;\;\h;\ B  8TwP B@TwP z@TwP /TwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP -TwP #=TwP &6TwP = TwP &xTwP *QTwP LK@TwP *`TwP -@TwP [TwP -;TwP 2TwP jTwP 2:TwP 9@TwP zTwP 9TwP @_~TwP T@TwP @n@TwP FTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP ]@TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ՟TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP $TwP o1TwP vgTwP f@TwP v@TwP }+uTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP !TwP .TwP TwP 1-TwP -@TwP pTwP @o@TwP pTwP OTwP  lx ;\ `;\@ ;\;\   ;\  ;\;\X@;\;\;\;\  $;\!"#;\$%&;\'();\*+,;\-./;\L012;\345;\678;\9:;;\<=>T;\?@,;\AB;\;\ ;\;\;\;\$;\*;\0;\6;\<;\B;\H;\N;\T;\Zx;\`;\,fd;\l;\@rP;\x;\T~<;\;\h(;\ B  8Twp5P B@Twp5P z@Twp5P /Twp5P Twp5P ?@Twp5P #vTwp5P -Twp5P #=Twp5P &6Twp5P = Twp5P &xTwp5P *QTwp5P LK@Twp5P *`Twp5P -@Twp5P [Twp5P -;Twp5P 2Twp5P jTwp5P 2:Twp5P 9@Twp5P zTwp5P 9Twp5P @_~Twp5P T@Twp5P @n@Twp5P FTwp5P Twp5P F7Twp5P Mȸ@Twp5P Twp5P MTwp5P T{Twp5P Twp5P T@Twp5P [1Twp5P ]@Twp5P [A4Twp5P ajTwp5P ՟Twp5P aϬ@Twp5P hxTwp5P Twp5P h@Twp5P ouTwp5P $Twp5P o1Twp5P vgTwp5P f@Twp5P v@Twp5P }+uTwp5P Twp5P }:@Twp5P Twp5P !Twp5P .Twp5P Twp5P 1-Twp5P -@Twp5P pTwp5P @o@Twp5P pTwp5P OTwp5P 6F ;\@, <Fj~DFjF<F l;\@, <ڦ0~Dڦ0ڦF t;\@, <0~DP0F l;\@, <jj~DjjjxF ;\;\@, <jj~DjjjwF ;\,, <Fj~DFjF~F @, <bj~DFbjb}F @, <jj~DFjjj|F ;\,, <A~DA{F ;\@, <Fj~DxFjFzF ;\@, <j~Djy< $;\, <A~DFAc< ;\x;\, <`F  ;\@, <k~D:kUF ;\ ;\/ , <Jj~DJjJF  ;\/, <Jj~DnJjJF  ;\/, <A~DTAF ,;\;\@, <nc~DncnF ;\ ;\/, <c~DncF ;\, <:,~DF:,:F  ;\/, <Jj~DnJjJ< ;\, <Jj~DJjJ< 8, < _~Dd) _ F ;\0X, <Jj~D<JjJF  ;\;\@, <Bk~DBkBF H;\@, <40~D404F ;\0;\;\@, <40~D^404F ;\;\/, <D0~DD0DF d;\;\@, <Bk~DBkBF ;\@, <"0~D"0"F ;\|;\;\@, << H;\, <0~D0< ;\, < 0~D 0  F ;\;\@, <X0~DX0XF ;\;\;\@, <2,2~D:*2,22,;F  ;\13, <LT1~D*LT1LTBF  ;\13, <Fj~DFjFAF ;\;\13, <d~D*d@F ;\13, <d~D*d?F ;\l;\;\@, <^0~DP^0^>F P;\;\@, < d~D* d =< 8, <)2~D2,)2):< ;\;\, <¬0~D|¬0¬8F ;\@, <S1~DS1SEF ;\@, <F ;\@, < F ;\@, <!F ;\@, <"'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D;\;\X";\$ Bs >R UntestedBs8R&ICBs>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.Dabc+W@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ Bs >R UntestedBs8RECBs>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.Eabc+W@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ BRs >R UntestedBRs8RjFCBRs>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.Fabc+W@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ Bs >R UntestedBs8RFCBs>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.-+GIabcW@ ,;\C;\hD|;\ ;\      Cd;\   x;\  |;\D@;\ ;\;\x;\ ;\  P;\ ;\H ;\  A$;\;\;\  Ap;\CD;\ ;\'-d;\;;\<A <;\D(;\;\;\;\ ;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !D;\";\      C4;\ ;\l#$%;\D;\<;\@0;\;\;\;\% B+ @R Tested ECE-T -y yB+$RGCB+FR GCB+L"R Untested y x B@y y LK@yB+xR.GC  Untested ECE-AB+R?EFGLMNOB ,;\ChD|(;\ ;\      C ;\   ;\;\  ;\Dx;\ d;\;\(;\ ;\  ;\ ;\H ;\  A8;\$;\;\  A$;\CT;\ ';\(-;\;;\<A D;\;\;\;\ t;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !D;\"x;\      C;\ ;\l#$%;\;\<;\@;\;\t;\;\% BN+ @R Tested ECE-T -y yBN+$RGCBN+FRGCBN+L"R Untested y x B@y y [yBN+xRGC  Untested ECE-ABN+RaBN+^R ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TBN+ Ra yBN+LRaBN+RHR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2EIu<=>?DFGLMNOB C;\hD$H;\ ;\      C<;\   ;\;\  ;\D;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  \;\ ;\H  ;\  A;\;\;\  A;\C;\ ;\';\(-h;\;;\<A @;\D,;\;\;\;\ ;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !D;\";\      C8;\ ;\l#$%;\(;\<;\@;\e[T;\% Bj+ @R Tested ECE-T -y yBj+$RbBj+FR(bBj+L"R Untested y x B@y y jyBj+xR6b  Untested ECE-ABj+RDbBj+^R ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TBj+ RRb yBj+LR`bBj+RHR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2FIu<=>?DEGLMNOB C;\hD$;\ ;\      C X;\   ,;\;\  ;\D;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  x;\ ;\H <;\  A;\;\;\  A$;\Cd;\ ;\';\(-\;\;;\<A 4;\D ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !D;\";\      C,;\ ;\l#$%;\;\<;\@;\;\;\;\% Br+ @R Tested ECE-T -d)+|:v d)+|:vBr+$RbBr+FRbBr+L"R Untested d)+|:v x B@d)+|:v d)+|:v zd)+|:vBr+xRb  Untested ECE-ABr+RbBr+^R ECE-A -d)+|:v B@d)+|:v d)+|:v ECE-A ECE-TBr+ Rb d)+|:vBr+LRbBr+RHR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2-IGu<=>?DEFLMNOB =T ;\,;\@       A ;\   A;\ ;\& ;\ l;\+  ;\H;\       A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t$;\;\ ;\ ;\3 ;\x;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\;\ ;\;\;\3;\7;\0n;\s;\D;\ BZR Untested  y+ByRNc_BaRBR  y+B"R__B0RB6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N^_`,XfghijklmDVSTUDp@ =T ,;\@       A;\   A;\;\ 0;\& ;\ ;\+  t;\       A;\ ;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\t ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\3 ;\l;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\3|;\7;\0nh;\s;\DT;\ B.ZR Untested  y+B.yRL`Z`B.aRB.R  y+B."Rh`v`B.0RB.6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N^_`,XfghijklmEVSTUDp@ =T ;\,;\@       A ;\  A;\  & ;\ ;\+  ;\;\       A;\ ;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\3 \;\H;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\;\ ;\;\|;\;\3T;\7;\0n@;\s;\D,;\ BZR Untested  y+ByR``BaRBR  y+B"R``B0RB6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N^_`,XfghijklmFVSTUDp@ =T ;\,;\@       A;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\& ;\ ;\+  p;\\;\       A  @;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t x;\ P;\ <;\  ;\ ;\3  ;\ ;\  A 8;\ $;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\\;\ 4;\ ;\;\;\3;\7;\0n;\s;\D;\ BR%ZR Untested  y+BR%yRHaVaBR%aRBR%R  y+BR%"RdaraBR%0RBR%6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N-DI^_`,XfghijklmGVSTUp@$  ;\ ;\@;\;\|   TwP $  ;\ ;\@;\|   Tw>P $  ;\ ;\;\@8;\;\|   TwP $  ;\ ;\@;\   TwP ) @  ;\ l;\       A;\;\T;\;\@;\';\)R  ElectricBV^R^ UntestedBVBR^BVHCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 5 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 5 must be tested D 7c@) @ ;\ @;\       A ;\ ;\;\';\)R  ElectricB^RR_ UntestedBBR`_BHCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 6 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 6 must be tested E 7c@) @ ;\ l;\       A;\;\`;\;\L;\';\)R  ElectricB^R4\ UntestedBBRB\BHCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 7 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 7 must be tested  F7c@) @ ;\ l;\       A\;\H;\;\;\;\';\)R  ElectricB^R\ UntestedBBR\BHCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 8 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 8 must be tested -7GI c@OS > f( T ;\|;\       A;\0 ;\;\       A;\  C;\ 4 ,;\    |;\       A;\C;\ ;\L p;\ <;\       A;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC$;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\       A4;\ ;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& ;\;\       A;\' ()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x ;\,-. |;\h;\       A;\/;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l ;\456 ;\;\       A;\7;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ P;\j;\ ;\;\ x;\;\ d;\;\ 0P;\C;\ $L<;\Q;\ 8S : B @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBvXR\ Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBR] LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBxR] NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB"R"] Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBT{R0] Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB R>] Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB8 RL] Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B RZ] LPG/Electric LPG/Electric BRh] NG/Electric NG/Electric BNbRv] Electric Electric BR] B6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 5 must be tested.D\@OS > h Tx;\ ;\|;\       A;\0 <;\(;\       A;\  C;\ 4 ;\     ;\       A ;\C;\ ;\L ;\ ;\       At;\C;\d $;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\       A;\hD  !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& ;\ ;\       A ;\' ;\ ()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x ;\,-. T;\@;\       A;\/;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l ;\456 ;\p;\       A;\7;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ Pl;\j;\ X;\;\ D;\;\ 0;\;\ 0;\C;\ $LpQS : B @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBvXR Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBR LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBxR NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB"R Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBT{R Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB R  Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB8 R Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B R& LPG/Electric LPG/Electric BR4 NG/Electric NG/Electric BNbRB Electric Electric BRP B6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 6 must be tested.E\@OS >  T;\ ;\|;\       A;\;\0 ;\;\       A;\  C ;\ 4 ;\    ;\\;\       A;\C;\ L ;\ ;\       A;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC;\ ;\ ;\ p;\\;\       A;\;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& $;\       A;\';\ ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x 4;\,-. ;\;\       AX;\/D;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l @;\456 ;\;\       Ad;\7P;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ P;\j;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ 0;\C;\ $L;\Q;\ 8S : B @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBvXR Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBR LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBxR NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB"R Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBT{R Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB R Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB8 R Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B R LPG/Electric LPG/Electric BR NG/Electric NG/Electric BNbR" Electric Electric BR0 B6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 7 must be tested.F\@0@  T;\h       A;\;\  A@;\,;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ ;\\4;\9;\p>x;\@|  B64P =R Untested yB64PbRB64PpRB64PvRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8D^_`,XVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\`;\ ;\\4 ;\9;\p> p;\@|  B ˺ =R Untested yB ˺bRftB ˺pRB ˺vRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8E^_`,XVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A|;\h;\ ;\T;\,;\;\;\ ;\\4;\9;\p>;\@|  B|˺ =R Untested yB|˺bRB|˺pRB|˺vRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8F^_`,XVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A|;\h;\ ;\T;\,;\;\ ;\ ;\\4 ;\9;\p> ;\@|  Bn˺ =R Untested yBn˺bR8FBn˺pRBn˺vRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8-,GI^_`XEVSTUDp@G  ;\| ;\;\       A;\;\D ;\;\       A;\& ;\;\ (;\ * ;\.;\ ;\ `;\8 ;\>8;\E;\G  B& BR Untested  8yB&rRrB&xRB&R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested D"dow#O{@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\L;\8;\\<8;\>( Untested  8yBN&f=RTbBN&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD%epx@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\t;\8;\\<`;\>( Untested  8yB&f=RB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD&fqy)U@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A8;\;\& $;\;\(* d;\.<;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBH&f=R&BH&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD'grz(T@>l @;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(* X;\.0;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=RzB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD(hs{'S@>l @;\;\T|;\       A;\;\ ;\;\       A;\;\& |;\;\(* ;\.;\;\|;\8;\\<h;\>( Untested  8yB &f=RB &tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD)it|&R~@>l @P;\T;\       A;\T h;\       A;\;\& ެ(;\* ;\.l;\X;\0;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBn&f=R>LBn&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD*ju}%Q}@>l @P;\T;\       A;\T ;\       A;\;\& |;\(;\* T;\. ,;\ ;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=RB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedD+kv~$P|@G  |;\;\`;\       Ap;\;\D \;\H;\       A;\;\& ;\;\ (;\ * ;\.;\  ;\8 ;\>;\E;\G  B2& BR Untested  8yB2&rRB2&xRB2&R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested E"dow#O{@>l @d;\T;\       A;\;\ ;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\t;\p;\8;\\<\;\>( Untested  8yB&f=RB&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE%epx@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ 0;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB&f=R"B&tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE&fqy)U@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.x;\d;\<;\8;\\<(;\>( Untested  8yBd(f=RvBd(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE'grz(T@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ <;\       A;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\t;\8;\\<`;\>( Untested  8yBe(f=RBe(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE(hs{'S@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A,;\;\& ;\;\(;\* T;\.,;\;\8;\8;\\<$;\>( Untested  8yBre(f=RBre(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE)it|&R~@>l @;\T;\       A@;\;\ ,;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.p;\\;\4;\8;\\< ;\>( Untested  8yBe(f=R*Be(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE*ju}%Q}@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A,;\;\& ;\;\(;\* T;\.,;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB6f(f=R~B6f(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedE+kv~$P|@G  |;\;\;\       A;\;\D ;\;\       A`;\;\& L;\;\ (;\ * $;\.P;\ <;\ ;\8 ;\>;\E;\G  Bf( BR Untested  8yBf(rRBf(xRBf(R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested F"dow#O{@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A ;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\l;\8;\\<X;\>( Untested  8yBg(f=RP^Bg(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF%epx@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ X;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.h;\T;\,;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBjg(f=R"Bjg(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF&fqy)U@>l @P;\T;\       A;\3 <;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* t;\.L;\P;\8;\\<<;\>( Untested  8yBg(f=RvBg(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF'grz(T@>l @P;\T;\       A;\3 ;\       A|;\;\& h;\;\(;\* @;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBVh(f=RدBVh(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF(hs{'S@>l @P;\T;\       A;\3 <;\       A;\& P;\;\(;\* (;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBh(f=R:HBh(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF)it|&R~@>l @P;\T;\       A;\3 ;\       A,;\;\& ;\;\(;\* T;\.,;\;\;\8;\\<t;\>( Untested  8yBi(f=R*Bi(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF*ju}%Q}@>l @;\T;\       A@;\;\ ,;\;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.p;\\;\4;\8;\\< ;\>( Untested  8yB|i(f=RB|i(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedF+kv~$P|@G  |;\;\;\       AL;\;\D 8;\$;\       A;\;\& ;\;\ (;\ * \;\.;\ t;\ L;\8 ;\>$;\E;\G  Bi( BR Untested  8yBi(rR Bi(xRBi(R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested -;G#I"dowO{@>l @P;\T;\       A;\T4 c ;\       Ad;\;\& P;\;\(;\* (;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBNj(f=R^lBNj(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-GI%epx@>l @;\T;\       A;\T4 i ;\       A D;\;\& 0;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ ;\ ;\8;\\< ;\>( Untested  8yBj(f=RήBj(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-G)I&fqyU@>l @;\T;\       A;\T4 ph;\       A;\;\& x;\;\(;\* P;\.(;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB k(f=RB k(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-G(I'grzT@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ (;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* `;\.t;\`;\8;\8;\\<$;\>( Untested  8yBk(f=RP^Bk(tRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-G'I(hs{S@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ X;\       A ;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\l;\8;\\<X;\>( Untested  8yBhlf=RBhltRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-G&I)it|R~@>l @;\T;\       A;\ ԫ ;\       A ;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ p;\ H;\8;\\< 4;\>( Untested  8yBFilf=R"BFiltRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-G%I*ju}Q}@>l @P;\T;\       A;\ ;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* h;\.@;\,;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBilf=RvBiltRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested-G$I+kv~P|@& c ZT  +~(O4z[d3hWFf4&[+d3O4EWF+~(O4A[d3A|hWFf4&[+d3O4EWFA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***: ;\ ;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\l;\;\;\;\;\;\';\;\ X;\/0;\;\p;\7;\ !;\;\?"#;\$%;\h;\G&'@;\();\`;\O*+D;\,-;\;\W./0;\01;\;\_23;\45;\P;\g67;\89;\h;\o:;@;\<=;\;\w>?;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\x;\FGP;\HI;\(;\JK;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS`;\TU;\8;\V;\WX;\;\ ;\;\4rX  B@0P 80P 0P 0P z@0P /0P e0P 0P ?@0P #v0P !0P 0P #=0P &60P %@@0P 0P &x0P *Q0P (0P 0P *`0P -@0P ,0P 0P -;0P 20P /0P 0P 2:0P 9@0P 6=0P 0P 90P @_~0P <0P 0P @n@0P F0P CZn0P 0P F70P Mȸ@0P J|0P 0P M0P T{0P Q0P 0P T@0P [10P Wk0P 0P [A40P aj0P ^y0P 0P aϬ@0P hx0P eS0P 0P h@0P ou0P kh0P 0P o10P vg0P s v0P 0P v@0P }+u0P y0P 0P }:@0P 0P &e0P 0P .0P 0P Ms0P 0P -@0P p0P Ms0P 0P p0P Ms0P 0PV ;\  $;\  ;\;\;\       AX;\ ;\l;\       A;\ (;\%;\ &;\4( ;\,;\p,;\;\  A;\$;\ ;\8;\L  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.  ;\<;\P$;\ !"#$%&'()  A ;\;\  ;\;\ !"#$%&'()  Al;\;\& X;\;\( ;\* 0;\. * 9d+<;\*;\D+,-.*/012345  A;\;\ ;\;\+,-.*/012345  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.6;\p;\;\6H;\789:6;<=>?@A  A;\;\ ;\;\789:6;<=>?@A  A;\;\ d& ;\;\ x(;\ * ;\.B;\;\ ;\B;\ CDEFBGHIJKLM  A;\ |;\ ;\ ;\ CDEFBGHIJKLM  A;\ 0(;\& ;\ D;\(;\* ;\ l.N;\ ;\;\ N;\OPQRNSTUVWXY  A;\;\ \ ;\;\OPQRNSTUVWXY  A\;\;\ & H;\;\ $(;\ 8* ;\.Z;\ tx;\Z;\ [\]^Z_`abcde  A;\(;\ ;\<;\P[\]^Z_`abcde  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\1;\@a;\;\T;\;\h!;\Q;\|;\\;\H;\;\  % Untested  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x   eD"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|: ;\ ;\ L;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\;\P;\(;\;\;\';\;\ ;\/;\;\p`;\78;\ !;\;\?"#h;\$%;\@;\G&' X;\();\` 0;\O*+ ;\,-;\ ;\W./ ;\01;\ ;\_23 h;\45;\P @;\g67 ;\89;\ ;\o:; ;\<=;\ ;\w>? x;\@A;\@ P;\BC (;\DE;\ ;\FG;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0`;\NO8;\PQ;\;\RS;\TU;\;\V;\WX;\;\ p;\;\4rX  B@4A~CP 84A~CP 4A~CP 4A~CP z@4A~CP /4A~CP e4A~CP 4A~CP ?@4A~CP #v4A~CP !4A~CP 4A~CP #=4A~CP &64A~CP %@@4A~CP 4A~CP &x4A~CP *Q4A~CP (4A~CP 4A~CP *`4A~CP -@4A~CP ,4A~CP 4A~CP -;4A~CP 24A~CP /4A~CP 4A~CP 2:4A~CP 9@4A~CP 6=4A~CP 4A~CP 94A~CP @_~4A~CP <4A~CP 4A~CP @n@4A~CP F4A~CP CZn4A~CP 4A~CP F74A~CP Mȸ@4A~CP J|4A~CP 4A~CP M4A~CP T{4A~CP Q4A~CP 4A~CP T@4A~CP [14A~CP Wk4A~CP 4A~CP [A44A~CP aj4A~CP ^y4A~CP 4A~CP aϬ@4A~CP hx4A~CP eS4A~CP 4A~CP h@4A~CP ou4A~CP kh4A~CP 4A~CP o14A~CP vg4A~CP s v4A~CP 4A~CP v@4A~CP }+u4A~CP y4A~CP 4A~CP }:@4A~CP 4A~CP &e4A~CP 4A~CP .4A~CP 4A~CP Ms4A~CP 4A~CP -@4A~CP p4A~CP Ms4A~CP 4A~CP p4A~CP Ms4A~CP 4A~CPV  ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\       AX D;\ l;\       A;\ ;\%;\ &;\4( ;\,;\p ;\  A;\$;\ ;\8;\L  A;\8;\& ;\$;\(;\* .  ;\<;\PT;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\ ;\|;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\& ;\;\( ;\* ;\. * ;\;\x;\*;\D+,-./*012345  A;\;\ ;\;\+,-./*012345  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.6;\;\;\6;\789:;6<=>?@A  A;\;\ ;\;\789:;6<=>?@A  AD;\;\ d& 0;\;\ x(;\ * 9d.B;\;\ ;\B;\ CDEFGBHIJKLM  A;\ ||;\ ;\ ;\ CDEFGBHIJKLM  A;\ 0;\& ;\ D;\(;\* ;\ l.N;\ d;\;\ N<;\OPQRSNTUVWXY  A;\;\ \ ;\;\OPQRSNTUVWXY  A ;\ & ;\;\ $(;\ 8* ;\.Z;\;\ tx;\Z;\ [\]^_Z`abcde  A;\(;\ ;\<;\P[\]^_Z`abcde  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\1;\@a;\;\T;\;\h!;\Q;\|;\\;\H;\;\  % Untested  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x   eE"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|: ;\ (;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\l;\;\;\;\;\;\';\;\ X;\/0;\;\p;\7;\ !;\;\?"#;\$%;\h;\G&'@;\();\`;\O*+x;\,-;\;\W./0;\01;\;\_23;\45;\P;\g67;\89;\h;\o:;@;\<=;\;\w>?;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\x;\FGP;\HI;\(;\JK;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS`;\TU;\8;\V;\WX;\;\ ;\;\4rX  B@0P 80P 0P 0P z@0P /0P e0P 0P ?@0P #v0P !0P 0P #=0P &60P %@@0P 0P &x0P *Q0P (0P 0P *`0P -@0P ,0P 0P -;0P 20P /0P 0P 2:0P 9@0P 6=0P 0P 90P @_~0P <0P 0P @n@0P F0P CZn0P 0P F70P Mȸ@0P J|0P 0P M0P T{0P Q0P 0P T@0P [10P Wk0P 0P [A40P aj0P ^y0P 0P aϬ@0P hx0P eS0P 0P h@0P ou0P kh0P 0P o10P vg0P s v0P 0P v@0P }+u0P y0P 0P }:@0P 0P &e0P 0P .0P 0P Ms0P 0P -@0P p0P Ms0P 0P p0P Ms0P 0PV ;\ p;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\       A;\Xd;\ ;\l;\       A ;\%;\ &4( ;\,;\;\p;\;\  A;\$@;\ ;\8;\L  A;\l;\& ;\X;\(D;\* ;\.  ;\<;\;\P;\ !"#$%&'()  AT;\;\ @;\,;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\& ;\;\( ;\* d;\. * <;\;\(;\*U+,-./0*12345  A;\;\ ;\;\+,-./0*12345  A;\P;\& ;\<;\((;\* ;\.6;\;\;\6;\789:;<6=>?@A  A8;\;\ $;\;\789:;<6=>?@A  A;\;\ d& p;\;\ x(;\ * H;\.B ;\;\ ;\B;\ CDEFGHBIJKLM  A;\ |d;\ ;\ ;\ CDEFGHBIJKLM  A;\ 0;\& ;\ D;\(;\* ;\ l.N;\ L;\;\ N$;\OPQRSTNUVWXY  A;\;\ \ ;\p;\OPQRSTNUVWXY  A;\;\ & ;\;\ $(;\ 8* ;\.Z;\;\ t;\Z;\ [\]^_`Zabcde  A;\(;\ ;\<;\P[\]^_`Zabcde  A;\@;\& ;\,;\(;\* ;\.;\1;\@a;\;\T;\;\h!;\Q;\|;\\;\H;\;\  % Untested  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x   eF"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|: ;\ 8;\ $;\T|;\ ;\    0p;\H;\;\;\;\$;\';\;\ ;\/;\pT;\7,;\ !;\;\?"#L;\$%;\$;\G&'D()`;\O*+;\,-;\X;\W./0;\01;\;\_23;\45;\P;\g67;\89;\h;\o:;@;\<=;\;\w>?;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\x;\FGP;\HI;\(;\JK;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS`;\TU;\8;\V;\WX;\;\ ;\;\4rX  B@0P 80P 0P 0P z@0P /0P e0P 0P ?@0P #v0P !0P 0P #=0P &60P %@@0P 0P &x0P *Q0P (0P 0P *`0P -@0P ,0P 0P -;0P 20P /0P 0P 2:0P 9@0P 6=0P 0P 90P @_~0P <0P 0P @n@0P F0P CZn0P 0P F70P Mȸ@0P J|0P 0P M0P T{0P Q0P 0P T@0P [10P Wk0P 0P [A40P aj0P ^y0P 0P aϬ@0P hx0P eS0P 0P h@0P ou0P kh0P 0P o10P vg0P s v0P 0P v@0P }+u0P y0P 0P }:@0P 0P &e0P 0P .0P 0P Ms0P 0P -@0P p0P Ms0P 0P p0P Ms0P 0P.V ;\ ;\ p;\  ;\l;\;\       A;\Xd;\ ;\l;\       A  `;\%;\ &4( ;\,;\;\p;\;\  A;\$@;\ ;\8;\L  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.  ;\<|;\;\PT;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\ ;\|;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\;\& ;\;\( ;\* ;\. * ;\;\x;\*;\D+,-./01*2345  A;\;\ ;\;\+,-./01*2345  A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.6;\;\;\6;\789:;<=6>?@A  A;\;\ ;\;\789:;<=6>?@A  AD;\;\ d& 0;\;\ x(;\ * d.B;\;\ ;\B;\ CDEFGHIBJKLM  A;\ |;\ ;\ ;\ CDEFGHIBJKLM  A;\ 0$;\& ;\ D;\(* ;\ l.N;\ ;\;\ N`;\OPQRSTUNVWXY  A;\;\ \ ;\;\OPQRSTUNVWXY  A ;\;\ &  ;\;\ $(;\ 8* ;\.Z;\;\ t;\Z;\ [\]^_`aZbcde  A;\(;\ ;\<;\P[\]^_`aZbcde  A;\@;\& ;\,;\(;\* ;\.;\1;\@a;\;\T;\;\h!;\Q;\|;\\;\H;\;\  % Untested  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x  8PͫP x   e-;G#I"dowO{%epx)&fqyU('grzT'(hs{S&)it|R~%*ju}Q}$+kv~P|OS >  T;\ ;\|       A0        A(;\  Cx;\ ;\4 d;\     ;\       A ;\C4;\ L d;\ (;\       AX;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC ;\ ;\ ;\ d;\       A;\;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& ;\;\       Ap;\'\;\ ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x X;\,-. ;\;\       A|;\/h;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l d;\456 ;\       A;\7;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ P;\j;\ ;\;\ x;\;\ d;\;\ 0P;\C;\ $L<;\Q;\ 8S : B} @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGB}vXR  Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricB}R LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricB}xR( NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB}"R6 Petrol/NG Petrol/NGB}T{RD Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB} RR Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB}8 R` Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B} Rn LPG/Electric LPG/Electric B}R| NG/Electric NG/Electric B}NbR Electric Electric B}R B}6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 8 must be tested.-GI\@^P   Th       A;\;\;\0       A;\ 0;\ ;\;\;\       A;\ h;\T;\;\* @;\+ ;\> ;\D$;\I;\N;\P|  Bl AR Untested  Py 0yBlRBldRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.D@^P   Th       A;\;\;\0       A;\ p;\\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\> ;\D0;\I;\N;\P|  Bгl AR Untested  Py 0yBгlRBгldRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.E@^P   Th       A;\;\;\0       A;\ ;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\> ;\D;\I;\Nl;\P|  B2l AR Untested  Py 0yB2lR\B2ldRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.F@^P   Th       A;\;\;\0       A;\ ;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\> ;\DT;\I;\N@;\P|  Bxl AR Untested  Py 0yBxlRBxldRlThe engine capacity of the untested vehicle must be within 15% of the engine capacity of the tested vehicle.-GI@N P T;\;\       A ;\ ;\0 ;\       A ;\ ;\ 4       A;\  ;\  ;\X;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\       Ad;\ P;\(;\;\, ;\       Ap;\C(;\ ;\;\  At;\`;\ ;\L;\$;\;\CP;\ 8;\h;\ ;\;\4;\;\Hp Bڴl BR Untested   FWD RWDBڴlj`R AWDBڴlR RWD FWDBڴlXR AWDBڴlR AWD RWD FWD yBڴlV* RBڴld1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6fDghijklmVSTUDp@N  T;\t;\       A ;\ ;\  ;\       AL;\  ;\4       A;\  ;\  ;\],  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\;\       A@;\ ,;\, ;\;\       A ;\C;\ ;\;\  A0;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ 8;\h;\ ;\;\4l;\;\Hp BXl BR Untested   FWD RWDBXlj`R AWDBXlR, RWD FWDBXlXR: AWDBXlRH AWD RWD FWD yBXlV* RVdBXld1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6gEfhijklmVSTUDp@N  ;\Tt;\       A ;\ ;\ ;\0 l;\       A;\  ;\4       A;\  ;\  ;\\;\,  $;\8       A;\ ;\;\       A;\ p;\H;\;\, d;\P;\       A;\C;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\h;\;\ 8T;\h;\ @;\;\4,;\;\Hp Bfl BR Untested   FWD RWDBflj`R AWDBflRƀ RWD FWDBflXRԀ AWDBflR AWD RWD FWD yBflV* RBfld1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6hFfgijklmVSTUDp@N  ;\T8;\       A;\;\ ;\0 ;\       A;\ ;\ ;\4       A;\    ;\x;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\t;\       A;\ ;\;\;\, ;\;\       A`;\C0;\ ;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\l;\;\ 8X;\h;\ D;\;\40;\;\Hp BFl BR Untested   FWD RWDBFlj`RR AWDBFlR` RWD FWDBFlXRn AWDBFlRH} AWD RWD FWD yBFlV* RV}d}BFld1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6-iGIfghjklmDVSTUp@ Z ;\ ;\ (;\ LC;\D;\;\ ;\      C;\l ;\;\  ;\D;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  `;\ ;\H 8;\  A;\;\;\  AC;\ ;\'X;\*6p;\< ;\(D;\<;\P;\d;\ ;\   AX;\C0;\ ;\T ;\D;\      C;\ ;\;\DH;\7 4;\<;\l| ;\;\ ;\;\B   % Tested ECE-T -PͫP PͫP x x  Untested PͫP x B@PͫP PͫP LK@PͫP x  Untested ECE-A x  ECE-A -PͫP B@PͫP PͫP ECE-A ECE-T x PͫP x  4DIu<=>?EFGLMNO Z ;\ ;\ d;\ $;\C;\D H=;\ d;\      C;\l ;\  Dx;\ d;\ ;\ (;\ ;\  ;\ H e  A;\;\;\  A;\C;\ ;\';\*;\6;\< ;\(D;\<;\P;\d@;\ ;\   A;\C,;\ ;\T ;\D;\|;\      C;\ P;\;\D(;\7 ;\<ˡd|ӡd;\l;\;\B   % Tested ECE-T -PͫP PͫP x x  Untested PͫP x B@PͫP PͫP [PͫP x  Untested ECE-A x  ECE-A -PͫP B@PͫP PͫP ECE-A ECE-T x PͫP x  4EIu<=>?DFGLMNO Z ;\ ;\ T;\ Ch;\DT;\;\ ;\      Cl ;\  DL;\ 8;\ ;\ P;\ ;\  (;\ ;\H   AP;\<;\(;\  A8;\C;\ ;\';\*;\6;\< ;\(D;\<;\P;\d\;\ ;\   A;\C;\ ;\T ;\D;\|;\      C;\ ;\;\D;\7 |;\<;\l|h;\;\T;\;\B   % Tested ECE-T -PͫP PͫP x x  Untested PͫP x B@PͫP PͫP jPͫP x  Untested ECE-A x  ECE-A -PͫP B@PͫP PͫP ECE-A ECE-T x PͫP x  4FIu<=>?DEGLMNO Z ;\ ;\ `;\ C;\D;\;\ 0;\      C;\l ;\;\  t;\D`;\ L;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\H ;\  A4;\ ;\ ;\  A;\C;\ ;\'`;\*;\6L;\< ;\(D;\<;\P;\d;\ ;\   A4;\C ;\ =  D|;\      C;\ ;\;\D;\7 ;\<;\l|;\;\l;\;\B   % Tested ECE-T -PͫP PͫP x x  Untested PͫP x B@PͫP PͫP zPͫP x  Untested ECE-A x  ECE-A -PͫP B@PͫP PͫP ECE-A ECE-T x PͫP x  4-IGu<=>?DEFLMNO+ ;\ ;\ \;\ | P;\ 0;\;\       A ;\ |;\ ;\;\" ;\$;\+  Electric % Untested x "D 7c+ ;\ ;\ \;\ | P;\ P;\       A;\;\;\;\;\";\$;\+  Electric % Untested x "E 7c+ ;\ P;\ ;\ | ;\ d;\P;\       A;\;\p;\;\"\;\$;\+  Electric % Untested x " F7c+ ;\ ;\ \;\ | P;\ ;\ ;\       A ;\;\4;\;\" ;\$;\+  Electric % Untested x "-7GI cQ* ;\  ;\ P;\ ;\       A(;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\>;\A;\E;\J;\L;\$QR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x  DQ* ;\ ;\ L;\ ;\       A;\;\;\       AX;\ ;\;\0;\;\       A;\ ;\;\h;\* ;\+ T;\>;\A,;\E;\J;\L;\$QR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x  EQ* ;\ ;\ L;\ ;\       A;\;\;\       A ;\;\;\;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\>;\A;\E;\J;\L;\$QR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x  FQ* ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A;\<;\(;\       A;\ ;\;\x;\       A;\ ;\;\;\* ;\+ ;\>;\A;\E;\Jt;\L;\$QR  % Untested  PPͫP 0PͫP x  -GI ;\ P;\ <;\ ;\2;\|       A;\ ;\;\0  A;\;\ ;\& ;\ ;\+ ;\ 4;\H       A;\ ;\@;\ !"#$%&'(  A\;\H;\;\ ;\ ;\+ ;\;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\;\|  ;\ ;\+;\/;\^;\b;\;\p;\$   % Untested  PͫP x    PͫP x  (P^_`,XfghijklmDVSTUDp ;\ D;\ ;\ ;\h;\|       A;\ ;\;\0  A;\ ;\&  ;\+  4;\H       A;\ ;\;\ !"#$%&'(  At;\`;\;\8;\$;\+ `;\  A;\;\x;\ !"#$%&'(  A ;\ ;\|  p;\ \;\+;\/H;\^;\b4;\;\ ;\$   % Untested  PͫP x    PͫP x  (P^_`,XfghijklmEVSTUDp ;\ D;\ ;\ ;\h;\|       A;\ ;\;\0  A;\ ;\&  ;\+  4;\H       A;\ ;\H;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\;\;\;\;\+ ;\;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\;\|  ;\ ;\+;\/;\^;\b;\;\;\$   % Untested  PͫP x    PͫP x  (P^_`,XfghijklmFVSTUDp ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\h;\|       A;\ K|  A;\;\ ,;\& ;\ ;\+ ;\ ;\43       A;\ ;\L;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\;\;\;\p;\+ ;\;\  A;\;\;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\;\|  ;\ ;\+;\/;\^;\b|;\;\h;\$   % Untested  PͫP x    PͫP x  (P-DI^_`,XfghijklmGVSTUp@  ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\       AX;\ ;\l;\       A;\   C;\H $;\ \   T;\       A;\$ C;\L X;\ ;\` ;\;\       A;\(C4;\ ;\d  ;\ ;\;\       AX;\C;\h ;\ ;\| ;\;\       A;\D;\X ,;\ D;\       A<;\(;\ ;\H  ;\p;\       A;\!;\$ ;\"# ;\p;\       A;\$;\ ;\ %& ;\ <;\ P       A n';\  ;\() ;\;\       A p;\* \;\ ;\ +, ;\ ;\        A;\ -;\  0;\./;\ ;\1;\ I;\a;\ y;\;\ ;\;\ 4;\;\ H;\,;\ \4;\9;\ p;|;\@/  % Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NG x Diesel Diesel Diesel/Electric x LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/Electric x NG Petrol/NG NG NG/Electric x Petrol/NG Petrol/NG x Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPG x Diesel/Electric Diesel/Electric x Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric x LPG/Electric LPG/Electric x NG/Electric NG/Electric x Electric Electric x  D\@  ;\ ,;\ (;\ * 4;\ ;\       A;\ ;\l;\       A;\   C;\H ;\ \   ;\       A;\$ CL <;\ ;\` t<;\       A;\(C;\ ;\d ;\ ;\;\       A ;\C;\h ;\ ;\| ;\;\       A;\D;\X  ;\ ;\;\       AX;\D;\ ;\H  ;\p;\       A;\!;\$ T;\"# ;\l        A|$;\ ;\ %& ;\ <;\ P       A n';\  ;\() ;\;\       A4;\* ;\ ;\ +, ;\ ;\        A;\ -;\  0;\./;\ ;\1;\ I;\a;\ y;\;\ ;\;\ 4;\;\ H;\,;\ \4;\9;\ p;|;\@/  % Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NG x Diesel Diesel Diesel/Electric x LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/Electric x NG Petrol/NG NG NG/Electric x Petrol/NG Petrol/NG x Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPG x Diesel/Electric Diesel/Electric x Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric x LPG/Electric LPG/Electric x NG/Electric NG/Electric x Electric Electric x  E\@  ;\ H;\ (;\  ;\;\       AT;\@;\ ;\l;\       A;\   C;\H ;\ ;\\   ;\       A;\$ C;\L ;\ ;\` ;\;\       A;\(C;\ ;\d ;\ H;\       A;\C;\h ;\ ;\| ;\;\       A;\D;\X ;\ h;\T;\       A;\;\ ;\H  ;\p;\       A;\!;\$ ;\"# ;\p;\       A;\$;\ ;\ %& ;\ <;\ P       A n'  ;\() h;\T;\       A;\*;\ ;\ +, ;\        A;\ -;\  0;\./;\ ;\1;\ I;\a;\ y;\;\ ;\;\ 4;\;\ H;\,;\ \4;\9;\ p;|;\@/  % Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NG x Diesel Diesel Diesel/Electric x LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/Electric x NG Petrol/NG NG NG/Electric x Petrol/NG Petrol/NG x Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPG x Diesel/Electric Diesel/Electric x Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric x LPG/Electric LPG/Electric x NG/Electric NG/Electric x Electric Electric x  F\@  ;\  ;\ <;\  ;\0;\       A;\;\ ;\l;\       A  C;\H T;\ ;\\   ;\       A;\$ C;\L |;\ ;\` ;\;\       A;\(Cx;\ ;\d d;\ ;\;\       A<;\C;\h ;\ ;\| ;\;\       A;\D;\X ;\ ;\ ;\       A ;\ ;\ ;\H  ;\p;\       A;\!;\$ ;\"# \;\H;\       AL;\$8;\ ;\ %& ψ;\ P       A;\ ';\  ;\() ;\;\       A4;\* ;\ ;\ +, ;\ ;\        A;\ -;\  0;\./;\ ;\1;\ I;\a;\ y;\;\ ;\;\ 4;\;\ H;\,;\ \4;\9;\ p;|;\@/  % Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NG x Diesel Diesel Diesel/Electric x LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/Electric x NG Petrol/NG NG NG/Electric x Petrol/NG Petrol/NG x Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPG x Diesel/Electric Diesel/Electric x Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric x LPG/Electric LPG/Electric x NG/Electric NG/Electric x Electric Electric x  -GI\  ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\0D ,;\ ;\l;\       A;\   ;\       A;\  |;\ h;\;\(  ;\       A$;\  ;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\4;\( ;\;\       A;\hC ,;\;\  A;\D;\X d;\;\l<;\;\1(;\];\;\;\;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8gEfhijklmVSTUDp  ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\0D ,;\ ;\l;\       A;\   ;\       Al;\  X;\ D;\;\(  ;\;\       A|;\  h;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\;\( ;\;\       A;\hC ;\;\  A;\D;\X ,;\;\l!ty1X;\];\D;\;\0;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8hFfgijklmVSTUDp  ;\ ,;\ \;\        A;\0D ;\ ;\l;\       A;\  ;\ p;\       A;\  ;\ ;\(  ;\;\       A7  P;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\t;\( ;\;\       A;\hC ;\;\  A;\D;\X ;\;\l;\;\1;\]D;\;\0;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8-iGIfghjklmDVSTUp%r ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\       A;\;\;\D;\;\Xt;\ ;\l%  % Untested x  Dabc+W%r ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A;\;\;\D;\;\X;\ ;\l%  % Untested x  Dabc+W%r ;\ $;\ T;\ $;\;\       AD;\0;\;\D;\;\X;\ ;\l%  % Untested x  Fabc+W%r ;\ $;\ T;\ $;\;\       A;\;\;\D`;\;\XL;\ ;\l%  % Untested x  -+GIabcW Z ;\A  BļW BR DB Z $;\;\T  BxѢ BR EB Z 4;\;\T  BȸW BR FB Z 4;\;\T  BW BR -GB$  ;\ ;\ 4;\;\h ;\n   % D$  ;\ ;\ ;\;\h ;\n   % E$  ;\ ;\ ;\|   % F$   ;\ ;\h ;\   % -GL , False8 ;\, |;\ @;\;\Єjj;jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.@L , False8L , ;\ @B pi;\BWbRBWRBWR@x ;\ , ;\@;\ h ;\ ;\|;\ $;\;\ % % L ,B#R8 , p;\ ;\@ ;\Myjj;jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.@L ,Bj#R8L , ;\ @B pi;\B.WbRB.WRB.WR@x ;\ , ;\@;\ h @;\;\ ,;\;\ % % L ,B`#R8 , P;\ ;\@<;\;\(;\jjZ;jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.@L ,B#R8L , ;\ @;\T;\;\BzqWbRBzqWRBzqWR@x ;\ , ;\@;\ h ;\;\ ;\;\ % % L ,B#R8 , ;\ ;\@D;\;\0;\jjbjj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.-@L ,B?R@L , ;\ @;\;\;\BVsWbRBVsWRBVsWR-@x 8;\ , ;\@;\ h ;\ ;\| ;\;\  l;\;\ % % -,        C;\ ;\;\ ;\ BL ERBL*/Rf`BL0RBL8R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. @,        C;\;\;\d;\ BPM ERBPM*/R`BPM0RBPM8R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. @,        C;\ ;\;\ ;\ BM ERBM*/RaBM0RBM8R9Each column must have a unique variant option descriptor. @b @ ,;\ , ;\       C;\0;\;\;\0L   % x  b @ ,;\ , ;\       C;\;\;\0;\   % x  b @ ,;\ , ;\       C;\$;\;\l<   % x  b @ ;\ , ;\       C;\$;\;\l<   % x  -cJCl;\ h  ;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\4;\       A|;\;\4   ;\p;\-7 ;\>;\H ;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BfR4e Untested  BftVRBeBfzRBfRBf!RBf@R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. ND+FJLPRTVXZ\@nG ;\ \;\C;\   ;\;\        A;\ ;\;\       A;\;\H  d;\ P;\) <;\2;\7;\@;\BGN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "ND+FJLPTVXZ\RcJC ;\   `;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\;\       A;\4   ;\p8;\-7;\>;\H$;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BfRje Untested  BftVRxeBfzRBfRBf!RBf@R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. PE+FJLNRTVXZ\@rG ;\ p;\C;\  ;\ ;\;\        A;\ ;\(;\       A;\;\H  t;\ `;\) L;\2;\7;\@$;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    $PE+FJLNTVXZ\RcJC;\ ;\h  ;\ ;\       Al ;\;\       AL;\;\4   l`;\-;\78;\>;\H;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BR;\HL;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric Bl,Re Untested  Bl,tVReBl,zRBl,RBl,!RBl,@R5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. -TGI+FJLNPRVXZ\@nG ;\ \;\C;\  Q ;\;\        A;\ ;\;\       A;\;\H   ;\) ;\2;\7;\@X;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "-TGI+FJLNPVXZ\R ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\h P;\ ;\ <;\  ;\;\;\ Untested % x  Dhi3 ;\, ;\ T P;\;\,;\;\;\ UntestedBùxRBùR\eBù"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.Dhi@ ;\ ;\ x;\ ;\h T;\ ;\ @;\;\;\ ;\;\;\ Untested % x  Ekl3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\;\;\ UntestedBtùxRBtùReBtù"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.Ekl@ ;\ h;\  ;\   ;\ ;\$;\ ;\;\;\ Untested % x  Fno3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\n<0;\ UntestedBtYxRBtYReBtY"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.Fno@ ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\h 4;\ ;\ ;\;\ x;\;\ Untested % x  -Gqr3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\d;\;\P;\ UntestedBZxRBZR0BBZ"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.-Gqr@ <X ;\ ;\ ;\ x;\       A ;\ ;\ ;\  A;\;\ @;\;\$;\;\,;\40;\5;\H7;\<(  % Untested PͫP x  :D^_`,XVSTUDp <X ;\ ;\ ;\ x;\       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ,;\;\;\;\,;\40;\5;\H7;\<(  % Untested PͫP x  :E^_`,XVSTUDp <X ;\ ;\ ;\ x;\       A`;\L;\  A;\;\ ;\;\p;\,;\40;\5;\H7;\<(  % Untested PͫP x  :F^_`,XVSTUDp <X ;\ @;\ \        A ;\;\;\  A;\ \;\;\4;\ ;\,;\40 ;\5B7<(  % Untested PͫP x  :-,GI^_`XEVSTUDp  ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\0D ,;\ ;\l;\       A;\   ;\       A;\  ;\ ;\;\(  ;\       A ;\  ;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\;\( ;\;\       A;\hC ;\  A;\D;\X !tyll;\;\1X;\];\D;\;\0;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8fDghijklmVSTUDp' ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A;\ ;\;\D;\X;\;\";\'(  % Untested x   "D#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\       A(;\ ;\;\D;\X;\";\'(  % Untested x   "E#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\       A;\ ;\D;\X;\;\";\'(  % Untested x   "F#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\       A ;\;\D;\X;\;\";\'(  % Untested x   "-GI#$%&')*+,-./lx  A,;\l;\      ;\X;\;\  ;\!"#;\$%&;\'();\*+,$;\-./;\L012;\345;\678\;\9:;;\<=>;\?@;\AB;\;\ ;\;\;\;\$;\*l;\0;\6X;\<;\BD;\H;\N0;\T;\Z;\`;\,f;\l;\@r;\x;\T~;\;\h;\ B j 8PͫP B@PͫP z@PͫP /PͫP PͫP ?@PͫP #vPͫP -PͫP #=PͫP &6PͫP = PͫP &xPͫP *QPͫP LK@PͫP *`PͫP -@PͫP [PͫP -;PͫP 2PͫP jPͫP 2:PͫP 9@PͫP zPͫP 9PͫP @_~PͫP T@PͫP @n@PͫP FPͫP PͫP F7PͫP Mȸ@PͫP PͫP MPͫP T{PͫP PͫP T@PͫP [1PͫP ]@PͫP [A4PͫP ajPͫP ՟PͫP aϬ@PͫP hxPͫP PͫP h@PͫP ouPͫP $PͫP o1PͫP vgPͫP f@PͫP v@PͫP }+uPͫP PͫP }:@PͫP PͫP !PͫP .PͫP PͫP 1-PͫP -@PͫP pPͫP @o@PͫP pPͫP OPͫP jblx  $@   ;\  X;\X ;\;\;\;\  X;\!"#;\$%&;\'();\*+,;\-./;\L012,;\345;\678;\9:;;\<=>d;\?@<;\AB;\;\ B]D;\X;\$;\*D;\0;\60;\<;\B;\H;\N;\T;\Z;\`;\,f;\l;\@r;\x;\T~;\;\h;\ B  8TwP B@TwP z@TwP /TwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP -TwP #=TwP &6TwP = TwP &xTwP *QTwP LK@TwP *`TwP -@TwP [TwP -;TwP 2TwP jTwP 2:TwP 9@TwP zTwP 9TwP @_~TwP T@TwP @n@TwP FTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP ]@TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ՟TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP $TwP o1TwP vgTwP f@TwP v@TwP }+uTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP !TwP .TwP TwP 1-TwP -@TwP pTwP @o@TwP pTwP OTwP F T;\@, <F H;\@, <F ;\;\@, <F 8;\@, <F ;\1k, <0~DV0`.F ;\@, <ZF ,;\@, <1~D1F ;\@, <0~D,*0- ;\ ;\  |;\       A;\;\0;\l;\;\$h;\(-R BiR UntestedB@ARdBFRBLRBTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."YLu#$%&')*+,-./@- ;\ ;\ L |;\       A;\0;\lx;\$<;\(;\-R BkR UntestedB@FRBFRBLRBTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."M#$%&')*+,-./@- ;\ ;\ x ;\|;\       A;\;\0;\l;\;\$;\(;\-R BBkR UntestedBB@FR BBFRBBLRBBTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."N#$%&')*+,-./@- ;\ ;\ ;\ |;\       A;\0;\l;\;\$;\(;\-R BkR UntestedB@FR`BFRBLRBTRaEquivalent test mass inertia of the untested vehicle must not be greater than the tested vehicle."O#$%&')*+,-./@G ;\ ;\@ ;\-`;\;\  ;\ ;\    t;\ ;\ ;\ H;\;\d;\;\4(;\;\p;\A>;\B;\GJ                    2O\}~am@G ;\ ;\@ ;\-H;\;\  ;\  ;\  - 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C0;\   d;\  D;\ ;\;\H;\ ;\   ;\ ;\H $;\  A;\;\  A;\C\;\ ;\';\(-;\;;\<A ;\D;\;\;\;\ l;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !Dh;\"T;\      C;\ ;\l#$%;\x;\<;\@d;\;\P;\;\% B^^% @R Tested ECE-T -y yB^^%$ReB^^%FReB^^%L"R Untested y x B@y y T@yB^^%xRTe  Untested ECE-AB^^%RbeB^^%^R ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TB^^% Rpe yB^^%LR~eB^^%RHR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2YuLI<=>?DEFGMNOB ;\C;\hD2;\ ;\      C0;\   ;\;\  D;\ |;\;\@;\ ;\  ;\ ;\H ;\  A ;\;\;\  AX;\C0;\ ;\';\(-;\;;\<A ;\D|;\h;\T;\;\ ,;\   A;\TC| ;\ ;\ !D;\";\      C4;\ ;\l#$%;\D;\<;\@0;\;\;\;\% B ^% BR Tested ECE-T -y yB ^%$ReB ^%FReB ^%L&R Untested y x B@y y yB ^%xR e  Untested ECE-AB ^%ReB ^%iR ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TB ^% R&e yB ^%LR4eB ^%RXR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2MIu<=>?DEFGLNOB 2C;\hD;\|8;\ ;\      C,;\   8;\;\  D;\ ;\;\;\ ;\   ;\H @;\  A;\;\;\  A;\C;\ ;\';\(-;\;;\<A `;\DL;\8;\$;\;\ ;\   A;\TC;\| 4;\ ;\ !D;\";\      CX;\ ;\l#$%;\;\<;\@;\;\;\;\% B_% BR Tested ECE-T -y yB_%$ReB_%FReB_%L&R Untested y x B@y y yB_%xRe  Untested ECE-AB_%ReB_%iR ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TB_% Re yB_%LReB_%RXR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2NIu<=>?DEFGLMOB ,;\C;\hD2h$;\ ;\      Ch;\   <;\;\  ;\D;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\H L;\  A<;\(;\;\  AX;\C0;\ ;\';\(-;\;;\<A ;\D;\;\|;\;\ T;\   A;\TC;\| ;\ ;\ !DP;\"<;\      C;\ ;\l#$%;\;\<;\@;\;\|;\;\% B^% BR Tested ECE-T -y yB^%$RbLB^%FRbLB^%L&R Untested y x B@y y yB^%xRbL  Untested ECE-AB^%RbLB^%iR ECE-A -y B@y y ECE-A ECE-TB^% RbL yB^%LRbLB^%RXR[Form identification can not be less than 2 characters or exceed 12 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.GThe tested vehicle column number must be entered and can not exceed 12.@The vehicle referenced must have status of ECE-Tested or Tested.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2OIu<=>?DEFGLMNB   ;\ ;\;\@ ;\;\|   fDyZ    ;\ ;\;\@01;\|   hXfиyZ    ;\ 0;\@;\;\|   fyZ    ;\ ;\@ ;\;\ $   4A~P OS >  T ;\|       A;\;\0 ;\       A;\  CL;\ 4 ;\    ;\       A`;\C;\ ;\L ;\ $;\       A;\C;\d \;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC;\ ;\ ;\ h;\T;\       A;\;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ ;\$%& t;\`;\       A;\';\ ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x ;\,-. ;\       At;\/`;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l \;\456 ;\ ;\       A;\7@ p89:;\ @;\6;\ P,;\j;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ 0;\C;\ $L;\Q;\ 8S : Bm @R Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGBmvXRhdL Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricBmRvdL LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricBmxRdL NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricBm"RdL Petrol/NG Petrol/NGBmT{RdL Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGBm RdL Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricBm8 RdL Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric Bm RdL LPG/Electric LPG/Electric BmRdL NG/Electric NG/Electric BmNbRdL Electric Electric BmRtaL Bm6RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.aThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.rThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.oThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.WThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.PThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 9 must be tested.Y\Lu@ZS >  Tt ;\|       A;\;\0 X;\D;\       A;\  C,;\ 4 `;\    `;\;\       AT;\C ;\ L ;\ <;\(;\       Ap;\C;\d h;\ ;\x ;\;\       A;\TC,;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       Ad;\P;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ L;\$%& ;\       AD;\'0;\ ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x ,;\,-. ;\ ;\       A ;\/;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l ;\456 ;\;\       A;\7;\ ;\ p89:;\ T;\6;\ P@;\j;\ ,;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ 0;\C;\ $L;\Q;\ 8S : B\ BR Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGB\v_RaL Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricB\RaL LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricB\RaL NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB\"RaL Petrol/NG Petrol/NGB\TRbL Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB\ RbL Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB\Q RbL Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B\ R*bL LPG/Electric LPG/Electric B\#R8bL NG/Electric NG/Electric B\NRFbL Electric Electric B\RTbL B\\RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.bThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.sThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.pThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.XThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.XThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.UThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 10 must be tested.M\@ZS >  T;\ ;\|       A;\;\0 ;\|;\       A;\  C;\ 4 ;\    ;\;\       AC;\ L ;\ ;\       A\;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\'ci       A;\TC H;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\       A;\p;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ l;\$%& T;\       A t;\' `;\ ;\()* ;\;\       A;\ d+;\ x \;\,-.  ;\ ;\       A;\/l;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l h;\456 ,;\;\       A;\7x;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ P;\j;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ 0;\C;\ $Lx;\Q;\ 8S : B< BR Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGB<v_R^`L Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricB<Rl`L LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricB<Rz`L NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB<"R`L Petrol/NG Petrol/NGB<TR`L Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB< R`L Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB<Q R`L Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B< R`L LPG/Electric LPG/Electric B<#R`L NG/Electric NG/Electric B<NR`L Electric Electric B<R`L B<\RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.bThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.sThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.pThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.XThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.XThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.UThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 11 must be tested.N\@ZS >  T;\ ;\|       A;\0 D;\       A;\  C4;\ 4 h;\    ;\       A,;\Ch;\ ;\L T;\ ;\       A@;\C;\d ;\ ;\x ;\       A;\TC ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\       Ad;\P;\ ;\ !" ;\;\       A;\p#;\ L;\$%& ;\;\       Ap;\'\;\ ;\()* ;\       A;\ d+;\ x 8;\,-. ;\;\       A P;\/ <;\ ;\ |012 ;\ ;\        A;\ X3;\ l 8;\456 ;\;\       A\;\7H;\ ;\ p89:;\ ;\6;\ P;\j;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ 0;\C;\ $L;\Q;\ 8S : B< BR Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NGB<v_R>aL Diesel Diesel Diesel/ElectricB<R]L LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/ElectricB<R]L NG Petrol/NG NG NG/ElectricB<"R]L Petrol/NG Petrol/NGB<TR]L Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPGB< R^L Diesel/Electric Diesel/ElectricB<Q R^L Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric B< R ^L LPG/Electric LPG/Electric B<#R.^L NG/Electric NG/Electric B<NR<^L Electric Electric B<RJ^L B<\RThe tested vehicle must have any one of Petrol, Petrol/Electric, Petrol/LPG or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.bThe tested vehicle must have Diesel or Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.sThe tested vehicle must have any one of LPG, LPG/Electric or Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.pThe tested vehicle must have any one of NG, NG/Electric or Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.RThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/NG as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.SThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/LPG as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.XThe tested vehicle must have Diesel/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.XThe tested vehicle must have Petrol/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.UThe tested vehicle must have LPG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.TThe tested vehicle must have NG/Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.QThe tested vehicle must have Electric as Fuel type, or vehicle 12 must be tested.O\@) @ ;\ l;\       A;\t;\8;\;\$;\';\)R  ElectricB ^R^L UntestedB BR^LB HCR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 9 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 9 must be tested Yc\Lu 7@) Ԅ  (       A$;\;\;\;\;\';\)R  ElectricBl#aR_L UntestedBl#BR_LBl#HKR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 10 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 10 must be tested M 7c@) @ ;\ X;\       A;\;\;\;\;\';\)R  ElectricBd aRb_L UntestedBd BRp_LBd HKR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 11 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 11 must be tested N 7c@) @ ;\ x;\0;\       A;\;\;\;\;\';\)R  ElectricBl#aR_L UntestedBl#BR_LBl#HKR%Engine configuration must be suppliedEngine configuration for vehicle 12 must be the same as the engine configuration of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 12 must be tested O 7c@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\X;\ ;\\4;\9;\p>;\@|  B6V =R Untested yB6VbR&`L4`LB6VpRB6VvRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8YXLu^_`,qVSTUDp@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ B( >R UntestedB(8RpOB(>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.YWLuabc+@ =T ;\,;\@       A ;\  A;\ & ;\ ;\+ ;\ \;\X;\       A;\ ;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\;\;\ ;\ ;\3 p;\\;\  Ah;\T;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\;\ d;\P;\(;\m3m7;\0n;\s;\D;\ BpZR Untested  y+BpyROOBpaRBpR  y+Bp"ROOBp0RBp6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'NYpu^_`,XfghijklmLVSTUD@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\|;\T;\ ;\\4;\9;\p>;\@|  BxV ?R Untested yBxVbRBPPPBxVpRBxVvRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8M^_`,XVSTUDp@'$h ;\ T;\h       A;\;\D ;\t"$ B&( @R UntestedB&(8"RPB&(>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.Mabc+W@ =T ;\,;\@       A ;\  A;\T 0& ;\ ;\+  ;\;\       A;\ ;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t4;\ ;\ D;\ ;\3 ;\;\  Ah;\T;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\;\ ;\;\|;\;\3T;\7;\0n@;\s;\D,;\ BZR Untested  y+BRPQBnRBR  y+B"RQ"QB0RB6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N^_`,XfghijklmMVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\$;\ F4h9;\p> ;\@|  B `V ?R Untested yB `VbRvQQB `VpRB `VvRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8N^_`,XVSTUDp@'$h  Th       A;\;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ Bh( @R UntestedBh(8"RQBh(>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.Nabc+W@ =T ;\,;\@       A;\  A;\ 1& ;\ 8;\+ ;\;\       A;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t;\`;\L;\ $;\ ;\3 ;\;\  AH;\4;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\l;\  `;\ L;\ $;\;\3 ;\7;\0n ;\s;\D ;\ BZR Untested  ,nv|:vBRNNBnRBR  ,nv|:vB"RNNB0RB6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N^_`,XfghijklmNVSTUDp@0@  Th       A;\;\;\  AFX;\ ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\\4;\9;\p>;\@|  B>aV ?R Untested yB>aVbR8OHB>aVpRB>aVvRRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8O^_`,XVSTUDp@'$h  Th       A;\;\D ;\;\X" ;\$ B&c @R UntestedB&c8"RB&c>RkTransmission type for the untested vehicle must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle.Oabc+W@ =T ;\,;\@       A;\  A;\ 2& ;\ h;\+ ;\;\       A;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\`;\t;\d;\P;\ (;\ ;\3 ;\;\  AL;\8;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\| ;\p;\ ;\;\;\;\3;\7;\0np;\s;\D\;\ B^ZR Untested  y+B^RB^nRB^R  y+B^"R B^0RB^6RRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the sameRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number 5) if the driven axles configurations are not the same'N^_`,XfghijklmOVSTUDp@N  T;\       A L;\ ;\0 ;\       Ad;\ P;\ ;\4       A;\  ;\  ;\(;\,  $;\8       A;\ ;\T;\       A;\ ;\D;\;\, ;\;\       A|;\CT;\ ;\;\  A;\!ty X;\0;\;\;\;\ 8;\h;\ ;\;\4;\;\Hp Bq BR Untested   FWD RWDBqj`Rn AWDBqR| RWD FWDBqXR AWDBqR AWD RWD FWD yBqV* RBqd1 RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6YjLufghiklmpVSTUD@N  T;\;\       A ;\ ;\  @;\       A;\  ;\4       A;\  ;\  ;\;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\4;\       A;\ ;\l;\;\, D;\0;\       A;\Cx;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\t;\`;\8;\;\ 8$;\h;\ ;\;\4;\;\Hp B"q DR Untested   FWD RWDB"qjgR AWDB"qR RWD FWDB"qbR AWDB"qR AWD RWD FWD yB"qV9 RB"qdA RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6kMfghijlmVSTUDp@N  T;\t;\       A ;\ ;\  ;\       AL;\  ;\4       A;\  ;\  ;\x;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\ ;\       A p;\ \;\ 4;\;\, ;\ ;\       A l;\CT;\ ;\  A;\ ;\,;\;\;\;\;\ 8;\h;\ ;\;\4;\;\Hp BLq DR Untested   FWD RWDBLqjgR" AWDBLqR0 RWD FWDBLqbR> AWDBLqRL AWD RWD FWD L/x|:vBLqV9 RZhBLqdA RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6lNfghijkmVSTUDp@N  T;\;\       A ;\ ;\  h (;\       A;\         A;\  ;\  ;\l;\,  ;\$;\8       A;\ ;\;\       A;\ p;\H;\;\,  ;\ ;\       A;\CX;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\X;\;\ 8D;\h;\ 0;\;\4;\;\Hp B؍q DR Untested   FWD RWDB؍qjgR AWDB؍qR RWD FWDB؍qbR AWDB؍qR AWD RWD FWD yB؍qV9 RB؍qdA RfThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.fThe driven axle configuration of the test vehicle and the untested vehicle do not match, please check.g The untested vehicle must have a greater number of driven axles than the tested vehicle, please check.Road Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number C) if its number of driven axles is greater than the tested vehicle.6mOfghijklVSTUDp@G ,;\ ;\;\$;\       AH;\;\D 4;\ ;\       A;\;\& ;\;\ ( * (;\. ;\ l;\8 ;\>D;\E;\G  Bq BRK Untested  8yBqrRLLBqxRBqR#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested YgLOu"dow#{@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        A ;\;\&  ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\;\8;\\<l;\>( Untested  8yBBqf=RbLpLBBqtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedYLu%epx@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\d;\8;\\<P;\>( Untested  8yBqf=RLLBqtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedYLUu&fqy)@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        A<;\;\& (;\;\(T* .;\;\;\8;\\<x;\>( Untested  8yBqf=R&M4MBqtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedYLTu'grz(@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        A ;\;\& ;\T(;\* <;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBhqf=RMMBhqtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedYLSu(hs{'@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        A;\;\& p;\;\(;\* H;\. ;\ ;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBʐqf=RMMBʐqtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedYLRu)it|&~@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        AH;\;\& 4;\;\(;\*  ;\.;\;\$;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB,qf=RJJB,qtRThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedYLQu*ju}%}@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(        A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* |;\.T;\@;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBqf=R.K;\E;\G  Bq DRK Untested  8yBqrRKKBqRBqR#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested M{"dow#O@>l iT@;\T;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* `;\.l;\X;\0;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB`qfCRHyHyB`qt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM%epx@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.|;\h;\@;\8;\\<,;\>( Untested  8yBqfCREyEyBqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM&fqy)U@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* `;\.8;\$;\T8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBLqfCR2Fy@FyBLqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM'grz(T@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A<;\;\& (;\;\(i* .;\p;\H;\8;\\<4;\>( Untested  8yBqfCRFyFyBqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM(hs{'S@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A ;\;\& ;\i(;\* ;\.;\t;\L;\8;\\<8;\>( Untested  8yBqfCRFyGyBqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM~)it|&R@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A ;\;\& |;\;\(;\* T;\. ,;\ ;\l;\8;\\<X;\>( Untested  8yBrqfCRXGyfGyBrqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM}*ju}%Q@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.h;\T;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBԔqfCRGyGyBԔqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedM|+kv~$P@G  |;\;\;\       A;\;\D ;\;\       A(;\;\& ;\;\ (;\ * ;\.;\ ;\ ;\8 ;\>;\E;\G  B6q DRHy Untested  8yB6qrR*Hy8HyB6qRB6qR#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested N"dow#O{@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       Ad;\;\& P;\;\(;\* (;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBqfCRHyHyBqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN%epx@>l @P;\T<;\       AP;\;\ <;\(;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* `;\.;\;\8;\8;\\<$;\>( Untested  8yBqfCR.26<26Bqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN&fqy)U@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. ;\ ;\ t;\8;\\< `;\>( Untested  8yBʉfCR2626Bʉt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN'grz(T@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       AL;\;\& 8;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\;\8;\\<p;\>( Untested  8yBLˉfCR2636BLˉt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN(hs{'S@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       AL;\;\& 8;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBˉfCRT36b36Bˉt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN)it|&R~@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\d& ;\(;\* L;\.$;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB̉fCR3636B̉t RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN*ju}%Q}@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       Ad;\;\& P;\;\(;\* (;\.;\;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yB̉fCR46&46B̉t RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedN+kv~$P|@G  |;\;\;\       A;\;\D ;\|;\       A;\;\& ;\;\ (;\ * ;\.;\ ;\ P;\8 ;\>(;\E;\G  B̉ DRz46 Untested  8yB̉rR4646B̉RB̉R#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested O"dow#O{@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* d;\.<;\(;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBR͉fCRj16x16BR͉t RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO%epx@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A ;\;\&  ;\;\(;\* ;\.;\;\ ;\8;\\< ;\>( Untested  8yB͉fCR1616B͉t RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO&fqy)U@>l @<;\;\T;\       ADT <;\(;\       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* `;\.8;\x;\8;\\<d;\>( Untested  8yBΉfCR16&16BΉt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO'grz(T@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* l;\.D;\0;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBqfCR-6.6Bqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO(hs{'S@>l @P;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       AT;\;\& @;\;\(;\* ;\.;\p;\;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBzqfCR\.6j.6Bzqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO)it|&R~@>l @;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\.h;\T;\,;\8;\\<;\>( Untested  8yBqfCR.6.6Bqt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO*ju}%Q}@>l @X;\T;\       A$;\;\ ;\(       A ;\;\& ;\;\(;\* ;\. d;\ P;\ (;\8;\\< ;\>( Untested  8yB0qfCR /6./6B0qt RThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedO+kv~$P|@: ;\ ;\ L;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\;\P;\(;\;\;\';\;\ ;\/;\;\p`;\78;\ !;\;\?"#h;\$%;\@;\G&' X;\();\` 0;\O*+ ;\,-;\ ;\W./ ;\01;\ ;\_23 h;\45;\P @;\g67 ;\89;\ ;\o:; ;\<=;\ ;\w>? x;\@A;\@ P;\BC (;\DE;\ ;\FG;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0`;\NO8;\PQ;\;\RS;\TU;\;\V;\WX;\;\ p;\;\4rX  B@4A~P 84A~P 4A~P 4A~P z@4A~P /4A~P e4A~P 4A~P ?@4A~P #v4A~P !4A~P 4A~P #=4A~P &64A~P %@@4A~P 4A~P &x4A~P *Q4A~P (4A~P 4A~P *`4A~P -@4A~P ,4A~P 4A~P -;4A~P 24A~P /4A~P 4A~P 2:4A~P 9@4A~P 6=4A~P 4A~P 94A~P @_~4A~P <4A~P 4A~P @n@4A~P F4A~P CZn4A~P 4A~P F74A~P Mȸ@4A~P J|4A~P 4A~P M4A~P T{4A~P Q4A~P 4A~P T@4A~P [14A~P Wk4A~P 4A~P [A44A~P aj4A~P ^y4A~P 4A~P aϬ@4A~P hx4A~P eS4A~P 4A~P h@4A~P ou4A~P kh4A~P 4A~P o14A~P vg4A~P s v4A~P 4A~P v@4A~P }+u4A~P y4A~P 4A~P }:@4A~P 4A~P &e4A~P 4A~P .4A~P 4A~P Ms4A~P 4A~P -@4A~P p4A~P Ms4A~P 4A~P p4A~P Ms4A~P 4A~PZV ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\A`       A;\Xl;\ ;\l;\       A;\  ;\%;\ &;\4( ;\,h;\p ;\;\  A;\$@;\ ;\8;\L  A;\;\& ;\x;\(* ;\.  ;\< ;\;\P ;\ 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Diesel/Electric x Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric x LPG/Electric LPG/Electric x NG/Electric NG/Electric x Electric Electric x  N\@  ;\ <;\ l;\  ;\0;\       A@;\ l;\       A;\   C;\H `;\ ;\\   ;\;\       A;\$ C;\L ;\ ;\` ;\;\       A;\(C;\ ;\d ;\ P;\<;\       A ;\C;\h ;\ ;\| ;\       A;\D;\X ;\ ;\;\       A;\;\ ;\H  ;\p;\       A;\!;\$ ;\"# ;\;\       A4;\$ ;\ ;\ %& ;\ < P       A;\ ';\  ;\() ;\;\       AT;\*@;\ ;\ +, ;\         A;\ -;\  ;\./;\ ;\1;\ I;\a;\ y;\;\ ;\;\ 4;\;\ H;\,;\ \4;\9;\ p;|;\@/  % Untested   Petrol Petrol Petrol/Electric Petrol/LPG Petrol/NG x Diesel Diesel Diesel/Electric x LPG Petrol/LPG LPG LPG/Electric x NG Petrol/NG NG NG/Electric x Petrol/NG Petrol/NG x Petrol/LPG Petrol/LPG x Diesel/Electric Diesel/Electric x Petrol/Electric Petrol/Electric x LPG/Electric LPG/Electric x NG/Electric NG/Electric x Electric Electric x  O\  ;\ P;\ (;\ ;\       A;\0;\D @;\ ;\l;\       A;\   t;\       A;\  ;\ ;\;\(  ;\;\       A;\  ;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\( ;\;\       A;\hC;\ ;\;\  A;\D;\X <;\;\l;\ya1];\;\;\l;\;\X;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8YjLufghiklmpVSTUD  ;\ ;\ (;\ ;\       A;\0;\D ;\ ;\l;\       A  ;\ d;\       A;\  ;\ ;\;\(  ;\;\       A ;\  ;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\;\( ;\       A;\hC;\ ;\;\  A;\D;\X ,;\;\l!ty1X;\];\D;\;\0;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8kMfghijlmVSTUDp  ;\ ;\  ;\;\       AD ;\ ;\l       A;\  ;\  ;\       A;\  4 ;\;\(  ;\;\       A,;\  ;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\( ;\;\       A;\hC;\ ;\;\  A;\D;\X P;\;\l(;\;\1;\];\;\;\;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8lNfghijkmVSTUDp  ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\0D ,;\ ;\l;\       A;\   (;\       A;\  ;\ t;\;\(  ;\       A(;\  ;\ ;\       A;\x ;\;\\;\( ;\;\       AC;\ ;\;\  A;\D;\X ,;\;\l!ty1X;\];\D;\;\0;\;\;\t  % Untested   FWD RWD x AWD x RWD FWD x AWD x AWD RWD FWD PͫP x 8mOfghijklVSTUDp%r ;\ ;\ ;\ h;\       Ah;\T;\;\D;\;\X;\ ;\l%  % Untested x  YWLuabc+%r ;\ ;\ ;\ <;\       Ah;\T;\;\D;\;\X;\ ;\l%  % 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Y\VLu+FJLNPRTXZ\@nG ;\ \;\C;\  fT ;\;\        A;\ ;\;\       A@F;\H  $;\ ;\) ;\2;\7;\@;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "Y\VLu+FJLNPTXZ\RcJC h  ;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\4;\       AT;\;\4   ;\p;\-;\7T;\>;\H,;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BdRf Untested  Bdt^RBdzRBdRBd)RBdHR5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. XM+FJLNPRTVZ\@nG ;\ p;\C;\  ;\ ;\;\        A;\  ;\       A;\;\H  ;\ p;\) \;\2;\7;\@4;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "XM+FJLNPTVZ\RcJC;\ h  ;\ ;\;\       Al ;\;\       A0;\;\4   ;\pl;\-;\7D;\>;\H;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric B R-A Untested  B t^RV.AB zRB RB )RB HR5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. ZN+FJLNPRTVX\@nG ;\ ;\C;\  ;\;\ ;\        A ;\$;\       A;\;\H  p;\ \;\) 2;\7;\@\;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "ZN+FJLNPTVX\RcJC ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\;\       A;\l ;\;\       A;\;\4   ;\p<;\-;\7;\>;\H;\J Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric BlRQB Untested  Blt^R6RBBlzRBlRBl)RBlHR5 Charging method must be provided for hybrid vehicle.JCharging method must be the same between the tested and untested vehicles. \O+FJLNPRTVXZ@nG ;\ ;\C;\  ;\ `;\ ;\;\        A;\ ;\ ;\       A ;\;\H  ;\ ;\) ;\2;\7;\@l;\B;\GN Petrol/Electric Diesel/Electric LPG/Electric NG/Electric  % Untested   x    "\O+FJLNPTVXZR ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\h  ;\ p;\;\;\ ;\t;\;\ Untested % x  YLtu3 ;\, ;\ T P;\;\;\;\;\ UntestedBxRBRpB"'RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.YLtu@ ;\ h;\  ;\   ;\ H;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ Untested % x  Mwx3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\;\;\ UntestedB |RB Rh0B ",RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.Mwx@ ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\h  ;\ ;\;\l;\ ;\X;\;\ Untested % x  Nz{3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\;\ڌ0;\ UntestedB|RBRF0B",RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.Nz{@ ;\ ;\ x;\ ;\h 0;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\x;\;\ Untested % x  O}~3 ;\, ;\ T 4;\;\ ;\ ~L UntestedB:|RB:R0B:",RYThe tested and untested vehicles should have engines belonging to the same engine family.O}~@' ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\;\;\DX;\";\'( j %j Untestedj xj j j j"YLu#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ,;\ \;\ ;\       A;\;\;\X(;\;\"'(  % Untested x   "M#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ,;\ \;\ |;\       A ;\;\D;\X<;\";\'(  % Untested x   "N#$%&')*+,-./' ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A ;\;\D;\XH;\";\'(  % Untested x   "O#$%&')*+,-./L ,B R8 , ;\ @h;\;\T;\jjV jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.@L ,BbR8L , ;\ @;\;\;\BUeRBURBUR@L ,BR8 , x;\ @;\4;\jjG~jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.@L ,BXR8L , ;\ @;\0;\;\BOeRBORBOR@x ;\ , ;\@;\ h ;\;\ ;\;\ % % L ,BxR8 , ;\ @h;\;\T;\jjBF~jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.@L ,BNR8L , ;\ @;\ ;\;\BVOeRBVORBVOR@x 8;\ , ;\@;\ h ;\ ;\| ;\;\ ;\;\ % % x ;\ , ;\@;\ h t L;\;\ 8;\;\ % % L , False8 , ;\ @`;\;\L;\jjBf'jj`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 81/02.Y@L , False8L , ;\ @;\ 4;\;\BdbRBdRBdRY@Arial Arial Narrow Wingdings Arial Narrow Wingdings  , ;\ @;\ 4;\;\BdbRBdRBdRY@Arial Arial Narrow Wingdings x ;\ , ;\@;\ h t L;\;\ 8;\;\ % % L , False8 , ;\ @;\ ;\BbTRBTRgBTR`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 79/01.Y@L , False8 , ;\ @ ;\XBrbRdBrRBrR&You are required to choose and option.Y@Arial Arial Narrow,!"" 4 WingdingsȶGeneral\(+ 8 , ;\ @;\ ;\BbTRBTRgBTR`Please attach a detailed description of the equipment that would effect compliance to ADR 79/01.Y@L , False8 , ;\ @ ;\XBrbRdBrRBrR&You are required to choose and option.Y@Arial Arial Narrow,!"" 4 WingdingsȶGeneral\(+